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Proyect 3

Alumno: Abner Jehudi Melendres Hernndez

Docente: Lic. Adriana Rivera Garca
Grupo: 4 Horario: 4 a 5
Turno: Intermedio

A stunning alien sighting

I was in my room when I listen to a noise, then I was go for the
bedroom of my brother and I discovered that it was not sleeping, and
again I listen the noise that came from the kitchen, I decided to go to
verify what was it hapening, Then I come downstairs and entering the
kitchen take me a surprise.

In the kitchen some strange of non-human and green-colored
appearance poking around my refrigerator, suddenly one of those
strange beings take off a weapon of its pocket and they shoot a lacer
to the refrigerator's food and instantly disappeared, after some
instants a kind of UFO lead to the fleet of strange beings making them
disappearing and transporting their inside of that flying object.

Fortunately I did not suffer any damages and found my brother hidden
very scared and fearful in the batroom and as everything had
happened we were going to fall asleep calmly.

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