Unit Outline

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Lesson Topic/Key Question Learning Intention Success Criteria E5/Assessment

1 Introduction to indigenous

KQ -what influence has
European Settlement had
on Australian Indigenous
To understand the impact
European settlement had
on Indigenous Australian
I can describe the influence
of European settlement on
indigenous Australians
Engage and Explain

Formative accessing prior knowledge,
Journal entry today I explored.. and
2 Health related indigenous

KQ Why is the life
expectancy of ATSI lower
than that of other
Identify current trends
and health related issues
among the indigenous
I can describe factors that
attribute to indigenous
health issues
Explore and Elaborate

Formative gauge student understanding,
journal entry today I learnt
3 Obesity and Indigenous
Interpret data on
indigenous health issues
and investigate why these
issues are prevalent
I can compare statistics
between indigenous and
non-indigenous Australians
and make a conclusive
Explore, Explain and Evaluate

Formative journal entry today I found
4 Assessment 1 identify an
indigenous health issue,
explain why and possible
Investigate an indigenous
health issue
I can identify a current
indigenous health related
Explore and Explain

Formative journal entry I think I the
causes of are explained by
5 Sporting
addressing indigenous
health issues (AFL, NRL
close the gap)

KQ what are sporting
organisations doing to
Recognise the role
sporting organisations
play in promoting
indigenous health/culture
I am aware of the work
Australian sporting
organisations do towards
creating equality in lifestyle
Engage, Explore and Explain

Formative journal entry I know

Summative - Assessment 1 Due
address the gap between
Australians and ATSI?
6 Assessment 2 - Indigenous
athletes students to
develop online biography
To explore an indigenous
I can identify a prominent
indigenous athlete and why
they are important to me
Explore, Explain and Elaborate

Formative journal entry I admire
7 Continue working on
indigenous role model
Elaborate on why the
indigenous athlete
chosen is a suitable and
relevant role model
I can structure a
biographical piece of
writing that highlights why I
admire a particular athlete
Elaborate and Evaluate

Formative journal entry the work we
did today built on. by.

Summative - Assessment 2 Due
8 Assessment 3 -Introduce
students to the AUSPORT
Traditional Indigenous
Games Online Resource,
students to pick a game in
groups, plan for video

KQ should traditional
indigenous games be
incorporated into the PE
Introduce students to a
variety of traditional
indigenous games,
relating them to aspects
of current sports
I am mindful that there are
many games indigenous
people created and played
Engage, Explain and Explore

Formative journal entry the learning we
did today in Relates to our previous
learning by
9 Students film and edit their
instructional video to be
posted on their Weebly site
Develop an
understanding of filming
and editing techniques
within the Windows
Movie Maker Software.
I can demonstrate an
indigenous games through
an instructional ICT
application (video)

Formative journal entry the biggest
obstacle I overcame today was

10 Students finalise their
Weebly site and all groups
are to present their
instructional video to the
Design and display effect
use of the Weebly ICT
I can effectively display my
learning throughout the
unit on an online digital
Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate,

Formative journal entry with the
class learning I have done I can

Summative - Assessment 3 Due

Weebly site to be published

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