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B777 - 200/IGW

Designed by Hendrik Meyer



Table of contents

- 00 - GENERAL 1
B777 Features...........................................1
Flight Controls ...........................................2
Doors & Windows......................................3
Panels and Racks .....................................3
Electrical System.......................................5
Air Conditioning .........................................5
Hydraulic Control .......................................6
Electronics general ....................................6
ARINC 629 ................................................6
ASG (ARINC signal gateway)....................6
OPAS (overhead panel ARINC 629 syst)..6
OLAN (onboard local area network)..........7
Temperature control ................................13
Ventilation System...................................14
Heating ....................................................15
Equipment Cooling ..................................16
Cabin Pressure Control System..............17
- 22 - AUTOFLIGHT 19
AFDS (autopilot flight director system) ....19
TMCS (thrust management comp syst) ..22
Flight Interphone......................................25
Service Interphone ..................................26
Ground Crew Call System.......................26
VHF Communication ...............................27
HF Communication..................................28
CVR (Cockpit Voice Recorder)................29
CMS (cabin management system) ..........30
CSCP (cabin system control panel) ........33
CACP (cabin area control panel).............33
CMS printer .............................................33
CIS (cabin interphone system) ................33
PAS (passenger address system............34
PSS (passenger service system) ............35
PES (audio) .............................................36
Cockpit Panels ........................................38
External Power ........................................38
AC Generation ........................................39
Load Shedd.............................................41
DC Generation ........................................41
Engine .....................................................44
Lower Cargo smoke detection ................46
Duct leak/overheat detection...................47
Wheel well fire detection .........................47
Lavatory smoke detection .......................47
General ...................................................49
PFCS (primary flight control system) ......49
ACE (actuator control electronics) ..........51
PFC (primary flight computer) .................52
Aileron .....................................................54
Spoilers ...................................................57
Auto Speedbrake ....................................57
Rudder ....................................................58
Elevator ...................................................60
HLCS (high lift control system)................63
Flaps .......................................................64
Slats ........................................................67
- 28 - FUEL 69
General ...................................................69
Vent System............................................70
Refuel System.........................................71
Engine Fuel Feed....................................72
APU Fuel Feed........................................73
Fuel Jettison............................................74
- 29 - HYDRAULIC 76
General ...................................................76
HYDIM cards...........................................76
ADP Assembly ........................................77
Fire Switch...............................................78
Flight Control S/O Valves........................79
Pressure and Case Drain Filter Module..79
Return Filter Module................................79
Reservoir .................................................79
ADP control .............................................80

ACMP control ..........................................80
RAT (ram air turbine)...............................81
Indication .................................................81
MAT tests ................................................82
Wing Anti Ice ...........................................83
Engine Anti Ice ........................................84
Ice Detector .............................................85
Air Data Sensor Heating..........................85
Window Heating ......................................86
Drain and Water Supply Heating.............86
AIMS (31-41) ...........................................87
FDR (flight data recorder)........................88
PDS (primary display stystem) (31-61)....89
WES (warning electronic system) ...........93
- 32 - LANDING GEAR 95
L/G control ...............................................95
MLG retraction / extension ......................95
MLG Truck Positioner Actuator ...............96
NLG retraction / extension.......................96
Alternate Extension System ....................97
PSS (proximity sensor system) ...............98
Proximity sensors ....................................98
Indication .................................................98
TSS (Tail Strike System) .........................99
Air / Ground System................................99
Steering .................................................100
Wheels and Brakes ...............................101
Brake hydro-mechanical control ............102
Parking Brake........................................103
ABS (Auto brake system) ......................103
Anti skid system ....................................104
Brake Temperatur Monitoring System...106
Brake Cooling Fan System....................107
Tire Pressure Indication System ...........107
- 34 - NAVIGATION 108
FMCS (flt management comp syst).......108
Pitot/Static & Standby Instruments........111
ADIRS (air data inertial reference syst) .111
ADIRU (air data inertial reference unit) .112
SAARU (sec attitude air data ref unit) ...113
Air Data /ATT Source Switch.................113
AOA (angle of attack) ............................113
ILS (instrument landing system)............113
MBS (Marker beacon system)...............114
RA (radio altimeter) ...............................115
VOR (VHF omnidirectional ranging)......116
DME (distance measuring equipment) ..117
ADF (automatic direction finder)............117
GPS (global positioning system) ...........118
GPWS (ground proximity warming syst)119
ATC (air traffic control) ..........................120
TCAS (traffic alert & collision avoidance
system) ..................................................121
WXR (weather radar) ............................122
- 35 - OXYGEN 124
Crew Oxygen.........................................124
Pax Oxygen...........................................124
- 36 - PNEUMATICS 125
General .................................................125
Engine Bleed Air....................................126
- 38 - WATER & WASTE 132
Portable Water ......................................132
- 45 - CMCS 135
MAT (maintenance access terminal) ....135
- 49 - APU 138
General .................................................138
Air Inlet Door .........................................139
Oil system .............................................140
Fuel system...........................................140
Air System.............................................142
- 52 - DOORS 144
Passenger Door ....................................144
FWD Cargo Door ..................................145
Aft Cargo Door ......................................146
Bulk Cargo Door....................................147
Access Doors........................................147
- 71 - POWER PLANT 149
General .................................................149
Engine Mounts ......................................149
MAT Tests.............................................149
Inlet Cowl...............................................149
Fan Cowl Doors ....................................149
T/R Doors..............................................150
- 72 - ENGINE 151
General .................................................151
- 73 - ENG FUEL & CONTROL 153
Fuel distribution.....................................153
Fuel control ...........................................153
- 74 - IGNITION 157
- 75 - AIR 158
Bleed Valves .........................................158
VIGV and VSV.......................................158
TIC (turbine impingement cooling) ........159
ACAC (air cooled air cooler) .................159
General .................................................160
Flt Deck Controls...................................160

- 77 - INDICATION 162
EPR (engine pressure ratio) ..................162
N1 / N2 / N3...........................................162
EGT (exhaust gas temperature)............163
AVM (airborne vibration monitor) ..........163
- 78 - EXHAUST 165
- 79 - OIL 168
Components ..........................................168
Oiltank ...................................................168
Oil Pump & Filter Housing.....................168
Scavenage Oil Filter ..............................168
AOHE (Air Oil Heat Exchanger) ............169
FCOC (Fuel Cooled Oil Cooler) ............169
Indication ...............................................169
- 80 - STARTING 170
SCV (Starter Control Valve) ..................170
Engine Start...........................................170


- 00 -
AMM Part I Sytems description part
description of interfaces, function and operation of A/C systems

AMM Part II Mantenance Practices and procedures
to do the maintenance of the A/C

SSM System schematic manual
Component location
Component identification
Logic for system/subsystem operation
Logic for messages

FRM Fault Reporting Manual
Simple list of fault description
Each fault description has a fault code

FIM Fault Isolation Manual
Used to isolate and correct A/C faults
B777 Features
LCD Displays
Fly by wire technology
ARINC 629 data buses
6-wheel L/G trucks with steering
load per unit on RWY is reduced
less tires scrubbing
Fibre optic technology
no electrical interference
AIMS (airplane information management system)
most importment function CMCF (central maintenance
computing function)
A/C has no winglets
MTOW -200 247'208 kg (95T Fuel)
MTOW -200 IGW 286897 kg (139 T Fuel)
2 Refuel Stations

Flight Controls
Primary Flight Controls (PFCS) (All flight controls fly by wire)
2 Flaperon
14 Spoilers (5 outbd ,2 inbd) (Spoiler 4 and 11 are mechanical
Horizontal Stabilizer (FBW by control wheel switches, mech by
Alt trim switches)
1 Rudder (with Tab for effectivity increase)
HLCS (high lift control system)
2 Krueger Flap (just inbd of engine strut)
14 L/E Slats
2 outbd Flap
2 inbd Flap
Primary Mode hydraulically
Alternate Mode electrically

Example: 543CB
5 = Major Zone
4 = Sub Zone
3 = Zone
C = Sequence Letter
B =Locator Letter (B=Bottom, T=Top, L=Left, R=Right,Z=Internal)

Manufactoring Sections
41, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48
Center Section
Section 44
Radome Tip
STA 92.5
FWD pressure Bulkhead
STA 132.0

Major Zones 8ea
100 lower half of fuselage
200 upper half of fuselage
300 empenage and body sect 48 (aft of bulkhead)
400 power plants and nacelle struts
500 left wing
600 right wing
700 landing gear and landing gear doors
800 passenger and cargo comartment doors

Doors & Windows
B777 IGW
8 plug type passenger doors
No Door Pins!
Flt Lock by el Solonoid (Speed > 80 kts)
Witness port: Yellow Flag visible Door NOT safe
10 plug type passenger doors
Flt deck windows 2L/2R are sliding windows

Panels and Racks
Panels Flight Deck
Flight Deck
P8 AFT Aisle Stand Panel
P10 Control Stand
P9 FWD Aisle Stand Panel
P1 LH FWD Panel
P2 CTR FWD Panel
P3 RH FWD Panel
P7 Glareshield Panel LH /RH
P55 Glareshield CTR Panel
P5 Overhead Panel
P11 Overhead CB Panel
P61 Overhead Maint Panel
P18 MAT (maintenance access terminal)

Panels Main Equipment Center (MEC) 3 Access

MEC LH looking AFT
P110 LH Power Management Panel
P310 Standby Power Management Panel
MEC RH looking AFT
P210 RH Power Management Panel
P300 Auxiliary Power Panel
MEC LH looking FWD
P100 LH Power Panel
P320 Ground Service/Handling Power Panel
MEC RH looking FWD
P200 RH Power Panel
FWD Cargo Door FWD Doorframe
P35 FWD Cargo Handling Accessory Panel
AFT Cargo Door FWD Doorframe
P39 AFT Cargo Handling Accessory Panel


FWD Equipment Center
LH / RH WXR RT Units
E1 Rack MEC LH side looking aft
E2 Rack MEC RH side looking aft
E3 Rack MEC LH side looking fwd
E4 Rack MEC RH side looking fwd
E5 Rack AFT frame of FWD cargo door
RH PSA (power supply assembly)
RH FCDC (flight controls dc) Battery
RH Actuator Control Electronics
RH Radio Altimeter
FQPU (fuel quantity processor unit)
CTR Radio Altimeter
LH Radio Altimeter
E6 Rack AFT frame of AFT cargo door
E7 Rack Passenger compt above aft galley (STA 2100)
Voice Recorder
Flight Data Recorder
APU Controller
E10 Rack AFT of bulk cargo door
APU Battery and Charger
E12 Rack AFT of bulk cargo door
Cabin Telecommunication Unit
LH Telephone Transceiver
RH Telephone Transceiver
E11 Rack Cabin ceiling above door 3 cross aisle (STA 1530)
(Basic SATCOM)
High Power Amplifier
Radio Frequency Unit
Satellite Data Unit
E15 Rack Cabin ceiling just aft of Door L1
Cabin File Server
Disk Drive Unit
Speaker Drive Modules
E16 Rack FWD frame of FWD cargo door
RH PFC (primary flight computer)
FWD Cargo System Controller
E17 Rack FWD frame of AFT cargo door
AFT Cargo System Controller

System Cardfiles
Sytem cardfiles hold interface cards for systems that use ARINC
429 Buses
P85 LH Syst Cardfile (LSCF)
P84 RH Syst Cardfile (RSCF)

Electrical System
(5) Main Power Sources
(2) IDG (120 kVA)
(1) APU Generator (120 kVA)
(PEP) Primary External Power (90 kVA)
(SEP) Secondary External Power (90 kVA)
(2) Backup Sources
(2) (BUG) Backup Generator (20 kVA)
(2) Standby Sources
RAT Generator (7 kVA)
Battery (47 amp/hour)
External Power
P30 External Power Panel
Primary External Power Receptecal FWD (Connect First)
(supplies Ground Service Bus)
Secondary External Power Receptecal AFT
External PWR Quality
Connected Lights above receptecal ON indicates good quality
If PEP does not work Battery Switch MUST be ON to use SEP.

(2) Starters
pneumatic (primary)
Auto Start
<APU RUNNING> memo message on EICAS when APU speed > 95%
Staus Page shows
EGT, RPM, Oil Syst Data
Auto Shut down protection
2 Modes
Attendend, Unattendend
Normal shut down is delayed up to 105 sec
<APU COOLDOWN> memo message
After emergency shutdown with APU fire shut off switch
Reset start system by pushing fire test switch
Reset start system by pushing fire handle in again

Air Conditioning
7 Zones
Actual and target temperature shown on Air Synoptic Page

Hydraulic Control
(9) Pumps
(4) Primary pumps always running: L Eng, R Eng, C1/C2 ELEC
Pumps (ACMPs)
(4) Demand pumps running only on demand: L ELEC, R ELEC,
C1/C2 AIR (ADPs)
(1) RAT
R ELEC pump is used to charge Brake Accu
Electronics general
Display Units are LCD
STBY Instruments are LCD
LWR CTR Display Unit Installation is reversed (top to bottom)
Printed Circuit (PC) card removal/installation: (ESDS) wrist strap required

ARINC 629 Data Buses (ARINC Aeronautical Radio (Incorporated)
(11) ARINC 629 Bus (3) Flight Control Bus, (4) System Bus, (4)
AIMS Interconnect Bus
Color Code is Yellow/Blue
LRUs can transmit one at the time
LRUs can receive all together

ASG (ARINC signal gateway)
ASG (ARINC signal gateway) change data format 429 to 629 ,digital
signals, discrete signals and versa visa

OPAS (overhead panel ARINC 629 syst)
OPAS (overhead panel ARINC 629 system)
converts and moves data between flt deck switches, lights and the
ARINC 629 system bus
(2) OPCF (Overhead Card Files) for overhead panels
(2) PDCU (Panel Data Converter Unit) for lower panels
(2) OPBC (Overhead Panel Bus Controller)


OLAN (onboard local area network)
Controlled by AIMS (airplane information management system)
AVLAN (avionics local area network)
CMCS (central maintenance computing system) MAT
CABLAN (Cabin local area network)
CMS (cabin management system)
Fibre Optic
10 times faster than ARINC 629
Weight saving
Color Code: light purple
converts light signal to electrical signal


- 21 -
AIR COND RESET switch resets
Recirc fans
L/R pack control valves
L/R trim air valves

BULK Cargo temperature selector
Bulk cargo Vent Fan starts if temperature selector in HIGH
Life stock transport

CTC (cabin temperature controller) (2)
2 Channels (One channel primary, one channel redundant control)
Channels are swapped after landing and pack off
Channel in control see Air Conditioning Maintenance page
Location: MEC E1/E2 rack (ajacent to ASCPC)
Onside controlling
ASCPC does backup control to maintain cabin pressure
Both CTC control mix manifold temperature (R CTC is primary)

CTC functions
Pack flow (regulation/off)
Pack cooling/mixing
Manifold temperature
Trim air (regulation/off)
Zone temperature
Recirculation air

Pack shut down signal from CTC
Pack overheat
Compressor overheat
Engine start

ASCPC functions (L ASCPC is primary, R ASCPC is backup)
Pack flow schedule acc. to user systems signal to CTC
Pack flow (on/off) (both flow control shutoff valve)
Backup pack flow (CTC failed)
Trim air (on/off) (Trim air PRSOV)

ECSMC (ECS miscellaneous card) (2)
Location: L/R SCF
R ECSMC is primary, L ECSMC is backup at power up (swap every
air/ground transition)
Switch to power off card for removal/installation
Cards are interchangeable


ECSMC controls
L ECSMC controls aft cargo heating
R ECSMC controls bulk cargo heating
Equipment cooling (normal)
Lav/Galley vent fans
Bulk cargo vent fans
Gasper fan
Chiller boost fan
Supplemental heating

ECC (equipment cooling controller) (2)
controls supply fans (2) and override valve
stepover logic if ECSMC fails

UPR / LWR Flow Control and Shutoff Valve
One is operative at the time (to preserve life of ozone converter)
UPR operates at low altitude (< 24000ft)
LWR operates at high altitude (> 24000ft)

L Pack supplies Flight Deck
R Pack supplies Mix Manifold (for 6 cabin zones)

LWR Recirc Fan (2)
Fwd cargo compartment
UPR Recirc Fan (2)
Cabin ceiling

Trim Air PRSOV (2)
Trim air always passes through ozone converter

Zone Air Modulating Valve (7)

Pack LO Flow condition
Pack internally goes into ECON cooling mode
Ask ASCPC for more flow (Bias signal 6 psi)

Pack Flow Control and Shutoff Valve
Electrically controlled and pneumatically operated
Spring loaded closed
No electrical power and pneumatic pressure Valve open
Electrical power and pneumatic pressure Valve modulates to close
ASCPC overrides CTC
Proximity switch for position feedback to CTC (both valves must be
closed to get OFF light)
Manual lockout procedure
turn locking crank to close
remove locking plug

Flow sensor
2 differential sensors
1 inlet pressure sensor
Signal to CTC for mass flow calculation and to ASCPC for backup mode
manifold regulation


Primary and Secondary Heat Exchanger Outlet Temperature Sensor (2)

Used for condition monitoring
Interchangeable with Compressor Outlet Temperature sensors

Compressor Outlet Temperature Sensor (3)

(2) CTC
At least one sensor must be valid or pack shut down occurs

Primary Heat Exchanger Inlet Temperature Sensor

Used for mass flow calculation

Flow schedules (0 - 4)
ASCPC sets flow schedule that the CPC use to control air flow into packs

Flow schedule 0 (zero) signal from ASCPC to CTC
Both pack flow control and shutoff valves close (Stall warning,
ground air start)
Flow schedule 1 gives largest airflow
Flow schedule 4 gives the minimum to pressurize A/C and to operate
Flow schedules operate only when engines supply packs

After a single engine start, pack does not operate until 2 minutes after
startup (Pack OFF light will be ON)

If flow of one pack decreases (to keep pack operation in limit), CTC
sends bias signal to other pack to increase flow

After a recirc fan failure pack flow increases

FWD or AFT cargo fire ARM increases pack flow

Pack takes 35 seconds to shut down
permits condensed water to evaporate

Pack OFF light comes ON, if both Flow Control and Shutoff Valves are

Backup Flow Control by ASCPC
If CTC fails ASCPC backup controls pack flow control
Accurate zone temperature is not available
UPR Flow Control and Shutoff Valve is closed through CTC
ASCPC tries to keep pack discharge temperature to 4 deg (modulating
lower flow control and shut off valve)
High compressor discharge temperature or high pack outlet temperature
cause pack shutdown (reset with pack switch or AIR COND RESET
ASCPC shutdown due to stall warning or manual shutdown by pack

ACM (Air Cycle Machine)

One Compressor stage
Two Turbine stages
Air bearings

Dual Heat Exchanger
Heat exchanger is cleanable through the heat exchanger cleanout panel

Economy Cooling Check Valve
Permits airflow around ACM compressor when pack starts to operate or
when pack has a ACM failure

Cools air in packs before water collector
Heats pack air to add energy for the turbine

LLV (Low Limit Valve)
Controls amount of reheater air to turbine 1
Limits air outlet temperature (above 1 deg)
Interchangeable with Second Stage Turbine Bypass Valve
Electrical actuator
Manual open/close knob
Position indicator
RVDT for indication feedback

Second Stage Turbine Bypass Valve
Controls amount of condenser air that goes around turbine 2
Controls pack outlet temperature
Interchangeable with LLV

ECV (Ecoinomy Cooling Valve)
Opens to let air go around turbine 1 and condensor/reheater
Opens in case of ECON cooling or standby cooling mode
Electrically controlled and pneumatically operated
Valve open if solenoid is de-energized
Valve is spring loaded closed
Manual lockout in close position for dispatch (control line vented)

Conditioned Air Check Valve
Prevents a decrease of cabin pressure, if there is an air conditioning duct
failure in the ECS bay

Ram Air Inlet Door Actuator
RVDT for position feedback to CTC
If RVDT fails CTC moves actuator to fully open position
Manual locking facility
Open/close function of through MAT


Normal Pack operation mode
Second Stage Turbine Bypass Valve controls pack discharge
LLV (Low Limit Valve) controls condensor inlet temperature
>1 deg (first stage turbine outlet temperature)
Compressor discharge temperature is controlled by ram air inlet
and outlet flap
ECON cooling check valve helps ACM to start (bypassing

Economy Cooling mode
At high altitude during low flow condition the pack goes into ECON
cooling mode (function of altitude and TAT)
CTC signal via ELMS commands Economy Cooling valve to open
(reheater and turbine 1 are bypassed)
No FDE (not a failure mode)
CTC signal via ELMS

Standby Cooling mode (Failure mode)
Condensor inlet temperature failure (both sensors)
Economy cooling valve failed in open position
PACK MODE L/R status
STBY COOLING write up appears next to pack symbol on Air
Synoptic Page
ACM failure (seized)
Pack discharge temperature is controlled by inlet/outlet ram air
doors (heatexchanger mode)
At lower altitude pack may shutdown or cycle

All pack components are controlled by CTC
LLV, TBV, ECV, Inlet/Exhaust door actuator

If pack discharge temperature is increasing and pack can not manage
temperature, CTC sends bias signal to ASCPC to decrease bleed air
temperature to 121 deg.

