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Minutes of the

Hot Matatag Group Meeting

19 June 2014

PRESENT: Acid, Mark Joseph
Alvarado, Jean Claude
Carabeo, Jessie Mae Alyca
Dalwatan, Casilda
Dela Cruz, Ranny
Morete, Jyedmark
CALL TO ORDER: Jean Claude Alavarado, the leader of the group, called the
meeting to order at 9:00AM in the CET library

Jean Claude Alvarado suggested:
1. The group members should find possible contacts of
engineering companies that could be a prospect for interview.
The list will be submitted on the next meeting dated 28 June
Mark Joseph Acid suggested:
1. The group should have a photocopy of the report that was
assigned to the group. The partitions and divisions of labor for
the report will be discussed next meeting

ADJOURNEMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:00AM

Minutes of the
Hot Matatag Group Meeting
24 June 2014

PRESENT: Acid, Mark Joseph
Alvarado, Jean Claude
Carabeo, Jessie Mae Alyca
Dalwatan, Casilda
Dela Cruz, Ranny
Morete, Jyedmark
CALL TO ORDER: Jean Claude Alavarado, the leader of the group, called the
meeting to order at 4:00PM in the CET library

Due to lack of time, an emergency meeting was called by Jean Claude Alvarado to follow up all
the contacts that is needed for the interview.

Jessie Mae Alyca Carabeo reported:
1. She would contact Engr. Jason Manas of INC Engineering and
Construction as soon as possible.
2. She would try to communicate Engr. Ramon Punzal of SMC
Ranny Dela Cruz reported:
1. He emailed Megaworld company and he`s waiting for the

Mark Joseph Acid reported:
1. He searched contacts of the possible companies over internet
that resulted to an eight-page list. Only three contacts were
confirmed by the professor.
Mark Joseph Acid suggested:
1. The draft of letter of request must be polished next meeting,
26 June 2014. He appointed Jyedmark Morete to do the task.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 5:03PM

Minutes of the
Hot Matatag Group Meeting
26 June 2014

PRESENT: Acid, Mark Joseph
Alvarado, Jean Claude
Carabeo, Jessie Mae Alyca
Dalwatan, Casilda
Dela Cruz, Ranny
Morete, Jyedmark
CALL TO ORDER: Jean Claude Alavarado, the leader of the group, called the
meeting to order at 9:00AM in the CET library

Jessie Mae Alyca Carabeo reported:
1. Engr. Jason Manas of INC Engineering and Construction
responded to the request but the date of the interview is
2. Engr. Ramon Punzal of SMC Shoketsu has not responded.
Ranny Dela Cruz reported:
1. Megaworld Company has not responded yet.
Jyedmark Morete reported:
1. He is finished with the draft of the letter of the request but
the interviewee is not included because there is no response
from any contacts yet.

Jyedmark Morete suggested:
1. Ask Prof. /Engr. Dabethson Vicente for an interview on 01 July
2014 since it`s their Thermodynamics class.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:06AM

Minutes of the
Hot Matatag Group Meeting
03 July 2014

PRESENT: Acid, Mark Joseph
Alvarado, Jean Claude
Carabeo, Jessie Mae Alyca
Dalwatan, Casilda
Dela Cruz, Ranny
Morete, Jyedmark
CALL TO ORDER: Jean Claude Alavarado, the leader of the group, called the
meeting to order at 9:00AM in the CET library
Jyedmark Morete reported:
1. Prof. /Engr. Dabethson Vicente confirmed the request to have
an interview with him; he set the date on 08 July 2014,
1. Ranny Dela Cruz volunteered to bring camera and tripod for
video documentation.
2. Jessie Mae Alyca Carabeo and Mark Joseph Acid volunteered
in the documentation of the interview such as recording and
listing of possible data.
3. Casilda Dalwatan and Jyedmark Morete volunteered in the
preparation of venue and documents needed for the interview
such as questionnaire and letter of request.
4. Ranny Dela Cruz and Jean Claude Alvarado volunteered to be
the interviewer.

