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Welcome to the CHEMCAD TUTORIAL! 2

In,-tt.n/ e0-.,ment ,a1amete1s )2
Welcome to the CHEMCAD TUTORIAL!
This tutorial provides basic input skills for operating CHEMCAD. CHEMCAD is a very easy
program to learn, and the best ay to master it is by using it. Here e provide a step!by!step
description of ho to solve the condensate stabili"er problem given belo. The input procedure is
simple and straightforard. #t is designed to be intuitive for a chemical engineer familiar ith the
$indos environment. Hoever, for the sake of clarity and for those ne to $indos, a revie of
some of the basic rules for using CHEMCAD is given.
The folloing ten basic steps are used to run a flosheet simulation in CHEMCAD.
%tarting a ne &ob
%electing engineering units
Creating a flosheet
%electing components
%electing thermodynamics options
Defining the feed streams
#nput e'uipment parameters
(unning the simulation
(evieing the results
)enerating hardcopy output
The steps do not have to be performed in this order nor do all of them have to be done for each
flosheet. All should be considered for each problem.
There are a series of Help facilities available throughout the program. The bottom line of the
screen provides a one!sentence description of the current highlighted item. The Help command
provides access to the On-line Manual, hich contains comprehensive technical information. The
5!)6 key provides conte*t sensitive help +place the cursor in a specific field and press the 5!)6 key,.
-se of these help facilities ill ease your ay through the program.
CHEMCAD is ob&ect oriented. Therefore, most input and editing can be done by double clicking or
right clicking the ob&ect of the operation, as ell as by using the menu commands.
All stream and unit operations specifications +input, are accomplished using dialog bo*es. These
dialog bo*es are conte*t specific and employ some combination of character fields, combo bo*es,
choice bo*es and check bo*es.
The mouse is a very easy to use ay to get the computer to do hat you ant. CHEMCAD, like
many $indos program, re'uires the use of a mouse, trackball, or similar pointing device ith both
a primary and secondary button +i.e. a standard Microsoft .!button mouse,. The basic Mouse
techni'ues are summari"ed belo/
Click To press and release the primary mouse button +normally the left
(ight!click To press and release the secondary mouse button +normally the
right button,.
To press the primary button tice in rapid succession.
Drag To press and hold don the primary mouse button hile moving
the mouse.
0oint To move the mouse arro until it touches the item of choice.
0oint to a specific area, then click and hold the secondary mouse
The 5TA"6 key is used to move to the ne*t field on a data entry dialog bo*.
The 5P/U,6 and 5P/Dn6 keys may be used to 1page1 or scroll through lists.
Holding don the 5SHI!T 8 TA"6 ill cause the program to move back or up one field.
The 5!)6 key is used to call conte*t specific help.
The 5!'6 key ill display the current component list.
The 1%tandard1 ay of e*ecuting commands in CHEMCAD is to click a command on the Men- "a1
and follo that command don through the subse'uent menus until the desired function is
reached. Thus, to select components from the databank, one ould first click the command
ThermoPhysical on the S.m-lat.on Men- "a12 click the option Component List from the Men- hich is then displayed, and, finally, select components from the resulting
Com,onent Select.on :.alo/ bo;.
There is a shorter ay of reaching this and other fre'uently used functions. This is to use the
CHEMCAD Po<e1 b-ttons, hich are located on the tool bar. This tool bar is toggled on and off
using the 3.e<=Toolba1 command.
The problem to be solved in this tutorial is illustrated in 3igure 4 belo. #t is a condensate stabili"er
plant. )as enters the system ith the feed conditions shon. #t is our &ob to take this e*isting unit
and determine ne operating conditions and any necessary modifications. The design
re'uirements are as follos/
4. The cricondotherm +highest possible, de point of the product gas must be 2>? ! or less.
.. The stabili"ed condensate +%tream 5, must have ma*imum propane content of 46.

!./-1e ) Con:ensate Stab.l.@e1
HB4) HB42 3alC
T D ('E ! P :1o, ) D '
P :1o,
D ' ,s.
P o-t
D )2'
)2 sta/es
P D 2>>E ,s.a P :1o, 2 D '
T o-t
D 4' !
!ee: sta/e D )
2 D )>>E)2
3a,E !1acE
F)G D )E>
"ottom :1a< D 3> lb4
C) D $'>'E$H
Col-mn P :1o, D ' ,s.
C2 D ')$E>>
C3 D 2)$E>>
.C$ D )2E2>
nC$ D
.C' D 2+E$>
nC' D )$E>>
nC+ D )$E>>

The first time you run CHEMCAD the Top 7evel $indo ill appear on your screen. 0lease
ma*imi"e this indo +that is, "oom it to fill in the screen, by clicking the Maximize button in the
upper right hand corner of the CHEMCAD indo. This ill cause CHEMCAD to fill your screen
and your display should look something like this/

The top line is called the T.tle "a1. #t contains the CHEMCAD logo and name on the left side, and
the $#8D9$% minimize, tile, and close buttons on the right side.
The ne*t line is called the Men- "a1. This bar contains the top!level commands for CHEMCAD.
They are/
3ile This command is used to define output formats,
open &obs, print, and obtain general information
about CHEMCAD.
:ie This command enables the user to toggle the Tool
bar and %tatus bar on and off.
Help This function allos the user to call the on!line Help
The third line +or bar, is called the Tool "a1. #t contains the symbols to directly invoke short cuts to
various file functions that ould otherise be accessed through the menus.
The remainder of the indo is inactive at this level.
The current indo displays only the top!level of CHEMCAD. CHEMCAD also has other indos
for setting up and running a simulation, generating 03D;s, creating and editing plots, etc. #n the
course of this tutorial, you ill be introduced to these indos and their use.
7et;s start by opening a ne &ob and giving it a &ob name. The !.le command is used for this. To
open the !.le menu, click on the ord !.le on the menu bar.
8o choose the New Job option by clicking on it.
The folloing dialog bo* ill open/
This dialog bo* is prompting you to enter a name and folder for the ne &ob. 7et;s use the name
TUTOR). 0lease enter this name in the field labeled File Name. Then close the dialog bo* by
clicking the 5SaCe6 button. <ou ill be taken into the main orking indo of CHEMCAD.
The ma&or features of this indo are labeled above as described belo/
The top line, called the T.tle "a1, no contains the CHEMCAD logo and the current &ob name, as
ell as, the minimize, title, and close buttons hich are alays present on the left side.
The Men- "a1 follos the T.tle "a1 and consists of fifteen commands in addition to the Hel,
command. These commands are/
3ile 3or file management and print control.
Edit 3or modifying various aspects of the flosheet and its
presentation. Edit functions include Redraw, Undo, Redo,
Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Flip, and Rotate 9! among others.
3or controlling various display and draing options.
3or selecting engineering units, setting graphics options, and
importing bit maps.
To sitch back and forth beteen the "dit Flows#eet mode
and the Run $imulation mode.
Thermo0hysical 3or selecting components, >!:alue method+s,, and enthalpy
method+s, for the current &ob, as ell as, vieing and editing
the CHEMCAD databanks2 setting up distillation curves and
defining solids.
%pecifications 3or entering, editing, and manipulating stream and unit
operations data. This may also be done by double clicking
the stream or -nit9p directly on the flosheet.
(un 3or running the simulations, as ell as for defining calculation
(esults 3or revieing calculated results.
0lot 3or displaying calculated results graphically.
9utput 3or preparing reports and 0rocess 3lo Diagrams +03D;s,.
%i"ing 3or performing si"ing and rating calculations for various types
of e'uipment.
Tools 3or performing various activities associated ith simulation.
These include data regression, C9. ? solids and hydrates
prediction, T9D=C9D calculations, and others.
$indo 3or arranging indos and icons display.
Help 3or invoking the CHEMCAD help system.
The Men- "a1 is folloed by the Tool "a1E The toolbar contains 1poer buttons1 or short cuts to
specific fre'uently used functions. These toolbar functions are e*plained in a later section of this
@elo the Tool "a1 is the Act.Ce A1ea. 8otice that this area is accompanied by elevator bars for
scrolling the active area display up and don, and left and right. @ecause e have not yet dran
our flosheet, the Act.Ce A1ea is no blank e*cept for the Ma.n Palette.
The Ma.n Palette provides access to the graphics functions and symbols that are necessary for the
creation of the flosheet.
Selecting Engineering Units
To select engineering units for this flosheet, select the !o1mat command either by pressing 5ALT
8 M6 or by clicking it ith the mouse. The folloing menu ill appear/

