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Teacher Name: Ms.

LeBlanc Content Area: 2

grade Art
Date: 10/27/14 Class Hour: 6th
Desired Outcomes
I can identify a symbol
I can create a symbol
Assessment of Learning
Formative: Student creates several sketches using native American symbols and selects one symbol for
final product
Arts/Technology Integration Strategy
Powerpoint slides
Time Frame Learning Plan
1. Intro: T shows examples of Native American sand paintings and explains the
concept of symbolism. S identify the meanings of common symbols.
2. Direct Instruction (I DO): T provides examples of Native American symbols and
demonstrates how to create a line drawing using these symbols
3. Guided Practice (We DO): Class works at the same time to draw one simple
Native American symbol and turn it into a line drawing.
4. Independent Practice (You DO):
S work independently to create their own design using lines and symbols
5. Lesson Closure: S share the symbol they chose for their design and what it means.
Materials: Paper, pencils, Symbolism worksheet

Teacher Name: Ms. LeBlanc Content Area: Pre-K Art
Date: 10/28/14 Class Hour:6th
Desired Outcomes
I know what a pattern is
I can make a pattern using finger paint.
Assessment of Learning

Formative: S create patterns by alternating between two colors.

Arts/Technology Integration Strategy
Powerpoint Slides
Time Frame Learning Plan
1. Intro: S review what texture is. T introduces pattern. S identify the repetition of
shapes creating the patterns shown.
2. Direct Instruction (I DO): T demonstrates how to create a pattern by repeating a
shape over and over using oil pastels
3. Guided Practice (We DO): T & S practice making a pattern using the same line
repeated over and over. T & S practice making another pattern using a line then a
dot and repeating.
4. Independent Practice (You DO): S continue to make patterns on their own and
experiment with oil pastels
5. Lesson Closure: S review what pattern means

Construction paper, oil pastels

Teacher Name: Ms. LeBlanc Content Area: 2
grade Art
Date: 10/29/14 Class Hour: 6

Desired Outcomes
I can identify a symbol
I can create artwork using symbolism
Assessment of Learning
Formative: Student creates sand painting using native American symbolism
Arts/Technology Integration Strategy
Powerpoint slides
Time Frame Learning Plan
1. Intro: T shows examples of Native American sand paintings and explains the
concept of symbolism. S review the definition of symbolism.
2. Direct Instruction (I DO): T demonstrates how to draw symbol with glue and
sprinkle salt over design.
3. Guided Practice (We DO): Class works at the same time to draw one simple
shape in glue.
4. Independent Practice (You DO):
S work independently to create their own design using glue; T calls up one student at a
time to sprinkle salt over design.
5. Lesson Closure: T shows several images of Native American sand paintings and
S identify the use of color.
Materials: Cardboard, glue, salt

Teacher Name: Ms. LeBlanc Content Area: Pre-K Art
Date: 10/30/14 Class Hour:6th
Desired Outcomes
I know what a pattern is
I can make a pattern using oil pastels
Assessment of Learning

Formative: S create patterns by alternating between two colors.

Arts/Technology Integration Strategy
Powerpoint Slides
Time Frame Learning Plan
1. Intro: S review what a pattern is. S identify the repetition of colors creating the
patterns shown.
2. Direct Instruction (I DO): T demonstrates how to create a pattern by alternating
two colors using oil pastels
3. Guided Practice (We DO): T & S practice making a pattern using the shape
repeated over and over. T & S practice making another pattern using one shape
then another shape and repeating.
4. Independent Practice (You DO): S continue to make patterns on their own and
experiment with oil pastels
5. Lesson Closure: S review what pattern means

Construction paper, oil pastels

Teacher Name: Ms. LeBlanc Content Area: 2
grade Art
Date: 10/31/14 Class Hour: 6th
Desired Outcomes
I can identify a symbol
I can create a symbol
Assessment of Learning
Formative: Student creates several sketches using native American symbols and selects one symbol for
final product
Arts/Technology Integration Strategy
Powerpoint slides
Time Frame Learning Plan
1. Intro: T shows finished artwork and explains that today we will use color to
complete our designs.
2. Direct Instruction (I DO): T gives specific directions on how to use watercolors.
3. Guided Practice (We DO): Class walks T through the steps to properly use
4. Independent Practice (You DO):
S work independently to add color to their design using watercolors
5. Lesson Closure: S review the purpose of Native American sand paintings.
Materials: Watercolors, brushes, cups water.

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