SampleCutomer Feedback Form

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Customer Feedback Form

Customer Name:
Service Delivered:
We at Confuence are continuously striving to improve the quality o our services!
"our eedback #ill provide us #ith valuable inputs in this direction! $lease spare a
e# moments to complete this orm!
$lease rate us on a scale o % to &%!Wherein' (&%) being highly satis*ed and (%) being
least satis*ed!
S!No $arameter Rating
&! Responsiveness o our associates
+! ,echnical capabilities o our associates involved in pro-ect. service
/! Commitment to delivery schedule
0! 1dherence to quality standards. processes
2! Resolving o issues by our associates
3! 4uality o inormation. documentation provided as part o service
5! 6ur ability in teaming #ith your employees in achieving desired
7! 89ectiveness o pro-ect management
:! 1ccommodating client requirements
&%! 4uality o training provided to users in SW usage
&&! 6verall 4uality o Services. Solutions. $roducts delivered

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