8o select the En/ Un.ts option by clicking on it ith the mouse. The folloing dialog bo* ill

The E8)7#%H units option is the default and is currently highlighted. <ou may change the
engineering units system by clicking any one of the four buttons "n%lis#, &lt $', $', or Metric, or you
can change any unit individually by clicking on the individual item and then selecting from the list
presented. 3or this tutorial e ill use "n%lis# engineering units, therefore &ust e*it the dialog bo*
by clicking the Cancel button.
To dra the flosheet you ill be orking ith the flosheet palette, hich looks like this/

0lease note the folloing about the flosheet palette/
The first bo* re!invokes the arro cursor hen needed.
The second bo* enables the user to rotate ob&ects on the flosheet.
The ne*t five bo*es +reading hori"ontally, enable the user to dra the indicated primitive
on the flosheet.
@o* number eight, the 1ab1 bo*, is used to put te*t on the draing.
@o* number nine is for draing process streams +streams must connect unit operations,.
The remaining bo*es each represent one of the unit operations in the CHEMCAD library.
0ointing to a bo* ith the cursor ill cause a small descriptive label to appear hich ill
indicate hat each bo* represents.
0ointing to a bo* and clicking ith the left button of the mouse ill activate the
corresponding function.
0ointing to a bo* and clicking ith the right button of the mouse ill cause a sub!palette of
icon options to be displayed. (ight clicking again +on the same master palette bo*, ill cause the
sub!palette to disappear.
Multiple sub!palettes may be displayed simultaneously.
The master palette may be sitched on and off using the View\Main Palette command,
by clicking on the Run imulation command, or by clicking the !" Power button.
The si"e and shape of the main palette can be controlled using the View\Palette ettin#s
9n the icon display, inlets are indicated by small blue s'uares and outlets by small bron
9ur purpose no is to set up the flosheet topology. Creating a flosheet is the process of placing
unit operations icons on the screen, connecting them ith streams, and then adding various
graphical ob&ects to enhance the draing. All of these things may be done using the palette.
$e ill start by placing unit operations icons on the flosheet. @y convention, CHEMCAD re'uires
that every stream come from a unit operation and go to a unit operation. Therefore, e must place
a Feed icon on the flosheet to serve as the 1source1 unit for the feed stream. This is a good place
to start, so point to the Feed (o) like so/

0lease follo the procedure given belo/
4. (ight click the feed icon bo*. The 3eed sub!palette ill appear. 8o right click the feed
icon bo* on the ma.n ,alette again. The sub!palette ill disappear. This is ho you call and close
-nit9p icon sub!palettes.
.. 8o left click on the feed icon +on the main palette,. The palette ill disappear and a
small, s'uare bo* ill appear on the screen. This is the cursor used to position and place -nit9p
icons on the flosheet.
A. Move the cursor to a position that is appro*imately on the left center of the screen. Then
left click the mouse. The feed icon ill appear on the flosheet and the palette ill reappear.
8otice that since e selected our feed icon from the main palette, the icon displayed is the same
one displayed on the main palette. To choose a different feed icon e ould have had to select
from the feed icon sub!palette.
This completes the placement of the -nit9p Feed.
3or purposes of instruction, let;s e*plore some of the options associated ith the 3eed icon.
a. To move the symbol/
0lace the mouse arro on the icon.
Hold don the left button on the mouse. The four indos ob&ect bo*es ill appear.
$ith the left mouse button held don, drag the icon up about one!inch, then release the
left button of the mouse. The icon position has been changed.
b. #t may be necessary to move the palette out of the ay in order to have access to the
icon. <ou can do this by clicking and dragging on the bron bar at the top of the palette.
c. To vie the ob&ect editing options/ place the mouse arro on the icon +on the flosheet,
not on the palette, and press the right button on the mouse.
d. To move or stretch an ob&ect/ left click on the icon so that the four ob&ect bo*es are
displayed around the icon. Then click and drag on one of these bo*es. The icon ill gro or shrink
according to the mouse movements.
8o let;s place the to heat e*changers on the flosheet. 0lease follo the procedure given
4. 0oint to the heat e*changer bo* and let the cursor stay there until the message label
appears. -sing this label, make sure you are pointing to the heat e*changer bo*.
.. (ight click the bo*. The heat e*changer icon sub!palette should appear.
A. 8o point to the to sided heat e*changer icon as indicated belo/

T<o4s.:e: heat e;chan/e1

B. 7eft click on this icon. The palettes ill disappear and the small, s'uare cursor ill
C. 7ocate the cursor about one and a half! +4.C, inch directly to the right of the feed icon.
Then left click again. The heat e*changer icon ill be displayed on the flosheet and the palettes
ill reappear.
D. 8o point to the icon for a hori"ontally oriented, one sided heat e*changer as indicated
One4s.:e: heat e;chan/e1

E. 7eft click on this icon. The palettes ill disappear and the small, s'uare cursor ill
F. 7ocate the cursor about one and a half! +4.C, inch directly to the right of the first heat
e*changer icon. Then left click again. The heat e*changer icon ill be displayed on the flosheet
and the palettes ill reappear.
5. 8o close the sub!palette by right clicking on the heat e*changer icon bo* on the main
<our flosheet should no look something like this/

