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- Exam info.
- Top tips Reading.
- Top tips listening.
- Questions and answers part 1 speaking.
- Cards for part 2 speaking.
- Part 9 writing samples.

- Exam info.
- Speaking tips & expressions part 1.
- Speaking tips & expressions part 2.
- Speaking tips & expressions part 3.
- Speaking tips & expressions part 4.
- Writing part 1 exercises.
- Writing part 2 sample.
- Writing part 3 sample (story + letter).
- All part 2 writing samples.
- Top tips for reading.
- Top tips for listening.
- Phrasal verbs PET.
- Collocations.
- Adjectives + preposition.
- Most typical structures for writing part 1.
- Speaking visuals (whole test).
- Speaking (what the examiner says).

- Exam info.
- Speaking tips & expressions part 1.
- Speaking questions & answers part 1.
- Speaking tips & expressions part 2.
- Speaking tips & expressions part 3.
- Speaking tips & expressions part 4.
- Visuals (whole test).
- Speaking what the examiner says.
- Writing samples (essay, report, review, proposal, etc.)
- Idioms list.
- Phrasal verb list.
- Collocations.
- Adjectives + prepositions.
- Use of English: sentence transformation exercises.
- Sentence transformations (most typical).
- Word formation list.
- Rest of use of English.
- Top tips reading.
- Top tips listening.

- Exam info.
- Speaking tips & expressions part 1.
- Speaking questions & answers part 1.
- Speaking tips & expressions part 2.
- Speaking tips & expressions part 3.
- Speaking tips & expressions part 4.
- Visuals (whole test).
- Speaking what the examiner says.
- Writing samples (essay, report, review, proposal, etc.)
- Idioms list.
- Phrasal verb list.
- Collocations.
- Adjectives + prepositions.
- Use of English: sentence transformation exercises.
- Sentence transformations (most typical).
- Word formation list.
- Rest of use of English.
- Top tips reading.
- Top tips listening.

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