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Blogger Template Style
Name: Simple Blogger Template
Designer: NdyTeeN / Andi Setyoko
----------------------------------------------- */

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/************** MENU / SEARCH *****************/

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/************** SUBCRIBES *****************/

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/************** POST *****************/

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/************** COMMENTS *****************/

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/************** BOTTOM *****************/

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pg) repeat-x;
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/************** SOCIAL BOOKMARK *****************/

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<div id='credits'>

<p>Copyright &#169; 2009 <a href=''>Fresh

Themes Gallery</a> | <a href=''>NdyTeeN</a>. All
Rights Reserved. Powered by <a href=''>Blogger</a> and
Distributed by <a href=''>Blogtemplate4u</a> .</p>



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