Smaug: (Dragon, Monster) Move" F S D A W C M W F Points Value: 425

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Smaug (Dragon, Monster) Move F S D A W C M W F

Points Value: 425 8 8/3+ 8 8 5 5 5 3 3 1

Special Rules
Terror; Resistant to Magic; Fly
Harbinger of Evil. All Good models within 12/28cm of Smaug suffer a -1 penalty to their
Courage value until they move out of range (note that this is not cumulative with other rules
that confer similar penalties, such as the Moria Goblin Drum).
Draconic Charge. If Smaug charges into combat, he will knock enemy models to the ground
in the same way as a monstrous mount if he wins the fight.
I Am Fire. Smaug has the Breathe Fire missile attack option as stated in the Dragon entry
from both the Moria & Angmar and Mordor sourcebooks. Additionally, once a breathe fire
shot is declared, roll a D6; on a 4+, no will point is expended for the shot.
Loose scale under the left wing When making shooting attacks against Smaug, rolls to
hit of a 6 may reroll dice once when rolling to wound.
Lust for Gold. At the beginning of the game after deployment but before the first turn, your
opponent chooses and declares that one of his heroes will be the bearer of treasure for the
entirety of the game. If Smaug is ever engaged in (base-to-base) combat with the bearer of
treasure, at the beginning of that specific combat he must roll a D6; on a 4+, nothing
happens. If 3 or less is rolled, Smaug is under the effects of Transfix/Immobilise for the
remainder of the turn. Might can be used to modify this roll.

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