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Wonder pancakes (thanks to Eve)


Delicious, delicate, lacy pancakes for carbonated water.

Need: 210 grams of flour 300 ml milk 300 ml of mineral water with gas 3 eggs 100 grams
of butter sugar to tastesalt to taste Preparation: Heat the milk and butter (until melted
butter), add mineral water, flour (through a sieve) eggs, sugar, salt. Mix the dough until
smooth. You can lightly beat with a mixer. Leave to rest for 20 minutes and continue to
bake as usual pancakes. For these pancakes I do not grease the pan. They do not stick well,
and roll over. You can lubricate the pancakes with butter, but without it they are very tasty
with a pleasant aroma of butter.At the request of the dough, you can add vanilla or lemon
zest. Source: The Hut.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010 10:14 + to quote pad

Quote message Merlin1703
Read the whole quote pad or in your community!
False chicken legs ....))))
Very ponravilsya.Interesny recipe.
has long been looking for this recipe. Ten years
ago, tried this dish at a christening. I loved it.
offer you to cook. what we need: For the
dough: 250g flour yogurt - 0.75 cup - 1 cup
(depending on flour) soda - half chayn.lozh. pinch
of salt 500 grams of minced chicken ( +
1lukovitsa, salt, black pepper to taste) 1pachka
straw salt oil for fryingPreparation: 1. Of yogurt,
soda, salt and flour to knead the dough (it should
be soft, not stick to your hands). 2. Roll out the
dough and cut into 1 mm thick strips 3 cm
wide. 3. minced well mixed, even a little bit to
leave on the table to be well behaved and not
decayed. 4. take a straw, a little minced meat stick
to the edge of the straw.5. Then a strip of dough
around the stuffing obkrutit starting from the
middle of the straw and will "chicken leg" 6. In a
pan pour oil enough to cover half of the "legs", it is
about 1-1.5 cm. Heat the oil and fry it "legs" to
browning. Bon appetit!

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