Casilda Dalwatan suggested:
1. The group members should arrive at the University at 7:00AM
to be fully prepared in the interview and polish all the
necessary tasks.
Ranny Dela Cruz suggested:
1. All should wear formal attire.
ADJOURNEMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:12AM.

Minutes of the
Hot Matatag Group Meeting
10 July 2014

PRESENT: Acid, Mark Joseph
Alvarado, Jean Claude
Carabeo, Jessie Mae Alyca
Dalwatan, Casilda
Dela Cruz, Ranny
Morete, Jyedmark
CALL TO ORDER: Jean Claude Alavarado, the leader of the group, called the
meeting to order at 9:00AM in Mark Joseph Acids residence to
discuss the matters about the interview.

Due to the centennial break, the school venues were not available and so, the group decided
that the meeting would be conducted on Mark Joseph Acids residence.

Ranny Dela Cruz reported:
1. There was a technical problem in the video documentation.
The sounds such as the voice of the interviewer and
interviewee are inaudible. Also, theres a lot noise that
affected the quality of the sound of the video.
Casilda Dalwatan reported:
1. She will contact SLV Manufacturing Inc.
Jessie Mae Alyca Carabeo reported:
1. The two engineers she kept on contacting havent responded
Jyedmark Morete suggested:
1. The group should ask for Engr. Dabethson Vicentes
permission to conduct the interview again.
Jean Claude Alvarado suggested:
1. The group should conduct a meeting during vacation. The date
is tentative and will be discussed through text and through

ADJOURNEMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 11:12AM

Minutes of the
Hot Matatag Group Meeting
23 July 2014

PRESENT: Acid, Mark Joseph
Alvarado, Jean Claude
Carabeo, Jessie Mae Alyca
Dalwatan, Casilda
Dela Cruz, Ranny
Morete, Jyedmark
CALL TO ORDER: Jean Claude Alavarado, the leader of the group, called the
meeting to order at 9:00AM in Mark Joseph Acids residence.

Casilda Dalwatan reported:
1. The SLV Manufacturing Inc. has not responded yet.
Jyedmark Morete suggested:
1. The entire task that was assigned to everyone for the group
report should be passed tomorrow.
Jean Claude Alvarado suggested:
1. He would contact IGB Consultancy.
Mark Joseph Acid suggested:
1. The progress of the interview and report will be discussed
through text and online.
ADJOURNEMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:23AM.
Minutes of the
Hot Matatag Group Meeting
29 July 2014

PRESENT: Acid, Mark Joseph
Alvarado, Jean Claude
Carabeo, Jessie Mae Alyca
Dalwatan, Casilda
Dela Cruz, Ranny
Morete, Jyedmark
CALL TO ORDER: Jean Claude Alavarado, the leader of the group, called the
meeting to order at 9:00AM in Mark Joseph Acids residence.
1. Ranny Dela Cruzand Mark Joseph Acid volunteered to bring
camera and tripod for video documentation.
2. Jessie Mae Alyca Carabeo and Mark Joseph Acid volunteered
in the documentation of the interview such as recording and
listing of possible data.
3. Casilda Dalwatan and Jyedmark Morete volunteered in the
preparation of venue and documents needed for the interview
such as questionnaire and letter of request.
4. Ranny Dela Cruz, Jyedmark Morete and Jean Claude Alvarado
volunteered to be the interviewer.

Casilda Dalwatan suggested:
1. The group members should arrive at Mar Joseph Acids
residence at 9:00AM to be fully prepared in the interview and
polish all the necessary tasks.
Ranny Dela Cruz suggested:
1. All should wear formal attire.
Jessie Mae Alyca Carabeo suggested:
1. The group should present a token for Engr. Isagani G Brugada,
the interviewee. The group decided that the token would be a
pen with engraved name.
ADJOURNEMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 1:19PM.

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