3or convenience, move the palette to one side by clicking and dragging on the bron bar at the top
of the palette.
8o follo the procedure outlined above to place the flash tank and the valve unit operations on
the screen/

3or the condensate stabili"er itself e ant to use a distillation column module. <ou might notice
from the palette that there are multiple distillation modules available in CHEMCAD. An e*planation
of each of these options is given in the on!line Help manual. <ou can access this manual at any
time by clicking the Help command on the menu bar. 3or no hoever, let;s accept that the
module e ant to use is the rigorous distillation model called *ower. This -nit9p is found on your
palette as shon belo/
%ince e ant to use a Toer icon that has a reboiler but no condenser e must use the sub!
palette to select the proper icon. Therefore, right click on the Toer icon bo*. The sub!palette ill
appear. %elect the Toer icon indicated belo by left clicking on it.
Rebo.le: To<e1 <=o Con:ense1
8o add it to the flosheet/

Close the sub!palette by right clicking on the *ower icon bo* on the main palette.
3inally, e must put three Product icons on the flosheet, one for each product stream. The
Product icon is located slightly to the right and don from the center of the palette as shon/

$hen you are finished, you screen should look something like this/
#t;s no time to connect the -nit9ps ith streams. To do this, click the treams icon bo* on the
main palette.
There are a fe general rules to remember hen e are draing streams on the flosheet/
4. Each stream goes from a source unit to a destination unit.
.. Each unit has inlet and outlet positions. These are established hen the symbol is
created. The program alays snaps streams to these positions. During the simulation, a process
stream alays flos from an outlet position on a source unit to an inlet position on a destination
unit, but hen draing the flosheet a stream may be dran in any direction2 that is2 from an inlet
position to an outlet position as ell as from an outlet position to an inlet position.
A. $hen starting a stream, the cursor ill be a small cross. $hen the cursor gets near an
outlet position, it ill convert to a black arro. $hen this occurs you should left click the mouse to
start the stream if that is the starting position you desire.
B. $hen completing the stream to a unit, the cursor ill remain as a black arro. $hen the
cursor is near an inlet or outlet position, a label ill appear indicating the location and number of
the position.
C. 9nce the desired position has been located +as indicated by the appearance of the label,,
you should left click the mouse to complete the stream.
D. $hile draing a stream, the palette ill disappear. #t ill reappear only hen you left click
somehere on the flosheet hich is not a -nit9p inlet or outlet point. <ou are not re'uired to
click the stream +link, icon s'uare each time you begin a stream.
E. <ou can alternate beteen placing -nit9ps on the screen and connecting them ith
streams as long as the above rules are folloed.
F. The first time you change directions of a stream, CHEMCAD ill let you do so ithout any
problem. Every additional time you change directions, you must first press the left button on the
mouse to identify the longitude or latitude through hich you ant the stream to pass. Doing this
ill create an anchor point to fi* the longitude or latitude on the screen.
5. <ou may cancel the stream draing action by double clicking the left button during the
stream draing process.
$ith these rules in mind, let us no connect the -nit9ps ith streams.
Click the $treams icon bo* on the palette. The palette ill disappear and the crosshairs cursor ill
appear. Move the cursor close to the tip of the feed arro. $hen the cursor sitches to a black
arro, press the left button on the mouse. Dra the stream over to the right ith your mouse.
$hen the label for left!most inlet arro on the first heat e*changer appears, press the left button on
the mouse. CHEMCAD ill dra the stream directly to that point and ill place a stream #D
number on the flosheet. CHEMCAD issues #D numbers se'uentially, so this #D ill be 8umber 4.
<ou may change it using the "D'* $*R"&M menu +invoked by right clicking the stream, if you
ould like to do so.
7et;s dra the second stream. Move the cursor to the right!most point of the first heat e*changer.
$hen you are close enough to the unit outlet point, the cursor ill sitch over to the black arro
again. 0ress the left button on the mouse. Dra the stream over to the inlet position on the
second heat e*changer and, hen the label appears, press the left button on the mouse again.
This should complete %tream ..
8e*t, let;s dra the stream from the second heat e*changer to the flash tank. 7ocate the right most
outlet point on the Heat ")c#an%er unit. $hen the black arro appears, click the left mouse
button. 8o, dra the stream over to the flash tank until the first inlet label appears. 0ress the left
button on the mouse to complete %tream A.
7et;s dra %tream B from the top of the flash tank. Move the cursor near the top of the flash tank
until the black arro appears. 0ress the left button on the mouse. 8o, dra the stream up about
an inch and over to the left until it is directly over the first heat e*changer, then try to dra the
stream don. <ou ill notice you cannot do it2 the entire line moves don ith you. $hat e need
to do is fi* hori"ontal latitude to hich that line is pegged before e make our turn. To do this,
select your hori"ontal elevation for your cross!stream and press the left button on the mouse. 8o,
dra the steam don to the top of the heat e*changer. $hen that inlet label appears, press the left
button on the mouse.
-sing this procedure, complete the rest of the streams until your flosheet looks like this/

#f you need to delete or reroute a stream, right click on the stream to call the "dit $tream menu.
-se the Delete and (e!dra commands as needed.
$hen all streams are satisfactorily dran, double click on a vacant spot on the flosheet, and the
palette ill reappear.
$e are no finished draing our flosheet. To move on e need to activate the %imulation mode.
Therefore, at this time click on the Run $imulation command on the menu bar. The palette ill
close, and the input functions ill become available.
8e*t let;s identify hich components are to be used in this simulation. %electing the
*#ermoP#ysical command does this. Again, this may be done by pressing GA7T H 7I or by clicking
ith the mouse. Do this no please. The folloing menu ill open up/

To choose components from the standard CHEMCAD databank, click the Component +ist option
ith the mouse. The folloing Component %election dialog bo* ill appear. This dialog bo* is
organi"ed as indicated belo/

