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Integrating Instructional Technology
Jenna Van Stelle
Grand Canyon University
EDU 225
October 19, 2014

Integrating Instructional Technology
Technology has grown significantly over the past few decades. The Internet is no longer
just a way to look up information. There are now many resources for teachers to integrate
instructional technology into their classroom. It is important to incorporate technology into the
classroom in todays society because students tend to learn better and keep engaged when
technology is involved (Nussbaum-Beach, 2008). This generation thinks differently than
previous generations have. They want instant satisfaction, videos and graphics, rewards, and
games. They are used to receiving information quickly because of all the technology they have
grown up with (Prensky, 2001). By integrating instructional technology, teachers are able to
teach their students in ways they learn best. Tools like, the Root Word
Meaning Match game, and teach students and test their understanding while being
fun and interactive. is a great website full of thousands of free education videos. There
are videos for all subjects and all ages. It is very well organized and easy to navigate. Teachers
can narrow down videos by age and/or subject, which would make it easy to uphold a lot of the
Common Core State Standards. For example, if I would read a story to the students, I could show
them a video from afterwards and ask them questions about different
elements of the story to check their understanding (CCSS, 3.RL.1). Students of this generation
are what Marc Prensky calls digital natives, meaning that they have grown up surrounded by
technology. Digital natives think differently than students have in the past. They would prefer to
watch a video or see pictures rather than reading text (Prensky, 2001).
provides teachers access to thousands of videos that could help their students better understand
various subjects.
Root Word Meaning Match
Root Word Meaning Match is a free game can be found on It tests
students knowledge on the various root words that make up other words. This would help meet
the standard, Identify and know the meaning of the most common prefixed and derivational
suffixes (CCSS, 3.RF.3a). In this game, students must match root words with the meaning of
the root word. In class, I could put this game on an interactive white board and allow the students
to take turns and try to match them. It would be a great and fun way to teach the students and test
their understanding without lecturing and giving a test.
Free Rice
Free Rice is a website that quizzes students on vocabulary. The best part about it is that
for every question a person gets right, The United Nations Food Program will donate ten grains
of rice to someone in need. It works on students vocabulary and tests their understanding
(CCSS, 3.L.1) while helping those in need. It would also be a great way to teach the students
about the world around them. There are various levels to change the difficulty of the words. In
class, if computers were available for the students, they could go on the website and try
answering the questions as they go through different levels.
Pros and Cons of using Technology to Facilitate Learning
Using technology in the classroom can be very beneficial. Technology can be used to get
the students more involved. They have more of an active role in the classroom rather than just
sitting and listening to the teacher lecture. Once the students are more involved, they have more
motivation to be a part of the classroom. It also gives them more pride in their work.
Technology is such a vital part of our world today. If students start to learn how to use various
forms of technology in school, they will be better prepared for later on in life (US Department of
Education, n.d.).
While using technology in the classroom has its benefits, it also has its downsides. One of
the biggest problems that can arise is cheating. Since many students have access to cell phones,
smart phones, tablets, and computers, they have all the answers at their fingertips and can cheat
leaving no trace at all. It is important for the teacher to look out for signs of cheating in the
classroom and think of ways to stop it (Lynch, 2014). Another issue that can arise is internet
safety. Some websites that students go on in class may have links to other websites that could
contain inappropriate images or ask for the students information. Teachers must monitor
technology use very carefully in the classroom, especially for the younger grades (Johnson,
Wired and Wireless Classrooms
Classrooms can either be wired or wireless. A classroom that is wireless contains devices
such as smart phones, tablets, laptops, and wireless Internet access. These devices do not need to
be constantly plugged in to a wall, like in a wired classroom. One benefit to a wireless classroom
is that they always have access to the Internet. They do not have to take turns sitting at a desktop.
Wireless devices allow more accessibility to a variety of technological resources (Shelley,
Gunter & Gunter, 2012). If all the students have access to a tablet or a smart phone, I could have
them go on a certain app to work on a subject. That way, the students would not have to crowd
around one device and all the students could have a turn and move at their own pace. One
downside to a wireless classroom is that the devices have to be plugged in eventually to charge.
It could be a hassle depending on the amount of outlets and their placement. If I had a wired
classroom with limited resources, it would be a great way to teach students about how to take
turns and work together on the technology that is available. Having any technology in the
classroom would be beneficial because it could be used to facilitate learning and teach students
important skills.
With the growth of technology, there are many resources available for teachers to use to
facilitate learning in the classroom. Websites like provide thousands of
videos that can aid in the teaching and learning experience. Games like the Root Word Meaning
Match and Free Rice give the students the opportunity to test their understanding in a fun and
interactive way. There are many benefits in using technology in the classroom, but it also has its
flaws. It is important for teachers to stay updated and educated on modern technology in the
classroom in order to not be overtaken by it. It also allows the teacher to have more resources in
order to keep the students engaged. There are a variety of resources out there to help make
learning fun, enjoyable, and more interactive.

Johnson, D. (2004). Proactively teaching technology ethics. Library Media Connection, 22(4),
Lynch, M. (2014). Cheating and technology-unethical difference. The Huffington Post. Retrieved
October 18, 2014 from
Nussbaum-Beach, S. (2008). No limits. Tech & Learning. Retrieved October 16, 2014 from
Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants part 1. On the Horizon, 9(5), 1-6.
Retrieved from
Shelly, G.B., Gunter, G.A., Gunter, R.E. (2012). Teachers discovering computers: integrating
technology in a connected world (Seventh ed.). Boston: Course Technology, Cengage
US Department of Education (n.d.). Archived:effects of technology on classrooms and students.
Retrieved October 17, 2014 from

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