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Using this data sheet the name is Practice sheet find out the following parts:
Part (A) Mark Sheet:
(1) Point out the duplicate number with any color.
(2) Point out the larger number.
(3) Calculate total number of F grade.
(!) Point out obtain mar"s greater than 0 with any color.
(#) $pply conditional formatting in barform on the obtained mar"s.
(%) &ind out mar"s between !0 t" 0yellowcolors.
(') Point out the entire name which ha(e# L#character.
()) $pply filtering techni*ue in descendingorder on +rade.
(,) &ind out the top # mar"s holder in the gi(en data sheet.
Part ($) Da%&' Sa&e( )e*"rt:
(1) Use daily sales report draw chart of -ales. +ross -ales. /et -ales for comparison
( /ote: 0a"e data from sheet 1)
(2) 1n sheet 3 import product name. -ales. 0otal e2penses and net sales
( /ote: 0a"e data from sheet 1)
(3) 3a"e list on product name and 4in" it with sales and net sales with the help of
( /ote: 0a"e data from sheet 1)
(!) 8epeat the abo(e point with some changes lin" list with sales and net sales and sum up
the similar product sale and net sales
Part (C) )e+" the Sa&ar' A,a&'(%( -"+e&.
Part (D) )e+" the /ESC A,a&'(%( -"+e&.

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