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Curriculum vitae

1. Name: NGUYEN DUC KHANH (male/female) MALE

2. Date of Birth: February 21
, 1980

3. Address: No 28/84 Ngockhanh Street, Badinh District

4. Office: Department of Entomology, Faculty of Agronomy, Hanoi University of Agriculture,

5. Office address: Trauquy, Gialam District, Hanoi, Vietnam.

6. E-mail: ndkhanh@hua.edu.vn Fax: ; Tel: +84 38768039

7. Employment: Hanoi University of Agriculture (HUA)

8. Position : Lecturer

9. Major: Entomology- Plant protection

10. Academic background

1. Oct. 1997- June 2001: Study at Department of Biology, University of Science- Hanoi
National University, Hanoi, Vietnam
Diploma obtained:Bachelor of Science

2. Oct. 2002- June 2005: Study at Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
Diploma obtained: Master of Science

11. Employment record:
From October 2006 on wards: Hanoi University of Agriculture (HUA)
Employer: Asst. Prof. Dr. Tran Duc Vien
Title of position: Lecturer

12. Direction of research in last 5 years
Research on insect pest on rice and vegetables.
Study on chemical ecology of main insect pests on vegetables.
13. Teaching course

- Undergraduate program: Teaching assistant and hands-on instructor on courses of Principle
Entomology 1-2, Agricultural Entomology, Special Entomology, Agricultural Animal Pests.

15. Experience in Education and Science Society

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