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Make the past simple or past continuous

1) What (do) when I (call) you last night? ..

2) I (sit) in a cafe when you (call). ..
3) When you (arrie) at the party! who ("e) there? ..
#) $usie (watch) a film when she (hear) the noise. ..
%) &esterday I (go) to the li"rary! ne't I (hae) a swim!
later I (meet) (ulie for coffee. ...
)) We (play) tennis when (ohn (hurt) his ankle. ..
*) What (they+do) at 1,pm last night - it was really noisy? .
.) /e (take) a shower when the telephone (ring). ..
0) /e ("e) in the shower when the telephone (ring). ..
1,) When I (walk) into the room! eeryone (work). ..
11) It ("e) a day last $eptem"er. 1he sun (shine) and
the "irds (sing) . I (walk) along the street when I
(meet) an old friend. .....
12) /e (lie) in 2ussia when the 2eolution (start). ..
13) When her train (get) to the station! we (wait) on
the platform. ..
1#) /e ("e) so annoying3 /e (always leae) his things
eerywhere. ..
1%) 4n holiday we (isit) 2ome! (see) the 5atican! and
(spend) a few days at the "each. ...
1)) Why (stand) on a chair when I (come) into the
room? ..
1*) 1hey (lied) in 6ermany when they ("e) young. ..
1.) 7t *pm yesterday! we (listen) to music. .
10) When I (leae) the house! it (snow). ..
2,) /e (work) in a "ank when he (meet) his wife.
8ill in the "lanks with past simple and 9hange these sentences into past continous (:)! (-)!(?)
1) When you in ;ondon? (to be)
2) We in a flat when we were in <aris. (not/to live)
3) What you yesterday? (to lose)
#) /e magic tricks at the party. (not/to do)
%) Mandy her room on 1hursday. (not/to tidy up)
)) 8rank a room with /enry when they in 2ome? (to share) (to be)
*) I <hysics at school. (not/to like)
.) the shop assistant 1, percent off the price? (to take)
0) $he the correct word in the e'ercise. (to use)
1,) Why the "a"y this morning? (to cry)
8ill in the "lanks with past progressie and change those sentences into past simple (:)!(-)!(?)
1) $he hockey. (to play)
2) 1hey in the pool. (to swim)
3) It . (to rain)
#) We to music. (to listen)
%) 1he mo"ile . (to ring)
)) 1he students . (to text)
*) Ma' with two girls. (to dance)
.) I in front of the shop. (to wait)
0) 1he cat in the "asket. (to sleep)
1,) /e 6erry=s "ike. (to repair)
Tell about your frst working experience (using past simple and past progressive) (75
Make an e-mail to your best friend about your last vacation (!"" words)

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