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Christopher Ngo Tiger PRIDE 10/6/14

GRADE LEVEL: 4rd Grade
CLASS SIZE: 22 students
LESSON LENGTH: 30 minutes
UNIT: Chasing, Fleeing, Dodging
LESSON #: 1 of 2
LESSON FOCUS: Chasing, Fleeing, Dodging, Cooperation
PREVIOUSLY LEARNT SKILLS: Spatial Awareness, personal space, general
space, high-med-low levels, variation in speed, teamwork
FACILITITES: Blacktop/Grass
5 Hula Hoops
9 Gator Balls
5 Pennies (jerseys) 4 of 1 color, 1 of another

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs):

Psychomotor: SWBAT perform locomotor skills like skipping, sliding, galloping,
walking at all levels (low, medium, high) while exhibiting chasing, fleeing, and dodging

Cognitive: SWBAT discuss the strategies they implemented as individuals and/or
teammates to accomplish the task of chasing, fleeing, or dodging. SWBAT to discuss
strategies they used at conclusion of the activity and explain at least 1 benefit of
maintaining or minimizing personal space to accomplish the task(s). Key words for 4th
grade students: chase, flee, and dodge, personal space

Affective: SWBAT include individual and/or teamwork and chasing, fleeing, and
dodging concepts in this lesson in order to effectively accomplish the task(s). Effective
traits can include: smiling, high-fives, positive dialogue, encouragement, positive
feedback for strategies to chase, flee, and dodge.

Health-related: SWBAT recognize the physiological responses to exercise and will be
engaged in MVPA for at least 50% of the lesson time.

Instant Activity: Space Tag
Time: 1 minute

On the blacktop or grass area mark off a large rectangle space for the students to move
about (cones). A basketball or volleyball court is perfect. The center of the rectangle will
have a circle marked off by cones (on a basketball court, the center circle is perfect)for the
dark hole. The 5 hula hoops will be placed in various locations inside the rectangle and
serves as a spaceship or base but can only hold 1 Astronaut at a time. Designate 4 students
as Aliens and the rest will be astronauts. Once an astronaut decides to step in the
spaceship the other has to leave. Aliens try to tag astronauts to prevent them from placing
satellites and probes in space. If an astronaut gets tagged, s/he must enter the dark hole
and remain in there until a fellow astronaut pulls them out without stepping into the dark
hole. Upon pulling them out, the two astronauts must high five. Main objective =
Time: 4 minutes.

Christopher Ngo Tiger PRIDE 10/6/14

Body of Session: Chasing, Fleeing, and Dodging: 21 minutes

Super It Tag
Time 21 minutes
Set up

Students will be inside designated rectangle for tag
Time Activity/COTS Refinement Organization
1 min. Demo: There will be 1 super-it
and 4 its. The 1super-it will be
trying to tag the 4 its while the 4
its are trying to tag the rest of
the students. Super-it will have a
colored penny to wear while its
have a different color. If a student
gets tagged, s/he must freeze in the
position of his or her favourite
animal. To get unfrozen, a
teammate must come near the
frozen and together they will do 10
jumping jacks while counting
them out loud. While doing
jumping jacks, they are safe. The
game ends when all its are
tagged. Go over safe taggin
Locomotor skills:
skipping, jogging,
walking, waddling
(duck walk), sliding,

Height Levels: high,
medium, low

Speeds: fast, medium


2 min. Explain to students that they have
to be aware of their own personal
space, others personal space, and
general space. Students will work
together to not bump into each
while fleeing and dodging.
Key Words:

around teacher
2 min.
30 sec
Students practicing Teacher movement:
reinforce Affective
activity space
Christopher Ngo Tiger PRIDE 10/6/14

30 sec Refinement: remind students to
keep their personal space and not
get in the personal space of others
with the exception of
chasers/taggers. Designate new
its and a super-it.
Reinforcing Affective
Students in
General Space
4 min. Students practicing Teacher movement:
reinforce Affective
Students in
General Space
2 min Transition/Re-group: quick
discussion about the strategies you
saw as students were maintaining
personal space while chasing,
fleeing, and dodging.
4 min. Students practicing different
locomotor skills and different
pathways in general space while
chasing, fleeing, dodging.
Reinforce Affective
objective and Use
Key Words, personal
space, aware, chase,
flee, dodge
Whole class in

4 min Choose new its and a super-it Reinforce Affective
General space
1 min Equipment Pick Up: as a team
collect equipment from a station
and place together in a designated
equipment area.

Alternative: Gator Balls will be given to half
of the students with 3 or 4 students
designated as it. Only students with balls
can get tagged, so to prevent getting tagged,
students must pass the ball to a teammate
without the ball. 5 jumping jacks if you get
tagged, 5 jumping jacks if the ball is dropped
during the pass to a teammate.

Closure: 4 minutes

Class reviews what skills we learned today: chasing, fleeing, dodging,
Time: 2 minutes.
Class discusses strategies to keep good personal space and what happened as the game
started and everyone was either chasing, fleeing, or dodging.
Time: 1 minute.
Discuss what students will be doing next class period and how what they learned in
your lesson will transfer into the next.
Time: 1 minute
Class ends with high-fives on exit.
Christopher Ngo Tiger PRIDE 10/6/14



In addition to the systematic observations that will assess motor differences, time
spent in physical activity; you should spend this session assessing the affective skills
of your students and cultural differences you may see emerge. Take notes on the
following and include in your reflection journal:
- What languages did you hear the students speak?
- Who did the students partner with if given a choice?
- During down time who did the students socialize with?
- Were the students able to work effectively and without conflict with their
partners/teams? If not, what factors seemed to be causing conflict?
- What evidence of teamwork/communication did you see? (e.g. high fives etc)
- Did the students request any activities/sports? If so, what were they?
- What role does Maria play? How do the students respond to her? Does their
behavior change when she is around?
- Did you learn anything about the students home life/background? If so, what?

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