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Skill or Strategy Description Activities Assessment Resources

Language and
Learning specific math
terminology and symbols

Reading childrens literature
to introduce terminology and
in appropriate context.

Playing maths games in pairs
such as celebrity heads /
matching words with
symbols (e.g.
addition/plus/sum with
symbol =)

Creating word walls of new
terms and symbols
Anecdotal evidence of games.

Evidence of individual word
walls by students

Students to write own story
using terminology
Suggested literature links:


Types of texts
Worksheets, maths books,
on-line programs such as
Read alouds and modeling to
class on maths texts and
worksheets to understand
sequence and structure

Working in pairs on
Mathletics to scaffold
learning and create peer
teaching opportunities
Create own maths
worksheets in pairs with
logical steps and sequence

Mathletics results online

Reading skills
and strategies
Ability to use the following
strategies when reading:
Recalling facts and
Sequencing and scope
Students work in small
groups to create own chart
on facts remembered from
read alouds

Students to discuss visual or
mental understanding of
maths concepts from
readings to demonstrate
mental computation
Chart is evidence of learning

Anecdotal evidence through
group discussions

Writing skills
and strategies
Ability to understand how to
write in sequence using facts
and terminology correctly
Students complete graphic
organisers on scope and
sequence, facts and figures,
KWL chart

Students works in pairs to
create own maths problems
for class
Evidenced through work
samples from organisers and
maths problems

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