ISelecte: Com,onentsI a1eaA The current list of selected components ill be displayed in this
ICom,onent DatabanJI a1eaA All components stored in the databank+s, are listed here.
Components are listed in order of their #D numbers. $hen this area is active, a blue highlight ill
identify one of the components.
Select.on st1.n/ f.el:A This field is used to locate a component in the databank. 9nce the desired
component has been located, it is added to the flosheet component list by double clicking on it or
by highlighting it and then clicking on the &dd button. The program locates components by
matching the string entered in this field. The string can be any alphanumeric combination. The
string ill be matched to any part of an #D numbers, formula, or synonym +component name, listed
in the databank.
As you type in the string, the program automatically finds and highlights the closest match. As the
string changes, the highlighted component changes.
e;t b-ttonA #f the current match is not the component you are looking for, click the Ne)t (utton to
find the ne*t matching string.
A:: b-ttonA Clicking on the &dd (utton ill add the currently highlighted component to the end of
the flosheet component list. Components may also be selected by double clicking on them. The
selected component ill appear in the list displayed in the $elected Components &rea.
Inse1t b-ttonA This button is used to insert a component somehere in the component list, rather
than appending to the end of the list.
Clea1 b-ttonA The Clear (utton is used to delete the entire component list. $hen this button is
clicked, all of the components listed in the $elected Component &rea ill be erased.
Delete b-ttonA The Delete (utton is used to delete individual components from the component list.
To use this option, highlight the component in the $elected Components &rea and click the Delete
To sho ho a component is selected, let;s select 8itrogen. 3irst, click on the $election $trin%
Field, and then type in the string 18itrogen1. As you build the string, the program ill locate and
highlight the component nitrogen. To add it to the component list, double click on it or click on the
&dd (utton. The component ill appear in the $elected Components &rea.
8itrogen could &ust as easily been located by entering the string 18.1 in the field. The same thing
could have been done ith the string 1BD1 hich is the #D number for nitrogen. %trings, hich
comprise only part of the ord, number, or formula, can also be used. #t is also possible to
highlight the desired component by clicking on it directly and then clicking the &dd (utton.
8o select the remaining components in the component list. (emember, if the first search does
not locate the desired component, click the Ne)t (utton to find the ne*t matching string. 8o find
the folloing components and add them to the component list/
. Methane
A Ethane
B 0ropane
C #!butane
D 8!butane
E #!pentane
F 0!pentane
4J 8!he*ane
The dialog bo* should no look like this/
7et;s no save our list by clicking the 5SaCe6 button.
%electing thermodynamic options basically means selecting a model or method for calculating
vapor!li'uid +or vapor!li'uid!li'uid, phase e'uilibrium +called the >!value option, and selecting a
method or model for calculating the heat balance +called the enthalpy option,. <ou do this using the
ThermoPhysical command located on the menu bar +This is the same command you used to
access the Component List above,. 0lease click this option this no. The ThermoPhysical
menu should appear as before.
CHEMCAD has a library of about CJ >!value models ith a variety of options, and about telve
enthalpy models. Making the proper selection from these libraries can sometimes be difficult. The
issues involved and the proper techni'ues for selection are described in the Thermo$ynamics
section of the on!line manual. #n addition, CHEMCAD has a system available to assist the user in
making this choice. This feature, called the Thermo $i"ard, is also described in the
Thermo$ynamics section of the on!line manual. @ecause the issues involved in making
thermodynamic selections and in using the Thermo $i"ard are beyond the scope of this tutorial,
let;s assume e kno that e ant to use the 0eng!(obinson method for both the >!value and
enthalpy calculations. #n this case, e ould proceed as given belo.
3irst, e need to select our >!value models by pointing and clicking on the %&'alues option on the
menu displayed. 0lease do this no. The %&'alue (ptions dialog bo* ill be displayed. #n the
upper!left corner of this screen ill be a combo bo* labeled "lobal %&'alue (ption, hich is
currently highlighted. 0lease open this indo by clicking on it. <our screen should look like this/

<ou ill notice the presence of a $croll ,ar at the right of this list indicating that all of the available
options could not fit into this area. Therefore, the user may scroll through them using any of the
methods previously described in this tutorial. $e ould like to use the 0eng!(obinson method. To
make this choice, please scroll up through list2 point the arro to the Pen%-Ro(inson option2 and
click the left button on the mouse. The bo* ill close and Pen%-Ro(inson ill no be displayed in
the field.
The other options on this screen are not important to us at this time. Therefore, let;s save our
selection by pointing and clicking the G9>I button in the upper!left corner. This ill return you to the
imulation Menu )ar.
8o, let;s select our enthalpy model. Do this by again clicking the ThermoPhysical command,
then clicking the *nthalpy option. The *nthalpy (ptions dialog bo* ill be displayed. <ou ill
notice on this screen that the 0eng!(obinson method has already been chosen. The program
automatically makes this the enthalpy model hen you have chosen the 0eng!(obinson >!value
method. #f this assumption is erroneous, you may override it at this time. #n our case, e ould
like to use the 0eng!(obinson model, so let;s point and click on the 5O76 button in the upper!right
portion of the screen. This ill close the *nthalpy (ptions dialog bo*, saving the currently
displayed options.
3or the purpose of our tutorial, the thermodynamic selections are no complete.
$e are no in a position to define the feed streams. This can be done by using the $peci-ications
command on the menu bar or by double clicking directly on the stream e ish to specify. Double
click stream 4. The "dit $treams dialog bo* ill appear like this/
0lease note the folloing points about this dialog bo*.
The first field, called $tream Name allos you to enter a stream label or name. This name
may be up to 4D alphanumeric characters, and ill appear on the flosheet hen you close this
dialog bo*.
Note+ "nterin% and.or editin% suc# steam la(els can also (e done a num(er o- ot#er ways/
The ne*t four fields2 temperature, pressure, vapor fraction, and enthalpy are the
t#ermodynamic properties of the stream. According to the )ibbs 0hase (ule, once the
composition is given, specifying any to of the four thermodynamic properties of a mi*ture ill
define the other to. Thus, defining the composition, temperature, and pressure uni'uely defines
the vapor fraction and enthalpy as ell +again this is for a mi*ture only,. Alternately, defining the
composition, pressure, and enthalpy ill uni'uely define temperature and vapor fraction.
CHEMCAD, hoever, by convention, does not permit this much freedom. %ince enthalpies are
calculated relative to a datum, the calculation of any given stream enthalpy is an involved process
that is prone to errors. 3or this reason, CHEMCAD does not permit you to enter stream enthalpy.
+There is one e*ception to this rule2 hen the total component florate of a stream is "ero, entering
an enthalpy in a stream may serve as an alternative ay of adding a heat duty to a unit.,
Therefore, to uni'uely define any stream in CHEMCAD, the user must define the composition of
that stream, and any to of temperature, pressure, and vapor fraction. This is for a mi*ture. 3or
pure component, all three thermodynamic properties are sometimes re'uired.
The fields *otal Flow Units and Comp Units ork together to provide the user ith a
variety of ays to define stream compositions. #f the Comp Units are set to mole, mass, or volume
fraction +hich can be done globally or locally, then the *otal Flow Units combo bo* ill become
available. #f Comp Units is set as a flo or amount option, then the total florate becomes the sum
of the component florates and the *otal Flow Units combo bo* ill not be available for editing.
#f the Comp Units is set to an amount flo unit +as opposed to mole, mass, or volume
fractions,, then as the component florate values are entered, they are automatically summed and
the current sum is displayed in the field labeled *otal Flow/
#n the upper right hand corner of the dialog bo* is the Flas# button. Clicking this button at
anytime ill cause the program to perform a flash calculation using the currently specified
composition and thermodynamic properties. This allos 'uick flash calculations to be made
ithout e*iting the dialog bo*.
3ractions that do not sum to 4.J are automatically normali"ed upon flashing or e*iting the
dialog bo*.
8o, let;s enter the data. 7et;s start ith temperature. 0lease move to the temperature field by
clicking on it.
9nce the highlight is on the proper field, type (' 5:o<n a11o<6. $hen you press the 5:o<n
a11o<6 key, the highlight ill move don to the pressure field. 0lease enter 2>> in this field.
8e*t, let;s move don to the Nitro#en field. 0lease move the cursor don until it points to the field
to the right of Nitro%en, and click the left button on the mouse. 0lease enter )>>E)2 in this field.
#n a similar fashion, please enter the folloing numbers in their corresponding fields/
Methane BCJC.BF
Ethane C4B
0ropane .4B
#!butane 45..
8!butane 4F.4F
#!pentane .D.B
8!pentane 4B
8!he*ane 4B
%ave this stream information by pointing to the G9>I button in the upper!left corner of the dialog
bo*. $e are no ready to input the e'uipment parameters.
In,-tt.n/ e0-.,ment ,a1amete1s
peci,yin# the ,irst heat exchan#er-
#n a fashion similar to streams, e'uipment parameters may be input using either the $peci-ications
command on the menu bar or by double clicking directly on the -nit9p e ish to specify. Again,
the latter is easier, therefore, please point and double click on the first heat e*changer no. An
e'uipment!specific input dialog bo* ill appear/

