Πνευματικές ανάγκες ασθενών Μια παραμελημένη διάσταση της νοσηλευτικής φροντίδας; Κριτική ανασκόπηση PDF

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2007, 46(2):226236

OSILEFTIKI 2007, 46(2):226236

spiritual needs

A neglected dimension
of the nursing care?
Critical review

Ekaterini Halarie

, MSc, ,

RN, MSc, BSc (Hons), Hellenic Red Cross, Athens, Greece

"Hellenic Red Cross" General Hospital of Athens


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ABSTRACT Caring for the spiritual needs of patients

consists of an integral dimension of holistic nursing care.
The satisfaction of patients spiritual needs contributes
to the well being of their biological, psychological and
spiritual health state. Nurses are often assumed of being
knowledgeable and skilful to implement assessment of
the spiritual-religious needs and to provide spiritual care
for patients. However, the literature indicates that nurses are often unskilled and unsure to provide spiritual
care. This article aims to contribute towards clarification
of the meaning of spirituality and religiosity in relevance
to nursing practice and education today, through a critical analysis of the available literature. In particular, it
attempts to elucidate the causes why spirituality appears
to be a neglected dimension of contemporary nursing care. The dilemmas within the assessment process,


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the provision of care, as well as useful educational techniques and implications for nursing education and clinical practice are also discussed.


Key words:
Spirituality Spiritual needs Religion
Nursing care Nursing education

20, 152 37 ,
- Fax 210-69 10 115
E-mail: katerinahal@yahoo.com

Corresponding author
Ekaterini Halarie
20 Diadohou Pavlou street, GR-152 37 Philothei, Athens
Tel - Fax +30 210-69 10 115
E-mail: katerinahal@yahoo.com

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, , McSherry Ross,23

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, Narayanasamy34
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. Burnard,57


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Journal of the American Medical Association, Lancet
New England Journal of Medicine. 2385

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There is no profit in curing the body
if in the process we destroy the soul

Y: 20/9/2006
: 16/4/2007
: 30/4/2007

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