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Jan 2014 Page 1

Fairmont Schools
Emergency Procedures

The purpose of these emergency procedures is to provide safety guidelines for the
students, staff and visitors of all Fairmont School campuses that will provide life safety
in the event of an emergency; to assist in compliance with regulations, and to assist in
property preservation. Only emergency care will be provided until either the next
higher level of care can be obtained or the student is released to an authorized adult.

Events sometimes occur that extend far beyond the normal school operations and
procedures. This plan will address and prepare the staff and students for these rare
incidents, when normal school operations and procedures are overwhelmed.

Jan 2014 Page 2

School Year Preparation

Each campus will review their emergency program on an annual basis, in July. The
review must be completed by August 1
of each school year and should be reported to
the business office safety supervisor.

Review and update:

School emergency contact numbers
Safety and crisis team assignments
Teacher buddy list
The emergency plan (i.e., new locations, new buildings, construction, new evacuation
routes, different age groups, new exposures, etc.)
Fire alarms, smoke detectors, pull stations, strobe lights
Public address systems
Emergency supplies

Food for three days (check expiration dates)
Water (recommended 1 gallon per person per day)
Walkie talkies
First aid supplies (check expiration dates)
Flashlights / batteries
Bullhorn / megaphone
Safety vests for search and rescue, triage, student release
Search and rescue kits - Safety goggles, medical gloves

At the beginning of the school year, the following should be compiled and updated
within two weeks of the start of school:

Emergency contact cards
Emergency telephone numbers
All emergency contact numbers must be sent to the business office to be
included / uploaded into the Alert Now communication system.
Emergency backpack with student rosters, emergency cards, flashlight, first
aid kit
Crisis box for campus director
Note any student or staff member that has temporary or permanent
disabilities that would require help during an evacuation.

Jan 2014 Page 3

Emergency Drills

Emergency Drills are required of all campuses on a monthly basis. The
purpose of the drills is to verify that all staff and students know what to do in
the event of an emergency. Drills should be performed as if an actual disaster
is occurring. This means that staff members should carry their appropriate
equipment with them, wear the equipment, and use the equipment. Fire
alarms, PA systems and other alarms should be used when possible. One
benefit of such drills is to verify all the equipment is available and operable.

Drills should vary by complexity. The first drill of the year should be simple
in nature, such as a basic fire drill. As the year progresses, each campus
should have earthquake drills, lockdown drills, or other drills based on the
exposures to your campus (floods, chemical spills, etc.)

Drills later on in the year should also include one or more scenarios that
make the drill more challenging and help staff and students think outside
the box. Potential scenarios could be:

Missing students
Injured students
Exits blocked
Gas leaks / water leaks
Damaged stairs
Broken glass
Downed power lines

It would also be beneficial for drills to be conducted during different times of
the day. Consider morning and afternoon, during lunch, during breaks,
during an assembly.

Jan 2014 Page 4

Search and Rescue

Search and rescue teams are designed to look for missing students and staff
members. They assist in evacuating persons that are injured or otherwise
incapable of evacuating in a timely fashion. They may also be requested to
assist students and staff with physical difficulties in evacuating the premises

Search and rescue teams must first consider their own safety. Each search
and rescue team should work and stay in pairs. Each team should have a
walkie talkie and should be in communication with the Incident Commander.
It is important for the team to inform the Incident Commander of all activity
and the status of the search. The team may also be able to report gas leaks or
other problems noted.

Normally, the search and rescue teams will evacuate to the meeting area and
be on standby, waiting near the Incident Commander. When a student or
staff is reported missing or injured, the incident commander will notify a
team to conduct a search. The Incident Commander will provide names,
grades and other information received that may help focus the search in
particular areas.

If there are persons with disabilities, the search and rescue team may be
requested to assist that student or employee to the evacuation meeting area at
the beginning of the evacuation, then meet at the meeting area and await
instructions from the Incident Commander.

Search and rescue should use precaution in entering any building that might
be on fire, hazardous, or in danger of collapse. If they cannot enter the
building, they should wait just outside until emergency professionals arrive.
The team should not attempt to provide first aid to anyone while in the
building. Move the person to the triage area prior to treatment. As the search
and rescue teams check room to room and make sure everything is cleared,
mark the door and/or floor with a piece of chalk with an X. This will tell the
authorities that the room/area has been checked.

