Sekolah Backward Design

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Identify Desired Results

What overarching understandings are

What are the overarching essential
Schools reflect their communities
What is school like in Indonesia?
How are we the same yet different?
What will students understand as a result of
this unit?
What essential and unit questions will
focus this unit?
That values in communities impact on school
That schools across cultures can be different.
That across cultures schools can be very
What are the similarities between Australian
and Indonesian schools?
What are the differences between Australian
and Indonesian schools?
Why are there differences?
What evidence will show that students understand.
Performance as!s" Pro#ects
. T!" by Indonesian #epartment
$ui%%es" as!s" &cademic Prom'ts
(ther )vidence *tudent *elf+&ssessment
Teacher observation of students$ %uestions
and understanding shown during &nglish
discussion about different schools.
. Weekly 'ocabulary (ui))es
*. +roup research tasks looking at specific schools
,. -artner interviews about timetables. sub/ects and teachers
Plan ,earning )-'erience and Instruction
.iven the targeted understandings" other unit goals" and the assessment evidence
identified" what !nowledge and s!ills are needed?
*tudents will need to !now *tudents will need to /e a/le to.
In Indonesian0
"lassroom e1pressions
"lassroom ob/ects
School sub/ects
Sub/ect and teacher descriptive words
Asking for permission
Time markers
2umbers used in time
Ask and answer %uestions about their school
Ask and answer %uestions about their sub/ects and
-resent information orally about a particular school
to the class.
"ollate data about routines. relationships. and the
physical environment in schools.
3ake comparisons between schools in Australia
and indonesia
4ecall vocabulary learnt weekly
What teachings and learning e-'eriences will equi' students to demonstrate the targeted
. 4esearch different aspects of schooling each week in groups
*. -resent the information about a school to the class.
,. 4ecreate their current school timetable in Indonesian
5. Interview a partner about their timetable.
6. #escribe their opinion of their school sub/ects
7. #escribe their opinion of their teachers
8. #iscuss I2 &2+9ISH why they think there are differences in Australian schools and
Indonesian schools.
:. #iscuss festivals and holidays celebrated in Indonesian schools
;. -articipate in festive independence day activities
<. #ecide as a class how the stereotypical family in the media compares to the most
the families represented in the class.
. 9ook at games played by Indonesian students
*. -articipate in games played by Indonesian students

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