Data entry screens can be more than one page long. The buttons called $peci-ications, Misc/
$ettin%s, and Cost "stimations indicate the pages for this dialog bo*. <ou may brose through
them by clicking on the tab.
0ressure drop for both sides of the e*changer is . psi. Enter a ' for both pressure drop fields.
$e need to specify the first stream outlet to be at its depoint. $e do this by specifying an outlet
vapor fraction of /. Therefore, move to the 0apor Fraction stream 1 field either by tabbing don to
it or by clicking on it. Then enter /.
This completes the input for this unit. $e no need to save this information and close the dialog
bo*. <ou do this by clicking on the 0(%1 button.
peci,yin# the secon$ heat exchan#er-
$e can no select the ne*t unit for data input. Move the cursor to the second heat e*changer and
double click. The menu for a single!sided heat e*changer ill appear.

The outlet temperature from this heat e*changer ill determine ho much of the li'uid is removed
in the flash drum. This, in turn, ill determine the cricondotherm depoint of the product gas.
Therefore, this specification is one of the key parameters of our design. As a first attempt, let;s
estimate an outlet temperature of 4'? !. Therefore, please enter ' in the Pressure Drop field and a
&' in the *emperature o- $tream 2 field. 0oint and click on the 0(%1 button to save the data and
close the dialog bo*.
peci,yin# the ,lash $rum-
#n our e*ample, the flash drum is a vapor li'uid separator and re'uires no specification. Therefore,
e do not need to enter any input for this unit.
peci,yin# the 'al'e-
7et;s enter the outlet pressure for the valve. 0lease move the cursor to the valve and double click.
The 0al3e dialog bo* ill appear. %ince our outlet pressure for this unit is 4.C psia, please enter
)2' in the Pressure Out field, then point and click on the 0(%1 button. This completes the input for
the valve unit.
peci,yin# the stabilizer tower-
8o double click toer unit. The T9$( Distillation Column dialog bo* ill appear. There are five
pages to this screen as indicated by the tabs.
9n the first page, e need to enter the top pressure, hich is )2' psia2 the column pressure drop,
hich is ' psi2 the num(er o- sta%es, hich is )2, and the -eed sta%e location, hich is stage
number ). Therefore, please complete your screen as shon belo/

7et;s continue our data input on the ne*t page. 0lease click on the $peci-ications tab. $e make
our specifications for the column on this screen. $e have no condenser or side streams on this
column so e ill only be making specifications for the reboiler.
3irst, e need to specify our reboiler mode. #n order to determine hat our options are, please
point the arro to the field belo the label $elect Re(oiler Mode and click the left button on the
mouse. A list should open displaying the available options.
As indicated in 3igure 4, e need to specify the bottom florate for this unit hich is Mode No/ 4.
Therefore, please point the cursor to 4 ,ottom mole -lowrate and click the left button on the mouse.
The list ill close and the field should no read 4 ,ottom mole -lowrate.
8o e need to specify the numeric value of that florate. This is done in the field immediately to
the right, hich opens after e make our mode selection. 0lease point the arro to that field, and
click the left button on the mouse. This field should be highlighted and e can enter a value of 23.
8o, let;s move to the last page of this data entry screen by clicking the Con3er%ence tab. As you
can see from the screen, all of the entries on this page are optional. Hoever, for the purpose of
demonstration, let;s enter an estimate of '>? ! for the top temperature and )'>? ! for the bottom
temperature. 0lease point and click on the * top field and enter a value of '> in this field. 8o
move to the field labeled * (ottom immediately belo. 0lease enter a value of )'> in this field.
8o e have completed the data input for the toer unit. 7et;s save this data by pointing and
clicking on the 0(%1 button. $hen you do this, you ill get a arning message saying you have
not entered an estimate for the distillation rate. #n a dialog bo*, the program ill ask you if you
ant to ignore this arning. $arning messages are for your information and can normally be
ignored2 therefore, please click 5*ES6 no. This ill return you to the $imulation 5indow. All of
the data entry for the flosheet is no complete.
To run the simulation, point and click on the RUN command on the menu bar. This ill cause the
R4N Menu to open up like this/
$e ant to run a steady state analysis, so select the Run &ll option.
The program ill first recheck the data and list any errors and=or arnings on the screen. #n this
case, e should have no errors, although e ill have arnings saying e have not given certain
estimates. $e can ignore these arnings and proceed by clicking the 5*ES6 button. The
calculation ill then proceed.
-pon finishing, the CC. Messa#e )ox ill appear ith the message 1(ecycle calculation has
converged1. To close this dialog bo* and clear the screen, you must click on the 0(%1 button.
8o that the simulation is complete, e ill ant to revie the results before printing a hardcopy.
$e do this using the Results and Plot commands on the menu bar. $ith these commands, let;s
check hether e have met our design criteria.
Chec5in# the cricon$entherm $ewpoint-
#f e have chosen the proper outlet temperature for heat e*changer number ., the cricondentherm
depoint for the product gas stream +$tream C, will (e .JK 3 or less. The cricondentherm
depoint, you ill remember, is the highest depoint temperature a mi*ture ill ever see at any
pressure. The simplest ay for us to identify the highest depoint temperature of the product gas
is to plot all of the depoint temperatures of the product gas, i.e., to plot a phase envelope. 7et;s
do that no.
To plot anything inside CHEMCAD, e must start ith the Plot command on the menu bar. 0lease
select this option by clicking on it. $hen you do this, the PL(T M*N4 ill appear. 9n this menu,
you ill see a list of the general categories of plots available ithin CHEMCAD. 0lease select
*n'elopes by clicking on it or by pressing the 0*1 key.
The elect streams dialog bo* ill appear. Move the cursor to stream C +the product gas stream
leaving the bottom of heat e*changer number 4, and click it once. The number C ill appear in the
dialog bo* field. 8o click 0(%1 to close the streams selection process. The Phase *n'elope
(ptions dialog bo* ill appear.