Pack shutdown (Pack OFF light on)
Inlet differential sensor failure
All 3 Compressor outlet temperature sensor failure
Condensor inlet temperature failure
Reset by cycling pack switch or by AIR COND RESET switch

Pack Cooling and Mix Manifold Temperature control

CTC uses TVB for primary control of pack outlet temperature. LLV and
Ram air door actuator operate if TVB is full open and CTC still must
increase pack outlet temperature.
RH CTC is primary controller of the mix manifold temperature. LH
CTC follows as backup.

Temperature control
Trim Air PRSOV (2)
Both CTC and ASCPC can control Trim Air PRSOV
CTC controls torque motor
ASCPC controls shutoff solenoid (shutoff capability)
ASCPC can override CTC to close Trim Air PRSOV
Trim Air PRSOV is closed during flow schedule 4
Regulates 5 psi above cabin pressure
Manual locking facility
No spring loaded position

Pressure Sensor downstream of valve gives position feedback to CTC

In case of Trim Air PRSOV or Pressure Sensor failure, Trim Air PRSOV
will close and latch.

L Trim air PRSOV failure
L pack controls Flight Deck temperature
R pack controls average zone temperature
R Trim air PRSOV failure
L pack controls average zone temperature
R pack controls 18 deg min Flight Deck temperature

Trim Air Modulating Valve (7)
RVDT for position feedback
Position indicator
Manual adjust knob

(1) Flight Deck (manual control by Flight Deck temperature switch)
(6) Cabin (manual control only through CSCP or CACP)

Trim air modulating valve is a flow control valve type of valve
RVDT for position feedback
Cabin is supplied though mix manifold

Temperature Sensors
Zone Duct Temperature Sensors (14)
2 sensors each duct
Mix Manifold Temperature Sensors (4)
Zone Air Temperature Sensor (9)
Dual sensors
Flt deck and zone D have 2 sensors
Flt deck 1ea sensor for L/R CTC
Zone D 2ea sensors for R CTC (cold soak overwing zone)
All cabin sensors are in lh cabin (PSU grille air inlet)
Flt Deck sensor is on rh side of Flight Deck ceiling
If both Lav/Galley vent fans fail, CTC goes into alternate mode (no
temperature control due to loss of airflow through sensor plenium)


Flight Deck Temperature Control

Temperature range 18 - 29 deg
In AUTO mode CTC controls Flt Deck Trim Air Modulating Valve
In MANUAL mode Flt Deck Trim Air Modulating Valve is direct controlled
via ELMS

Cabin Temperature Control

Cabin Master Temperature selected by Cabin Temperature Selector (P5)
(Temperature range 18 - 29 deg)
At CSCP or CACP +/-6 deg can be adjusted
Gasper fan takes air from distribution duct E

Lower Recirc Fan (2)
Location: Behind aft wall of fwd cargo compartment
Filter installed

Upper Recirc Fan (2)
Location: Above R2 and R3 door
Filter installed

During single pack operation at high ambient temperature onside lower
recirc fan is switched off

R CTC does primary control for recirc fans (L CTC is backup)
overheat is monitored by ECSMC

Recirc fan reset by recirc fan switch or AIR COND RESET switch

Gasper Fan
Location: center ceiling ajacent 3L door
Takes air from distribution duct
Controlled by ECSMC
Overheat monitored by ECSMC
Reset via MAT (Ground test), after landing, automatically after
ECSMC power up
Powered through ELMS
Ventilation System
R ECSMC does primary control at power up (L ECSMC is backup)
swapped after landing


Lav/Galley Vent System
(2) Vent Fan
RH fan is primary
LH fan is tested during every power up
Location: Aft of bulk cargo compartment
Provides also cooling for aft equipment center
If both fans fail CTC goes into alternate mode (no temperature
If L4 and R4 door are open, vent air may heat up passenger seats
through dado panels

Bulk Cargo Vent Fan
Location: Bulk cargo ceiling
Bulk cargo heat in HIGH position turns fan on

Chiller Boost Fan
Location: Ceiling aft of R1 Door
Air from chiller area is supplied to mix manifold
Operates on ground with packs ON and TAT >7 deg
Reset with cargo fire switch or pack switch cycle
FWD Cargo
Exhaust from fwd equipment center cooling system is used for heating
Controlled by ECSMC operated by ELMS
FWD Cargo Heat Valve
Fail safe close in case of ECSMC failure
Interchangeable with FWD Cargo Vent Valve
FWD Cargo Vent Valve
Exhaust through fwd outflow valve
Aft/Bulk Cargo
No heating with cargo door open
Pneumatic air used for heating

Heat Valves (4)
controlled by ECSMC
electrically controlled pneumatically operated
2 valves control temperature
2 valves are shutoff valves for safety reason
optical position sensors for position feedback

Temperature Sensor (2)
1ea aft/bulk cargo compartment
if both sensor failed cargo heat is switched off

Supplemental heating
Controlled by ECSMC powered via ELMS
Foot Heaters (Flt deck)
In air only
Shoulder Heaters (Flt deck)
In air only
Electrical heaters heat up conditioned air (packs on)
Galley area Heaters

Electrical heaters heat up conditioned air (packs on)
Door area Heaters
In air only
Electrical heaters heat up conditioned air (packs on)
No manual control
Equipment Cooling
Aft Equipment cooling
Controlled by ECSMC
Aft equipment cooling system uses ventilation system
If both Lav/Galley vent fans fail, SATCOM Backup fan (2) start to cool
E11 and E13 SATCOM racks
Backup fans are located at rack itself
SATCOM Checkvalve (2) to prevent reverse flow

FWD Equipment Cooling
Passive cooling
Active cooling
Smoke removal

ECSMC contols equipment cooling
ECC (Equipment Cooling Controller) controls Supply Fan (2) and
Override Valve

If ambient temperature > 43 deg, conditioned air supply is required

Supply Fan (2)
One filter, cleanable
RH fan is primary (lower fan)
LH fan is tested during power up
interchangeable with Lav/Galley vent fan

Override Valve
Cooling valve is mechanical connected to smoke removal valve
one valve close other valve open
Smoke removal is working above 25'000 ft only (diff pressure)

Vent Fan
Pulls air to fwd cargo compartment via heat valve
or via vent valve through outflow valve overboard

Backup Converter Supplemental Fan
Supplies air to backup converter (E4-4 rack)

Low Flow sensor (2)
senses low flow or high temperature


Low Flow detection
On ground:
Flight deck or MEC low flow or high temperature
Ground Call Horn

In Air:
60 sec delay
Low flow override mode
Duct pressure sensor (4)
No EICAS message for low pressure in air
Low pressure on ground turns EICAS message EQUIP COOLING
on (no ground call horn)

Override Mode
L and R supply fan off
Vent fan off
Override valve override
Fwd cargo heat valve close
Bulk cargo vent fan off

Equipment cooling switch light
OVRD light indicates override valve position
Switch OFF (AUTO not visible) turns off supply fan, vent fan, opens
smoke/override valve, closes cargo heat valve

Take over logic (ECC takes control from ECSMC) AC in air, autoreset
after landing
Both L and R ECSMC try to control at same time
L ECC failed or low flow at MEC and low flow at FD and override
valve in normal position
L ECC failed or low flow at MEC and low flow at FD and override
valve in override position

Smoke detection system
2 chamber smoke detector
1 chamber is connected to supply duct
1 chamber is connected to vent duct

MEC smoke detector is slaved to fwd cargo smoke detector

No built in fans
No replacement of detector LED possible
Cabin Pressure Control System
Outflow Valves (2)
FWD (normal 20% open)
AFT (normal 80% open)
each valve has 2 DC motors controlled by L/R ASCPC
in manual mode both motors operate
2 RVDTs give feedback to ASCPCs

Max diff pressure 8.6 PSID

Max cabin altitude 8'000 ft

L ASCPC does primary control (R ASCPC is backup)
each ASCPC has internal sensor to monitor cabin pressure
System is tested by BIT automatically after every landing

Negative Pressure Relief Vent (4)
Positive Pressure Relief Valve (2)

Position of Outflow Valves is indicated on EICAS display
Landing field elevation is supplied from FMCF of AIMS
manual selection by landing field elevation knob

Air Supply Maintenance Page shows ASCPC in control for pressurization

Remote Cabine Pressure Sensor
Location: MEC below P310
verifies signal which is sensed by ASCPC

EEC supplies ambient pressure sense if ADIRU data are invalid


- 22 -
AFDS (autopilot flight director system)
MCP (mode control panel) is primary interface between
pilot and AFDC (autopilot flight director computer)
Other inputs are the disconnect switches and the go-around switches

Sensors (Airplane-, navigation-, ADIRU data-, SAARU data sensors)
Transducer position
Inertial data
Atmospheric data
Ground reference data
Airplane accelerations

General function
FMCF (flight management computing function) sends LNAV and VNAV
data to the AFDCs
TMCF (thrust management computing function) sends A/T data
to the AFDCs
PFCS (primary flight control system) receives commands from AFDCs
and PFCs calculate and send surface commands to the ACE (actuator
control electronics)
ACEs receive surface position commands from the PFCs and send
commands to the PCU (power control unit)
PFCs also calculate and send backdrive commands to the AFDCs
AFDCs receive backdrive actuator commands from the PFCs and send
backdrive commands to the backdrive actuators to move the control

Only L AFDC and R AFDC can drive backdrive actuators
LH or RH AFDC can be master
Master is selected at power up (first pass)
After every disengage/engage master is swapped

A/P button on MCP engages all 3 AFDCs
Disengage bar disconnects all 3 AFDCs (A/P engage relay engage power
is removed)

Backdrive Actuator
(6) Backdrive Actuators
Backdrive actuators move controls during autopilot operation and
also during BAP function
2ea control wheel, column, pedals
During cruise 2 backdrive actuators move
control wheel/column
During Autoland all 6 backdrive actuators move controls (Autoland
engaged if: LOC and G/S captured and altitude 1500ft)


The Backdrive Actuators are variable torquemotors and contain
(2) Tachometers
DC motor
Engage clutch
Override slip clutch

AFDC controls the motor current, this limits the force a backdrive actuator
applies to the columns, wheels and rudder
control column 50 lbs
control wheel 27 lbs
this override forces are necessary to disengage the autopilot

During Autoland (all 6 backdrive actuators engaged) forces are two times
the force for a single force

If one backdrive actuator fails during autoland, the force limit of the
remaining column actuator is two times as high
if a rudder actuator fails the force does not increase

Backdrive actuators can be tested via MAT (Autofliht system tests)

AFDC (autopilot flight director computer)
There are (3) AFDCs
center AFDC does not connect to backdrive actuators

Each ARINC and discrete I/O section monitors and selects input signals
each I/O section monitors signal validity first
if validity check is good, signal is selected by 3 methods:
- mid value selection of 3 signals (RA and ILS)
- priority selection for signals with 2 sources (ADIRU; SAARU)
- forced selection for AIMS data (AIMS tells AFDC which signal
to use)

Each AFDC has 3 processors
Processor A and B receive digital backdrive commands from the
Processor C calculates the autopilot and flight director control laws
Processor C also does this functions:
- Test and data load
- Engage/disengage logic
- Failure detection/fault response monitor

ADFS modes
The AFDS (autopilot flight director system) operates on the ground
and in flight
Takeoff (Flight Director mode only)
Autoland (captured if: LOC / GS captured and altitude 1500 fts)

LNAV engagement 50 ft

VNAV engagement 400 ft
A/P engagement inhibit >80 kts and RA <50 ft
The F/D display supplies roll and pitch commands during T/O. After the
airplane is off the ground, pilot can stay in F/D takeoff mode or after
passing 50 ft of radio altitude engage the autopilot to takeoff mode.

MCP (mode control panel)
The MCP contains (2) seperate microprocessor channel and
(2) power supply
If one or its interface to the AFDCs fails, a status message is
displayed (CTRL PANEL LANE)

Each switch assembly has 2 bulbs for the lettering
The bar showed at bottom of each switch is displayed by a LED (not
Four LCD displays show reference values
V/S or FPA

EICAS and MFD displays show messages, warnings and autoland
capability for the autopilot system
WEU (warning electronic unit) turn on master warning lights if a warning
message on EICAS is displayed
AIMS turns on master caution lights if a caution message on EICAS is

Warning message
Flight crew disconnects all AFDCs
All AFDC are disconnected automatically

Caution message
Autopilot mode fails
Autoland capability degrades while in approach after LAND 3
shows (This only occurs above 200 ft radio altitude)
all autoland capability is lost during approach after LAND 2 or
LAND 3 has shown
this also occurs during approach if LAND 2 or LAND 3 is not active
by 600 ft radio altitude


Advisory message
when autoland capability degrades before LAND 3
autoland status annunciator shows
loss of all autoland capability occurs before the LAND 3 or LAND 2
autoland status annunciator shows

Status message
when an AFDC does not operate
when a backdrive system does not operate
when one of two lanes in the AFDC MCP or its interface fails
when loss of all autoland capability occurs
when the NO LAND 3 cution or advisory message show
autoland capability degrades during approach when the airplane is
below 200 ft radio altitude

MAT Test
Ground Test
System tests
LRU replacement tests
ATA 22 - ILS interface: ILS LOC, GS and VOR antenna switches

One AFDC may be inop
One autopilot backdrive system may be inop
One MCP lane may be inop
MCP windows, buttons, selectors: MEL relief available
Autoland may be inop
Both F/D may be inop
TMCS (thrust management comp syst)
TMCF (thrust management computing function) is a function of AIMS

(2) TMCF one in each AIMS cabinet
(2) ASM (autothrottle servo motor)
(2) Autothrottle Disconnect switches
(2) TO/GA (takeoff go-around) switches
(2) A/T arm and (2) mode switches on MCP (mode control panel)


Flight Management Computing Function
A/T (autothrottle) control law
Thrust limit calculation
Engine trim calculation
BITE and fault monitoring
TMCS annunciation

MCP A/T Arm Switch
Enable ASM (autothrottle servo motor) excitation power for operation
ON position (both) also supplies engine trim equalisation control from

MCP A/T Mode Switches
A/T mode operate under these conditions
one or both A/T arm switch ON
A/T mode request (VNAV, FLCH or A/T and not VNAV or
FLCH active

Throttle Switches
TO/GA (takeoff go-around) switches
on ground: Full T/O thrust mode
in flight (approch): first push GA thrust mode operates with less
than max GA thrust
second push Full GA thrust limit

A/T Disconnect switches
On left and right side of thrust levers
First push disconnects A/T and shows AUTOTHROTTLE DISC on
Second push clears message

A/T Modes
A/T modes show on PFD when A/T mode engages (left annunciator)
Normal mode annunciation and operation is with both ASM (autothrottle
servo motor) in operation (L) or (R) precedes the A/T mode annunciation
when only one ASM operates
Speed (SPD / X SPD)
Thrust (THR / X THR)
Thrust reference (THR REF / X THR REF)

EICAS Display
EICAS shows TMCF data that relates to engine/thrust performance
Thrust limit mode
Selected temperature
Thrust limit
Target EPR
Maximum thrust limit


TMCS fault messages show on EICAS display
AUTOTHROTTLE DISC (caution) if manual or automatic
disengagement occurs
AUTOTHROTTLE L/R (advisory) if TMCS detects ASM or
arm switch failure

Autothrottle Flight Profile
A/T modes operate in these flight phases
TO (takeoff)
CLB (climb)
CRZ (cruise)
DES (descent)
APP (approach)
GA (Go-around)

A/T functions that relate to flight phases
Flare retard during autoland
A/T disconnect

A/T thrust mode annunciations relate to pitch mode annunciations on the
PFD (select on MCP)

MAT Test
Ground Tests
System test: Servo loop test LH / RH
LRU replacement test: Disconnect and TO/GA switches

A/T may be inop
One A/T servo motor may be inop
One A/T disconnect switch may be inop


- 23 -
Flight Interphone
The flight interphone system is part of the DCAS (digital control audio
The flight interphone allows the crew to talk to each other
and to talk to the ground crew
(4) flight interphone jacks in the cockpit, (1) in the MEC and (1) at the P40

The flight interphone is controlled by AMU (audio management unit)
Location: MEC E1 rack

The (6) flight interphone jacks can be connected to the 14 service
interphone jacks
SERV INT switch at P5 panel in ON position

Cockpit and MEC interphone jacks can be connected to the cabin
interphone system
P40 can not be connected to cabin int system
Observer Audio Selector
First Observer station card (in AMU) is switched to failed Capt- or F/O-
station and ACP
first observer can not use ACP anymore)

Audio communication speakers are located below sideboard
WES speakers are located in the overhead panel

Capts ACP and Capts FLT INT speakers are powered by battery bus if
Towing Power Switch is in BAT position

ACP (audio control panel)
Any transmission with MIC switch turns on Receiver Volume Control, if
not switched ON (headset use)

CALL light (VHF, HF) signals SELCAL call
CALL light (FLT) signals P40 ground crew calling
CALL light (CAB) signals cabin calling
CALL light (SAT) signals SATCOM is logged on

Speaker volume control can be used on Capts and F/Os ACP only

Control wheel MIC PTT switch
push top > MIC
push bottom > INT
MAT test
Ground test
AMU system test (BITE)


Service Interphone
The service interphone system is part of the DCAS (digital control audio
The service interphone is controlled by AMU (audio management unit)
Location: MEC E1 rack
The service interphone allows the ground crew to talk to each other
and to talk to the flight crew

The service interphone jacks are divided in 3 seperate groups
Group 1: (6) jacks (fwd fuselage and left IRP)
Group 2: (2) jacks (engines)
Group 3: (6) jacks (aft fuselage and right IRP)

Each group sends a signal audio input to the AMU
AMU mixes the audio from all 3 groups and sends this mixed audio
back to the headsets in all groups

Service interphone is powered by battery bus if Towing Power Switch is
in BAT position
Normal power source is the GND HNDL BUS

MAT test
Ground test
AMU system test (BITE)

May be inop

Ground Crew Call System
The ground crew call system has 3 functions

ADIRU alert / Equipment Cooling failure
Indicates ground crew that the ADIRU is on battery power or that
there is a Equipment Cooling failure

Flight Deck Call
Push FLT Deck call switch on the P40 panel
(4) CALL lights come ON on the ACP (audio control panel)
any PTT action cancels all lights
a chime comes on in the flt deck
GROUND CALL messsage appears on EICAS
signal goes through passenger address/cabin interphone controller

Ground Crew Call
Selects GND CREW on the center CDU (cabin interphone menu)
use the flt deck handset and dial *1 (handset is used for call only)
this causes the ground crew call horn to come on for 3 seconds.

