Energy Flow in A Backyard Ecosystem

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Energy Flow in a

Backyard Ecosystem
Due Date: _____________
Task 1 Backyard Explorer
Throughout the school garden beds are a number of QR codes, scan these codes to gather
information about the backyard ecosystem. Assemble the information collected into one
Task 2 Questions
1) This backyard community is dependent on a constant supply of energy.
Construct a food web for the community.

2) Based on the data given, use a suitable scale to:
a. Construct a trophic pyramid showing the transfer of energy up the trophic levels.
Label it with the trophic levels and provide examples of organisms.
b. Calculate the biomass available to be transferred at each of the trophic levels. Show
this on your pyramid (remember the 10% rule).

3) Explain why the community requires a constant input of energy for it to be sustainable.

4) This food web is dependent on the recycling of key nutrient elements, such as carbon,
between the members of the community and the abiotic environment. Describe the major
processes by which carbon is recycled in this system, and explain why recycling is

5) Explain the effects on the food web if the cats were removed from the community.
Optional Extension Question Higher Order Thinking
6) Investigate and describe how dairy farming is sustained, with the daily milking of cows
constantly removing energy from the farm ecosystem. Have a go at creating a food web
and trophic pyramid for the dairy farm ecosystem.

Assessment Rubric - Energy Flow in a Backyard Ecosystem

Criteria Does not meet
standards (0)
Partially meets standards (1) Meets standards (2) Exceeds standards (3) Mark
Q 1. Food web
Was not present Shows some understanding of
what a food web is and some
interactions are correctly shown.
Shows a good understanding of
what a food web is, most
relationships are correctly shown.
Shows a strong understanding of food webs, all organisms
have been included and all relationships are correctly
shown. Food web is neat and easy to follow.

Q2. a) Trophic
Was not present Shows some understanding of
what a trophic pyramid is, but
organisms have not been placed in
appropriate levels.
Shows a good understanding of a
trophic pyramid, all levels are
correctly shown and most
organisms have been placed
Shows a strong understanding of trophic pyramid, all levels
are clearly shown and all organisms have been placed in
correct level. It is neat and easy to follow.

Q2. b) Biomass
Was not present Biomass described, but not
Biomass calculations included in
trophic pyramid.
Biomass calculations included in trophic pyramid, and
description of how energy is lost included.

Q 3. Constant energy
Was not present Shows some understanding of
need for constant energy input into
Shows good understanding of the
needs for constant energy into
Shows strong understanding of the need for constant
energy input into an ecosystem, included detailed
descriptions of where energy is lost and how this affects
the sustainability of an ecosystem.

Q 4. Recycling of key
Was not present Shows some understanding of
recycling of key nutrients.
Shows a good understanding of
recycling of key nutrients, mentions
the relationship between
photosynthesis and respiration.
Shows a strong understanding of nutrient recycling and the
organisms and processes involved. Includes description of
chemical reactions occurring during photosynthesis and

Q 5. Effects on food
web if cats were
Was not present Shows some understanding of
effects on food web, correctly lists
at least one effect.
Shows a good understanding of
effects on food web, all direct
effects are correctly described.
Shows a strong understanding of effects on food web, all
direct and flow on effects are described in detail.

Extension Question
Dairy farm
sustainability, food
web and trophic
Was not present Attempts question, shows some
understanding of question and
identifies at least one possible
input of energy into the ecosystem.
Shows good understanding of why
energy needs to be put back into
system. Includes basic food web
and trophic pyramid.
Shows a strong understanding of energy input and energy
flow through a farm ecosystem. Evidence of research into
farm practices and energy needs of a dairy cow. Includes
detailed and clear food web and trophic pyramid.

Comments: Total


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