8o entries on this screen are re'uired since e only need to look at the de point line. Hoever,
to make the plot more interesting, let;s display the J..C and the J.C vapor fraction lines in addition
to the normal phase envelope boundaries. Therefore, complete the dialog bo* as shon/
8o click the 0a'e1 button to save these entries.
CHEMCAD ill perform the re'uired flash calculations necessary to generate the phase envelope
as specified above. 0hase envelope results are produced in to formats/
4. A numerical tabulation +table, of the temperature, pressure, vapor fraction, vapor
compressibility factor, and the li'uid compressibility factor.
.. A plot of temperature and pressure for each vapor fraction line re'uested.
The former is displayed in a Notepad 5indow2 the latter in a Plot 5indow. %ince data for these
indos is generated simultaneously, both indos are opened. Therefore, hen the calculations
are complete, CHEMCAD 'uickly displays the Plot 5indow, then it displays the Notepad 5indow.
%ince e are not going to use the tabulated results, please close the 8otepad 5indow no. <our
screen ill then look like this/

<ou are no in a plot indo, and your available commands have changed. Actually, this indo
can be thought of as a plot edit indo because it is the same for every plot. #t has the folloing
3ile This command is for file management and print
control as it is in every CHEMCAD indo.
Edit Contains the undo, cut, copy and paste commands.
:ie Controls the Toolbar and %tatus @ar display status.
0rovides access to "oom and editing facilities.
3or arranging indos and icons.
Help 0rovides access to the on!line help facility.
At this point, let;s make note of a fe important items regarding CHEMCAD plots.
4. To "oom in on a certain section of the plot, point to one corner of the area that you ant to
"oom in on, then click!and!drag +i.e., hold don the left mouse button hile you are moving the
cursor, to the opposite corner of that area. $hen you release the mouse button, the program ill
"oom in on the bo*ed in area. To restore the original si"ed, click on the "raph command +on the
menu bar,2 then click on the 6oom Out command.
.. The plot title te*t +in this case, P#ase "n3elope -or $tream 7, can be edited using the
Chart *xplorer facility ithin CHEMCAD. This is accessed by clicking on the "raph command,
then selecting the "dit option.
A. The color, si"e, layout and various other aspects of the plot presentation can also be
edited using the Chart *xplorer function.
B. A hardcopy of this plot can be obtained by clicking the Print (utton.
7et;s use some of these features to see ho they ork. 3irst, remembering that e are trying to
determine if the cricondentherm depoint of %tream C is 2>? ! or less, let;s "oom in on the graph
around the right most area of the curve.
a. 0oint the cursor to a point around the 4JJJ psia, J 3 coordinate on the graph.
b. 8o, push don the left button of the mouse and hold it don hile you drag the cursor to
the appro*imate location of the BJJ psia, AJ 3 coordinate.
c. (elease the left button. The program ill "oom in on the selected area, and you screen
should look something like this/

3rom this, e can see the highest depoint of this mi*ture is a little less that .JK 3. Therefore, the
cricondentherm depoint of this mi*ture is indeed at or less than our product gas specification.
9ur plot is no finished. To print the display, click the Print (utton.
This finishes our plot e*ercise. 0lease return to the main indo by closing the current indo.
Therefore, please click the button on the right hand side of the second bar. This ill return you to
the main CHEMCAD indo.
Chec5in# the bottoms stream purity-
9ur second specification re'uires that the percent of propane in %tream 5 is to be /6. $e can
check and see if e have achieved this specification by using the Results command. 0lease point
and click on the Results command or press 07LT 8 41 no. $hen you do this, the Results menu
ill appear.
$e ant to check stream compositions, and e ant to do it in mole percent. Therefore, e must
first set our flo units. 0lease point and click on the et 9low 4nits option no. The Report 9low
Rate 4nits dialog bo* ill appear. 0lease scroll don to and point and click on the option, hich
says Mole 8E Then click 0(%1. <ou ill be returned to the Main CHEMCAD $indo.
8o click Results again. 9n the Results Menu, highlight tream Compositions. 9n the
TR*7M C(MP(:T:(N M*N4, hich appears, click on elect treams. The elect treams
dialog bo* ill appear. As before, use the mouse to point to stream 5 and click once. 8o click
0(%1/ The folloing display ill appear/

$e can see from this display that propane is far belo our 46 specification. This means our
design is too conservative. To correct this, let;s go back and re!specify the column to produce
precisely 46 propane in the bottom.
0lease click the close button once.
7et;s re!run the stabili"er specifying that e ant 46 propane in the bottom. To do this, please
double click on the *ower UnitOp.
The *O5R Distillation Column data entry dialo% (o) for the stabili"er should reappear.
8o, let;s click on the $peci-ications page of the dialog bo*. $e ant to change our specification
from ,ottom mole -lowrate to a purity specification. Therefore, e must start by changing the mode
of the specification. To do this, please point and click on the field belo the $elect re(oiler mode
option and select Mode 9. This field should no read 9 ,ottom component mole -raction. To
complete our specifications, e must identify hat that purity is and for hich component it is being
specified. #n the $peci-ication field to the right, e ant to enter ;3/ instead of the present AJ.
0lease do this no. 8e*t, e must identify the component for hich e are making a purity
specification. To do this, click on the component field. A list of all of the components in the
component list ill open. Click on propane. The list ill close.
0lease click on the third page of the screen. %ince e have run this condensate stabili"er before,
e ant to instruct the program to pick up here it left off at the end of the last simulation. $e do
this by making the proper selection in the field labeled 'nitial -la% under Con3er%ence parameters;
0lease click on this option. A list ill open displaying the available options. The option e ant is
option number one, Reload column pro-ile.
$e have no made all the changes re'uired to rerun the condensate stabili"er. 7et;s save them by
pointing and clicking on the 0(%1 button.
0lease point and click on the Run option on the menu bar. This ill cause the Run Menu to
reappear. 0lease note at this point that since the only unit affected by our changes is the
condensate stabili"er itself, it is not necessary to rerun the entire flosheet. Therefore, let;s only
rerun Unit 7, the condensate stabili"er. $e do this by pointing and clicking on the Run selecte$
4nits option. 0lease do this no.
$hen e opened the Toer dialog bo*, e 1selected1 the Toer -nit9p +-nit9p 8o. C,. $hen e
closed that dialog bo*, -nit9p 8o. C remained selected even though its dialog bo* as closed.
Therefore, hen e told the program to <Run selecte$ units<, it immediately ran -nit9p 8o. C
because it as 1selected1. %elected ob&ects are indicated by the four corner bo*es hich surround
$hen the calculation is finished, the message 1Calc -nit C T9$(1 ill appear to the left on the
bottom line of the CHEMCAD indo. This should happen almost immediately since the stabili"er
runs very fast.
$e no ant to insure that e have 46 propane in the bottom stream. $e ill again do this ith
the Results command. 0lease point and click on the Results command on the menu bar. This ill
cause the Results Menu to appear.
8o, highlight the tream Compositions option and display %tream 5 using the folloing steps/
4. 0oint and click on the elect treams option.
.. Move the cursor to %tream 5, then press the left mouse button.
A. Click 0(%1.
%tream 5 should no be displayed in a Notepad 5indow. $e can see that propane is no 46, as
8o click the Notepad close bo* to close the stream composition display.
To produce a hardcopy output of any kind, use the (utput option on the menu bar. Click (utput or
press 07LT 8 (1. The (4TP4T M*N4 ill appear, and you ill have the folloing options/
Re,o1t 3or generating tabular hardcopy outputs.
Ma.n P!D 3or producing and editing the primary +first, process flo diagram.
e< P!D 3or producing additional process flo diagrams.
O,en P!D 3or editing process flo diagrams other than the main 03D.
7et;s choose the Report option by pressing the 0R1 key. This ill cause the Report Menu to

