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Create a class with a method that prints - 'Tata Consultancy Services'

2.Write a program with a method that writes Hello World! to the screen.
".Create a class Customer with properties # customerid $integer% name age
phone. Create an o&'ect o( Customer and initiali)e the data using parametri)ed
constructor. *rint the customer o&'ect data using getter in the main class. +mplement
using ,, concepts.
-.Create a class .em&er with properties # .em&er+d $integer% /ame 0ate o( 1irth
Contact /um&er 2mail +0. Create an o&'ect o( .em&er and initiali)e the data using
parametri)ed constructor. *rint the details o( the .em&er using the o&'ect in the
main method. *rint the age (rom the date o( 1irth o( the mem&er. +mplement using
,, concepts.
3.Create a class +tem having the (ollowing details4 +tem +0 /ame Category5small6
medium6 large7 8nit *rice 9uantity. :dd a &ehavior to modi(y the 9uantity and
display the updated details. 0isplay the :mount o( each item using :mount ;unit
price < =uantity. +mplement using ,, concepts.
>.Create an :ccount class $acct/um&er acct/ame &ranch &alance%. Write
constructors - de(ault constructor constructor$acct/um&er%. Create an o&'ect o(
:ccount using constructor$acct/um&er% assign the other values using set accessor
o( each property. 0isplay account num&er and &alance in the main. +mplement
using ,, concepts.
?.Create a class (or Student with the (ollowing attri&utes4 Student +0 /ame
Course+0 @ender and *hone /um&er. *rint the Current details o( the Student. :dd
a &ehavior to modi(y the phone num&er and display the updated details. +mplement
using ,, concepts.
A.Create the class 2mployee with the (ollowing attri&utes4 2mp +0 /ame
0esignation *ro'ect +0 and *hone /um&er. *rint the Current details o( the
employee. :dd a &ehavior to modi(y the pro'ect+0. :nd display the updated
employee details. +mplement using ,, concepts.
B.Create the Class 1ooC with the (ollowing attri&utes4 1ooC +0 Title :uthors 8nit
*rice. *rint the current details o( the &ooC. :dd a &ehavior to modi(y the price and
display the updated &ooC details. 0isplay the total :mount to &e paid (or each 1ooC
using unit price D 12E taF. +mplement using ,, concepts.
1G.Create a class Hehicle with the (ollowing attri&utes4 Iegistration /um&er .odel
.anu(acturer .anu(acturing 0ate 2ngine num&er and Color. :dd a &ehavior to
change the color and display the updated Hehicle details. +mplement using ,,
1. Create class Washing.achine and create a&stract methods Wash Iinse
and Spin. Create a child class .yWashing.achine and override the a&ove said
2.Create an inter(ace called +:ccount with a method *ost+nterest . +mplement the
inter(ace in 1ussiness:ccount.
".Create an inter(ace called Hechile and implement Jand Hechile and :ir Hechiles
-.+mplement the a&ove solution with a&stract classes.
3.Create inter(aces +CanWalC +CanKly. +mplement the inter(ace in an a&stract class
1ird. Create a concreate class Crow (or the &ird a&stract class.
>.Create a 1ase Class called animal and inherit the same into child classes liCe Cat
0og and Human
?.Create a 1ase Class called 0eposit and inherit the same into child classes liCe
KiFed 0eposit and Ieccuring 0eposit.
A.Create a 1ase Class called 2mployee and inherit the same into concreate classes
liCe *ermananent 2mployee and Contractual2mployee
B.Create a 1ase Class called Current and inherit the same into child classes liCe
:lternating Current and 0irect Current
1G.Create a 1ase Class called &ird and inherit the same into child classes liCe
*eacocC and *igeon.
11.Create an animal &ase class with a virutal method SpeaC$% and derive child
classes liCe Human 0og and Cat and override the method SpeaC$%
12.Create a class called /um&er and implement a method called :dd that does
addtion o( two num&ers. The num&ers can &e either supplied as integers or as
strings. 8se (unction overloading.
1".Create a class CompleF and overload L operator to support compleF num&er
1-.Create a class called student and overload the indeFer. Student class should
support indeFing &ased on student num&er as well as student name
13.Create a class Shape with a method :rea. +nherit classes liCe rectange and
s=uare and circle. ,verride the method :rea o( the class shape.

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