Jan 2014 Page 5

Emergency Drill Log
Campus: _____________________________
School Year: __________________________

Date Type of Drill
(Fire, earthquake,
lockdown, etc.)
Simulated events, if any
(Lost child, downed power
lines, injuries, gas leaks, etc.)

Jan 2014 Page 6

School Year Preparation Checklist

Program Elements by August 1st
Item What to look for Yes No Comments
School emergency
contact numbers

Review, compile, update
Safety and crisis team

Review, compile, update
Teacher buddy list

Review, compile, update
The emergency plan (i.e., new locations, new
buildings, construction, new
evacuation routes, different
age groups, new exposures,

Emergency Supplies by August 1st
Item What to look for Yes No Comments
Food 3 days worth; within
expiration date; properly

Water Recommended 1 gallon per
person per day; within
expiration date; properly
stored; methods of

Emergency blankets Sufficient quantity
Walkie talkies Sufficient quantity, operable
First Aid supplies For triage
Bullhorn /
For campus director;

Orange vests For triage, search and rescue,
student release

Flashlights, batteries Search and Rescue charged,
spare batteries

Stretcher Search and Rescue good

Jan 2014 Page 7

Medical gloves Triage, search and rescue -

Goggles Search and rescue good
condition, sufficient quantity

Fire / Life Safety Communication Systems by August 1

Item What to look for Yes No Comments
Local fire alarms Working, audible
Smoke detectors Tested and working
Pull stations Tested and working
Strobe lights Tested and working
Fire alarm signal Goes to the alarm company;
tested and working

Fire sprinklers Annual main drain test
Fire sprinkler alarms Tested, working
Fire extinguishers Serviced within 12 months
Public address
Tested, working, all speakers

Emergency contacts within 2 weeks of first day of school
Item What to look for Yes No Comments
Emergency contact
Completed, sent to business
office and for triage

Emergency contact
Completed, sent to business

Teacher Emergency backpacks within 2 weeks of first day of school
Item What to look for Yes No Comments
Emergency contact
Completed and updated
Student Rosters Completed and updated
Flashlight Present, operable
First aid kit Basics; triage to have
expanded supplies

Jan 2014 Page 8

Crisis Command Box within 2 weeks of first day of school

The Crisis Command Box has one goal school administrators will immediately have the
information essential for effective management of a major critical incident. It is designed so that
the campus director will have all necessary information available to carry to the evacuation area
and / or command center to call upon necessary help and direct staff, police and fire in the event
of an emergency. Our schools Crisis Command Box should include:

Item What to look for Yes No Comments
Emergency contact
Completed, sent to business
office and for triage

Aerial photos of the
To assist authorities in
assessing situation,

Campus diagrams Include gas, water, sprinkler
valves and shut-off points

Teacher / staff roster Completed and updated
Master key For additional security,
master key could be kept in a
Knox box in front of school

Procedures to turn off
Helps fire and police turn off
audible alarms to improve
communication and search
for persons

Fire sprinkler turnoff
Helps prevent water damage
to buildings

Cable television
If you have cable, this allows
shut off of news feeds that
perpetrators may be viewing

Student photos Helps ID missing or injured

Copy of safety
Including emergency phone
numbers and contacts

Inventory of staff
Informs which staff knows
CPR, is bilingual, has
electrical skills, is qualified to
drive the bus, has experience
in grief counseling, etc.

List of students with
special needs
Medications, physical

Jan 2014 Page 9

Parent notification

Each campus is responsible for educating all parents / guardians in the school
emergency procedures. This should include:
1) A brief explanation of the emergency plan at the campus;
2) A discussion of the responsibility of the parents / guardians to provide and
update emergency contact information at the beginning of the school year and as
it changes, and to specify preferred language of the message;
3) A description of evacuation procedures if adults are on campus during a drill or
4) Information on the Connect5 communication system.

This education can be done in one or more of the following ways: Open House nights,
Parent Association meetings, mailers, the student / school handbook, assemblies or
other means.

The business office has an emergency communication system (Connect5) that will email,
text and phone all emergency contacts in the event of a major disaster. This system is
maintained and operated by the Business Office. All emergency contact information
should be sent to the business office by each campus within the first 2 weeks of the
school year, as soon as possible.

The Connect5 system provides email, text and phone messages to all contacts listed in
the emergency cards. The system can send out messages in several languages. This
system is to be used only during emergencies and for testing the system. The system
will be operated by the business office. There will be at least three persons in the
business office that can use and operate the system.