VHF Communication
The VHF Communication system permits voice and data communication
over line-of-sight distances
Frequency: 118.000 MHZ - 136.975 MHZ

(3) VHF systems

(3) VHF comm transceivers
Location: MEC E1/E3 rack

(3)VHF antennas

(3) RTP (radio tuning panel)
any VHF/HF transceiver can be selected
L ACP is used for audio only
R/C RTP can be used for ACARS (usualy C ACP)

SELCAL comes through any of the 3 VHF

The MIC audio and PTT discretes go to the transceiver through the AMU.
Received audio goes from transceiver to the speakers and headsets
through the AMU.

L VHF is powered through CAPT FLT INSTR BUS

CTR radio tuning panel tunes CTR VHF transceiver via
L/R radio tuning panel

RTP (radio tuning panel)
Off-side tuning light
comes ON if a off-side radio is selected
it also turns ON off-side tuning light on the on-side RTP of the
selected radio
The RTP does a continuous BIT
if test fails: FAIL is displayed in both windows
both windows show dashes if a failed radio is selected

MAT test
Ground test
system test
use unused frequency (123.4)

VHF system
no relief
one may be inop (L RTP must be operative)


HF Communication
The HF system is used for communication with ground stations or
other airplanes during long over-water flights (primary long range
Frequency: 2.000 MHZ - 29.999 MHZ

(2) systems, but only one can be operated at a time

(2) HF comm transceivers
Location: E6 rack (aft cargo)

(2) Antenna coupler
Location: Vertical stabilizer fin

(1) HF antenna
Location: Vertical stabilizer fin

The MIC audio and PTT discretes go to the transceiver through the AMU.
Received audio goes from transceiver to the speakers and headsets
through the AMU.

MAT test
Ground test
System test L/R HF
unused frequency must be selected (2.000 MHZ)

One may be inop

Each airplane has a different SELCAL code. A ground station transmits
this code with a signal to contact an airplane

When the airplane receives its SELCAL code some indications come on
to alert crew.

The VHF and HF comm transceivers send received audio to the
SELCAL decoder

(1) SELCAL Decoder
monitors for audio tones
sends a signal to the AMU if tones are the same as the code
Location: MEC E1 rack

SELCAL Coding Switch
gives each airplane its SELCAL code
Location: behind SELCAL decoder


AMU sends a signal to the AIMS cabinets
COMM medium message appears (SELCAL)
Chime request to WEUs (aural warning speakers)
CALL light for the transceiver that receives SELCAL code
to reset indications, push CALL light or push PTT for related radio

Test can be carried out only via tower (functional test)

May be inop

CVR (Cockpit Voice Recorder)
When actuated manually or automatically, the voice recorder system
continuously records (120 min)
Flight crew communications (Capt, F/O, first Observer, channel
sent by AMU)
Conversation ( CVR microphone P5)

Monitoring of recorded audio
Cockpit voice recorder panel
P40 panel

An ERASE switch on the CVR panel erases the recorded audio
Airplane on ground
Parking brake SET

A TEST switch on the CVR panel starts a test of the
voice recorder system
The needle on the test meter goes to green area and stays
620 HZ tone on plugged in headset

An underwater locater beacon is fitted on the front of the CVR

May be inop


CMS (cabin management system)
(6) Boeing integrated systems (core functions)
PAS (passenger address)
MEL item
CIS (cabin interphone system)
MEL item
PSS (passenger service system)
PES (passenger entertainment system)
CLS (cabin lightning system)
except emergency lights
Monitor and Control
cabin temperature
water and waste status
cabin door status

BFE (buyer furnished equipment)
PES (passenger entertainment system)
not activated
CDN (cabin data network)
not activated
PTS (passenger telephon system)
Core components

CSCP (cabin system control panel) (1)
3 functions:
core functions
BFE functions
maintenance functions

CACP (cabin area control panel) (1)
core function only

CAH (cabin attendant handset) (8)
FDH (flight deck handset) (1)
use for PA and CI operation
2-way audio
dialing facility

ZMU (zone management unit) (3)
(1) per zone
3 functions:
distribute signals to each zone
interface with 4 LRUs:
control all MASTER CALL lights


SDM (speaker drive module) (33)
2 functions:
convert D/A audio signal to cabin speaker
audio volume control
use in PAS (passenger address system)
(2) speakers per SDM maximum

ANS (ambient noise sensor) (12)
contains microphone that sense area noise
send the signal to SDM for auto volume control

PA/CI (passenger address/cabin interphone) controller (1)
3 functions:
PAS operation
CIS operation
CHIME generation

EMC (entertainment multiplexer controller) (1)
multiplex all audio signals into a single output
convert parallel to serial transmission

CSMU (cabin system management unit) (1)
3 functions:
provide interface with BFE
provide interface with ARINC 629 databus
data translator for CSCP

AMUX (audio multiplexer) (4)
modulator with digital converter
2 functions:
convert AF(audio frequency) to RF (radio frequency)
convert RF from analog into digital

OEU (overhead electronics units)
3 functions:
control reading light operation
Attendend Call light operation
Pax Info signs operation

SEU (seat electronics unit)
3 functions:
convert A/D from pax handset
convert D/A for pax headset
tuner for PES-audio systems

ZPC (zone power converter) (3)
supply power to SEU
convert 115 VDC to 150 VDC
power off via CSCP (this powers down SEUs and SVUs)


Component location
Entertainment center
AMUX 2 (video)
AMUX 3 (video)

MEC E1 rack
AMUX 4 (audio)
AEP 3 (audio entertainment player)
PA/CI controller

MEC E2 rack
AMUX 1 (audio)

Cabin ceiling

Passenger service units

Underneath seats

Software loading
OPS (operational data base)
preloaded in store
preloaded on CSCP harddrive
CDB (configuration data base)
must be downloaded after replaceing or swapping LRU
downoad time up to 40 minutes
preloaded on CSCP harddisk

Phase 1 loading
Software loading from Floppy drive to harddisk

Phase 2 loading
Software loading from harddisk to LRUs


CSCP (cabin system control panel)
Touch sensitive LCD screen
Integrated Floppy drive
Reset switch (to reboot computer)
Audio jacks
Maintenance access
Behind CSCP are 2 harddrives (80 MB) fitted
1ea for core system and BFE

Monitor and Control
Cabin temperature
CTC signal to CSMU and CSCP/CACP
temperature adjustment from CSCP/CACP via CSMU to CTC

Portable water and waste status
Water/waste status signal via OEU to CSCP/CACP

Cabin door status
PSEU signal to CSMU

CACP (cabin area control panel)
Touch sensitive LCD screen
Screen is interchangeable with CSCP screen
No software loaded
Core functions only, no maintenance access

CMS printer
Location: At the bottom of entertainment center
Printer is interchangeable with flight deck printer

CIS (cabin interphone system)
Flight interphone (to PA/CI controller)
FDH (flight deck handset) (to PA/CI controller)
CAH (cabin attendant handset) (ZMU > PA/CI controller)
C CDU (to PA/CI controller)
AMU (to PA/CI controller)

PA/CI controller > SDM > speaker > CHIME
PA/CI controller > ZMU > MASTER CALL light

On CSCP /CACP origin of call can be checked


PA/CI controller consists of (2) CI-channels (and (2) PA-channels)
Normal and Alternate channel
If normal channel fails pop-up window appears on CSCP/CACP
asking to switch CI NORM/ALTN switch on the ASP (attendend
switch panel)
EICAS status message and maintenance message is triggered
through Systems ARINC 629 Bus

Priority of calls
Pilot alert (dial * *)
Conference call (dial 55 , 54)
Station to station call

Voice gate link connector at P30 External Power Panel connects CAH
(cabin attendant handset) to local telephone net (2 lines)

CIS - Configuration Database programmed items
Number and location of CAHs
Dial codes
Conference calls
Chime types and count
Flashing or non-flashing call lights
CDU selection
Priority line connections

PAS (passenger address system
Crew announcement
Recorded announcement
Video system audio
Boarding music
Chimes (HI, HI-LO, LO)

CSCP/CACP are used to control PA volume and to turn off ANS (ambient
noise sensor)
During PA, AEP (audio entertainment player) and VIU (video interface
unit) are paused through CSMU
During decompression or ditching setup, via Systems ARINC 629 Bus
CSMU triggers PRAM (prerecorded announcement machine) to bring on
prerecorded announcement
During direct access PA, CI channel is bypassed and PA goes direct to
PA controller channel

Flight interphone (to PA/CI controller)
FDH (flight deck handset) (to PA/CI controller)
Video audio (to PA/CI controller)
Boarding music (to PA/CI controller)
PRAM (prerecorded announcement machine) (to AMUX)
Audio entertainment (to AMUX)
Video audio (to AMUX)


PA/CI controller > SDM > ZMU > SEU
AMUX > EMC > ZMU > SEU/SVU > Pax headset

PA/CI controller consists of (2) PA-channels (and (2) CI-channels)
Normal and Alternate channel
If normal channel fails pop-up window appears on CSCP/CACP
asking to switch PA NORM/ALTN switch on the ASP (attendend
switch panel)
EICAS status message and maintenance message are triggered
through Systems ARINC 629 Bus

PA priority
Prio 1:
Flight crew headset
Prio 2A:
Direct Access PA
PA direct access switch on CAH cradle (Door 1L, 2L (R), 4L)
Prio 2B:
All 9 handsets (FDH and CAH)
Prio 3A:
PRAM (prerecorded announcement machine)
Prio 3B:
Safety video announcement
Prio 3C:
Boarding music

PAS - Configuration Database programmed items
Number of SDMs, speakers, ANSs
Speaker mute assignments
PA areas
Type of announcement for each speaker
Volume control areas
Volume reference level
ANS reference level
Chime types and count
PA area to video area assignments

PSS (passenger service system)
Seat call light
Master call light

Attendend call
Pax handset > SEU > ZMU
ZMU > PA/CI controller > SDM > SPEAKER
ZMU turns on MASTER CALL light (via OEU)

Reading light / Cabin light
Pax handset > SEU > ZMU > OEU > READING LIGHT


Pax Info Sign
Pax handset > SEU ZMU > OEU > INFO SIGN

Lav smoke det / Lav call light
OEU > ZMU > CSMU > Systems ARINC 629

Monitor & Control
Any attendend call and seat reading light can be monitored and
disabled on CSCP/CACP

PSS - Configuration Database programmed items
Master call light assignments
Row call light assignments
Lavatory call light assignments
Reading light assignments
Chime mute areas
Passenger information sign control
Panels for PSS ON/OFF control
OEU configuration
PES (audio)
48 channels (24 channels stereo)

(3) AEP (audio entertainment player) each CD player unit contsists
of 4 CD players
entertainment audio > AMUX 1/AMUX 4 > EMC


Control & monitor
CACP/CSCP are used to switch entertainment audio (AEPs)
Audio check on CSCP (audio jack)
SEU, SVU power can be turned off via CSCP/CACP

Seat cable have different partnumbers (impendances)

PES - Configuration Database programmed items
Entertainment audio channels
Video audio channels
AEP ON/OFF function
SEU configuration
Passenger handset assignments


- 24 -
11 Power sources
2 External Power requires 90 kVA each
2 IDG 120 kVA
1 APU 120 kVA
2 Backup Generator (BUG; VSCF) 20 kVA
2 Batteries (Main, APU)
Batteries are maintenance-free and last 5-7 years
There is no paralleling for AC or DC power system
ELMS (electrical load management system) controls power distribution
Power Panels for large loads > 25 amps (P100, P200, P300)
Power Management Panels for small loads < 25 amps (P110,
P210, P310)
P320 Ground Handling/Service Panel
L IDG and R IDG are controlled by L GCU and R GCU via EEU (ELMS
electronics unit)
APU is controlled by A GCU via EEU
L BU GEN and R BU GEN are controlled by BUG Converter
PEP (Primary External Power and SEP (Secondary External Power) are
controlled by BPCU (bus power control unit) via EEU
XFR (transfer) buses are importend buses
feed Standby AC BUS, CPT FLT INST Bus, F/O FLT INST Bus
if both IDG running both BTB (bus tie breaker) are tripped
if APU running both BTB (bus tie breaker) are closed
if L IDG or R IDG fails, appropriate GCB (generator circuit breaker) will be
Brake Power Transfer
In flight and on ground
On Gnd always, between PEP and SEP only
No Brake Power Transfer
allows 2 power sources to parallel for 6 seconds
on ground only
between IDG, APU and Ext Pwr
3 Power Panels (P100, P200, P300)
ELCU (Electrical Load Control Unit) contact breaker for large
loads >25 amps
3 Power Management Panels (P110, P210, P310)

EEU (ELMS electronics unit) distribute small loads <25 amps via
relays; interfaces to ARINC 625 (X-Talk between OPAS, ARINC
625 and EEU)
1 Ground Service/Handling Power Panel (P320)
EEU (ELMS electronics unit) fitted in Power Management Panels only!
each EEU contains 2 channels (LH and RH)
4 AC bus on each channel
4 DC bus on each channel

Cockpit Panels
P5 ELEC Panel
4 Momentary switches (2 EXT PWR, 2 DRIVE Disconnect)
8 Alternate Action Switches (BATTERY, APU GEN, (2) BUS TIE,
IDG low oil pressure
Switch out and BTB open or GCU opens BTB due to fault
switch must be cycled to unlatch a triped BTB
Low Oil pressure and Engine running
Oil temperatur high
A GEN fault or GCB trips APU Generator
switch must be cycled to unlatch a triped GCB
P61 Overhead Maintenance Panel
Standby Power switch (normally AUTO position AIMS control)
Towing Power switch
External Power
PEP (Primary External Power) FWD Connector
SEP (Secondary External Power) AFT Connector (does not power
Ground Handling Bus)
Battery Switch must be ON before SEP is switched to ON
External Pwr Available Light ON / Primary/Secondary Power
Connected Light ON
Power good Quality (Phase rotation, voltage, frequency, interlock
Not in use Light ON
Electrical power not selected ON
Ground Service Switch (Door L1) not selected ON (PEP only)
Ground Handling
Cargo loading
PDOS (powered door opening system)
not powered in flight

Ground Handling Priority:
Ground Service
Cabin Lights
Cabin power outlets
Battery charging
powered in flight
Ground Service Priority:
Normal R MAIN AC Bus
PEP and Ground Service switch (Door 1L) ON
APU and Ground Service switch (Door 1L) ON
AC Generation
Priority (L MAIN AC)
SEP or APU Gen (last select in cotrol)
PEP or R IDG (last select in control)
Priority (R MAIN AC)
R IDG or PEP (last select in control)
SEP or APU Gen (last select in control)
GCU controls IDG
Backup Generator Converter controls BUG (Backup Generator)
A GCU controls APU Generator
AIMS provides:
Maintenance pages
Alert Messages

IDG Drive
Thermal Fuse disconnects IDG automatically due to high oil
temperatur (IDG has to be replaced)
IDG disconnect by DRIVE switch (reconnect mechanical)
IDG oil level check via Maintenance Page or visual check
IDG oil filter check via Maintenance Page or visual check ( diff
press indicater)
Oil level indication NORMAL, SERVICE, -- -- (10 minutes after
engine shut down)
Oil filter indication NORMAL, BLOCKED
Oil service and visual oil level check trough service panel (Oil
service at service panel currently not possible on EK aircrafts)
IDG is fitted on backside of gearbox
Air/Oil heat exchanger (LH Fan case)
Oil In/Out Temperatur Sensor (LH Fan case)

APU Generator
120 kVA
APU oil system used for lubrication and cooling


Backup Generator (BUG)
Oil level check and refill same as IDG
Oil filter check same as IDG
Oil overpressure dump valve reliefs oil pressure in case of high oil
(3) PMG fitted on each BUG; (1) for BUG field power, Backup
power for GCU and (2) for FCDC PSA (flight controls dc power
supply assembly)
BUG is fitted on frontside of gearbox
Air/Oil heat exchanger (RH Fan case)
Oil In/Out Temperatur Sensor fitted in lube tubes near BUG

Backup Generator Converter
only one BUG on line at one time (System split)
Converts to constant 115V/400Hz
provides protection to XFR buses
provides power only to L XFR and R XFR bus
Fitted under PMAT E4 Rack
Converter is powered: Engine start (15 seconds BUG Control
Test), Autoland request, loss of L or R XFR BUS
controls CCB (converter circuit breaker) and TBB (transfer bus
breaker) to do NBPT to the transfer buses, if one AC MAIN bus
loses power
No time limit for operation

Backup Generator Power Transfer
L or R IDG fails appropriate BUG feeds XFR bus
Both IDG fail R BUG takes over L BUG standby

Backup Generator Converter cooling
normal cooling: FWD Equipment cooling fans
BUG Converter Supplemental fan runs if:
BUG Test (during engine start or via MAT)
BUG powers both XFR buses
high temperatur in converter
fwd equipment fans failed
high inlet temperatur in converter and BUG converter powers one
XFR bus

ELCU (Electrical Load Control Unit) detects:
Differential fault
Load rating
Faults are latched
Unlatching by removing power from controlled and latched signal (2

Located aft of RH MLG Door
RAT deployment in flight by ELMS
RAT Generator 7.5 kVA
Supply to:
Standby AC BUS
Capt Flt Instrument Bus
F/O Flt Instrument Bus

Battery No 2 Bus
Battery Bus

power to (7 min only):
Hot Battery Bus
Standby AC BUS
Battery No 2 Bus
Main and APU Battery are interchangeable (Ext Power MUST be
ON if Battery is removed!)
Battery Charger is fitted in E3 rack (MEC)
Battery is fitted between E3 and E4 Rack MEC

Auto Land Request
3 seperate Power sources requested
L IDG and R IDG are 1
and 2
power source
BUG Converter selects BUG as 3
power source (normal R BUG)

CMCS Tests
BUG Test (same as Engine start test) Engine must be running
ELMS self test to test all cirquit cards in EEU
Load Shedd
Controlled by EEU (ELMS electronics unit)

Configuration Load Shedd
due to loss of one major power source
all 9 non-essential loads will be removed together
Sequential Load Shedd
due to overload of power source
EEU will reduce load step by step
Restoration Logic
restores step by step or all loads together
depends on shedd mode
DC Generation
Normal Power
Standby Power
Statiuc Inverter (same P/N as towing static inverter!)
RAT Generator and GCU (7.5 kVA)
Emergency Power
2 Batteries and 2 Battery Charger
Main Battery Charger can be used as TR
Towing Power
Towing Static Inverter is controlled by Towing Power Switch
FCDC (flight controls dc)
(3) PSA (power supply assembly)

(3) FCDC Battery provides Backup for PSA (same P/N as used for
cabin file server system E-15)
All components are located in MEC, exept R PSA and FCDC Battery
(FWD Cargo), APU Battery and Battery Charger (E-10 bulk cargo

Normal Condition
L XFR bus controls L TRU and TRU C1
R XFR bus controls R TRU and TRU C2
Both IDG fail (Standby Power)
Main Battery is one source
RAT (TRU C1 and TRU C2) is one source
AC power provided through Static Inverter

Battery Power (47 Ah, NICD, Maintenance-free
Main Battery and APU Battery are interchangeable
are powered
On GND with Battery Switch ON HOT BATT and BATT NO 2 bus
are powered
Standby Power provides power for 7 minutes
Hot Battery bus provides power for 10 days

Main Battery Charger TR Mode
In flight only
Autoland request
Main Battery overheat
Loss of normal DC source

Main charging mode (Battery low): Temperature controlled
Topping mode (will last for 11 minutes): Time controlled
Floating mode (switching between TR and charging mode)

Main Battery charger is interchangeable with APU Battery charger

DC TIE BUS RLY closes if TRU C1/C2 or L/R Transfer bus fails
INSTR bus fails

Standby Power Switch
OFF position: Switches Static Inverter to OFF (on ground)
AUTO position: Static Inverter ON if L transfer bus loss or Autoland
ISLN request
BATT position: DC Standby Power Test


