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General Sepac Meeting

Oct. 15
Introductions- 9 people present:
The Northampton Public Schools Action Coalition (that's us!) and the Northampton Human Rights
Commission are hosting a public forum on high stakes testing.

When: Thursday, October 23rd from 7-8:30pm
Where: Northampton High School Library (childcare will be provided).
What: Panel of local experts (see names below) as well as testimonials, round table discussions, and Q&A.
Discussion: The school committee has expressed concerns about high stake testing. The Regional
School Committee rejected the newest high stake test named PARCC for the academic year
Outreach Flyer: To Learn about SEPAC that is happening at Crocker Farm at 9AM on Oct. 23

was approved.
Review of Agenda
First Topic: The effects of the anti-bullying presentation on families with children on IEPS and
504s by Calvin Terrell.
There was a two hour long presentation. SEPAC has received phone calls from parents who have
children who are sleeping in the beds of parents because they have been scared and anxious since
the presentation.
A discussion about Autism and the way that children with autism thin in literal ways. Children
were asked to visualize violence, to close their eyes and imagine being run down by a gun man,
and to imagine their parents in a closed casket a funeral, because their faces were mutilated and
unrecognizable. Families feel that the presentation was psychological and emotional abuse.
Students and teachers were crying and sobbing. No teacher stood up for the children to protect
them. There is a concern for students who have processing and expressive problems, who have
been affected negatively and cannot communicate effectively.
Two days after this presentation there was a lockdown in the Middle School, which further
compounded feelings, of insecurity, confusion and anxiety.
Parents and families are dealing with children who have been traumatized and ridden with
anxiety. There was no information provided to families about this presentation. There were no
permission forms or opt-out forms sent home. Parents did not know the agenda, or the content of
the presentation.
Parents have requested a transcript of the presentation. Administration told them to wait until
January. Parents have requested an agenda, and they have not received one yet. Parents have
emailed the Superintendent and Director of Special Education, and have not received any
response. This Slow and anemic response is not acceptable.
Calvin Terell used shock tactics which has caused psychological and emotional harm to our
children. Using visual and audio prompts to engage students in inappropriate ways, that triggered
distraught and anxiety.
There was a follow up assembly to address the occurrences during the rst assembly. A parent
asked if she could attend the assembly, and was told that she may not observe. Parents feel that
this response does not foster healthy, trusting, or collaborative relationships.
Parents are deeply saddened and frustrated with the lack of response by Administration. One
school employee talked to a parent in the parking lot outside of school, telling the parent that
students had a horrible day.
The entire school underestimated the extent of trauma experienced by students. This should have
been considered, before inciting violent imaging with students.
Faye Brady looked at absentee list the following day and made phone calls.
SEPAC requests transcripts and agenda of the assembly to be delivered before January.
SEPAC wants to know what the administration has done to reach out to families on IEPs.
What is in place in the schools now to provide support and safety, are their grief counselors?
What about parents who cannot advocate for themselves. We wrote long letters and emails, not
everyone has that privilege or knowledge.
What about students who are afraid to talk about their experiences or are not able?
What point was being made by the use of shock therapy? How is that connected to anti-bullying
and peace?
Should we le a Freedom of Information Act Chapt.66 Sect. 10 to require that they provide
transcripts and other pertinent information within 10 days?
Should we le a PQA? For emotional abuse and or bullying of children on IEPs?
SEPAC worked with the school committee in the past to have Jenny Tate red. Maria G. brought
her back. Is this a conict of interest? Should we ask for her removal involving this incident?
Meeting adjourned.

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