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GATECounsellor VPL-3

*Some words can be remembered by relevant tricks (used by aspirants). We do not claim for the origin of
any word. We only discuss the best possible way to track their meaning.
Vocabulary Practice Lesson-3
Origin/Funda* Example
dexter (Sinister) in Latin & droit (Gauche)
in French signifies right (left) hand
Dexterous: skilful
Sinister: evil, ominous
Adroit: skilful
Gaucherie: awkward or tactless act
misien- to hate
anthropos-related to mankind (human)
gyne- woman
andros- male
Misanthrope: one who hates peoples
Gynaecology: study and treatment of the
diseases of the female reproductive system
Andrology: branch of medicine concerned with
male diseases, esp. those affecting the
male reproductive system
monos- one
poly- many
Monogamy: one marriage at one time (legal)
Polygamy: having more than one spouse
at a time
Bicameral: two-chambered
astro- star
nomos- arrangement, order
nautes- sailor {naus-ship}
Astronomer: one who is interested in
arrangement of stars & other celestial bodies
Astronaut: sailor among the stars
Aster: star shaped flower
Disaster: dis(against) + aster
Believed to be happen due to opposition of stars
nomos-arrangement, law, order
Autonomy: self law/government
Autobiography: person's life history written by
that person

Now, find the meaning of these words:
1. Ambidexterous
2. Misogynist
3. Polyandry
4. Anthropology
5. Philanthropist
6. Bigamy
7. Astrology
8. Asterisk
GATECounsellor VPL-3

*Some words can be remembered by relevant tricks (used by aspirants). We do not claim for the origin of
any word. We only discuss the best possible way to track their meaning.

1. Somnambulism: sleep walking
2. Somniloquy: sleep talking
3. Thanatophobia: fear of death (phobos, fear)
Agoraphobia: an abnormal fear of being in open or public places (agor,
Acrophobia: fear of great heights (akros, at the point, end, or top)
ACID, ACRID (sharp, bitter smell/taste), ACRIMONY (bitter
manner/speech), ACERBIC all are related to sharpness in speech/smell
taste etc. Have a look at their dictionary meanings.
4. Euphemism: mild expression in place of unpleasant (offensive) one
5. Somnolent: inducing drowsiness {usage: song of her mother had a somnolent
6. Extrovert: one whose interest is directed to things outside oneself and to other
persons rather than to oneself or one's experiences

PERVERT: to cause to turn from what is considered right, good, or true;
corrupt (PERVERSE is adjective)
CONVERT: change from one form or use to another
INVERT: to turn upside down

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