Securing Server

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Server Hardening
1. Protect the BIOS with PW
During the boot process you can set the PW by entering in the BIOS.
2. Protect GRUB with PW
# i boot!grub!grub.con"
%. Disab&e root &ogin' Per(it)(ptyPasswor#s no
*. +&&ow speci"ic user to &ogin' +&&owUsers a&e,
-. .hange ss port to /222' port $ /222 0#on1t "orget to open this port2
3. User ssh protoco& 2' Protoco& 2
4. Gie a#(in user a#(in per(ission
5whee& +66$0+662 +66
8. Disab&e unuse# serices to start at boot
# ntsys
/. Disab&e reboot by .tr&9+&t9De&
# i !etc!init!contro&:a&t:#e&ete.con"
#e,ec !sbin!shut#own :r now ;.ontro&:+&t:De&ete presse#;
17. )nab&e "irewa&&
# a"ter chec<out with this c(#' iptab&es :6
11. Set S)6inu, to en"orcing
# seten"orce 1
# geten"orce
11. .hec< "i&e syste( per(ission an# a#apt i" necessar. Stic<y bit shou&# be set on !t(p
#rw,rw,rwt. % root root *7/3 =u& 2* 7%'%7 t(p
#rw,r:,r:,. * root root *7/3 =u& 2% 2%'-8 ho(e
#r:,r:,:::. % root root *7/3 =u& 2* 77'7% root
12. Set we&co( an# preention (essage
# cat > !etc!issue
?his serice is restricte# to authori@e# users on&y. +&& actiities on this syste( are &ogge#.
Unauthori@e# access wi&& be "u&&y inestigate# an# reporte# to the appropriate &aw
en"orce(ent agencies. .tr&9D to Auit
1%. Disab&e &oca& &ogin e,cept the root account
touch !etc!no&ogin
1*. &oc< ssh users a"ter % "ai&e# &ogin atte(pts
# echo ;auth reAuire# pa(Bta&& #eny$% onerr$"ai& un&oc<Bti(e$377; >>
pa(Bta&& uses the "i&e !ar!&og!ta&&y&og as a counter "or the "ai&e# &ogisC i" you wish
to chec< the counter you can use the co((an# pa(Bta&&y2
DrootEnu<eF# pa(Bta&&y2
1-. )n"orce passwor# po&icy
Preent Reusing O&# Passwor#s
su#o i !etc!pa(.#!syste(:auth
passwor# su""icient pa(Buni,.so sha-12 sha#ow nu&&o< tryB"irstBpass useBauthto<
Set Gini(u( Passwor# 6ength
su#o i !etc!pa(.#!syste(:auth
passwor# reAuisite pa(Bcrac<& retry$% #i"o<$% minlen=10
Set Passwor# .o(p&e,ity
su#o i !etc!pa(.#!syste(:auth
passwor# reAuisite pa(Bcrac<& retry$% #i"o<$% (in&en$17 ucredit=-1 lcredit=-
2 dcredit=-1 ocredit=-1
Set Passwor# ),piration Perio#
su#o i !etc!&ogin.#e"s
It can a&so be #one by per user basis su#o chage :& ,(o#u&o

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