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Sujeito + Verbo Contrao Fontica Pronncia

I am Im /am/

You are Youre /jr/

He is/ He has Hes /hiz/

She is/ She has Shes /iz/

It is/ It has Its /ts/

We are Were /wr/

They are Theyre /r/

How is Hows /haz/

Why is Whys /waz/

What is/ What does Whats /wts/

When is/ When does Whens /wnz/

I have Ive /av/

You have Youve /juv/

We have Weve /wiv/

They have Theyve /ev/

Could have Couldve /k.dv/

Should have Shouldve /.dv/

Would have Wouldve /w.dv/

Might have Mightve /ma.dv/

I will Ill /al/

You will Youll /jul/

He will Hell /hl/

She will Shell /l/

It will Itll /d.l/

We will Well /wl/

They will Theyll /el/

How will Howll /hal/

Where will Wherell /wrl/

When will Whenll /

What will Whatll /w.dl/

I had/ I would Id /ad/

You had/ You would Youd /jud/

He had/ He would Hed /hid/

She had/ She would Shed /i/

It had/ It would Itd /.dd/

We had/ We would Wed /wid/

They had/ They would Theyd /ed/

How had/ How would Howd /had/

Where did Whered /wrd/

Why did Whyd /wad/

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