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A real History Lesson!!

History Mystery
Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in
John F. ennedy was elected to Congress in 1!46.
Abraham Lincoln was elected "resident in 186#.
John F. ennedy was elected "resident in 1!6#.
$oth were %artic&larly concerned with ci'il rights.
$oth wi'es lost their children while li'ing in the
(hite Ho&se.
$oth "residents were shot on a Friday.
$oth "residents were shot in the head
)ow it gets really weird.
Lincoln *s secretary was named ennedy.
ennedy*s +ecretary was named Lincoln .
$oth were assassinated by +o&therners.
$oth were s&cceeded by +o&therners named
Andrew Johnson, who s&cceeded Lincoln , was
born in 18#8.
Lyndon Johnson, who s&cceeded ennedy, was
born in 1!#8.
John (il-es $ooth, who assassinated Lincoln ,
was born in 18.!.
Lee Har'ey /swald, who assassinated ennedy,
was born in 1!.!.
$oth assassins were -nown by their three names.
$oth names are com%osed o0 0i0teen letters.
)ow hang on to yo&r seat.
Lincoln was shot at the theater named *Ford.*
ennedy was shot in a car called * Lincoln * made
by *Ford.*
Lincoln was shot in a theater and hi s assassin ran
and hid in a wareho&se.
ennedy was shot 0rom a wareho&se and his
assassin ran and hid in a theater.
$ooth and /swald were assassinated be0ore their
And here*s the -ic-er...
A wee- be0ore Lincoln was shot, he was in
Monroe , Maryland
A wee- be0ore ennedy was shot, he was with
Marilyn Monroe.
Cree%y h&h2 +end this to as many %eo%le as yo&
can, ca&se3
Hey, this is one history lesson most %eo%le
%robably will not mind reading!
(H/ F456789 :H4+ /6:2
1; Fold a )8( "4) <1# bill in hal0...
1; Fold again, ta-ing care to 0old it e=actly as
.; Fold t he other end, e=actly as be0ore
4; )ow, sim%ly t&rn it o'er...
(hat a coincidence! A sim%le geometric 0old
creates a catastro%hic %remonition %rinted on all
<1# bills!!!
C/4)C498)C82 >/6 98C498
As i0 that wasn*t eno&gh. Here is what yo&*'e
Firstly :he "entagon on 0ire...
:hen :he :win :owers.
..And now ... loo- at this!
:74"L8 C/4)C498)C8 /) A +4M"L8 <1#
4t gets e'en better!! ! @ 11A<1#!!

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