DC Standby Power Test
Automatic Test
every 72 h from previous test and
AC on GRD and
L and R XFER Bus powered
Manual Test
Standby switch to BATT (mom) and
Main Battery Switch ON and
L XFER Bus powered

RAT auto deployment
A/C in air and
loss of both XFER Bus

Towing Power
Towing Power switch in position TOWING
ELMS controls Main TOW BUS RLY
Position lights available
ACP and capt speaker available
Capt flood light
Brake source light
Brake pressure indicator
Towing BATT Light
power available up to 45 minutes

PSA (power supply assembly)
powered through PMG, BATT bus, FLT INSTR bus and own battery
Battery Interlock CB on FCDC PSA must be pulled if PFC is removed!
(For more information see chapter 27)

AC control and Battery information indicated on Electric Synoptic Page
Maintenance Pages (2) provide AC, DC, Generator source PSA, and
discrete datas


- 26 -
Engine fire / overheat detection / extinguishing
APU fire detection / extinguishing
Lower cargo smoke detection / extinguishing
Duct leak / overheat detection
Wheel well fire detection
Lavatory smoke detection / extinguishing

Engine fire
APU fire
Cargo smoke
Wheel well fire

if FIRE/OVHT test fails on one or more system
Advisory message shows failed system
Status message shows failed LRU

Squib test
at ELMS power up
at engine shut down and A/C on ground
MAT Ground tests <Operational tests>
Status message shows system failure (ENG, APU or CARGO
2 loop system
Overheat / Fire warning (AIMS, WEU)
Overheat: Master caution, caution aural, EICAS message
Fire: Master waring, Fire aural, Fuel control switch light, Fire
handle light, EICAS message
2 Fire detection cards
interchangeable with APU
loc: MEC, L/R SCF
6 loop elements
2 ea zone 1 (gearbox)
1 ea zone 2 (IP compressor)
3 ea zone 3 ( lwr aft core, lh core, rh core)
Deselecting of faulty loop
short circuit always monitored
open cirquit tested during power up, fire test, periodic
1 loop fire
after 15 sec BIT on other loop
if test ok 1
loop will be deselected
if test negative this loop will be deselected

Singel loop fail STS message
Dual loop fail ADV and STS message

Turbine overheat
Turbine overheat test not tested with FIRE / OVHT test
2 sensors T44 (1ea in front and aft of IPT)
Both sensors must sense overheat
Turbine overheat causes Fire Warning indication in the cockpit
Fire extinguishing
2 Bottles HALON
Location FWD cargo compartment RH
Both bottles can be fired on same engine
ENG BTL DISCH light comes ON if pressure switch on bottle sense low
APU bottle is interchangeable with engine bottles
Pressure switch test (button at switch)
DISCH light on P8
EICAS message

Fire handle functions
indicates fire
stops engine
controls fire extinguising system
isolates engine from airframe systems

Fire handle solenoid is unlocked if
fire waring occurs
BAT switch ON and Fuel control switches CUTOFF
during FIRE/OVHT test
Auto shutdown in unattended mode
Auto fire extinguishing
OR logic: one loop causes fire warning(for more safety)
Auto shutdown in attended mode
Both loops for fire warning
No extinguishing
No overheat protection
1 APU fire detection card
interchangeable with engine
Location: MEC, R SCF

3 loop elements
1 upr fwd support
1 LH APU compartment
1 LH access door
no loops on APU itself

P40 Panel
Horn only on ground
Fire bottle armed light on ground and in flight
APU fire shut down
APU bottle discharge
Bottle discharge light

Fire bottle armed light (P40)

reset with FIRE/OVHT test
No APU start possible (remember in case of unsuccessful battery

Bottle can be fired even with APU and BAT OFF! (HOT BAT BUS)

(1) Bottle in stabilizer compartment (interchangeable with engine bottles)
Lower Cargo smoke detection
FWD and AFT cargo compartment
Test with FIRE/OVHT test or via MAT
BIT at power up, periodic, Fire test, MAT
(2) smoke detectors (2 channels)
Pin programmed for location and active ports
FWD detector controls and powers Equipment Cooling smoke
(2) fan (LRU, 1 active, 1 standby)
software loaded
location oposite cargo door side wall

Smoke detector fan is not running
on ground and R ENG OFF and cargo door open

Mango - modification
(3) water seperators
(3) heater
(3) controller
all components in ceiling

Master warning and Fire aural (inhibit during T/O)
Cargo Fire light

(5) Bottles /FWD cargo compartment RH)
(2) dump bottles
(3) metered bottles
A/C in flight
If A/C on GND within 20 min 1 metered bottle is fired at tuchdown
If A/C in Flt > 20 min all 3 metered bottles are fired (ELMS)

A/C on ground
both dump bottles were fired together
after 20 min 1 bottle is fired (halon for 60 min) ELMS

(2) In Line Pressure Switches
turn on DISCH light
switch stays latched (mechanical reset)
downstream of flow valve
Filter regulator provides continiuous slow flow
(2) Flow valves

have squibs
armed with Cargo Fire ARM switch
Replacement of fired bottle:
Flow Valve and Filter Regulator have also to be replaced

All cargo smoke detection system data are at Fire Protection Maintenance
Page available
Duct leak/overheat detection
Body duct leak detection
20 loop elements
MLG wheel well to APU
Wing duct leak detection
5 loops on each side
Wing L/E and ECS pack area
Fan case overheat detection
1 at LH fan case
detects anti ice or starter duct leaks
Engine strut overheat detection
2 frame type elements in strut
1 loop element in wing L/E
3 DLODS (duct leak and overheat detection) card (L,C, R)
control and monitor
Location: MEC L/R SCF
software via MAT download if card changed

If any overheat detected appropriate duct will be isolated
by ASCPC (air supply and cabin pressure controllers) or ACIPS
(airfoil and cowl ice protection sytem)
closed and latched valves to be reset by cycling command switch
BLEED LOSS XX advisory msg

EICAS and Master caution in case of overheat
If both loops are shorted STS message occurs
Inactive maintenance message
overheat detected or intermittend fault
active maintenance message
loop fault
see also previous flight leg
Wheel well fire detection
2 detector elements
at ceiling of L/R wheel well
L/R DLOD cards used for monitor and control
Tested via FIRE/OVHT test
Master warning, Fire aural, EICAS message
one loop failure triggers maintenance message
both loop failure triggers status message
Lavatory smoke detection

Smoke detector in each toilet
Smoke LED and warn horn ON at smoke detector
LAV call light outside toilet
Master call light
Smoke pop-up screen at CSCP (cabin system control panel) and
CACP (cabin area control panel)
EICAS message
System test
on Lavatory Smoke Detector for each toilet
CSCP (cabin system control panel) for all toilets

Reset at smoke detector interrupt switch or at call light
Warn horn goes away
Smoke alarm LED stays ON until smoke is gone

Fire extinguisher container with soldered seal (melting at 77 deg)
Temperature indicator stripe


- 27 -
The Primary Flight Control System uses fly-by-wire technology

During Trouble shooting and after replacing components: Check
EXISTING FAULTS if there are any FLIGHT CONTROL messages!

PFCS (primary flight control system)
Aileron and Flaperon
Spoilers and Speedbrakes (14)
Horizontal Stabilizer
Rudder (Rudder Tab to increase effectiveness of rudder)

HLCS (high lift control system)
Trailing Edge Flaps (double sloted inbd, single sloted outbd)
Leading Edge Flaps (14)
Krueger Flaps (1ea just inbd of engine strut)

Automatic protective functions (BOSTO)
Banking angle protection
Overspeed protection
Stall protection
Thrust asymmetry compensation
Overyaw protection

Limited standby control
Roll control: Spoilers 4 and 11 are operated mechanically
Pitch control: Alternate horizontal stabilizer control

PFCS (primary flight control system)
Flight Controls ARINC 629 Buses (3)

PFC (primary flight computer) (3)
PFC calculates command based on control laws
gets Airspeed and Attitude data from ADIRU and SAARU

PFCS Modes
Normal mode
Secondary mode (loss of ADIRU and SAARU data)
Direct mode (loss of all 3 PFC, ACE calculates signal)
Auto Pilot is available in normal mode only

ACE (actuator control electronics) (4)

AFDC (autopilot flight director computer) (3)
PFC receive autopilot commands from all 3 AFDCs
PFC generates digital backdrive signal
AFDC converts digital signal in a analog signal and supplies
backdrive actuators (to move the control column/wheel)

PSA (power supply assembly) (3)
each PFC has is own PSA
PFC CBs are on PSA frontplate

ADIRU (air data inertial reference unit)
6 Laser Giros
sends data to L/R Flight Control ARINC 629 bus

SAARU (secondary attitude air data reference unit)
4 Fibre Optic Giros
sends data to C Flight Control ARINC 629 bus

ADM (air data module)
converts pitot/static signals into digital ARINC 629 data

Flight Control Position Transducer (20)
Roll (6) LVDT
Pitch (6) LVDT
Yaw (4) LVDT
Speedbrake lever RVDT (4)
measure position of control wheel/column
Mid value selection and average calculation

Flight Control Force Transducer (3)
(1) Aileron
(2) Elevator
measure total force from control wheel/column

PFC uses on-side concept
Receive data from all buses
Transmit data to on-side bus

Analog Interfaces
Rudder Trim
Flight Control Position Transducers
Flight Control Force Transducers
FSEU (flap slat electronics unit)
PFC disconnect switch
STCM (stabilizer trim control module)
Elevator Feel Actuator


PFCS electrical power distribution

PSA (power supply assembly)
FCDC (flight controls dc)

Primary power source: Backup Generator PMG (2 PMGs each BUG)
Secondary power source L/R 28 VDC BUS and CAPT FLT INST BUS
Backup power source HOT BAT BUS (L/C PSA only)
R PSA has no backup power source
On ground PSA change to secondary power
Each PSA has own FCDC Battery to supply power during power transition
(very short lifetime)

L PSA supplies power to L PFC and L1 ACE and PCU
R PSA supplies power to R PFC and R ACE and PCU and R STCM
C PSA supplies power to C PFC and C ACE and PCU and C STCM
L2 ACE is powered direct from 28 VDC BAT bus

If A/C electrical power shutdown with PFC removed/deactivated
FCDC battery will be drained

After switching off hydraulic power PFC starts self test (hydraulic
press <1000 psi), wait 3 minutes before electrical power down of A/C
or FCDC batteries will be drained

If PFC LANE or PFC Message exits, pull PFC CBs (4ea PFC) before
power down

BAT INTLK, PFC LANE 1, LANE 2, LANE 3 CBs located on PSA

ACE (actuator control electronics)
ACE operate in all 3 PFC modes

ACE Function
in Normal Mode ACE converts analog position transducer signal
into digital data and sends it to the Flight Control ARINC 629 bus,
ACE converts digital PFC command data into analog signal and
supplies PCU
in Sendodary Mode ACE uses internal Pitch Rate Sensor instead
in Direct Mode ACE processes analog input signal with internal
hardware and sends analog command signal (PFC DISC or loss of
data from all 3 Flight Control ARINC 629 buses)


Pinprogrammed (location and software)
Activ cooled
Location: L1/L2/C ACE in MEC, R ACE in E5 rack (fwd cargo)
Primary Control
each PCU is controlled by a seperate ACE
STCM 2 motors controlled by all 4 ACE
Each ACE controls one pair of symetric spoilers
Single ACE failure will cause loss of one PCU in Aileron, Flaperon,
Elevator, Rudder
PFC (primary flight computer)
passiv cooled
Software loaded (90 minutes to load software)
No software option (AMI airline modifiable information)
3 lanes per PFC
3 PFC (L / C / R) = 3 Channel 1 Channel = 3 Lanes
If single channel fails no software loading possible (c/out LRU
replacement test via MAT)
Before loading software deactivate other PFCs by pulling CBs (prevents
battery draining)

PFC and Lane faults
3-3-2 (1 Lane fault) MEMO message (Normal mode, go-item)
3-2-2 PFC CONTROL LANES status (Normal mode, go-item)
3-3-1/0 (1 Channel failure - PFC shut down) PFC CHANNEL
status (Normal mode, go-item)
up to 2-1/0-1/0 FLIGHT CONTROL SYS status (Normal mode,
No dispatch-item)
PFC shuts down if there are 2 or 3 lane failures at the same PFC
(PFC needs at lest 2 lanes to operate)
If all 3 PFC lost Direct mode (Caution, advisory, status
Secondary Mode is not a PFC failure mode, it is due to a input data
failure (ADIRU and SAARU)

Each lane is produced by a different manufacturer (IBM, SUN, APPLE)
During power up Lane Selection Logic starts
changes lane at every landing
selects 3 different brand lanes at power up

PFC Functions
Rool control
Aileron lockout
Spoiler 5 and 10 lockout (during flight only)
Flaperon / Aileron droop
Elevator feel
Elevator offload
Column cutout
Stabilizer shutdown
Yaw control
Rudder ratio
Wheel / Rudder cross tie

Rudder trim
Auto speedbrake

Protection Functions (not available in secondary / direct mode)
TAC (thrust asymmetry compensation)

Stability Augmentation
Speed stability
Yaw damping
Turn coordination
Gust suppression
Modal suppression

PFC DISC light
ON if PFC is in direct mode, regardless how mode was engaged

PFCS operation modes
Primary Flight Computers DISC switch lets Pilot select the direct
mode of operation
On ground SPD < 40 kts PFCS selects highest mode
In air Pilot has to recycle Primary Flight Computers DISC switch
Normal Mode:
Primary Flight Computers DISC switch in AUTO
Input data is available
At least (1) PFC and (3) ACEs are in normal mode
Secondary Mode: (No protection functions)
PFCS selects secondary mode if it detects loss of both ADIRU and
SAARU data
PFCS selects secondary mode when (2) ACEs are in direct mode
Direct Mode:
If there are (3) ACEs in direct mode, the PFCS switches the last
ACE to the direct mode
Primary Flight Computers DISC switch in DISC position causes
direct mode

Isolation Valve (6)
C system Isolation Valves can not be closed in flight
VALVE CLOSED light comes ON if valve is not open

Flight Control Syoptic Display
Crossed and amber symbol defective condition
Scale with no pointer position unknown
FLT CTRL MODE Normal mode green
Sec / direct mode amber
Hydraulic power supply condition (during malfunction only)
ACEs condition (during malfunction only)


Flight Control Maintenance Pages (3)
Page 1: Position, force and pressure transducers variables (input
Page 2: Surface position, actuator hydraulic data (Actuator LVDT)
(X = invalid, S = shutdown)
Page 3: Analog discretes (ACE, AIMS)

MAT tests
54 MAT tests
most tests remove latched faults
ACE Monitor Test and Actuator Confidence Test (test results on
MTMP (CH 31 SMT Message)
2 PCUs per Aileron and Flaperon
3 AFDC (autopilot flight director computer) prevent aileron trim during
autopilot operation and bankangle protection operation

Force transducers send signal to ACE. The PFCs use this function for the
bankangle protection function.
PCU fitted together with reaction link to reduce force on structure
2 Trim Switches (Arm Switch / Control Switch) used for aileron trim
Aileron Trim Indicator placards on top of control column

Aileron PCU Modes

Flaperon Modes

Aileron PCU
Bypass Solenoid Valve (discrete input signal from ACE)
Blocking Solenoid Valve(discrete input signal from ACE)
EHSV (electro/hydraulic servo vcalve) (analog input signal from ACE)
EHSV Position LVDT (analog feedback signal to ACE)
Actuator position LVDT (analog feedback signal to ACE)
Actuator Null LVDT (analog feedback signal to ACE)

Actuator Null LVDT is used for rigging (remove cover to get access, MAT
used for rigging)
Manual bypass for manual extension

Aileron PCU Normal Mode
Below cruise speed ACE energize bypass solenoid and blocking
Aileron Lockout: Above cruise speed PFC command through
ACE aileron flair and lockout, ACE energizes bypass solenoid and
de-energizes blocking solenoid

Aileron PCU Bypass Mode (Failure Mode)
ACE de-energizes bypass solenoid and energizes blocking
solenoid (single hydraulic or electrical failure) if there is a
subsequent failure on the ajacent PCU its ACE de-energizes ist
bypass solenoid and aileron move up approx 15 deg due to airload
Aileron PCU Blocking/Damped Mode
ACE de-energizes both bypass and blocking solenoid this
happens if PCU has no power or PCU has a failure at cruise speed

If both aileron PCU are in bypass mode aileron will float up at low speed

Flaperon PCU
Flaperon PCU has no manual bypass
Flaperon PCU has no blocking solenoid

Bypass solenoid valve (controls pilot pressure to mode selector valve)
Mode selector valve (two positions: Normal / Bypass)
EHSV LVDT (position feedback to ACE)
Differential pressure sensor (measures differential pressure across
actuator piston)

Flaperon PCU Bypass Mode
ACE energizes bypass solenoid
Flaperon PCU Bypass Mode (failure mode)
ACE de-energizes bypass solenoid due to a single hydraulic or
electrical failure
If both PCUs of a flaperon are in bypass mode, in flight the airload
causes the flaperon to move up to a max of 10 deg

During T/O and speed < 85 kts flaperon is commanded to bypass mode
and back to normal mode above 100 kts

Flaperon without electrical and hydraulic power move free up and down
aileron without electrical and hydraulic power move free down and are
blocked to move up

Aileron is rigged 2 deg TED

No force fight equalisation if PFC goes into direct mode

Aileron deflection is a function of
Control wheel input
FSEU (flap position)


Aileron Lockput is a function of
Blocking valve is de-energized

Aileron lockout is available in all 3 PFCS modes

Aileron / Flaperon droop (Normal mode)

Aileron: 0.6 deg TED
Flaperon: 31 deg TED
Take Off
Aileron: 8 deg TED
Flaperon: 10 - 20 deg TED

Aileron / Flaperon droop (Secondary / Direct mode)
Flaperon droop 20 deg, Aileron do not droop
On ground flaperon move to faired position when speed brake lever
moves from 17 - 55 deg; when speed brake goes back flaperon droop
again as a function of flaps

BAP (Bank Angle Protection) - function
If banking angle > 35 deg a signal to Backdrive actuator applies force to
the control wheel and reduces bankangle to 30 deg
Bankangle pointer turns amber if BAP is active

BAP function
does not operate speed > 75 kts
speed between V
- V

LAM (Landing Attitude Modification) - logic
Overspeed approach with flaps at 25-30 deg flaperon droop decreases
and at 20 kts overspeed droop becomes 0 deg

Aileron / Flaperon Control in Secondary mode
Aileron is commanded to lockout as a function of flaps discretes (UP/DN)
Flaperon droop available only (20 deg)
Force fight equalisation available
No protection functions

Aileron / Flaperon Control in Direct mode
Aileron lockout as a function of flaps
Flaperon droop available (20 deg)


Spoilers 4 and 11 are mechanical controlled for roll command
Spoilers 4 and 11 are electrical controlled for speedbrake command if
speedbrake lever is at 54 deg (in normal mode only)
Mixing: Spoilers 4 and 11 no spoiler mixing
Spoilers 4 and 11 have speedbrake priority
Spoiler inhibit if pitch > 2 deg
Roll/speedbrake command in air: Inbd 20 deg outbd 45 deg
On ground all spoilers (exept 4 and 11) extend 60 deg (4 and 11 extend
45 deg)
Normal mode
Spoilers 5 and 10 lockout along with aileron during cruise
(speedbrake and roll)
Secondary / Direct mode
Spoilers 5 and 10 lockout all the time
Spoilers 4 and 11 are not operated as speedbrake

Spoiler PCU (exept 4 and 11)
Actuator position LVDT

Spoiler PCU (4 and 11)
Speedbrake solenoid valve
Actuator position valve

Spoiler PCUs are rigged by adjusting rod of actuator (contrary to all
other PCUs, which are rigged by Null-LVDT)