3or the purpose of this demonstration, let;s assume e ant to print out the folloing information/
4. 3or %treams 4, C, F and 5, let;s print the stream composition in mass florates and mole
fractions, as ell as the default stream properties.
.. The e'uipment summaries for every piece of e'uipment in the flosheet.
A. Toer profiles for the condensate stabili"er.
$e ill begin ith #tem 4 above. $e must first specify hich streams e ant to print out. To do
this, use the elect treams option on the Report Menu. 0lease point and click on this option
no. The elect treams dialog bo* ill appear and ill permit you to identify the desired streams
either ith the use of the mouse, or by entering the stream #D numbers in the bo*es provided.
-sing the mouse employs the same stream selection procedure illustrated above, therefore, let;s
type in the desired stream numbers this time. To do this, follo the procedure given belo/
/; %elect :No: in the small bo* ne*t to the label Print 7LL streams;
=; %elect :<es: in the field labeled elect ,rom ,lowsheet #raphic;
2; 8o e need to identify streams 4,C,F,and 5 as the selected streams. 3irst, click on the
stream #D bo* in the upper left!hand corner under the label *nter the stream :>?s.
@; Type the number ) into the field.
.; 8o, click on another field and type the number '. #t does not matter hich bo* you
select. Any bo* ill do, even if it is not contiguous to the first bo*.
A; %elect bo*es for the other streams, and enter the numbers H and 2
B; To close the elect treams dialo% (o), click on the 0a'e1 button.
$e should no be back on the Report Menu.
9ur ne*t step ill be to select the flo units for the stream compositions print out. To do this, e
use the tream 9lowrate!Composition option on the Report Menu. 0lease select this option
no. <our screen should look like this/

<ou ill notice that in the default condition the stream compositions ill be printed out in units of
molar florate. 3or *utor=, e do not ant mole florates2 e ant mass florates and mole
fractions. Therefore, e first need to turn the Mole -low rate off. <ou can do this by pointing and
clicking on the bo* to the left of the label. This bo* currently contains a checkmark indicating that,
at this time, mole florates is an active selection. 0lease point and click this bo* no.
8o, let;s turn the mass florate option on. 0lease point and click on the Mass ,lowrate bo* no.
3inally, let;s turn the Mole 9ractions option on by pointing and clicking on that option. <our screen
should look like this/

0lease save these entries by pointing and clicking on >$a3e? in the upper!right corner of the dialog
bo*. This ill return you to the Report Menu.
8o, let;s select stream properties. 0lease select the tream Properties option on the Report
Menu. The Property (ptions dialog bo* ill appear. 0lease note this dialog bo* has to pages.
<ou ill also notice this is an on=off selection screen similar to the 9lowrate!Composition options
dialo% (o). $hichever options have a checkmark in the bo* ne*t to them ill be printed.
$hichever options do not have a checkmark in the bo* ne*t to them ill not be printed. The user
may turn these options on=off by pointing and clicking ith the arro. 3or the purpose of this
demonstration, e ill use the default settings for stream properties output. Therefore, please e*it
this menu by pointing and clicking on 0C7NC*L1 in the upper portion of the screen. This ill return
you to the Report Menu.
7et;s select hich pieces of e'uipment or unit operations e ant to include in our output report.
To do this, select the elect 4nit (perations option on the menu. 0lease do this no. The elect
4nit (perations data dialog bo* ill appear. As you can see, this dialog bo* is very similar to the
$elect $treams dialo% (o), hich e encountered earlier. #n the default condition, all unit
operations are output. #f the user chooses to override this default, he=she may do so by either
entering the unit operations numbers in the column at the bottom of the screen using the keyboard
or by clicking on the elect ,rom ,lowsheet #raphics option on the screen. Then the select cursor
ill appear and unit operations ill be selected in precisely the same manner as streams selected
earlier. #n our case, e are going to print all the unit operations. %ince this is the default, e ill
make no changes. 0lease point and click on 0a'e1/
3or our final selection, e are going to specify hich information is going to be printed for the
condensate stabili"er distillation column. To do this, please select the >istillation ummaries
option on the menu. The >istillation (ptions dialo% (o) ill appear and ill permit you to do the
folloing things/
4. Tray pro,ile ? 0rint a tabular summary of the tray profiles for the column, i.e., for each
stage the program ill print the temperature, pressure, vapor florate, li'uid florate, and any
feeds and products going to or from the stage.
.. Tray properties ? A tabular summary of the transport properties of the vapor and the
li'uid on each stage of the column.
A. Tray sizin# ? (esults of tray si"ing calculations for each stage of the column. The user
may select from valve, sieve, or bubble cap trays.
B. Pac5e$ column sizin# ? 0acked column si"ing and pressure drop calculation results.
C. Tray compositions ? Tray compositions may be printed in mole or mass florates as ell
as mole or mass fractions. 9nly one may be selected.
$e are going to print only the tray profiles described in #tem 4 above. As you can see from the
checkmark on the dialog bo*, this is the default option. Therefore, please click 0a'e1 to return to
the Report MenuE
$e are no ready to generate our report. 0lease point and click on the option hich sa9s
Calculate an$ "i'e Results. $hen you do this, the report ill be displayed in a Notepad indo.
#t ill be formatted e*actly as it ould on paper.
To print this report, click the Print (utton on the toolbar.
9nce e are finished ith the report, close the Notepad indo by clicking the close button. The
Report Menu ill reappear. <ou can no generate more reports if you like. #n our case, e ant
to close the Report Menu by clicking *n$ Report. <ou ill be returned to the main CH"MC&D
Another ay to obtain a hardcopy output is to create a process flo diagram +03D,. %elect the
Main P9> option on the (utput Menu.
The program ill go into 103D mode1, hich means it ill open up certain commands and features
that up to no have been unavailable. These are/
7$$ tream )ox ? The 7$$ tream )ox command is used to create stream data bo*es. %tream
data bo*es can be used to display the heat and material balance and stream properties. As many
stream data bo*es as desired can be placed on a 03D. This command is located on the 9ormat
7$$ 4nit(p )ox ! The 7$$ 4nit(p )ox command is used to create unit operation data bo*es.
-nit operation data bo*es can be used to display the input and=or output of -nit9ps on the
flosheet. As many -nit9p data bo*es as desired can be placed on a 03D. This command is
located on the 9ormat menu.
Re,resh >ata )oxes ? The Re,resh >ata )oxes command is used to update the stream and
-nit9p data bo*es after a ne run has been made. #t is located on the View menu.
The P9> palette ? The P9> palette is a small palette hich contains only those graphics functions
hich are relevant to creating a 03D. The are the select, rotate, rectan#le, ellipse, line,
multiline, text, and Job box functions. These are described belo and in the ID1a<.n/ <.th the
PaletteI and IHo< to ,-t te;t on a :1a<.n/I sections of this -ser;s )uide.
9ther commands not consistent ith the creation of 03D ill 1gray out1 or become unavailable until
e sitch back into simulation mode.
The process of creating 03D;s consist of the folloing activities/
4. Creating and placing tream >ataboxes on the draing. %tream databo*es are framed
tabulations of the heat and material balance and stream properties. The content and style of these
databo*es is ithin the user;s control.
.. Creating and placing 4nit (peration >ataboxes on the draingE -nit 9perations
databo*es are framed tabulations of selected input and output values for each unit operation on the
flosheet. Again, the style and content of these databo*es is ithin the user;s control.
A. A::.n/ te;t to the draing. -sing the te*t facility of CHEMCAD, Titles, notes, and
various other te*t can be placed on the 03D.
B. 0lacing symbols in the 03D. The user can create and store symbols, such as company
logos, in a symbols library for later retrieval and placement on CHEMCAD draings.
C. Draing primitive +i.e., simple, ob&ects. A variety of .D ob&ects are available to the user for
freehand ob&ect creation.
To see ho these ork, let;s dra the 03D.
#n order to have ade'uate space to place additional information on the 03D, the first thing e need
to do is reduce the si"e of the flosheet. 0lease click on the Coom (ut option located on the tool
The flosheet ill shrink in the middle of the screen.
C1eat.n/ a st1eam :atabo;M
8o, let;s place the heat and material balance for the flosheet on the screen. This information is
contained in a %tream Databo*. A stream databo* is created using the folloing process.
4. Click the 3ormat command on the menu bar. The 3ormat @o* Menu ill appear.
.. Click the Add %tream @o* option on the 3ormat Menu. The %elect %treams dialog bo* ill

