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Listen to the conversation between Tom and Amy. Then complete the sentences.

Tom thinks that Amys bag is ................

Amy has always got her ...................... in her bag.
Amy often goes to the ................... on her way home.
After school Amy sometimes meets .........................
Amy never goes anywhere without her ..........................
Match everyday objects words ! with de"nitions a!k.
#our money is in this. a mobile phone
$ #ou use this to open a door. b purse
% #ou wear these in summer. c ticket
& #ou use this when it rains. d umbrella
' #ou buy this to travel. e key
( #ou listen to music on this. f mp% player
) This is a computer. g sunglasses
* #our +, card is in this. h +, card
- #ou use this to talk to your friends. i make.up
/ This has got your photo and name on it. j laptop
#ou wear this on your face to look nice. k wallet
0omplete the sentences with the words in the bo1. There is one word you do not need.
0lothes 3nglish friends maga4ines snacks T5
+ like watching ............................
+ often meet ................................. after school.
6he always wears e1pensive ..............................
7e reads a lot of ....................................
,o you like studying ....................................8
0omplete the time and money sentences.
7e c............................. comics.
,o you g........................ shopping with friends8
,o you s...................... a lot of money on ,5,s8
+ts good to s........................... money in the bank.
+ often b...........................things on the internet.
9ewrite the sentences with adverbs of fre:uency.
6he wears e1pensive clothes. ;hardly ever<
6he is late. ;sometimes<
6hes got her mp% player with her. ;always<
=e dont go shopping. ;often<
0omplete the sentences using the present simple form of the verb in brackets.
=e ....................................... designer clothes. ;wear<
7e ....................................... his laptop every day. ;use<
They .................................... in the city centre. ;work<
6he ...................................... shopping on >ridays. ;go<
7e.............................................his +, card in his bag. ;carry<
+ ........................................... things on the internet. ;buy<
=rite negative present simple sentences.
7e ? not like ? football
=e ? not listen ? to music
They ? not study ? 3nglish
6he ? not wear ? make.up
=rite present simple :uestions.
what time ? he ? get up ? in the morning ?8
he ? play ? tennis?8
how often ? they ? go to the cinema ?8
you ? like ? +talian food ?8
what ? she ? collect? 8
0orrect the sentences.
7e doesnt mind to help us.
My dad likes read car maga4ines.
6he loves listens to rock music.
+ prefer study 3nglish.
7e hates goes shopping.
They like collect comics.
9ead the te1t. Then answer the :uestions.
A simple life
The Amish people in America live in a very traditional way. They produce their own food. They dont use modern
machines. They havent got cars. They travel by horse and cart instead. The children dont have a lot of modern
things@ like mp% players or mobile phones.
6am@ an Amish boy@ doesnt mind living in a simple way. A+ love helping with the animals@ he says@ Abut +m interested
in studying +0T. + really want a laptop. A lot of boys my age have one. + want to play computer games like them.
0laire@ an Amish girl@ is also happy. A+ help my mum at home@ she says. A+ dont buy designer clothes because my mum
makes all my clothes. + dont wear make.up because its not allowed. +m happy with my life@ but sometimes + really
want to watch T5B
7ow do the Amish people travel8
=hat does 6am like doing8
=hat does 6am want to have8
=hat is 0laire not allowed to do8
=hat does 0laire want to do8
0orrect the sentences with capital letters or apostrophes.
+ dont often buy designer clothes.
My best friend lives in london.
+m interested in football.
7er mum is french.
=rite a pro"le of a friend or a member of your family. Cse the ideas to help you.
Daragraph E +ntroductionE =hat is the persons name and age8 =here does he?she live8 =hat does he?she look like8
Daragraph $E +nterestsE what are his?her likes and dislikes8 =hat does he?she like doing8 =hat does he?she spend
money on8

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