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Activity Phrases, Clauses and Sentences

Name: ___________________________________________ Course and Section: _____________

Directions: move around and look for classmates with the description below. Indicate the name of your
classmate on the column provided. Share to the class your findings. Afterwards, do the conversion part
when you are told to do so.

Look for a classmate who studies Name/s of classmate/s
Studies at dawn
Conversion: My friend who studies at dawn performs well in class.
Under bright light

For analytic purpose

Over a cup of coffee, with food

To get high grades

My making reflections

With music

In the evening

Before going to sleep

With somebody else

Under the guidance of an adult

By using guide questions

To maintain scholarship

In advance

Before the deadline

By using mnemonics

Activity Phrases, Clauses and Sentences

Name: ___________________________________________ Course and Section: _____________

Directions: move around and look for classmates with the description below. Indicate the name of your
classmate on the column provided. Share to the class your findings. Afterwards, do the conversion part
when you are told to do so.

Look for a classmate who studies Name/s of classmate/s
Studies at dawn
Conversion: My friend who studies at dawn performs well in class.
Under bright light

For analytic purpose

Over a cup of coffee, with food

To get high grades

My making reflections

With music

In the evening

Before going to sleep

With somebody else

Under the guidance of an adult

By using guide questions

To maintain scholarship

In advance

Before the deadline

By using mnemonics

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