Manual Bypass Lever for manual extension

If ACE finds a failed PCU, it provides electrical ground to both PCU (pair)
controlled by it (both spoiler retract)

Spoiler / Speedbrake Control function
Spoiler lockout logic (5 and 10)
Spoiler roll schedule
Spoiler mixing
Speedbrake inhibit logic
Mechanical speedbrake logic
Auto Speedbrake
Available only in Normal PFCS mode
Autospoiler operate if AC on ground and autospoiler signal to PFC

Autospoiler signal
Arm signal by spoiler lever transducer
Thrust reverser operated signal by auto speedbrake T/R switch


A/C on ground signal
Truck tilt signal (PSEU)
TRA validity (EEC) not T/O power
Truck tilt pressure sensor (HYDIM)

Auto speedbrake relays location: Fitted on floorbeam bracket in FWD
equipment center

Both speedbrake relays energized by ACE through PSA power to
Single rudder with tab
Tab deflects double rudder deflection
improves aerodynamic effectiveness
Limited rudder pedal override (contol rod, oneway pogo)
Rudder pedals are moved during rudder trim and TAC signal

Rudder PCU modes

On ground with no hydraulic power all PCU are in damped mode

Rudder PCU (3)
Pressure reducer solenoid valve (provides reduced pressure to
Differential pressure LVDT
Bypass LVDT
Damped solenoid valve
EHSV position LVDT
Actuator position LVDT
Actuator Null LVDT

Full pressure (3000 psi ) PFC command
failure of any PCU
Altitude < 500 psi
Flaps extended
Reduced pressure 1850 psi / 1910 psi
During normal mode of PFCS (PFC command) PCU operate with
reduced pressure during cruise

Rudder Control PFC functions in normal mode
Rudder schedule
Rudder ratio changer (function of CAS)
TAC (thrust asymmetry compensation)
Yaw damper (+/-6 deg only in air)
Wheel - Rudder cross tie (+/-7,8 deg)
Gust suppression (+/-6 deg)

Modal suppression
Force fight equalisation
Hydraulic pressure control
Rudder trim
Autopilot yaw commands

Rudder control PFC functions in secondary mode
Rudder fixed schedule
Degraded rudder ratio
Secondary yaw damper
Force fight equalisation

Rudder control PFC functions in direct mode
Rudder fixed schedule
Degraded rudder ratio
Hydraulic pressure control

Rudder Trim
Rudder trim actuator consists of RVDT to provide rudder trim scale

Rudder trim switch is a dual torque switch
> 25 deg turn armed
< 25 deg turn 0.5 unit/sec
40 deg turn 2 unit/sec

T/O configuration warning if trim >2 deg and A/C on ground and RH
engine T/O power

Rudder manual trim cancel can not cancel any TAC input
No rudder trim cancel in direct mode

Rudder trim passes through ACE and PFC
If L1 ACE fails, rudder trim does not operate (no sevo command)
No TAC function, trim cancel function and high speed trim function if
R ACE fails

TAC (thrust asymmetry compensation)

TAC is available in normal mode only
TAC uses 60% of rudder travel
TAC uses trim actuator to position rudder pedals
TAC gives rudder command if differential thrust > 6000lbs and
CAS > 70 kts

TAC PFC function (normal mode) goes direct to PCU and also as
signal to rudder trim actuator to move rudder pedals

Protection functions

To operate Elevator Force Transducer input and elevator position
transducer input must be available
Force transducers send signal to PFC that columns are not in
neutral position (>2.5 lbs)

Pitch trim switch input controls elevator, then stabilizer offloads elevator
WOW supplies power to stick shaker

Elevator PCU (4)
Elevator PCU has a manual bypass valve
Elevator PCU has a manual test valve
To check compensator check valve
Elevators do not droop down with no hydraulic pressure available
(blocking mode)
Only autopilot input moves column

Elevator PCU modes

Elevator PCU
Bypass solenoid valve
Blocking solenoid valve (2 coils)
EHSV position LVDT
Actuator position LVDT
Actuator Null LVDT
Differential pressure LVDT
Pressure reducer solenoid valve (reduces pressure)

Reduced pressure (2140 psi) during normal operation
High pressure (3000 psi) if ajacent PCU fails

ACE de-energizes bypass solenoid and one coil of blocking
solenoid, then elevator PCU goes into bypass mode

Elevator PCU goes into blocking mode only (2
blocking solenoid de-
energized) if elevator is near to fair position

Elevator control PFC functions in normal mode
Elevator column control
Speed stability
Flare compensation
Stall protection
Overspeed protection
Elevator rig position

Elevator command limiting
Force fight equalisation
Elevator feel logic
Elevator offload (in air only)
Autopilot pitch commands

Elevator control PFC functions in secondary mode
Elevator control schedule
Pitch rate
Elevator command limiting
Force fight equalisation
Elevator feel logic

Elevator control PFC functions in direct mode
Elevator control schedule
Pitch rate sensor
Elevator feel logic

Speed stability function
Trim reference speed is the last speed selected by pitch trim switch
or by pitch trim levers

Elevator Feel
Elevator feel in all 3 elevator modes

Elevator Feel Unit (2)
Elevator feel actuator changes geometry as a function of speed
electrical/mechanical unit
Spring to bring back feel unit to low speed configuration (fail safe)
If one actuator fails other actuator is doubled
Actuator engages < 40 kts (to do feel check)
Actuator disengages > 40 kts
Actuator engages again 5 sec after liftoff
RVDT in feel actuator supplies feedback signal
Ballscrew actuator is driven by 2 hydraulic motors

Stabilizer motion speed (4 speed)
Low rate of speed with 1 motor
High rate of speed with 1 motor
Low rate of speed with 2 motors
High rate of speed with 2 motors

Auto shutdown logic
Column cutout: Column movement opposite to pitch trim
Stabilizer cutout: Uncommanded movement


Stabilizer cutout switches
Control wheel pitch trim switches (electrical control)
Alternate pitch trim switches (mechanical control)
Hydraulic brakes (2)
Hydraulic motors (2)
Stabilizer position modules (3)
STCM stabilizer trim control module (2)
Stabilizer position indicators

STCM (stabilizer trim control module)
1 ea control / arm trim UP solenoid
1 ea control / arm trim DOWN solenoid
Rate control solenoid
Pressure switch (hydraulic brake status, signal to ACE)
Motor operated s/o valve (automatic / manual cutout)
Brake bypass valve
All components are LRU

Brake Bypass Valve
To test operation of hyraulic brake (cutoff hydr power from brake)

Stabilizer Ballscrew Actuator
2 primary brake pawls (provide friction for both directions)
2 hydraulic brakes
2 hydraulic motors (LH motor C sytem, RH motor R system)
Safety rod internal of ballscrew
Motor case drain oil is used to heat up brakes

SPM (Stabilizer Module Assembly) (3)
RVDT for indication and and position feedback to ACEs
2 limit switches
Limit switches of LH SPM are not used (SPM can be swapped
without rigging)

During alternate pitch trim no auto shutdown protection available
Auto shutdown is a function of PFC (normal or secondary mode only)
Reset of auto shutdown relay
Stabilizer system ground test unlatches PFC shutdown command
to the ACEs when system test passes or
PFC DISC and C and R cutout switches cycle

Stabilizer control signal passes through limit switches of SPM
Arm signal goes direct to UP/DN solenoids
Cutout switches control s/o valve direct
Manual trim (ALT Trim Lever) has priority to electrical trim through Control
Wheel Trim switches
On ground both motors operate at high rate of speed
Single Pitch Trim Switch operation is possible during single ACE failure or
ARINC 629 loss


Stabilizer control in normal mode
Elevator EHSV signal to ACE (in air only)
Elevator offload function
Auto shutdown relay signal to ACE
Nose UP/DN trim signal to ACE (on ground only)
Column cutout
Rate control signal to ACE (function of airspeed)
Control path logic (controls 1 or 2 STCM, function of amount and
duration of movement)
On ground 2 motor/high rate (flaps extended) or 1 motor/low rate
(flaps retracted)

Stabilizer control in secondary mode
Column cutout
Nose UP/DN trim signal to ACE
Auto shutdown relay signal to ACE (single path, 1 motor/high rate
of speed)

Stabilizer control in direct mode
No auto shutdown protection
No column cutout function
High rate of speed with 1 motor
Capt controls C STCM by control wheel switches or alternate trim
F/O controls R STCM by control wheel switches or alternate trim

Stabilizer has 4 different stops
PFC limits
Limit switches (RH SPM and CTR SPM)
Travel limiter limit (hammer assy)
Structural stops

Green band indication
Safe T/O range
Stabilizer Indication system is available in all 3 modes
WEU (warning electronic unit) uses A/C weight, CG and thrust
Disagreement between green band calculation and pressure switch
causes STAB GREEN BAND EICAS message
HLCS (high lift control system)
Slats (14 segments)
3 Slat positions
Sealed (T/O)
Gapped (Landing)

Krueger flaps (1ea just inboard to engine strut)
Outboard flaps single sloted, inboard flaps double sloted

Flap/Slat Lever Sensor (4 RVDT)
2 FSEU (flap slat electronics unit) (loc: E1 / E4)
Flap Primary Control Valve
Slat Primary Control Valve
Flap PDU (1 hydraulic motor / 1 electric motor)
Slat PDU (1 hydraulic motor / 1 electric motor)
Secondary/Alternate Control Relay
Flap Control Modes
3 Modes
Primary (hydraulically)
Secondary (electrically)
Alternate (electrically)

Primary Control Valve
During secondary/alternate mode bypass solenoid is energized, to
bypass hydraulic motor (backdrive)
Low speed solenoid valve provides low speed 7 turns before
selected position
Solenoids have 2 coils (each coil is controlled by one FSEU)

Flap Tranmission Assembly
each transmission assy has a Torque Trip Indicator

Inboard Flap outboard Tranmission Assembly
Fuse pin at FWD attachment fitting of carrier beam
Open access panel indicates failed fuse Pin, inspection required

No Back Brake (2)
prevents the airload to drive up flaps

Position Sensor Gearbox (2)
(4) flap position sensors (RVDT)
Additional 20 unit limit switch (RH only)
Access to manual drive

Primary Mode
Flap/Slat sequence
Cruise inhibit (prevents flap extension during cruise)
Flap load relief (1 kt above placard speed for >1 sec)
Low speed control (7 turns before selected position)

Secondary Mode
Slats gapped position only
Flaps as selected
Secondary mode display
FSEU energizes bypass/clutch relay
Flap/Slat sequence
Cruise inhibit

Alternate Mode

Slats in sealed position
Flaps 20 units max by limit switches
No protection functions
Alternate mode display with reference detend numbers

Secondary Mode available in air only
inhibited on ground
override inhibit via MAT

Flaps and slats are independant in primary and secondary mode
Alternate Flap Switch in ARM cancels primary/secondary mode signal in
Alternate mode is not a function of FSEU
Recycling of ALTN FLAPS switch clears FSEU messages
FSEU stops all commands if ALTN FLAPS switch armed

Flap/Slat priority valve provides priority to flight controls
Auto Slat priority valve provides auto slat priority over MLG

FSEU and interfaces (exept skew sensors, ctrl relays and auto slat prio
valve) are 1 lane
ALTN FLAP switch forces lane change
Post flt test changes line
if FSEU fails line is changed
FLAP/SLAT CONTROL 1/2 status message if 1 lane fails
FLAP/SLAT CONTROL caution message if both lane fail

Each FSEU contains 2 channels (control channel and monitor channel)
Both channels must agree on command to permit signal to
Flap/Slat relays and solenoids

FSEU provides signal in primary and secondary mode

FSEU selftest every 100 cycle during approach
System goes into secondary mode and moves Flap/Slat system for
2 seconds in secondary mode, status message in case of failure
Different maintenance messages for ground test and selftest in air
due to different software

CHIS Logic
Flaps/Slats go to secondary mode
if both engine continue to run for 10 sec, primary mode reengages

Sequence of Flaps/Slats in primary mode
Function of FSEU
Slats extend to sealed position
Flaps extend to 20 units
Slats extend to gapped position
Flaps extend to 30 units


Sequence of Flaps/Slats in secondary mode
Slats extend to gapped position (load relief to sealed position
Flaps extend
10 minutes for full cycle

Flaps/Slats in alternate mode
No sequence
Slats extend to sealed position
Flaps extend to 20 units
During retraction flaps retract before slats (jumper to be installed)

Duty cycle limits
Primary mode: Wait 30 min after 12 min of flap operation (6 full
cycles) due to No Back Drive overheat
Secondary mode: Wait 30 min after 15 min of flap operation
(1 cycle) due to motor overheat

If slats shutdown in primary/secondary mode, flaps can move
If flap is extended and locked out slat can not be retracted fully in primary
mode. Install a jumper on flap limit switch and use ALTN switch

Flap load relief
Available in normal mode only
Command bar remains magenta
LOAD RELIEF word appears next to flap indication
Display remains in normal mode

Flaps retract in 5 unit steps to a max extension of 5 units

Slats load relief available in secondary mode only

On EICAS display
Normal mode display (single band) disappears after
10 sec flaps up
Secondary mode display (double band)
Alternate mode display (double band with reference detend

Flap / Slat Maintenance Page
PSEU information
Flap lever position
Slat/Flap drive commands
Slat/Flap position information
Slat skew: 12 proximity sensor information
Flap skew: 16 LVDT sensor information


Flap Skew
Detect Skew, asymmetry and to slow movement in secondary mode
16 skew sensors (LVDT), 2 for each screw jack (shear rivet protection in
case of LVDT failure)
No shutdown in secondary mode
Display goes into expanded secondary mode display and will turn amber,
EICAS message is shown
Both FSEU lanes must detect skew to shutdown flaps, single FSCU
operation possible
Skew is unlatched by cycling ALTN FLAPS switch
Two pinion gears receive power from the rotary actuators to move the two
main slat tracks

3 Slat positions
Sealed (T/O)
Gapped (Landing)

Krueger Flap has 2 positions
retracted / extended
Rotary actuator driven by slat drive torque tube

Slat PDU is located at LH wing root area
Slat limit switch is installed at PDU itself (used for alternate slat)
Control components are similar to flap system
2 Position sensors at slat 1 and 14 rotary actuator

Slat PDU
Wrench flats on torque tube just outboard of PDU for manual
rotation of slat system
Torque Trip Indicator (splitted for LH / RH side)
Stroke control mechanism in the gearbox stops PDU output if
motor fails to stop (within 2 turns)
Rig Pin and Ground Pin facilities

No Back Brake offset gearbox has a shearout to prevent exessive loads

Slats load relief in secondary mode only
Slats retract from gapped position to sealed position

Auto Slat Extension
Available in primary mode only
If A/C approaches stall conditions, FSEU commands autoslat
priority valve solenoid to reduce hydraulic power from MLG
Slats extend from sealed to gapped position

Secondary mode auto test is c/out similar to flap system


Slat Skew
Slat position sensors are used to sense asymmetry
No skew detection for slat 1 and 14
Proximity detectors (12) for slat skew detection and slat loss detection
Inboard slat has 4 skew sensors at each auxillary arm
2ea skew sensors at slat 2 and 13

Slat 2 - 6 and 9 - 13 are connected together by a cable, this cable is
attached to the proximity detectors (slat 2 and 13)

Both FSEU monitor skew sensors, in case of skew
EICAS message
FSEU stop slat system
Slat position indicator turns amber

In case of slat drive shutdown flaps can be moved to 20 unit in case slats
are not in gapped position or to 30 unit in case slats are in gapped

Mechanical unlatch slat skew mechanism after slat skew
Slat skew reset by cycling ALTN FLAPS switch or Primary System Test
via MAT


- 28 -
Fuel Indication
IRP (Integrated Refueling Panel)
Maintenance pages
2 Panels (LH and RH wing) LH is master (if LH IRP is powered, no
power available at RH IRP)
No overwing refueling
LH FWD Boost Bump is dedicated to APU Feed (AC Pwr ON)
in air APU DC Pump turns on, if LH Engine flames out and no pressure in
LH engine feed line
Jettison in flight only, built in safety provided
95'000 kg
LH and RH Center tank are connected with interconnect tubes (min
Fuel 1000kg)
B777-200 IGW
138'600 kg
Center section used for fuel storage
Main tanks increased QTY due to new setting of high level sensors
Wing dry bay prevents fuel spillage if engine bursts
LH and RH surge tank collects fuel overflow through vent system. Fuel
overflows normally back to main tanks. Surge tank can be drained.
Rib 10 Fuel dam rib prevents fuel to flow away from boost pumps
Rib 18 Baffle rib prevents fuel to flow outboard during banking
Clamp type tank access doors
inboard of rib 18 impact type access installed
6 Measuring sticks on each main tank
4 Measuring sticks on ctr tank (2 each side)
1 Drain valve at each main tank (Tool used)
1 Drain valve at surge tank (Tool used)
2 Drain valves at ctr tank (no Tool used) at lowest point
Water scavenage jet pumps installed
Ctr tank is entered through access door from bottom
Fuel tank entry see AMM part II 28-11-00

Vent System
LH Tank is vented to left surge tank
RH Tank is vented to right surge tank
Ctr Tank is vented to both surge tanks
Float actuated drain valves allow fuel to go back in tank
Vent scoope provides positive pressure inside tank
flame arrester installed
Pressure relief
valve protects tank against positive and negative pressure
remains in open position (Handle plate not flush)
Manual reset requested
Center section drain
Center section is vented (-200 only)
Tank leak indicated and drained through lower drainmast port
(-200 only)
Upper drain hole belongs to APU fuel shroud
FQIS (fuel quantity indicating system)
Fuel Synoptic page
IRP (integrated refuel panel)
2 Maintenance pages (Fuel Management page and Fuel Quantity
Fuel temp indication
Fuel pressure indication
FQPU (fuel quantity processor unit) E5 rack fwd cargo door aft frame
Tank units (Probes)
52 (-200)
60 (-200 IGW)
ultrasonic type
Fuel Synoptic Page
3 Densitometer
4 (3 for IGW) Water detector
1 Fuel temp sensor (LH tank)
FQIS harness are connected at rearspar for main tanks and at front spar
for ctr tank
POWER switch on IRP ON and IRP door open
FQPU is powered from HOT BATT BUS
POWER switch on IRP NORM and IRP door open
FQPU is powered from GND HDLG BUS
2 seperate channels, if 1 channel fails STS message (go Item)

Fuel Block display: L/R inbalance > 1000 lbs, X-Feed open, Fuel
pump off and fuel in ctr tank, select Fuel Synoptic page and MFD
does not work)
Maintenance Page
Fuel QTY
Main/Ctr Tank Water
Pitch and Roll information for measuring stick use
VTO (volumetric top-off) setting
inbalance indicator self reset (>90 kg inbalance)
Stickreading on both side of ctr tank if tank QTY below 1000kg; add
reading together (-200 only)
Refuel System
6 Refuel Valves
Solenoid controlled, opened with fuel pressure
manual opened by turning override knob (do not remove back
normal control: IRPFQPUELMSRefuel Valve
Refuel Valve Control Switch close pos: Refuel Valve closed
Refuel Valve Control Switch open pos: FQPU controls Refuel Valve
each Refuel Valve Control Switch controls 2 Refuel Valves
VTO closes both Refuel Valves
if one Surge tank float switch (Magnetic reed switch) senses fuel in
surge tank, all 6 Refuel Valves will be closed
Refuel Valves are located at rear spar
Control part of Refuel Valve is replacable with full tanks

Refuel Station
Magnetic switch senses open panel
2 refuel adapters
no bonding requested at refuel adapter
refuel/defuel handle for defuel only
IRP is a LRU but not its components

2 IRP (Integrated refueling panel)
LH is master (if LH IRP is powered, no power available at RH IRP)
IRP does indicator test during power up
Overfill light ON if any sourge float switch senses fuel (all fillvalves
close) reset with overfill reset switch.
Overfill reset switch to reset latched overfill indication (there is no
overfill protection in RESET position!)
Overfill test simulates fuel in surge tank (needs reset, no overfill
test during refueling required)
Indicator test: All refuel valve and defuel valve lights will be tested,
Indicator will be tested (faulty indicators turn blank)


