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Dear Microsoft lT Academy Member,
Welcome to the Microsoft lT Academy Program and thank you for your membership! This program provides academic
institutions with cost-effective learning solutions to help prepare students and educators to succeed by providing
license access to some of the latest Microsoft training resources and Microsoft Certification exams.
To get started using your Microsoft lT Academy membership, please visit i:t*p:y'lwwl,v"a'*ierssel$t"e*:ry:l*c{uqatf*illl
lu$S"fAeedernyl;vl*rnb*rs.r-r'aspx, and log in using your lT Academy Program membership lD.
Here you will find information about the program, as well as access to all your benefits, such as E-learning, academic
pricing on courseware, exams and more! Follow the three easy steps below to begin your lT Academy membership:
St*p 3: &etiv;:lte y*i*r Me*:!*ers8'li;r $*nefits {3n8ille: To access and activate your membership benefits, sign into
the Microsoft lT Academy members website: Frttp://www.snier*so'ft"e*n'lledue+tier'y'M$iTAesdsfty/lx*mb*rs.rl.lspa.
The site is available to program administrators and authorized faculty.
Note: First-time access requires signing In with the following:
A Microsoft lT Academy member lD number. The lD number is included in the membership
confirmation e-mail you should have already received.
A Microsoft Windows Live lD. For detailed Microsoft Windows Live lD instructions visit:
i'rttpg:lla*e*uxtservie*s.passPelr't.t"!e t/ppnetworkh irn': e'srf.
5t*;:: 3: Stert l,!sir:g t*r* Mier*ssft $T" Aene*ermy &*cnr*rer S*nefits: Microsoft lT Academy membership provides
extensive resources on Microsoft technologies for your lT education program. The Getting Started section at
on the members website is an
excellent way to become familiar with the program benefits.
lf you are looking for information regarding lT Academy benefits to download, the Microsoft lT Academy
Global Benefits Guide is a comprehensive guide that helps you understand the Microsoft lT Academy benefits,
requirements, and support information: !'lttp:llwuvw.mle rossft,esrs:l*due ationlfulSiTAcadesny/d*wx*wids.t'*t*px.
$*eg: 3; !"{*}p y*xr Fae*lty ari'g{* St&,de*ts $*eeeed; Pass along the membership access (information in Step 1) and
instructor-led E-Learning Course Management tool access code information to your faculty so that they can get
started using the lT Academy program benefits today. For more information about how to use the Microsoft lT
Academy member website please visit: frttps:,fwwvr;.ff*ie rqlsoft.eomrlcSucaticn,/rtaeaCtmymcrnhtrg,rqt*:'f .
lf you need any help with your lT Academy Program membership benefits and activation, please contact the
Regional Customer Service Center in your area: www"!?:ier*ssft"e*snleducation/i"nsitacadel:rylital:conta{tu:r.,!1epx.
We look forward to working with you over the next year to provide lT education solutions for your lT programs on
Microsoft technologies and to help you prepare your students for today's workplace.
Alissa Goldstein
Worldwide Microsoft lT Academy Program Manager
Microsoft Learning
0810 Part No. XI7-00157

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