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Student Expectations in the Classroom

1. Follow directions.
2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
3. Complete work quietly without interrupting others.
4. Work and play safely.
5. Respect others and school property.

Classroom Management

- Expectations are presented to students on day 1.
- Card Pulling System (Individual Behavior)
Each student has a green, yellow, blue, and red card in a pile on a

Students begin with a fresh green card each day.

Students are given warnings for inappropriate behavior. After
several warnings, students may be asked to change their green card
to a yellow card, their yellow card to a blue card or their blue card
to a red card.

Students earn a stamp at the end of the day if they stay on green. If
a student earns a yellow, blue, or red card, they do not earn a

5 stamps = 1 prize from the Starbox

Students pick from the Star Box every 20 days.

Students who earn a red card receive a parent letter that needs to be
signed and returned the next day. The student will have
consequences that correlate with their behavior.

- Marble Jar (Whole Class Behavior)
Marbles can be earned or taken away. When the class fills the
marble jar, the students vote on a prize, such as pajama day, extra
recess day, craft day, or movie day, and we celebrate!

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