The Connect5 system will be tested for all campuses within the first 3 weeks of the start
of the school year.

Connect5 is only to be utilized for major emergencies.
Emergency situation occurs and your Campus Director will contact the Business
Then the Assigned Connect5 Administrator will select the appropriate Database
Campus Wide Parents Only Staff Only or Multiple lists.
Connect5 then automatically sends the messages to parents/other groups.
The message is selected according to emergency situation
If the Connect5 Administrator is not present then the Alternate will make the
decision of sending the message and/or second alternate if the first alternate is
not present.
Then after the incident is cleared a message will be sent stating that everything is
Jan 2014 Page 10

In emergency situations requiring immediate assistance, including:
A medical emergency
You see fire or smoke
Life or property is in danger
A crime is being committed

Call 9-1-1 (press a LINE button to get an outside line, then press 9-9-1-1) and tell the
Your location
What is happening?
Any other requested information

Then call the Front Desk operator (dial 1100 from on campus or (714) 765-6300 from
off campus) and tell the school operator:
Your name
Your location
What is happening?
Whether 9-1-1 has been called
What help is needed

If the school operator cannot be reached, enlist the help of other adults:
Notify an administrator (see Emergency Contact Numbers at the back of this book).
Send a responsible person to the front of the school to direct emergency responders to
the scene.

Jan 2014 Page 11

Fairmont School Emergency Contact Numbers

Main Switchboard Ext 2700
Contact Number (714) 765 - 6300
Maintenance Randy Matzek (714) 231 9490 Ext 2735
Operations Chad Jackson (714) 595- 2536 Ext 2716
Transportation Diane Mayfield (714) 769 6424
Angie Velasquez Ext 2731 Ext 2730 Ext 2729
IT Tanya Courchaine (213) 840-5709 Ext 2750
Human Resources Lori Pittman (909) 240 7900 Ext 2712
Daisy Ramirez (714) 488 0554 Ext 2720
Executive Rob Chandler (949) 433 6331 Ext 2771

Citron (714) 533 3930 Ext 1200
Prep (714) 999 5055 Ext 1400
International School (714) 765 6300 Ext. 1497
Anaheim Hills (714) 693 3812 Ext 1300
Mable (714) 563-4050 Ext 1100
Business Office (714) 234 2700 Ext 2700

Jan 2014 Page 12

Frequently called numbers
Emergency 911
Orange County Fire Authority 714/538-3501
Anaheim Fire Dept. 714/765-4000
o Emergencies 24 Hours 714/533-1305
Anaheim Police Dept. 714/765-1900
o Emergencies 714/765-1911
City of Anaheim Dial 311 or 714/765-4311
So. CA Gas Co. 800/427-2200
So. CA Edison Co. 800/611-1911
Orange County Sheriff 714/647-7000
California Highway Patrol, Orange 949/559-7888
Poison Control Center 800/222-1222
SSD Alarm Co. Stephanie or Shana 714/449-9900
Department of Social Services 714/940-1000
American Red Cross 714/481-5300
Anaheim High School 714/999-3717
Katella High School 714/999-3621
Loara Elementary School 714/517-8932
Loara High School 714/999-3677


Anaheim General Hospital UCI Medical Group
3350 West Ball Road 101 The City Drive
Anaheim, CA 92804 Orange, CA
714/827-6701 714/456-7890

Anaheim Memorial Hospital
*Kaiser Emergency Services
1111 West La Palma
Anaheim, CA 92801

Jan 2014 Page 13

Campus Emergency Phone Numbers and Contact Numbers

Jan 2014 Page 14

Check Conditions
Survey the scene to determine what has happened and whether it is safe for you to proceed. Look
for dangerous situations such as downed power line, escaping gas, or a structure that has been
weakened due to earthquake damage.
If you determine the scene is safe, check the injured or ill person for consciousness and life-
threatening conditions.
Call for Help
In any of the following situations, call 9-1-1 and follow the Emergency Calling Procedures in this
Absence of breathing and/or pulse
Severe bleeding
Breathing difficulty
An allergic reaction requiring intervention
Chest pain
Head injury
Potential fracture of leg, hip, knee or pelvis, limb deformity or bone protrusion
Penetrating/crushing injury
Neck or back injury
Serious or extensive burns
Chemical burn of the eye or penetrating eye injury
Poisoning or potential drug overdose
Change in mental status or decreased level of consciousness

In situations involving less-serious injury or illness, call the front desk and follow the Non-Life-
Threatening Emergency Calling Procedures.

