Pronouns 1 Eso

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Complete these sentences using the right possessive adjective:

our (x2) / its / his (x2) / my (x4) / their (x2) / your / her
a) Tom and I have got a pet. pet is a guinea pig.
!) I have got a cat. "ur is orange and #hite.
c) $ave you got a pet% &es' I have. pet is a golden "ish.
d) (u)e has got a "amous sister. sister is an excellent dancer.
e) *e are in class +, and teacher is -r. .ro#n.
") *hat have you got in !ag% I/ve got I0 card' )eys and mo!ile.
g) -r. .ro#n/s lessons aren/t !oring. lessons are al#ays interesting.
h) $as he got any shelves in !edroom% 1o' he hasn/t.
i) They are "rom 2pain !ut parents are "rom the 34.
j) *hen is 2arah/s !irthday% !irthday is in 5une.
)) ,re #om!ats dangerous% &es' nails are really long and sharp6
Complete these sentences using the right possessive pronoun:
mine / ours/ theirs /hers/ his / yours
a) Is this (isa/s coat% &es' it/s .
!) *ere those % 1o' they #eren/t. They #ere (iam/s.
c) ,re these your note!oo)s% 1o' they aren/t .
d) ,dam has got a lot o" stic)ers !ut those aren/t .
e) *hose car is this% It/s . *e !ought it last month.
") *as that their C0 player% &es' it #as .
Complete these sentences using the right o!ject pronoun:

me (x2) / you (x2) / him / her / it (x7) / us / them (x2)
a) 8eter and 5ac) have got a laptop. They use to study.
!) ,nn hardly ever goes cycling. 2he disli)es .
c) 9ur teacher gave a lot o" home#or) yesterday6
d) 2he is a !ig ,ngelina 5olie "an. 2he really li)es .
e) Their favourite books are mystery !oo)s. They really love .
") Tom never invites to his !irthday. *e aren/t "riends.
g) John's friends are very "riendly. I li)e .
h) I )no# your brother. I met at the disco last 2aturday.
i) : $i. 0o you remem!er % I #as in your class last year.
:&es' o" course I remem!er . You #ere very good at Maths. &ou really loved .
j) I sa# at the cinema. You #ere tal)ing to some "riends.
)) I can/t "ind my mobile phone6 $ave you seen any#here%

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