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National Audit Office

Preparations for the London 2012

Olympic and Paralyrpic Games:
Progress Report
ne 2008
Conslruclion slrort dote
October 2006 October 2006 September 2009
September 2008 November 2008
Enobling Works
Power Lines Under Grounding
Structures, Bridges ond Highwoys
Moin Stodium
Aquotics Centre
Hondboll,/lndoor Sports Areno
lnternotionol Broodcost Cenhe/
Moin Press Centre
Olympic Villoge
Eton Monor
ond Porolympic eventsi
woter conoeing}
Eton Dorney (rowing)
Weymoufi ond Portlond
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July 2008
April 2008 April 2008
Jcnuory 2008 Jonuory 2008
July 2008 Moy 2008
September 2008 September 2008
December 201 I December ?01 I
December 20,l I August 201 I
Morch 200?
August 2009
July 20O9
Moy 2009
June 2008
Morch 2OlO
August 20O8
Morch 2OO9
Mqrch 20o9
June 2009
November ?009
Morch 2OO9
Moy 2008
Jonuory 20 I 0
end dote
Februcry 201 I
Completion dote
for conslruction
snd initiol overloy
for tesl evenk
June 201 I
end dqte
April 201 1
Completion dote
for consiruction
ond initiol overloy
for test evenis
July 2011
April 20t I
April 201I
April20l l
June 201 I
December 2Ol I
June 20 I 0
end dote
April20l 1 2
Completion dote
for construction
ond initiql overlqy
for leif events
June 201 I 0
end dote
August 201 1 4
Completion dote
for construction
ond initiol overloy
for test events
August 201 I I
Februcry 20,l I
Morch 20] I
April20l I 0
July 201 I I
December 20i I O
October 2OlO
July 2O09
Februory 20 I 2 April 201 I
Moy 2009
Jonuory 2009 -9 -2
Moy2008 Jonuory 2008 4
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Februory 2009 Jonuory 2009
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Elements of enobiing works ore criticol to ihe Auhorily's delivery progromme. Good progress hos been mode ond where deloys hove
occurred this hos notdeloyed the stortof construction octivities. See porogrophs 3.5 and Figure 8.
project is criticol io ihe delivery of the Olympic Pork os itwill remove overlond power lines from the_site ond ollow the switchover
to unddr giound po,"", cobles. ln June 2AA7 the Authority ochieved o crificol. projeci miiesione, completion of the lwo moin 6km power line
ond to budget. This wos o high risk octivity given the need to bore tunnels through o complex site ond hod the potentiol to
seriousl;l deioy the site preporotions. The ,Auihority expects lo switch power to ihe underground cobles by November 2008.
Ebmer{ts of the Skuctures. Bridges ond Highwoys proiect ore criticol to the Authority's delivery progrqmme. Progress is on trock, with the
first lour coniroct pockoges successfully procured ond work underwoy
four mosi criticol elements of the proiect}.
The Utilities proiect is criticol io the Authority's delivery progromme. The Authority hos re-scheduled utilities works to meetthe plonned needs
of venues on the pork, in porticulcr the utilit'y requiremenls for test evenls.
Construction of the Moin Stodium ond its reodiness for iest events is criticol to ihe Auihority's delivery progromme. At the iime of the
November 2002 Progromme Boseline Report, which wos before controci signoiure, construciion ol lhe Moin Stodium wcs scheduled to be
completed in Februory 20,l 1, to be followed by LOCOG overloy works for tesi events which were to be completed by June 201 I . 1o dole
good progress hos been roi" on site prepcroiion, which hos oilowed construction io stqrt in Moy 2008, two months earlier fhon plonned^1
i, o 1.".rii of controct negotiotions the Authority hos ogreed o longer conslruction period lhon cnticipoted
months ro$er thon 32]. The
Authoriry hos. however, drik
occess dotei {or LOCOG overloy works into the controct so overloy con be cqrried oui in porcllel with
ihe construciion work. The forecast dote for reodiness for test events remoins otJune 201 l.
Construciion of the Aquotics Cenire ond its reodiness for lest events is criiicol to the Authority's delivery progronrme. A'r:e
-e :-'-:
November 2007 Progromme Boseline Report, which wos before coniroci signoture, construction of ihe Aquotics C:'--: u.:: r:-::- :: :: ::
completedinApril 201 l,tobefollowedbyLOCOGoverloyworksforlesieventswhichweretobecompleieio;J,"2011
controct negotiotions, the Auihority hos ogreed o longer construction period. The Authorify considers, however, ci irls sioge the inrpcct on
the dote of ieodiness for test evenis is minimol. The Authority hos built eorly occess dctes for LOCOG overloy works into the coniroct so thot
August20ll isonemonth
loter thon originolly expected.
Broodly on trock
currenily forecost io be completed oheod of schedule}.
Storted eorly ond currently forecost to be completed oheod of schedule.
The stsrt dote for construction of this temporory venue wos put bock four months. but the proiecl remoins on irock for delivery in April 201 I .
The conshuction of the lnternotionol Broodcost Cenire/Moin Press Cenire is criticcl to lhe Authoriiy's delivery programme. The Authority
expects to sign the controct on ihe deol by ihe end of June 2008. ln the meontime. the design ond construclion is on trock.
The Olympic Villoge site is now cleor. Plcnning opplicotions for the first three blocks of the oportments hove now been submitted ond piling
stcrted in Moy 20b4. See porogrophs 3.20 to 3.25 on the progress towords finolising the deol for the Villoge.
The delivery strotegy for the Eton Mcnor orec on the Olympic Pork hos been significontiy refined since ihe November 2007 Progromme
Bqseline. Construciion of the different elements moking up the Eton Monor proiect
exomple Porolyrnpic Tennis ond Archery} will now be
procured os one pockoge of work ond, os ot the end of Morch 2008, the Authority expects thot construction will be complete in April 20,l 1
lnvestigotions info ground contorninotion ct the Spifolbrook site in Broxbourne, Hertfordshire, (plonned for the white woter conoeing course)
reueolid ihe siie is-unsuitoble. The venue will be relocqted to an olternsiive siie, six miles south of the planned site, ot the Showground
in Broxbourne.
The lotest pionned stort cnd finish dotes for the proiect
is noncriticol to the delivery of lhe Auihority's progromme} hove been
deiermined using improved informotion on Gcmes time requirements.
Construction storted oheqd of schedule ond is forecosi to be delivered one month eorly-

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