System test: A system test is done during refueling. All refueling
valves are closed and opened again (two at a time). If FQIS has a
failure one or more refuel valve indicator lights do not go out. They
must be closed manually with switch at IRP.
Defuel Valve switch for defueling and fuel transfering only
Refuel Valve Control Switch controls 2 Refuel Valves (if used
without load selector set manual refueling and no preselect
Total/Backup Display can be used as backup for faulty main or ctr
tank indication (Preselect and VTO is still available)
Load select QTY: used for total QTY and individual QTY selection
(used together with Total/Backup Indicator)
Display turns blank after pushing once (manual refueling)
During refueling, if there is a failure which prevents FQPU from
making a good quantity calculation, PUSH SET is displayed and
appropriare refuel valves close. Push load select set to continue,
display will blank and one refuel control valve will open (no
volumetric shutoff)
Engine Fuel Feed
Controlled with
Fuel control switches
Fire switches
Fuel panel switches
Suction feed from main tanks only
4 Fuel Boost Pump (12 psi) for L/R main tank
2 Override Jettison Pump (36 psi) for center tank
2 Main Jettison Pumps
1 DC APU Pump
2 X-Feed valves (parallel)
2 Spar Valves
all valves and pumps are located at rear spar
1 Spar Valve Battery (Cockpit RH stowage)

Fuel Scavenage Jet Pump
powered from Main Boost Pump if center tank qty is low, detected
by Inlet Float operated Shutoff Valve

Eletromotor actuated Valves (all actuators are interchangeable)
X-Feed Valve
Spar Valve
Defuel Valve
Jettison Isolation Valve
Jettison Nozzle Valve
APU s/o Valve
APU Isolation Valve


Main Boost Pump
LH FWD Pump feeds APU automatically if AC power available
L/R Main Boost Pump PRESS light will come ON if low pressure is
detected (Pump ON or OFF selected)
LH FWD pump has two power sources (GND SVC Bus and L XFR Bus)
LH AFT pump has one power source only ( L XFR Bus)
There is only one Main Boost Pump ON if L XFR Bus is available but
normal source for FWD Pump is lost
Priority to AFT Boost Pump in case of XFR Bus feeds both pumps

Override Jettison Pump
Pump inhibit logic
A/C on ground
only one ext power: no pump operates
if APU is only power source: only LH Pump operates
if IDG is single source: appropriate pump operates
PRESS comes ON! (EICAS message inhibited)
Both pumps working (even with one power source) if:
A/C in flight
Refueling Panel is open
Fuel Jettison is armed
PRESS lights are inhibited with pump switch in OFF position
Fuel Spar Valve
Power sources
Hot Battery Bus
Spar Valve Battery (if Hot Battery Bus voltage < 22VDC)
Normal control from Engine Spar Valve Ctrl Relay
Engine fire switch controls Spar Valve direct
FUEL SPAR VALVE L/R status message if disgreement occurs
Spar Valve Battery
NiCd Battery with internal charger
Additional power source if Hot Batt bus drops below 22 VDC
powers L/R Spar Valve, APU s/o Valve
FUEL SOV BATTERY status message if fault detected by AIMS
Battery is located in Cockpit (RH stowage)
APU Fuel Feed
Controlled and monitored by ELMS
If AC power available LH FWD pump ON
DC pump starts if
no pressure in lh feed manifold
APU start switch ON
APU s/o Valve is controlled from APU start switch
APU DC pump is displayed on Fuel Synoptic page and on Fuel
Management Maintenance page
If DC pump pressure is low and APU selector in ON position
FUEL PUMP APU status message
DC pump starts and APU Isolation Valve opens if:
A/C in air
no pressure in LH feed manifold
LH engine control switch is ON
LH engine flames out
APU s/o Valve

controlled by APU start switch
Backup power from Spar Valve Battery
if Valve not in commanded position
FUEL VALVE APU advisory and status message

Fuel Jettison
Fuel Jettison is controlled by ELMS
2 Override/Jettison Pumps in center tank
2 Jettison Pumps in main tanks
2 Jettison Isolation Valves in center tank
2 Jettison Isolation Valves outboard of surge tank

Jettison Nozzle Valves open in flight only
Jettison pumps have a pressure switch
PRESS is indicated in ARM switch if switch is in ARM position
Fuel Jettison Isolation Valve opens in air
Jettison Arm Switch in armed position
Fuel Qty > Fuel to remain

ARM switch
Main Jettison pumps start
Jettison Isolation Valve opens
ARM in Flight
Selects MLW (maximum landing weight)
arms Jettison system

Nozzle Valve Switch
no effect
In Flight
L/R Valve switch pressed: Both Main Jettison Pumps are turned
ON, both Jettison Isolation Valves open, L/R Nozzle Valve open
VALVE light comes ON, if Nozzle valve is not in selected position

Defuel Valve
located at RH rear spar inbd of MLG
controlled from IRP Defuel Valve Switch
connects Fuel Feed manifold and Refuel/Jettison manifold together
used to transfer between tanks and for defueling
Defuel Valve disagreement is shown as maintenance message


Valves and pumps used for defueling
Defueling Handle
X-Feed Valve
Defuel Valve
Boost pumps and Main Jettison pumps are used for pressure
Valves and pumps used for fuel transfer
X-Feed Valve
Defuel Valve
Refuel Valve
Boost pumps
Main Jettison pumps and Jettison Isolaton Valves (Jett syst ARM)
Qty Indicator should be blanked by load select switch to prevent
interference with FQPU


- 29 -
3 independant systems
System color code for hydraulic pipes
Red for L system
Blue for C system
Green for R system
4 Accus in Stab compt absorb press change caused by Tail PCU
Heatexchanger in L/R main fuel tanks
Minimum fuel for continiuous operation L/R MAIN 2200/3300 kg
Component location
L/R system in L/R engine strut
C system in RH MLG wheel well and lh aft fuselage fairing
L/R system pressure transducer are at L/R rear spar

CHIS (center hydraulic isolation system)
provides emergency functions in case of hydraulic failure
ACMP C1 is only pressure source
for reserve brake and NLG steering operation
2 Isolation valves in RH MLG wheel well
Valve close if airspeed < 60 kt and system C Qty < 0.4
Valves can be locked in open position

Brake systems
Primary brake R system
Alternate brake C system
Reserve brake CHIS
HYDIM cards
4 HYDIM (Hydraulic interface module)
HYDIM L (left) for L hydr system
HYDIM R (right) for R hydr system
HYDIM CL (center left) for C hydr system
HYDIM CR (center right) for C hydr system

HYDIM card monitors, indicates and processes to AIMS
sytem fault detection (sensors )
Flt control shut off valve position
L/R EDP supply s/o valve position
Truck tilt pressure (Auto speed brake)

HYDIM card control function
Demand pump AUTO operation (L/R ACMP, ADP C1/C2)
L/G Auto OFF (NLG/MLG selector bypass) (via ELMS)
RAT auto deploy (hydraulic failure)


Location: MEC P85 / P84 system cardfiles
X-talk over ASG cards to ARINC 629; hardwire to LRUs (sensors etc)
Software loaded
All cards are interchangeable
Faulty card (STS)
HYDIM CR is go-item!
2 EDP (engine driven pump) (L/R)
2 ACMP (alternating current motor pump) (C1/C2)
Pumps are always running

2 ACMP (L/R)
2 ADP (air driven pump) (C1/C2)
demand pums are continiuous running in ON position
demand pumps are HYDIM controlled in AUTO position

high temperature (all pumps)
Pump low pressure (primary and demand in ON position)
Demand pump in AUTO and pump low pressure, light comes on if
control signal from HYDIM to operate pump

Auto operation
for emergency flight controls

ADP and EDP are interchangeable
All 4 ACMP are interchangeable
ACMP motor and pump are cooled by case drain oil
EDP: If windmiling with <HYDR OFF> (Fire switch) inspect EDP filter
EDP L/R depressurizing solenoid energized with control switch in OFF
ADP Assembly
Location: lh aft fuselage fairing
Access door fully open or close when operating flaps
Lwr pump C1, upr pump C2

TGA (Turbine Gearbox Assembly)
case drain oil used for cooling
Oil lubrication system
Filter assy
Sightglas and filler port


ADU Heater
controlled by HYDIM CL
ELMS EEU provides power for heaters
4 heaters
Test via MAT (ADP and RAT heaters)
STS message if fault occurs

ADP Modulating Shut Off Valve
Normal open or close
If required valve can modulate
Position indicator
Solenoid operated butterfly type
spring loaded close

VIGV (variable integral guide vane)
Controls turbine RPM by controlling VIGV
Position indicator

LSCU (Logic Speed Control Unit)
1 for each ADP
provides overspeed protection
controls ADP operation

ADP control
AUTO position by HYDIM cards
ON position direct by LSCU
In case of overspeed reset via MAT (ADP operational test)

Primary speed control
Speed control: VIGV by LSCU (shut off valve open)
4315 RPM
Secondary speed control
Speed control: MSOV (modulating shut off valve) by secondary
speed control
5000 RPM
Overspeed protection
Speed control: LSCU shut down
6590 RPM
latched in LSCU reset by MAT (ADP operational test)
Reserve control
Speed control: VIGV (LSCU resets primary)
used for auto slat control (one ADP fault)
5160 RPM for 8 sec
Fire Switch
close EDP supply shut off valve
windmiling requires filter check
EDP depressurizing solenoid is energized

Flight Control S/O Valves
6 valves
Switches on panel P-61
normal open
used to isolate flight controls
Pressure and Case Drain Filter Module
One module for each pump
Module consists off:
Pressure transducer (FAULT light)
Temperature transducer
2 Case drain filters
2 Differential pressure indicator (Pop out)
Location: L/R system modules in aft struts; C system ACMP modules in
RH MLG wheel well, ADP modules lh aft fuselage fairing

Ground Service Pressure Connectors
L/R EDP pressure and case drain filter module (L/R strut)
C ADP C2 pressure and case drain filter module (lh aft fuselage fairing)

Ground Service Return Connectors
L/R EDP return filter module (L/R strut)
lh aft fuselage fairing (remote)
Return Filter Module
Filter differential pressure pop-out (48-62 psi)
Bypass relief valve pop-out (165 psi)
Return filter
L/R are interchangeable
one module for each pump
Location: L/R system in aft struts: C system in RH MLG wheel well
L/R system in appropriate strut
C system in RH MLG wheel well
Temperature transducer
Qty transmitter

Normal level top RED / bottom BLACK
Overfill both BLACK
low both RED

Reservoir pressure module
pressure s/o valve
manual bleed valve


Reservoir pressure switch
STS message for low pressure
STS message for bad sensor
hydraulic maintenance page for switch status
ADP control
HYDIM CR controls ADP C1 in demand mode
HYDIM CL controls ADP C2 in demand mode
In ON position, the HYDIM are bypassed (demand pumps)

HYDIM card prevent or stop demand mode ADP operation during engine
start on ground
ADP selector in ON position sends a signal directly to related LSCU,
LSCU opens MSOV to operate the ADP continously

ADP C1 and ADP C2 switched ON
ADP C1 is operating only
If ADP C2 should work ADP C1 must be in AUTO or OFF position

Dual pump operation
Auto slat operation
L/G retraction
T/O roll

Single pump operation
L/G extension
Flap/Slat operation
System low pressure (<2400 psi)
Touch down

Reserve mode
Auto slat operation and one ADP OFF or not operating
ACMP control
ACMP AUTO operation
HYDIM cards controls pump operation
L ACMP AUTO control
L ENG not running
Touch down (Auto speed brake)
L EDP pressure <2400 psi
R ACMP AUTO control
R ENG not running
Altitude <30 ft (Wheel brake and auto speed brake operation)
R EDP pressure <2400 psi
ACMP in ON position
direct control through ELMS (EEU)
On single 120 kVA source ELMS may shed ACMP C2 during jettison
On single 90 kVA source ELMS may shed ACMP C2 during engine start

RAT (ram air turbine)
Speed input by ADIRU (115 kts for rated output)
Location RH aft wing/fuselage fairing
Extension solenoids (2) control gravity extension, supported by spring
loaded actuator
Retraction with C system pressure by moving stow lever on
RAT checkout module to stow position (RH MLG wheel well)
Internal governor to maintain 4510 RPM

controlled by HYDIM CL
power supplied through ELMS
prevent iceing between generator rotor and stator
2 heaters (1 active)
RAT generator heater switch to select 2
heater E6-2 (aft cargo)
STS message if heater bad
Heater test via MAT

RAT manual switch
manual extension (on ground and in flight)
green PRESS light ON if pressure > 1500 psi
UNLKD light ON if RAT unlocked

Auto extension
HYDIM CL/CR controlled due to hydraulic failure:
A/C in FLT and C system pressure low and both engine below idle
A/C in FLT and L/R/C system low pressure
ELMS controlled due to electrical failure:
A/C in FLT and loss of both XFR bus (15 sec time delay)

RAT checkout module
RAT stow valve lever (STOW - STOP - FLT)
Advisory message if RAT stow lever not in FLT position
RAT motoring lever
RAT pressure transducer (PRESS light)
1 ea pressure and case drain filter
Sensors send signals to HYDIM cards and through ARINC 629 to AIMS
and OPAS
EICAS messages, HYDR synoptic page, Status page, Hydraulic
Maintenance page
Status messages only if failure ocurs, advisory message do not appear if
caution message appears
Low pressure message for EDP not idicated, if eng speed less than idle
Reservoir pressure NORM/LO indication on Hydraulic Maintenance page

Reset of HYD PUMP XX status message
if fault occured due to high temperature or temperature transducer
fault, pump has to be operated for a certain time after rectification


QTY indication (STS page, HYDR Synoptic page, Hydraulic Maintenance

full (1.00)
OF overfill (1.20)
RF refill (0.70)
LO low (0.40)
OF and RF are displayed on GND only
0.00 indicated if oil level at the top of standpipe
MAT tests
ADP C1/C2 Operational Test
CHIS System
Heaters (ADP and RAT)
L/G Auto Off Relays
LRU Tests for HYDIM Cards
L/G Alternate Extension Power Pack


- 30 -
Wing Anti Ice
Controlled by WAI - ACIPS control card (center ACIPS card)

Wing anti ice is available in air only

Slats 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12 are anti iced

ACIPS (airfoil and cowl ice protection sytem) card
Location: R SCF
Power up test and periodic test every 24 hours (WAI selector must
be in AUTO position)

WAI (wing anti-ice) - ACIPS (Center ACIPS) receives ice detector data
from systems ARINC 629 bus. The data comes from the left and right EAI
(engine anti-ice) - ACIPS control cards.

With WAI selector in AUTO position and no inhibits the WAI - ACIPS card
sends a signal to OPEN both WAI Valves when either detector finds ice
A single WAI valve fault closes both WAI valves

WAI valve closes 3 minutes after no ice detected

WAI pressure sensor (2) supply feedback information to the WAI -
ACIPS card for WAI valve control and position indication
A single pressure sensor fault closes both WAI valves

Anti Ice Inhibit Condition
A/C on ground (Exept during test or periodic BIT)
TAT > 10deg and time since T/O < 5 min
T/O mode and in air < 10 min
Auto slat ops
ADP ops
Engine start
Bleed air temp < 93 deg

Wing Anti Ice Valve (2)
Location: Just outboard of engine strut
Electrically controlled and pneumatically operated valve
Valve is failsafe closed (pneumatic pressure)
Manual lockout facility to lock valve in CLOSE position
Pressure Sensor
Location near WAI valve


EICAS advisory message ICING WING
Ice detected and switch in OFF position
EICAS advisory message ANTI ICE ON
Switch in ON position

WAI (green) write up appears next to EGT gauge on EICAS display
WAI valve symbol is indicated on Air Synoptic Page
WAI data available at Ice and Rain Maintenance Page

MAT test is available with pneumatic power on or off
Engine Anti Ice
HP3 air is used for EAI (engine anti-ice)
EAI is available on ground and in air
on ground with switch in ON position only

Power up test and periodic test every 24 hours (EAI selector must be in
AUTO position)

L/R ACIPS - EAI card (airfoil and cowl ice protection sytem) card

Fan case overheat detector monitor the EAI duct for leaks (DLODS)

EAI valve controller
Muscle pressure HP3 air
Cooled by controller air cooler (Fan air)
Location: Engine RH side under fan hub

Engine Anti Ice Valve
Fail safe open (pneumatic pressure)
Manual lockout facility (normal or locked closed position)
Lockout in close position: Move crank to close and install locking
Lockout in open position: Remove electrical plug from related EAI
valve controller (Valve opens pneumatically)

EAI pressure sensor (2)
ACIPS control cards use information to control EAI system
Sensors are redundant
cooled with fan air

The ice detectors supply signal to the onside EAI - ACIPS cards.
The ACIPS control cards use torque motors in the related EAI valve
controller to control the position of the EAI valve. The controller causes
the valve to full open if it has no power to the TM. The card sets the valve
to these positions: Regulating or full open


EAI Inhibit conditions
Engine start
Fan case overheat (ACIPS closes and latches EAI valve, cycle EAI
selector to OFF and back to AUTO or ON to unlatch)
EAI selector set to OFF
EAI selector set to AUTO with no ice detected

EICAS caution message ICING ENG
Ice detected and selector in OFF position
EICAS advisory message ANTI ICE ON
selector in ON position

EAI (green) write up appears in EPR gauge on EICAS display
EAI valve symbol is indicated on Air Synoptic Page
EAI data available Ice and Rain Maintenance Page

MAT test is available with or without running engine
Ice Detector
2 Ice Detectors are located at L/R Nose section
Interface to L/R ACIPS card

ENG ICING signal to EAI - ACIPS card after 2 counts
WING ICING signal to WAI - ACIPS card via EAI - ACIPS card
after 10 counts
Air Data Sensor Heating
PFC provides Air/Ground signal
No heating provided to static sensors
ADM (air data module) controls heating for AOA (angle of attack) and
Pitot Probes via ELMS

AOA Sensor (2)
Case and vane are heated
Same heating level on ground and in air (115 VAC)
Heaters turn ON if one or both engine running

Pitot Probe (3) (Static ports are not used)
Low level heating on ground (115 VAC)
High level heating in air (200 VAC)
Heaters turn ON if one or both engine running

TAT Probe
Electrical heated (115 VAC)
Pneumatic air used to have better ambient sense (venting action)
Heated in air only


P20/T20 Probe (2)
Controlled by EEC via PCU
Heater turns ON if N1>5% or in air
Heating power 115 VAC
Window Heating
WHCU (window heat control unit) (2)
Location MEC E1/E2 rack
L WHCU controls right Nr 1 and left Nr 2/3 window
R WHCU controls left Nr 1 and right Nr 2/3 window

L/R Window Nr 1 have a primary and a spare sensor for anti ice system
L/R Window Nr 2/3 have a primary and a spare sensor for anti fog system
Brundy Block Assy (blue) at E1/E2 rack (sidewards) provide spare
sensor wiring

Window Nr 1 have 2 layers
Anti Ice layer
Anti Fog layer
Window Nr 2/3 have only anti fog layer

WINDOW HEAT switches (P5) in NORMAL position
Winddow Nr 1 anti ice ON
Winddow Nr 2/3 anti fog ON

Backup Switches (2) (P61)
Control anti fog system for window Nr 1
Anti ace is turned ON if anti ice fails or is in OFF position

L FWD WINDOW HEAT switch controls landscape camera window

No test switch available
BIT automatically tests the system
MAT is used to initiate BIT
Wiper System
No Rain Repellant
Windows Nr 1 L/R are Hydrophobic coated
Windshield wiper motor/converter can be removed from outside
Drain and Water Supply Heating
Gray water drain line hose heater (fwd only)
Drain mast heater
Water supply line heaters
Water drain line heaters
Water drain hose heaters
Waste tank rinse fitting heaters
No indication if a heater fails
There are integral and remote temperature sensors used