Jan 2014 Page 15

If you see fire or smoke:
1. Pull the nearest fire alarm.
2. If the fire is small, attempt to extinguish the fire.
3. Initiate emergency evacuation procedures (described below).
4. Call 9-1-1.
If the fire alarm sounds:
1. Give your students brief instructions, including a reminder of proper evacuation behavior
remain quiet, walk quickly and stay with the group.
2. Close all windows in classroom.
3. Take your attendance book or class roster.
4. Test door knob for heat before opening door:
If the knob is hot or the hallway is fully consumed in flames, remain in the room.
5. Evacuate students and others from the room. If the hallway is filled with smoke, remain as
close to the wall and floor as possible.
6. Verify that the room is empty, turn off lights and close door. Do NOT lock the door.
All teachers have a partner or buddy for evacuation procedures. Verify that your buddy
teacher is also leaving the building with students. If the buddy teacher is not present or is
staying behind to assist a student, then the other teacher will escort both classes to the designated
7. Lead students to location designated on evacuation instruction map. Take any unescorted
students encountered during the evacuation with your group. Do not allow students to return to
their classes.
8. Upon reaching the designated location, account for all students and report any missing
students to the Campus Director/Crisis Command Leader by using a student runner. Teachers
should stay with their class.
9. Remain calm and stay with students at the designated location until given further instructions
by administrative personnel.
10. The names of unaccounted students will be given to the Campus Director / Command
11. The Campus Director / Crisis Command Leader will pass the names of unaccounted
students to the Search and Rescue team leader.
12. Search and Rescue will look for students within the building.
Faculty and staff members who are not responsible for a class during an emergency evacuation
should report to the designated location and check in with the Campus Director for any special
Triage staff should report to the triage location, bringing along any first aid kits / materials
Maintenance should stand out in front of the campus and direct fire fighters as necessary.
If somebodys clothing catches on fire:
1. Stop the person from running, as this will fan the fire.
Jan 2014 Page 16

2. Wrap the person in heavy fabric (e.g., a coat), if available, to smother the fire.
3. Drop the person to the ground.
4. Roll the person on the ground to extinguish the flame.
5. Provide first aid medical care.

Fire Drill Instructions
Mable Campus

If fire alarm sounds:

Take emergency backpack with all necessities
Evacuate to the filed using evacuation route
There are 4 major crossing points on where to cross the street (see map)

o Rooms 21-26 crossing point #1
o Rooms 17-20A crossing point #2
o Rooms 12-16 crossing point #3
o Rooms 71-81 & Library crossing point #4
o Rooms 27-35 (Cafeteria-Gym area) stay on sidewalk & head towards field

First Aid/Triage must set up inside the Gym. If the building is down, First Aid/Triage
will set up in a safe area parking lot, black top, etc.
Search & Rescue Teams will check in with Incident Commander in the field and will wait
for further instructions.
Maintenance will check in with Incident Commander and then follow the map and check
for leaks, damage, etc. & report any damages to the Communication Center located in the
big house.

Jan 2014 Page 17

If you are inside during an earthquake:
1. Remain in the building while the quake is in progress.
2. In laboratories, extinguish all burners.
3. Remain calm and give instructions to students in a firm, calm voice.
4. Instruct students to move away from windows, shelves, heavy objects and hazardous
chemicals that may fall and to find cover under sturdy furniture or against interior walls
5. Instruct students to crouch down, bend their heads close to their knees, cover the sides of their
heads with their arms and clasp their hands firmly behind their necks.
6. When the tremors stop, give your students brief evacuation instructions, including a reminder
of proper behavior remain quiet, walk quickly and stay with the group.
7. Evacuation commands will be given by the Campus Director/Incident Commander on the PA
8. Verify that the room is empty, turn off lights and leave door open to prevent jamming due to
building shifts.
9. Evacuate students and others from the room to the designated area. Do NOT lock the door.
All teachers have a partner or buddy for evacuation procedures. Verify that your buddy
teacher is also leaving the building with students. If the buddy teacher is not present or is
staying behind to assist a student, then the other teacher will escort both classes to the designated
Use stairways with caution and do not overcrowd. Stairways often sustain damage
during earthquakes.
10. Take any unescorted students encountered during the evacuation with your group. Do not
allow students to return to their classes.
11. Upon reaching the designated meeting area, students are to line up by grade / homeroom
class, in alphabetical order by last name. Account for all students and report attendance to
Campus director / Incident Command Leader with a student runner.
12. Remain calm and stay with students until given further instructions by Campus director /
Incident Command Leader.

