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Lead me Lord, lead me by the hand

And help me face the rising sun
Comfort me through all the pain
That life may bring
Theres no other hope
That ! can lean upon
Lead me Lord
Lead me all my life
#al$ by me, %al$ by me across
The lonely road that ! may face
Ta$e my arms and let your hand
Sho% me the %ay
Sho% the %ay to li&e inside your heart
All my days, all my life
*ou are my light
*oure the lamp upon my feet
All the time my Lord
! need *ou there
*ou are my life
! cannot li&e alone
Let me stay
+y *our guiding lo&e
All through my life
Lead me Lord
Lead me Lord
E&en though at times
!d rather go alone my %ay
'elp me ta$e the right direction
Ta$e *our road
Lead me Lord
And ne&er lea&e my side
All my days
All my life
*ou are my light
*oure the lamp upon my feet
All the time my Lord
! need *ou there
*ou are my life
! cannot li&e alone
Let me stay
+y *our guiding lo&e
All through my life
*ou are my light
*oure the lamp upon my feet
All the time my Lord
! need *ou there
*ou are my life
! -ust cannot li&e alone
Let me stay
+y *our guiding lo&e
All through my life
All through my days
(h lead me, (h Lord
Lead me Lord

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