- 31 -
AIMS (31-41)
Very fast (100 MB / sec Data transfer by ARINC 629)
weight saving (less computers)

(2) AIMS Cabinet (L AIMS, R AIMS)
L AIMS Cabinet located at E3 Rack
R AIMS Cabinet located at E1 Rack
each AIMS Cabinet contains:
(1) CPM/ACMF (L AIMS only)
(1) CPM/BASIC (R AIMS only)
(4) IOM (input/output module) (3) are active , (1) is backup
(2) CPM/GG (graphics generator)
CPM (core processor module) is used to compute functions
each CPM contains several computer boards
CPM/ACMF and CPM/BASIC are NOT interchangeable!
DO NOT RESET both AIMS systems simultaneously!
All CPM and IOM have insertion switches (no sparking)

controls ARINC 629
controls CMCS (central maintenance computing system)
controls PDS (primary display stystem)
controls DCMS (data communication management system)
controls FDRS (flight data recorder system)
controls TMCS (thrust management computing system)
controls ACMS (airplane condition monitoring system)
DCGF (data conversion gateway function)
UTCF (supplied by GPS)

CPM Functions
All 4 CPM (core processor module) have following function:
DCGF (data conversion gateway function)
UTCF (universal time coordinated function)

CPM/COMM Functions:
Central Maintenance Computing function (CMCS)
Data Communication Management function (DCMS)
Flt Deck Comm Function (DCMS)
QAR function (ACMS)
Digital Flight Data Aquisition function (FDRS)


CPM/ACMF functions (L AIMS only)
Flight Management Computing function (FMCS)
Thrust Management Computing function (TMCS)
Airplane Condition Monitoring function (ACMS)

CPM/BASIC functions (R AIMS only)
Flight Management Computing function (FMCS)
Thrust Management Computing function (TMCS)

Primary Display Stystem function (PDS)
tx video signal to 6 DU

AIMS controlled Systems
PDS (primary display stystem) 31-61
DU (display unit) 6ea
DSP (display select panel)
CCD (cursor control device) 2ea
Display switching panel
Ctr display control panel
ISSP (1 Btn used to select alt CPM/GG)
EFIS Control panel 2ea
CMCS (central maintenance computing system) 45-10
MAT (maintenance access terminal)
PMAT (portable maintenance access terminal)
ACMS (airplane condition monitoring system) 31-35
QAR (quick access recorder)
FDRS (flight data recorder system) 31-31
FDR (flight data recorder)
DCMS (data communication management system) 23-27
Accept/Cancel/Reject panel switches
FMCS (flight management computing system) 22-31
ASM (autothrottle servo motor) 2ea
TO/GA (takeoff go-around) 2ea
FDR (flight data recorder)
Location: E7 Rack Aft cabine

PDS (primary display stystem) (31-61)
Thumb Rule 1. WHERE YOU WANT
(working with displays) 2. WHAT YOU WANT

AIMS PDS provides information to Flt and Grd Crew
PDS also provides Crew Interface with other AVIONICS system

DU (6)
Video signal from CPM/GG (4) 2 are active 1 is backup
Lh and RH have RLS
others have Bezel light sensors
upr part controls PFD
mid part controls ND
lwr part controls MAP switching
DSP (display select panel)
to select any Synoptic to LH or RH INBD or LWR CTR DU
to show Checklist, NAV, or COMM display on MFD
If DSP fails use any CDU (control display unit) as alternate
CANC/RCL Btn to cancel or recal EICAS Caution or Advisory Msg
CCD (cursor control device) (2)
NOT interchangeable
4 hot spots for quick access
Select key
Display Select Panel
to force switch DU
Display Control Source Switch (3)
to force alternate source (CPM/GG)
System ARINC 629 Bus (4)
Flt Control ARINC 629 Bus (3)
CDU (3)
Display Switch Panel
CDD (2)
Ctr Display control Panel

Fault Reporting


DU Display Modes
LH and RH outbd DU can show PFD only
Vertical Speed
Heading Information
Flight Modes

LH and RH inbd shows ND normaly (7 Modes)
APPR mode (ctr / expanded)
MAP mode (ctr / expanded)
VOR mode (ctr / expanded)
PLAN mode
can also show PFD, EICAS, MFD

UPR CTR shows EICAS only
5 sections
primary ENG parameters (EPR, N1, EGT)
Alert Messages
Memo or Call Messages
Gear / FLAP / FUEL Indication
ECS Indication
ATC Uplink Msg Field (IGW only)

can also show EICAS, ND
Secondary Engine Display mode
Synoptic Page (7) (AIR, ELEC, HYD, DOOR, GEAR, CTL, FUEL)
Maintenance Page (19)
Communication Display

Normal Mode
Limited Mode
with only 1 CTR DU available EICAS goes into compacted display
push ENG switch on DSP to change format to EICAS Display and
versa visa
push FUEL switch on DSP to show Fuel data block in compacted
push AIR switch on DSP to show ESC data block in compacted

DU switching
Sequence when switching DU
1. Select mode on Display Switching Panel
2. Select source on DSP
3. Select any Synoptic or mode

PFD (outbd DU) fails
appropriate Display Switching Panel has no effect
ND (inbd DU) becomes PFD

UPR CTR DU fails
LWR CTR DU shows compacted EICAS Display

PFD can be force transferred to Inbd DU
Display Switching Panel Switch to <PFD>
Outbd DU blanks

EICAS can be force transferred to Inbd DU
Display Switching Panel Switch to <EICAS>
Upr DU blanks
Both Inbd DU can show EICAS

If NAV is selected on LWR CTR DU display is side orientated
If both INBD DU are on <NAV> selected by Display Switching Panel
Switch CTR DU can only show Capts ND

Firebell, Siren, Wailor
Master Warning (can not cancel)
Owl sound
Master Caution (can cancel)
Status Cue Message appears when any new STS Message
becomes current and STS page is not available
15 sec time delay
Comm medium
preceded by a dot
HI/LO chime
Comm low
preceded by a dot
Inflt Start Envelope
in flt with one engine off

EICAS Messages
EICAS inhibits, removes Messages and also removes caution
visuals and aural during maintenance and certain airplane and
flight conditions


STATUS Messages
Are related to critical Dispatch Items!
Shown on Status page
11 messages each page
press <STAT> on DSP to scroll
Erease function inhibited in air

Latched Messages
same prio as non latched messages
most recent on top
3 types (Grd only, Air only, Grd and Air)
AIMS stores messages in memory
Msg goes to CMCF for FDE correlation
some are cleared by replacing LRU and ERASE function in MTMP
some are cleared by replacing LRU and Grd Test via MAT

Non Latched Messages
most recent on top
shows malfunction in system monitored by AIMS
if fault goes away (repair LRU, Test etc) Message goes away

Status Cue inhibit
Between first engine start + A/C on Grd
30 minutes after liftoff
between ALT < 800 fts and GS < 95 kts

CANC/RCL button on DSP cancels or recalls EICAS , CAUTION or

To cancel a COMM message use Accept switch on Glare Shield panel

Maintenance Pages
Access only on Grd or ALT > 10'000 ft
selected via any CDU
Menu <MAINT Info Display>
REAL Realtime Display
MANUAL Manual snapshot by pressing <Manual Event> on Ctr
Display Control Panel
AUTO Auto snapshot will be initiated by LRU that senses a fault via
Print Selection to print (Real, Maual or Auto)
Datalink Selection to send ACARS (Real, Manual or Auto)
Erase Selection to erase (Manual or Auto)


(2) Clocks
Capts and F/Os clock
(2) Clock switch
P7 Glareshield panel

Clocks have own timebase
synchronizes with UTCF of AIMS
GPS time is supplied by GPSSU (global positioning system sensor
unit) via AIMS

One clock may be inop

WES (warning electronic system)
(2) WEU (warning electronic unit)
Software loadable via MAT
Each WEU has 2 channels
Location: MEC E1/E4 rack

WEU receives ARINC 629 and some discrete analog inputs

WEU functions (internal generated warnings)
Master warning light control
Alert aurals control
Landing and takeoff configuration warning
Speed brake alert
Stabilizer green band
Altitude alert
Stall warning
Auto slat anable
Speed tape parameter calculation

WEU generates warning lights and aural warning from
GPWS and TCAS computer
external generated warnings

WEU outputs to
Master warning lights
Aural warning speaker
Stick shaker actuator
AIMS for display, maintenance functions and data conversation

Aural warning signals and priority:
Fire bell
GWPS and TCAS computer aurals are mixed with all other aurals


L/R WEU supply onside speaker
Automatic gain level
for 5 different flight profiles

2 out oif 4 WEU channels trigger all warnings except stall warning
Both channels from the same WEU must sense stall signal to operate
stick shaker

L WEU is powered by BAT BUS
R WEU is powered by R DC BUS

Gear Down Dispatch Switch
Switch has 2 positions
Normal: VMO is 330 kts, MMO is .87
VMO: WEU channels use switch signal to lower max speed limit
to 270 kts and MMO to .73
Memo message displayed on EICAS if switch in VMO position
Location: MEC above lower access door

Takeoff warning inhibit
Cabin pressure
Fire warning
Altitude alert
Takeoff configuration warning

Inhibit starts at V1 or if pitch angle >5 deg
Inhibit is active for 25 seconds or airplane goes above 400 ft

Altitude Alert Function
WEUs signal pilots when airplane approaches or deviates from the
MCP selected altitude
Altitude alert warning is the only caution warning generated
by the WEUs

PLI (Pitch Limit Indication)
WEUs calculate and show the maximum pitch limit (max pitch up before
stick shaker commes on)
Yellow PLI - Indication (eyebrows) on the PFD attitude indication
Airplane on ground: Pitch limit shows 15 deg pitch up attitude
Max pitch is 30 deg minus airplane pitch up attitude

MAT test
Ground test (31 WES)
System tests: Land config, Takeoff config, WES system
Ground test (27 Stall warning)
System test of stall warning (Hydraulic power OFF)

One Master/Caution warning light may be inop
One aural warning speaker may be inop
One WES channel may be inop

- 32 -
Hydraulic sytem C used for gear operation
L/G DOOR ground operation
open: power source: alternate extend power pack (HOT BAT bus),
C system, all doors together from sevice access at ctr body P56
close: C system pressure, MLG and NLG doors separate
(P56 and P40)
ALTN GEAR extension switch can be used to open all doors

NLG up/down lock made by NLG lock link assembly
NLG door uplock is internal of NLG door actuator
NLG centering cam permits steering with strut extended (low cut)
NLG air shut off valve permits replacing of Pressure Switch (green band
calculation) without releasing strut pressure

MLG down lock is made by drag brace and side brace lock link
MLG up lock is made by MLG uplock hook assembly
MLG door uplock is made by MLG door uplock hook assembly

All locks are locked mechanically (assisted hydraulically)
All locks are broken by hydraulic unlock actuators

MLG retract actuators get no down pressure (gravity extension at normal
and alternate mode)
L/G control
Gear up signal via ELMS to NLG/MLG selector/bypass valve
Gear down signal direct to NLG/MLG selector/bypass valve

L/G control lever module
contains 7 electrical switches:
4 NLG/MLG selector/bypass valve - DOWN solenoid
2 NLG/MLG selector/bypass valve - UP solenoid
1 NLG/MLG door release/safety valve module

Lever lock override switch
MLG retraction / extension
L/G Selector/Bypass Valve

2 solenoid to control UP/DOWN
Both solenoids de-energized UP an DOWN lines are connected
to return (AUTO OFF)
during alternate extension, up lines will be connected to return


AUTO OFF function
Gear up lines are connected to return
Gear up and locked + 10 sec

PSEU signals gear up to HYDIM L/R and AUTO OFF relay A/B de-
energize UP solenoid (internal L/G selector/bypass valve)
GEAR CONTROL (STS) if disagreement between L/G contol signal and
selector valve

Door operated sequence valve controls
MLG uplock assembly and actuator
MLG retract actuator
MLG drag brace operated and MLG uplock operated sequence valve
MLG truck positioner
MLG door actuator
MLG door uplock hook and door lock actuator
MLG side brace downlock actuator
MLG drag brace downlock actuator
MLG Truck Positioner Actuator
Tilt position
actuator is retracted
FWD axle 13 deg up
Stow position
actuator partly extended
FWD axle 5 deg down
19 deg down position
during high rate of sink landing or jacking aft axle

MLG truck positioner fuses (2)
auto reset at 5 psi differential pressure
Location: MLG beam fwd side

No L/G lever lock if gear is not in stow position (A/C in FLT)

Truck tilt pressure sensor
for auto speed brake operation
Truck proximity sensor can sense tilt or not tilt
NOT tilt and pressure switch senses pressure A/C on ground
Auto speed brake and auto brake operation
NLG retraction / extension
NLG operated sequence valve
3 position (up, down, transit)
transit to keep door open
NLG retract actuator
no down pressure (gravity)

NLG door actuator
1 actuator for both doors
internal lock
NLG lock mechanism and lock actuator
used for up and down lock
Alternate Extension System
Alternate Extension Power Pack
powered by HOT BAT bus
C hydraulic system (oversized pipe)
breaks all uplocks (separated actuators)
location: LH MLG wheel well
switched off through Alternate Extend Hydraulic Pressure Switch
(NLG wheel well ceiling)

L/G doors stay open after alternate extension
GEAR DOOR advisory message till doors are closed

Alternate extend control relay A/B energized > 60 sec

Door Release/Safety Valve Module (3)
(2) for MLG doors, (1) for NLG doors
door release actuator
safety valve module
provision for door safety pin

Door Release/Safety Valve function
provides safety to keep doors open with C hydraulic system
reset through ARM DOOR and DOOR CLOSE switches at P56 and
reset also by moving L/G lever to UP position (7
micro switch)
If door open and safety valve latch is not in safe position RED
DOOR UNSAFE light commes on
Press to test switch for door unsafe light at P56 and P40 (complete
circuit is tested)

Gear Alternate Uplock Release Actuator
powered through door release safety valve module

Alternate Extend Hydraulic Pressure Switch
Cuts off power to alternate power pack after extend cycle is
completed (NLG wheel well ceiling)

Gear door open safety pin
provision for pin in door release/safety valve module
MLG location: in door uplock structure
NLG location: FWD NLG wheel well bulkhead

PSS (proximity sensor system)
Provides information and indication
Dual redundance system

2 PSEU (proximity sensor electronics unit)
contains individual cards
cards are LRUs
some cards are interchangeable
PSEU-1 contains 13 cards
PSEU-2 contains 11 cards
one channel fault on each PSEU (but not the same) is a go-item

Location: MEC E1-5 and E4-1
PSEU-1 and PSEU-2 are not interchangeable
Landing gear indication and tail strike is processed in both PSEU

PSEUs get position data from proximity sensors on these components:
Landing gear
Passenger entry doors
Cargo doors and access doors
Thrust reversers
some discrete hardwire inputs from tail strike system and others
PSEUs supply position data through ARINC 629 to several airplane

MAT tests
System test for PSEU-1 and PSEU-2
Operational test for individual card
Proximity sensors
(4) MLG uplock proximity sensors
(8) MLG downlock proximity sensors
(4) MLG door uplock proximity sensors
(2) NLG locked proximity sensors (up and downlock)
(2) NLG up and (2) NLG down proximity sensors (at drag brace trunnion)
(2) NLG door closed proximity sensors
(4) MLG truck tilt sensors
(2) NLG not compressed proximity sensors (A/C on ground signal to ECS
L/G single-symbol display
indication for gear only
UP indication blanks after 10 sec
white hatched for transit
green DOWN box down and locked
empty box indication invalid


L/G multi-symbol display (expanded display)
Indication for landing gear and doors
disagreement between L/G lever and gear position for > 40 sec
or alternate extension of L/G
or ground door operation

Gear Synoptic Page
shows L/G door information
white box CLOSE
hatched box not closed
empty white box indication not valid

L/G proximity sensor status (NEAR/FAR) showed at Landing Gear
ACTN/INDN Maintenance page

EICAS messages
some sensor failures (downlock) can turn on GEAR INDICATION
SYS message (no go-item)
TSS (Tail Strike System)
TSA (tail strike assembly)
Two wires connected to PSEU-1 and PSEU-2
monitored for short and open circuit
if both wires are short or open circuit EICAS message
if one channel is bad, status message appears
Landing Gear ACTN/INDN Maintenance page shows status of inputs
28V channel OK
GND/OPEN faulty channel or tail strike
Air / Ground System
2 independant systems
4 Load Sensors
2 at each MLG beam
Calibration through MAT (null / weight set point)
Auto calibration to take care of sensor drift (every T/O)
2 WOW (weight on wheels) cards
location: MEC L/R SCF
Output to airplane systems via ASG and ARINC 629
Driver output signal to ELMS (air/ground relays)
Software loadable
Cards are interchangeable
If only 1 card has been replaced, no calibration necessary (memory
permits x-talk and is able to store data)
Air/Ground simulation through MAT
AMM 22-09-00 p 201

Air Mode Relays
energized in air
called also fail to ground relays
fail condition is safe condition (de-energized)
Ground Mode Relays

energized on ground
called also fail to air relays
fail condition is safe condition (de-energized)

Landing Gear ACTN/INDN Maintenance Page
Air /Ground information
L/R WOW card
AIR/GND SIM indication (MAT air/ground simulation)

STS message in case of failure

MAT Test
L/R Air / Ground System Test (complete system)
Air / Ground Simulation (<Other function> <Special function>)
LH / RH Stop Simulation, to stop simulation function
MAT calibration of load sensor
<Other function> <PSEU and Air/Ground rigging>
Ground / Air calibration range after WOW card replacement or for
sensor check
Ground / Air rigging limits after load sensor replacement
Nose Wheel steering tiller input
Nose +/-70 deg
Rudder pedal input
Nose +/-7 deg
Tiller turns during pedal input
MLG steering +/-8 deg, if nose steering > 13 deg

NLG Steering
NLG steering broken cable compensator
Centers steering if upper cable breaks
Location: MEC fwd of main battery

NLG steering summing mechanism
Adds NLG tiller input and nose gear position feed back

NLG steering tiller position transducer (2)
provides input signal to MGSCU
steering position to Landing Gear Maintenace Page

NLG steering centering mechanism
locks steering system in the centered position during gear

NLG steering metering valve
Towing lever
Compensator provides shimmy damping


MLG steering
MGSCU (main gear steering control unit)
provides input signal to MLG steering/locking PCA
unlocks MLG steering/locking PCA if NLG steering > 13 deg
provides EICAS messages
location: E6-3 shelf (aft cargo)

System can be deactivated by manual handle
locking function must be verified

MLG Steering/Locking PCU
Manual shut off valve switch (cuts off hydraulic system for
Lock indication window (visible unlocked)
Actuator position LVDT (for feedback)
Lock/unlock LVDT
Locking is made mechanically
Unlocking is made hydraulically

BRKS / STRG Maintenance page
Steering angle
locked / unlocked status
Actuator disabled information
EICAS and Status messages
Wheels and Brakes
Wheel numbering
MLG LH to RH No 1 to No 12
NLG No 13 and No 14

NLG / MLG wheels: 1 ea tie bolt missing per wheel is accepted
as per DDG
Wheel has to be removed and wheel and brake checked for

(1) Brake assembly on each gear may be deactivated either by
install Flight Dispatch Disconnect
disconnecting brake hose (quick disconnect)
removal of brake

Normal brake system
R hydraulic system
Alternate brake system
C hydraulic system
Reserve brake system
CHIS using C hydraulic system
Landing gear retract pressure
Gear retract braking actuator at brake metering valve (using C
hydraulic system)


Brake hydro-mechanical control
Brake Source Selection System automatically controls different pressure
sources to supply brake functions
Normal brake
Alternate brake
Reserve brake
Accumulator brake
Gear retract braking