Faculty and staff members who are not responsible for a class during an emergency
evacuation should report to the designated location and check in with the Campus
Director for any special tasks.
Triage staff should report to the triage location, bringing along any first aid kits /
materials necessary.
Maintenance will walk the campus, looking for any gas or water leaks or downed
electrical lines, or any structural damage. Maintenance will take appropriate action by
shutting off gas or water, barricading damaged buildings, etc. Maintenance will report
any problems and actions to the Campus Director / Incident Command Leader and / or
the front office.
Jan 2014 Page 18

If you are outside during an earthquake:
Stay outside. Do not allow students to enter buildings.
1. Be aware of dangers that may require you to move, such as utility poles, trees, overhead wires,
and power lines.
2. Instruct students to lie face down or crouch low to the ground.
3. When the tremors stop, lead students to the designated area. Take any unescorted students
encountered during the evacuation with your group. Do not allow students to return to their
4. Upon reaching the designated area, students are to line up by grade / homeroom class, in
alphabetical order by last name. Account for all students and report attendance to office
5. Remain calm and stay with students until given further instructions by office personnel.

Jan 2014 Page 19

Earthquake Instructions
Mable Campus

If an earthquake happens:

Take emergency backpack with all necessities
Evacuate to the filed using evacuation route
Once at the field take roll to make sure all students are accounted for
Send note with missing/absence students to incident commander
There are 4 major crossing points on where to cross the street (see map)

o Rooms 21-26 crossing point #1
o Rooms 17-20A crossing point #2
o Rooms 12-16 crossing point #3
o Rooms 71-81 & Library crossing point #4
o Rooms 27-35 (Cafeteria-Gym area) stay on sidewalk & head towards field

First Aid/Triage must set up inside the Gym. If the building is down, First Aid/Triage
will set up in a safe area parking lot, black top, etc.
Search & Rescue Teams will check in with Incident Commander in the field and will wait
for further instructions.
Maintenance will check in with Incident Commander and then follow the map and check
for leaks, damage, etc. & report any damages to the Communication Center located in the
big house.
Student Release will set up table in the gate near the pool area and must:
o Staff main gate at all times.
o Establish messenger system between main gate, reunion gate and assembly area.
o Process the reuniting of students with parents, guardians and family members.
o Document the records of released students on sign out sheet. (insert sign out
sheet on next page)

All earthquake supplies are located in the GYM food closet in the south side of the building
near the white shed.

Jan 2014 Page 20

Each campus insert your specific earthquake guidelines / map here

Jan 2014 Page 21

If a heated argument or fight occurs, a serious threat is made, or violence threatens:
1. Withdraw from the area quickly and quietly, without drawing attention to yourself or the
students with you.
2. Lead students to classroom or other safe location. Take any unescorted students encountered
during the evacuation with your group. Do not allow students to return to their classes or the
area of violence.
3. Account for all students and report incident and attendance to office personnel.
4. Remain calm and stay with students until given further instructions by office personnel.

If you or a group are taken hostage or kidnapped:
1. Stay calm.
2. Follow the instructions of the captor(s).
3. Be cooperative, remaining friendly if possible. Dont argue with or antagonize captor(s) or
other hostage(s).
4. Inform captor(s) of medical or other special needs.
5. Be prepared to wait. Elapsed time is a good sign.
6. Dont try to escape or to resolve the situation by force or otherwise.
7. Be observant and remember everything you see or hear.
8. If a police rescue takes place, get on the floor and stay down.

If you notice a suspicious person or activity on campus:
1. Approach the individual(s) and offer to provide assistance, such as directing or escorting the
individual(s) to the requested location or the front office.
2. If uncomfortable or dissatisfied with an individuals response, such as a refusal to check in
with the front office, dont force the situation.
3. Immediately notify the front desk of the suspicious person(s) or activity, providing as much
detail as possible. Office staff will notify school staff immediately and will call local police with

Jan 2014 Page 22

If a student or other person appears to be lost or missing:
1. Search the entire area for the individual, including in closets and under desks.
2. Ask others if they know the whereabouts of the individual.
3. Inform Campus Director immediately.
4. Determine when and where the individual was last seen.
5. Contact parent/guardian to see if they picked up the student or are aware of any plans.
6. Develop a physical description of the individual and the individuals clothing.
7. Office personnel will contact law enforcement.

