Agenda For Laurelhurst Neighborhoood Association Board Meeting 12/22/09

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Laurelhurst Neighborhood Association Board Meeting Agenda

Laurelhurst Club, 3721 SE Ankeny Street

December 22, 2009, 7:00 pm

Agenda Item Presenter Time
1. Introductions All 7:00 pm
2. Call to order; review agenda; approve minutes All 5 min.
3. Treasurer Kasparek 10 min.
4. Secretary Ferguson 10 min.
5. 501(c)(3) status Coe 10 min.
Discussion / Action
6. Email list of members Ferguson 10 min.
7. Newsletter advertising Eghtedari, Ferguson 10 min.
8. 39th Avenue / Cesar Chavez Blvd. Fruits 15 min.
9. Liquor licensing: 3318-20 NE Sandy Blvd Fruits, Chris Girard (Plaid
Pantry) 20 min.
10. Liquor licensing: 3390 NE Sandy Blvd Fruits, representative for
applicants invited 20 min.

Laurelhurst Neighborhood Association Board Members

Eric Fruits (President); Beth Zauner (Vice President); M. J. Coe (Past President and SEUL Representative); Jeanne
Ferguson (Secretary); Kristi Kasparek (Treasurer); Goudarz Eghtedari (Newsletter Editor); Gary Naylor (At-Large
Rep.); Elena McPhee (NE Quad Rep.); Lyle Howard (NW Quad Rep.); Kelly Bocian (SE Quad Rep.); Jim Edelson
(SW Quad Rep.).

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