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I have this following struct which I use to describe vertexes to input

assembler stage:
struct Vertex3D
XMF!"#3 $osition% && position x' (' )
XMF!"#* +olor% && color r' g' b' a
I -now I could use
{.$!/I#I!0.' 1' DX2I3F!4M"#34352353F!"#' 1'
D3D663"$$70D3"I207D377M70#' D3D663I0$8#3$743V74#7X3D"#"' 1,
#o describe this structure if m( position was of t(pe XMF!"#59
0ow I want to extend m( struct into 3D space and I have tried to set the
desriptor as follows:
{.$!/I#I!0.' 1' DX2I3F!4M"#3435235:353F!"#' 1'
D3D663"$$70D3"I207D377M70#' D3D663I0$8#3$743V74#7X3D"#"' 1,
:ut changing the ) coordinate in position doesn;t seem to have an( e<ect in
the rendering of vertexes9 /o what would be the correct descriptor to bind
into input assembler stage vertex bu<er=
c>> windows directx?66 direct3d66

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