In the event of a suicide attempt or threat:
1. Direct bystanders to immediately evacuate the room and move to a safe location that you
designate. Get another adult to take responsibility for the group. Designate someone to call the
office to report the situation and ask that they contact an administrator.
2. Remain with the suicidal individual until a mental health professional, counselor or police
officer arrives.
If imminent danger exists, leave the area, call 9-1-1 and follow the Emergency Calling
3. Calmly talk to the student to determine if the student has any life-threatening instruments or
substances (e.g., gun, knife, drugs, etc.).
4. If possible, calmly attempt to remove the weapon or substance from the student. Do not
struggle with the student if the student resists.
5. If possible, calmly move the student to a pre-arranged, non-threatening location away from
other students and close to a phone and an administrator.
6. Once a police officer arrives, take your attendance book or class roster and join your students.
Account for all students and report attendance to office personnel
7. Remain calm and stay with students until given further instructions by office personnel.

In the event of a suicide:
1. Direct students and others to immediately evacuate the room and go to a safe location that you
designate. Get another adult to take responsibility for the group.
2. Call 9-1-1 and follow the Emergency Calling Procedures.
3. Notify office personnel and an administrator of the situation, providing your location and the
name of the individual, if known.

Jan 2014 Page 23

If you become aware of a gun or weapon on campus:
1. Immediately contact the front desk without alerting students or suspects if possible.
2. Provide office personnel with the following information:
Your name and location
The name and description of the suspect, if available
Any information regarding the type of weapon and its location
3. Remain calm and stay with students until given further instructions by office personnel.
If you are confronted by a person with a gun or other weapon:
1. Stay calm and control yourself.
2. Speak calmly and slowly, using a low tone of voice to ask the individual, What do you want
me to do? or What can I do to help you?
3. Position yourself:
Move back slowly, turning slightly (about 45 degrees).
Keep your hands low, still, and slightly away from your body.
4. Look at the person, not at the weapon.
5. Talk with the person.
6. Wait for help, stalling for time. Keep the individual talking if possible.
7. Be observant and remember everything you see or hear.
8. Do not rush or try to disarm the individual unless it is your only option.
9. If a police rescue takes place, get on the floor and stay down.
10. If the person starts shooting or attacking, quickly use available objects for defense or
protection. Run away or escape if possible. If you have no other options, protect yourself to the
best of your ability. Never give up.
If a shooting occurs inside your room, office, or common area:
1. Take immediate sheltering action to protect students and yourself:
Take cover under or behind tables or desks if possible.
Lie face down, flat on the floor, with head covered.
2. When shooter has left, lock classroom door and contact office personnel by phone.
3. Gather students into an area of the room that is away from the door and affords the maximum
protection and concealment from windows.
4. Do not send runners into the halls.
5. Do not allow students to leave the room.
6. Provide first aid to injured individuals, if possible.
7. Remain calm and stay with students until given further instructions by office personnel or
police officers.

Jan 2014 Page 24

If you are in a classroom or common area and a shooting occurs outside your room:
1. Lock classroom door and windows if you can do so without putting yourself in danger. Close
window blinds or drapes if it is safe to do so.
2. Gather students into an area of the room that affords the maximum protection and
concealment from windows.
3. Take immediate sheltering action to protect students and yourself.
Take cover under or behind tables or desks if possible.
Lie face down, flat on floor, with head covered.
Stay away from windows and door if possible.
4. Account for all students and, if possible, report attendance to office personnel by phone. Do
not send runners into the halls.
5. Do not allow students to leave the room.
6. Provide first aid to injured individuals, if possible.
7. Remain calm and stay with students until given further instructions by office personnel or
police officers.

If you are on a school bus and a shooting occurs outside the vehicle:
1. Take immediate sheltering action to protect students and yourself.
2. Take cover under or behind seats with head covered.
3. Stay away from windows and doors if possible.
4. Do not move from your location unless it is more dangerous to stay than to move.
5. Account for all students and, if possible, report attendance to office personnel by phone.
6. Do not allow students to leave the vehicle.
7. Provide first aid to injured individuals, if possible.
8. Remain calm and stay with students until given further instructions by office personnel, driver,
or police officers.