8ormally this dialog bo* ould be used to list the streams hich are to be included in the streams
databo*. #n our case hoever e ill include all the streams in the databo*, so e don;t have to
list the streams. The default is to include all streams. Therefore, click the 0a'e1 button to close
the dialog bo*.
The P9> Property (ptions $ialo# box ill open.
A. The 03D 0roperty 9ptions dialog bo* looks like this/

This dialog bo* is used to select hich items +for each stream, are to be included in the databo*.
#tems are selected by clicking the small bo* ne*t to them. A checkmark indicates that the item ill
be included. An empty bo* indicates that the bo* ill not be included in the databo*.
3or the purposes of this demonstration, let;s accept the default settings. Therefore, please click the
0a'e1 button to close this dialog bo* and save its; current settings.

B. $hen you close the P9> Property (ptions $ialo# box, the numerical values of all of the
selected streams and properties ill be tabulated and displayed in a $ordpad indo like so/
These are the values hich ill be used in the stream databo*.
0lease close this $ordpad indo no.
C. $hen you close the $ordpad indo, you ill see the >ata )ox ettin#s $ialo# box.
Actually this dialog bo* as created simultaneously ith the above $ordpad indo. #t as &ust
hidden behind it. This dialog bo* looks like this2

9bviously this dialog bo* is used to make format settings for the databo*. 3or simplicity accept the
default settings by pressing the 0(%1 button no. The stream databo* ill appear in the upper left!
hand corner of the 03D.
D. 8o let;s move the databo* so that it fits along the bottom of our 03D. To do this, move
the cursor until it is over the databo*. Then, hile holding don the left button, move the mouse
around until the databo* is in the bottom center of the 03D like so/
E. 8o let;s resi"e the databo*. 0oint the cursor to one of the small, black s'uares at the
corners or the databo*. Then, hile holding don the left mouse button, roll the mouse around. As
you do so the databo* ill change si"e. Move the mouse until the databo* is the correct si"e, then
release the mouse.
9ur stream databo* has been successfully completed. <ou can put as many stream databo*es on
a 03D as you desire. Thus one databo* might contain the heat and material balance, hile
another contains the stream transport properties. Alternately, one databo* might contain stream
one through tenty, hile another contains streams thirty through fifty. The system is e*tremely
-nit9p databo*es can be created using the same process outlined above. These databo*es can
contain input and=or output information for any selected -nit9p on the flosheet.
Placin# text on the P9>-
Te*t and other symbols and ob&ects can be put on the 03D also using the 03D palette. To call the
03D palette, click on the >ata )ox command on the menu bar, then select the Palette command
at the bottom of the >ata )ox Menu. A small P9> Palette ill appear at the bottom left of the
Te*t can be created and placed on the 03D using the <ab< s'uare at the far right of the palette.
0lease click on this s'uare no. The palette ill disappear and the te*t cursor ill appear. 7ocate
the cursor toards the top left of the 03D in a position appropriate for a title, then press the left
mouse button. 8o type the 03D title, 1Condensate %tabili"er 03D1. $hen finished double click
on some vacant spot. The palette ill reappear.
$e no have a complete process flo diagram. $e can generate a hardcopy of this 03D by
clicking the Print button. To close CHEMCAD, click on the Close in the upper right hand corner of
the indo. $hen you do this CHEMCAD ill ask you if you ant to save the changes to the 03D.
0lease anser 1yes1. The top!level indo of CHEMCAD ill open. Close this indo to e*it to
the operating system.
$e are no finished ith our demonstration.
During this tutorial e have accomplished the folloing things/
4. %et up a ne problem.
.. Dran our flosheet.
A. #nteractively prepared our input.
B. (un the simulation.
C. #nteractively changed our input.
D. (erun the simulation.
E. 0lotted and vieed the results interactively.
F. 0roduced a tabulated report of results.
5. 0roduced a process flo diagram.
These are the ma&or functions ithin the process simulation portion of CHEMCAD.

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