If you are outside and a shooting occurs:
1. Take immediate sheltering action to protect students and yourself:
Take cover, if possible, using available objects such as curbs, vehicles, trees, poles, etc.
If completely in open, lie face down, flat on ground, with head covered.
2. Do not allow students to move or leave your location unless it is more dangerous to stay than
to move.
3. If possible, account for all students and report attendance to office personnel by phone or other
4. Provide first aid to injured individuals, if possible.
5. Remain calm and stay with students until given further instructions by office personnel or
police officers.

Faculty and staff members who are not responsible for a class during a shooting incident should
take immediate cover and contact office personnel for further instructions on how to proceed.

Jan 2014 Page 25

Lockdown can occur for various reasons. The police may report that there are criminals loose in
the area. School staff may notice suspicious characters or a person with weapons on campus.
Parents or relatives of students may threaten violence or harm to the school or the students. In
the event that someone is aware of any security issue, the front office should be notified
immediately with any information available.

1. The front office will order a lockdown of the campus. Listen for instructions broadcast over the
2. Bring all students into the classroom.
3. Close and lock the classroom door and all windows to prevent anybody from entering from the
outside, being careful not to expose yourself to danger.
4. Students should get down on the floor and lay in the prone position, face down. Instruct
students to remain still and quiet.
5. Close window shades or drapes if available. If there are windows on the doors, make attempts
to cover these over with paper or cardboard.
6. Account for all students and, if possible and safe to do so, report attendance to front desk by
phone or email. Do not send runners into the halls.
7. Do not allow students to leave the room.
8. Remain calm and stay with students until given further instructions by office personnel.

Students outside the classroom during lockdown may run to the nearest class and try to get in
the door. This poses a significant concern for the teacher in that opening the door for the student
could save the student from harm, but could also increase the exposure to the students in the
classroom to harm. Extreme caution should be taken when opening the door. Classrooms
should have windows or peepholes that allow a good view of the outside area or corridor to help
verify that the person(s) threatening violence are not nearby.

Faculty and staff members who are not responsible for a class at the time should protect
themselves as described above and check in with office personnel by phone or email if doing so
does not compromise personal safety. Students in P.E. and other specialty areas should stay in
those locations. Students on break or lunch should proceed to the closest safe building.

Jan 2014 Page 26

If you receive a bomb threat by telephone:
1. Remain calm and listen to the caller.
2. Keep the caller talking and signal to another adult to contact 9-1-1. Do not hang up. Keep the
caller on the line as long as possible.
3. Record the exact words of the caller and note as much other information about the call and the
callers voice as possible.
4. Ask the caller these questions and write down the answers:
Where is the bomb exactly located?
What does it look like?
When is it going to explode?
What will make it explode?
How do you know so much about the bomb?
Why was the bomb placed?
Do you know that the bomb may kill or injure innocent people?
Where are you now?
What is your name and address?
5. Try to determine the following information:
Type of call: local, long distance, cellular, internal
Callers familiarity with building, campus, school, etc.
Callers characteristicsgender, age, speech peculiarities (accent or slurring), etc.
Background noise music, tools or equipment, traffic, etc.
6. Immediately after the phone call ends, contact administrative personnel to report the bomb
threat. They will decide the appropriate emergency response. Do not immediately initiate
7. Do not discuss the incident with anyone except administrative personnel.
8. Remain calm and wait for further instructions from administrative personnel.
If you receive a bomb threat by email or letter:
1. Do not destroy the letter or delete the email.
2. Contact administrative personnel to report the bomb threat.
3. Do not discuss the incident with anyone except administrators.
4. Remain calm and wait for further instructions from administrators.
If you think a parcel or letter may contain a bomb:
1. Do not allow anybody to touch or open the parcel or letter.
2. Move yourself and others away from it.
3. Contact administrators to report the suspected bomb and to initiate emergency response.
4. Do not discuss the incident with anyone except office personnel.
5. Remain calm and wait for further instructions from administrators or emergency responders.

If a bomb threat results in an emergency evacuation, follow fire evacuation procedures.

Jan 2014 Page 27

In the event of a natural gas leak:
1. Do not use any electrical switches or equipment. Do not pull the fire alarm to initiate
2. Remain calm and give instructions to students, including a reminder of proper evacuation
behavior remain quiet, walk quickly and stay with the group.
3. Take your attendance book or class roster.
4. Evacuate students and others from the room.
5. Verify that the room is empty and close the door.
6. Verbally notify others in the immediate area that they should evacuate.
7. Lead students to designated fire evacuation location. Take any unescorted students
encountered during the evacuation with your group. Do not allow students to return to class.
8. Upon reaching the fire evacuation location, account for all students and contact office
personnel by runner to advise of leak and to report attendance.
9. Remain calm and stay with students until given further instructions by office personnel.

Faculty and staff members who are not responsible for a class during a natural gas leak should
report to the front parking lot and check in with office personnel.
In the event of unsafe building conditions:
1. Assess your situation. If you determine it is unsafe to remain, prepare to evacuate immediately.
2. Do not use any electrical switches or operate other equipment.
3. Contact office personnel to advise of situation
4. If instructed to move to another location, remain calm and give instructions to students,
including a reminder of correct evacuation behaviorremain quiet, walk quickly and stay with
the group.
5. Take your attendance book or class roster.
6. Evacuate students and others from the room.
7. Verify that the room is empty and close door.
8. Lead students to designated fire evacuation location, choosing the best available route. Take
any unescorted students encountered with your group. Do not allow students to return to class.
9. Upon reaching designated location, account for all students and report attendance to office
10. Remain calm and stay with students until given further instructions by office personnel

Faculty and staff members who are not responsible for a class in the event of unsafe building
conditions should evacuate as described above and contact office personnel for further
instructions on how to proceed.
Jan 2014 Page 28

In the event of an electrical outage:
1. Do not move from your current location.
2. Contact office to advise of outage.
3. If instructed to move to another location, remain calm and give instructions to students,
including a reminder of correct behaviorremain quiet, walk quickly and stay with the group.
4. Take your attendance book or class roster.
5. Evacuate students and others from the room.
6. Verify that the room is empty and close the door.
7. Lead students to designated location. Take any unescorted students encountered during the
evacuation with your group. Do not allow students to return to class.
8. Upon reaching designated location, account for all students and report attendance to office
9. Remain calm and stay with students until given further instructions by office personnel.

Faculty and staff members who are not responsible for a class during an electrical outage should
contact office personnel for further instructions on how to proceed.
If a hazardous material is released or spilled:
1. Do not try to clean the spill/release unless you are familiar with the material, the risks, the
specific cleaning procedures, and are authorized to do so.
2. Contact front office to advise of spill/release.
3. Avoid direct contact with the material and keep students and others away from it.
4. Remain calm and give instructions to students, including a reminder of proper evacuation
behaviorremain quiet, walk quickly, and stay with the group.
5. Take your attendance book or class roster.
6. Evacuate students and others from contaminated area.
7. If in a classroom, verify that the room is empty and close and lock the door.
8. Lead students to designated fire evacuation location. Take any unescorted students
encountered during the evacuation with your group. Do not allow students to return to class or
contaminated area.
9. Upon reaching the fire evacuation location, account for all students and report attendance to
office personnel.
10. Isolate and identify students and other individuals that could have been exposed or
contaminated by the spill/release.
11. If there are victims, request immediate medical attention.
12. Remain calm and stay with students at the designated area until given further instructions by
office personnel or emergency response personnel.

Faculty and staff members who are not responsible for a class during a hazardous material
incident should check in with office personnel.

Jan 2014 Page 29

Flood Watch
FLOOD WATCH - Flooding is possible. Stay indoors. Rainy day schedule
FLASH FLOOD WATCH - Flash flooding is possible. A flash flood could occur without any
warning. Evacuation will be announced if needed. Stay indoors. Rainy day schedule
FLOOD WARNING - Flooding is occurring or will occur soon. If advised to evacuate, do so
FLASH FLOOD WARNING - A flash flood is occurring. If advised to evacuate, do so
1. Stay away from flood waters. The water may be contaminated by oil, gasoline or raw
sewage. The water may also be electrically charged from underground or downed power
2. Stay away from moving water. Moving water only six inches deep can sweep you off
your feet.
3. Remain calm and give instructions to students, including a reminder of proper
evacuation behaviorremain quiet, walk quickly and stay with the group.
4. Lead students to, and take them into, the nearest building.
5. Take any unescorted students encountered during the evacuation with your group. Do
not allow students to remain outside.
6. Upon reaching inside cover, account for all students and report attendance to office

In general, in an emergency situation, if a reporter or photographer contacts you:
1. Thank the individual for his/her interest in the school.
2. Please tell the individual to call the Business Office and ask for the Marketing &
Communications Director.
3. No staff should be providing communication with the media without the permission of the
Campus Director. Unless otherwise designated, the Campus Director should provide all media
communication to the outside.

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