Normal brake
R hydraulic system Normal brake metering valve Autobrake
shuttle valve Normal antiskid module Antiskid shuttle valve
module Brake

Alternate brake
C hydraulic system Alternate source selector valve Alternate
brake metering valve Alternate antiskid module Antiskid
shuttle valve module Brake

Auto brake
R hydraulic system Autobrake valve module Autobrake
shuttle valve Normal antiskid module Antiskid shuttle valve
module Brake

MLG retract pressure
R hydraulic system Alternate brake metering valve Alternate
antiskid module Antiskid shuttle valve module Brake

Brake Accumulator
RH MLG wheel well

Anti Skid Surge Accumulator
outboard of LH MLG

2 BMV (brake metering valve)
2 metering valve spools (mormal /alternate)
LH/RH MLG wheel well

Brake Source Selection System
Alternate source selection valve (LH MLG wheel well)
Accumulator isolation valve (RH MLG wheel well)

Normal Brake Hydraulic System Pressure Switch
Autobrake system (Arm logic)
Antiskid system
RH MLG wheel well near brake accu

Alternate brake hydraulic system pressure switch
Antiskid system
fitted in Alternate source selection valve (LH MLG wheel well)


ON if R and C hydraulic system not available
input to AIMS and EICAS

Brake accumulator pressure indicator
powered by BAT bus TOW DC bus
Parking Brake
Brake lights on NLG (A/C on ground)
Brake ON RED
Parking brake set AMBER

Pedal Position Switch (2)
if not pressed Brake off light ON (blue)

Parking Brake Latch Switch (2)
close Parking Brake Valve
if Parking Brake Valve is closed: Parking Brake Set light ON
Input to AIMS and BSCU for system monitoring

Brake Metered Pressure Switch (2)
Brake ON light (red) on if both switches > 1900 psi

Brake pressure can be checked on Landing gear BRKS/STRG
Maintenance page

Parking Brake Valve
location: outboard of RH MLG strut
28 VDC motor operated
powered from HOT BAT bus
internal switch for position indication to BSCU and AIMS
manual override lever
EICAS ansd Status message if valve not fully open with parking
brake lever released
ABS (Auto brake system)
Available with R hydraulic system only
BSCU (brake system control unit)
location: E6-2 shelf (aft cargo)
Signal to Normal and Alternate Antiskid Valves
Feedback from antiskid transducers
4 cards for antiskid (each card has primary and secondary control
for 3 wheels)
2 cards for Autobrake control (R BITE/COMM only), BITE function
and communication to ARINC 629
Cards are not LRU


Normal Brake Metered Pressure Transducer (2)
Autobrake (disarm logic)
Antiskid (Taxi brake release function)
fittet on Autobrake shuttle valve
signal to BRHS/STRG Maintenance page
signal to flight data recorder
LH / RH MLG wheel well near autobrake shuttle valve

Alternate Brake Metered Pressure Transducer (2)
signal to BRKS/STRG Maintenance page
signal to flight data recorder
LH / RH MLG beam

Autobrake Shuttle Valve
LH / RH MLG wheel well

Autobrake Valve Module
metered pressure as per signal from BSCU
RH MLG wheel well

Autobrake Selector
permits arming/selection of deacceleration rate during landing
latch solenoid release to OFF only if A/C goes in air and selector is
at RTO
in any other position selector goes to ARM position in case a failure
occurs (EICAS message)
Anti skid system
Skid control
Locked wheel protection (one wheel after the other)
Hydroplane / Touchdown protection
Gear retract inhibit
Taxi brake release (brake will be applied to 4 wheels only)

Normal Anti Skid Module (2)
6 valves (LRU) provide hydraulic pressure to each wheel
R hydraulic system
6 hydraulic fuses (LRU) (bypass lever for reset)

Alternate Anti Skid Module (2)
4 valves (LRU) provide hydraulic pressure to FWD/CTR wheel
and AFT wheel
C hydraulic system
4 hydraulic fuses (LRU) (bypass lever for reset)

(1) Normal Anti Skid Module Valve may be inoperative
Brake has to be deactivated
EICAS message (ANTI SKID advisory) has to be disabled through
MAT (to obtain Autobrake function)


Antiskid Shuttle Valve Module (2)
location: just outboard of MLG strut
one Flight Dispatch Disconnect for barke deactivation is mounted
at module itself
deactivates Normal Brake only, gear retract pressure is still
ANTISKID message (EICAS) has to be disabled via MAT (special
Maintenance pages
(1) brake per MLG may be deactivated as per MEL

Autobrake Valve Module
location: RH MLG wheel well
controls pressure as per signal from BSCU

Autobrake Shuttle Valve (2)
location: FWD wall L/R MLG wheel well
Normal Brake Metered Pressure Transducer is fitted at valve

Skid Control
During Normal Antiskid operation, skid control operates for each wheel
During Alternate Antiskid operation, skid control operates an aft wheel
and a fwd-mid pair of wheels
Skid control is on when speed > 8 kts

Locked Wheel Protection
Locked wheel protection compares the wheel speed of a fwd-mid-aft
group of wheels
Locked wheel protection does not operate below 25 kts

Hydroplane/Touchdown Protection
Hydroplane/Touchdown Protection operates only on the aft wheels
Hydroplane/Touchdown Protection indirectly protects the fwd-mid wheel
through locked wheel protection

Gear Retract Inhibit
To permit gear retract braking, the antiskid system stops alternate
antiskid operation for 12.5 sec. After gear lever moved out of down

Taxi Brake Release
This function releases 2 brakes on each truck during taxi brake operation
Average wheelspeed is < 45 kts
Brake metered pressure is 250 - 1800 psi
Operates on Normal antiskid system only
Selected axle changes for each brake application (metered brake
pressure < 150 psi)


Autobrake Latch solenoid
Latch solenoid holds if:
ADIRU data is available and
Autobrake selector to 1, 2, 3, 4, MAX AUTO and
Air mode or 2 thrust lever idle or gnd mode for < 3 sec and
LH and RH normal brake metered pressure < 1500 psi and
ANTISKID (adv) not show and
Normal brake hydraulic system pressure available

when disarmed latch solenoid releases autobrake selector, selector
goes back to DISARM AUTOBRAKE (adv)
Advisory message clears if selector is set back to OFF

RTO arm logic
Selector at RTO and
Gnd mode and

if any of this conditions do not occur autobrake selector
moves to OFF
Autobrake selector remains in RTO until A/C goes in air

EICAS and status messages
Gear Synoptic Page
Landing Gear BRKS/STRG Maintenance Page

System Tests
LRU Tests
Other functions (Special functions)
Brake Temperatur Monitoring System
BTMU (brake temperature monitor unit)
location: E6-2 shelf (aft cargo)
provides monitoring and indication of system
controls brake cooling fans
Brake temperature is indicated in 2 digits with decimal point
Brake Temperature Sensor (12)
Brake Temperature Compensator (2)

(BRAKE TEMP) EICAS message if brake temperature > 5.0
Number and brake symbol turn amber
solid white brake symbol for hottest brake if temperature is 3.0 - 4.9

Brake Cooling Fan System
Contolled by BTMU via ELMS
All fans start if any brake temperature > 121deg and A/C on ground
Fans stop if all brakes are below 77 deg
FAN ON indication at Landing Gear BRKS/STRG Maintenance page
indicates command only, fans have to be checked physically
MAT Brake Cooling Fan Test
Other Functions (Special Function)
Tire Pressure Indication System
TPMU (tire pressure monitor unit)
location: E6-3 shelf (aft cargo)
monitors system and provides EICAS messages and indication
TIRE PRESS advisory and status for non-normal conditions
TIRE PRESS SYS status for faulty system
On Gear Synoptic Page indication turns amber for non-normal conditions
and blank for loss of data or invalid data


- 34 -
FMCS (flt management comp syst)
FMCF (flight management computing function) is a function of AIMS
Random selection at power up

FMCF (2) one in each AIMS cabinet
CDU (3)
FMC selector
ISSP (2)

Flight Management Computing Function
Each FMCF has two software partitions
Flight Management Function (FMF) partition
Navigation function partition

FMF partition supplies
Flight planning
LNAV (Lateral navigation) guidance commands
VNAV (Vertical navigation) guidance commands
Thrust guidance commands
Performance data
Display control
ND MAP display
Manual, route and procedure selection of navigation radios
BITE and fault monitoring

Navigation function supplies
Position calculation
Navaid selection for radio position calculation
Navigation radio tuning command outputs

CDU (control display unit)
LCD display
Insertion switch
Primary control and display interface unit for FMCF
L/R CDU are used to enter data and interface with the FMCF
Ctr CDU is backup if LH or RH CDU fails
All CDU can select a maintenance page format on a MFD
All CDU can control satellite communication radio system
Ctr CDU is interface for CI (cabin interphone) and PA (passenger
address) controller
L/R CDU are backup if L/R EFIS control panel fails
Any of the CDUs can be used as backup if the DSP (display select panel)

CDU supplies functions when the FMCFs fail

Backup navigation radio tuning
Calculates LNAV guidance commands
Backup map data

Box prompt mandatory entry
Dash prompt optional entry
Scratch pad is used to enter data (transfer data, using LSK)
Mode Key (12)

Swapping database

Position page (ADIRU alignment)
Box prompt shows ADIRU not aligned
Dash prompt during alignment
Blank if ADIRU is aligned
REF AIRPORT, LAST POS or GPS POS is used to enter position

Take off ref page
FLAPS, CG, V1, VR and V2 entry are mandatory

NAV radio page
NAV/RAD mode key
for NAV radio tuning

FMC selector and ISSP
FMC Selector determines active FMCF
L - AUTO - R
NAV ISSP switch determines source of navigation display data

MCP (mode control panel)
LNAV and VNAV switches couple autopilot to FMCS

FMCF Interfaces
Three types of procedures to tune navigation radio

Automatic procedure
FMCFs send tune data to ILS, VOR and DME navigation radios
(LH and RH) automatically. ADF radios are not tuned
Manual procedure
LH or RH CDU is used to manually tune all navigation radios
through the FMCFs
Ctr CDU is used if LH or RH CDU fails

Alternate procedure
When both FMCFs fail, CDUs and alternate procedure are used to
tune all navigation radios
Tune data goes from on-side CDU directly to on-side navigation
radio (ctr ILS receiver from LH CDU)

RH AIMS FMCF radio tune sub-function normally tunes
the navigation radios
R AIMS cabinet has radio tune relays
Energized if right radio tune sub-function and IOM (input/output
module) are valid
De-energized if left radio tune sub-function fails (this allows LH
AIMS radio tune sub-function to tune the radios through relaxed
position of the relays in the RH AIMS cabinet)

VNAV speed and ALTITUDE intervention
The active FMCF sends speed and altitude targets to AFDS (autopilot
flight director system) and TMCS (thrust management computing system)
in cruise
The crew can change speed (speed intervention) and altitude (altitude
intervention) targets

Speed intervention
Guidance sub-function sends speed commands to AFDS
to control speed
MCP (mode control panel) IAS/mach window blanks
when VNAV SPD engages
Push IAS/mach selector on MCP, window shows FMCF target
speed and target airspeed can be changed, push selector again to
make window go blank (active FMCF uses FMCF target speed)

Altitude intervention
Active FMCF sends altitude commands to AFDS
FMCF uses the altitude window and altitude selector for these
Enter a target altitude at a waypoint (CDU leg page)
Delete altitude contraints
Change FMCFs cruise altitude
Capture the MCP altitude
Altitude intervention in cruise occurs with a push of the altitude
selector on the MCP

MAT Test
Ground test
CDU system test
Special test
CDU LCD test

MEL One FMCS may be inoperative
Center CDU may be inoperative


Pitot/Static & Standby Instruments
(3) Pitot probes
Supply pitot pressure to ADM (air data module)
Static port is not used (capped)
Probes are heated (115 VAC on ground and 200 VAC in flight)
controlled by ADM
PFC provides air/ground signal

(6) Static probes
Supply static signal to ADM

(3) Pitot ADM and (3) Static ADM
Convert pitot/static signal into ARINC 629 signal
All 6 pitot/static ADM are interchangeable
Software loaded
ADM control pitot heating
Send pitot/static signal to ADIRU and SAARU via Flight Controls
ARINC 629 Bus (3)

Center pitot- and static-probes send also signal to
SADM (Standby ADM) (2)
Convert pitot/static signal into ARINC 429 signal
SADM are not interchangeable with ADM
Send pitot/static ARINC 429 signal to Standby Altimeter and
Standby Airspeed Indicator
No software loaded

Standby Instruments
Standby Altimeter and Standby Airspeed Indicator
LCD displays
powered through PSA (power supply assembly)

ADIRS (air data inertial reference syst)


ADIRU (air data inertial reference unit)
Contains (3) air data channels and (6) laser gyros

Alignment through LH or RH CDU
SAARU is aligned through ADIRU
SAARU is backup for ADIRU and provides air data signal for Stby
Attitude Indicator
ADIRU is powered by LH and RH DC Bus as well as from HOT BAT Bus

Reliability and fault tolerance
ADIRU has fault containment areas (FCA). The FCA have fault
containment modules (FCM)

There are (7) FCA in the ADIRU, each contains FCM
Gyro: (6) gyro FCM
Accelerometer: (6) accelerometer FCM
Power supply: (3) power supply FCM
Processor: (4) processor FCM
L/R/Ctr ARINC 629 interface: (2) ARINC 629 I/O modules in each

Single failure in a FCA
Single FCM fails in one FCA or if there are single FCM failures in
more than one FCA, ADIRU sends data to AIMS to make memo
message (no flight deck effect)

Multiple failures in the same FCA
Two or more FCM failures in the same FCA, ADIRU sends data to
AIMS to make a maintenance message on the MAT and a status
message is displayed on EICAS

More failures (ADIRU must have at least these components in order to
supply inertial reference data)
4 gyros
4 accelerometer
1 power supply
2 processors
1 ARINC 629 I/O module in LH and RH FCA

If there are more failures the ADIRU does not supply inertial
reference data and the caution message NAV ADIRU INERTIAL

ADIRU on BATT light illuminates if:
A/C on ground and HOT BATT BUS only power source available

ADIRU power-up test and status
The ADIRU does a 30 second test after the ADIRU on/off switch is in the
ON position
The results of the test go to CMCF of AIMS
The test is automatic and there are no indication for the test
The ADIRU continously supplies BITE status to AIMS

SAARU (sec attitude air data ref unit)
SAARU contains (3) air data channels and (4) fibre optic gyros
1 ea gyro is used for roll/pitch/yaw axis (every gyro could
sense all 3 axis)
1 gyro is used for monitoring

SAARU is powered through PSA (power supply assembly)

Provides ARINC 429 data to Standby Attitude Indicator
Standby Airspeed Indicator or Standby Altimeter can be used as
Standby Attitude Indicator (pinprogrammed - knob has no function)

Provides backup navigation (inertial) data for 3 minutes if ADIRU fails
TAS >80 kts

SAARU is aligned through ADIRU
Air Data /ATT Source Switch
Switch unlatched
Capt and F/O get signal from ADIRU
Switch latched (ALTN)
CAPT: SAARU single channel air data and SAARU attitude.
ADIRU left bus input to AIMS remains the source for
HDG and TRK for the Capts display
F/O: ADIRU right bus single channel air data and SAARU attitude.
ADIRU right bus input to AIMS remains the source for HDG
and TRK for the F/Os PFD and ND

AOA (angle of attack)
There are (2) resolvers in each AOA sensor
L AOA resolvers supply L AIMS
R AOA resolvers supply R AIMS

Case and vane are heated
In flight and on ground 115 VAC with one or both engines running

ILS (instrument landing system)
ILS provides localizer (lateral) and glideslope (vertical) guidance to the
runway on approach

(3) ILS receivers have these inputs
(1) VOR antenna (starts tuning 200 nm away from airport)
(2) Localizer antennas (dual) 3 antennas used 1 spare
(2) Glideslope capture antennas (dual) 3 antennas used 1 spare
(2) Glideslope track antennas (dual) 3 antennas used 1 spare


ILS deviations go to both AIMS to show ILS data on PFDs and NDs
ND mode selector on EFIS control panel in APP position

ILS deviation go to AFDCs for autoland calculation

LH ILS receiver sends glideslope deviation to the GPWC
for mode 5 alerts

ILS receivers send station audio ident signal to AMU
Approach receiver selector in L, C, R position

GS, LOC antenna switch
At approx 500 ft switching controlled by AFDCs
switching from VOR antenna to localizer antenna
switching from GS capture and GS track antenna
Fail safe to the more accurate antenna (LOC and GS track)

Auto tuning
Trough AIMS (FMCF) to all 3 ILS receivers
Manual tuning
Trough L or R CDU via AIMS (ctr CDU used if L or R CDU fails
Alternate tuning
On-side CDU is used to tune L/R ILS receiver direct (L CDU tunes
L and C ILS receiver, R CDU tunes R ILS receivers)

Display source priority
Capts PFD L, C, R
F/Os PFD R, C, L

MAT test
Ground test
Operational test all 3 ILS systems
ATA 22 - ILS interface: ILS LOC, GS and VOR antenna switches

Two ILS systems may be inop
LOC/GS antenna switching may be inop

MBS (Marker beacon system)
The marker beacon system supplies visual and aural indications when the
airplane flies over marker beacon transmitters

(1) VOR/MB receiver
MB function only operates in the LH VOR/MB receiver
Location: MEC E1 rack

(1) Antenna
Location: Lower fuselage


The receiver sends marker beacon data to AIMS to show on PFD
Audio station ident signal to AMU

MAT test
Ground test
Operational test LH VOR/MB system

May be inop

RA (radio altimeter)
(3) independant systems
(3) RA tranceivers
Location: E5 rack fwd cargo compartment
(3) Receive antennas
(3) Transmit antennas

RA sends signal via ARINC 629 Data Bus to:
TCAS computer

RA is available up to 2500 ft
RA transceiver can store flight leg history

RA is displayed on the PFDs
at bottom of attitude indication

DH (decision height) is set on EFIS control panels (MINS)
L/R CDU is used as backup if EFIS control panel fails
Minimums call out reset by pressing DH selector

AIMS priority selection of PFD RA display
Capts PFD L, C, R
F/Os PFD R, C, L

MAT test
Ground test
Operational test L/C/R RA system
Test inhibit if IAS >80 kts or airplane in flight
Selftest on RA tranceiver is not used on B777

One RA system may be inop (no autoland)


VOR (VHF omnidirectional ranging)
The VOR ground stations transmit an omnidirectional signal and
directional signal. Together the signals give magnetic radial information
from 000 deg to 360 deg. All VOR stations reference the 000 deg to
magnetic north

RF signals from the VOR antenna go through power dividers, then to
VOR receivers. The VOR receivers use RF signals to calculate station
bearing and to decode the morse code station ident signal

The receivers send VOR bearing data to the AIMS to show on the NDs

The VOR/MB receivers send audio and ident audio to the AMU

(2) VOR/MB receiver (VOR/marker beacon)
Location: MEC E1/E2 rack

(1) VOR Antenna on the vertical stabilizer (dual antenna)

Marker beacon system in RH VOR/MB receiver is not used

Tuning signals
Manual or Auto tune from L/R CDU via Systems ARINC 629 Bus
and AIMS
Alternate tuning from L/R CDU direct to VOR/MB receivers

Automatic tuning
FMCFs send tune data to VOR navigation radios (LH and RH)
Manual tuning
LH or RH CDU is used to manually tune VOR navigation radios
through the FMCFs
Ctr CDU is used if LH or RH CDU fails
Alternate tuning
When both FMCFs fail, CDUs and alternate procedure are used to
tune VOR navigation radios
Tune data goes from on-side CDU directly to on-side navigation

Signal to AIMS for onside ND display
Signal to AMU (audio management unit)
connects signal to headset (VOR station morse code ident)

MAT test
Ground test
Operational test L VOR/MB system and R VOR system
ATA 22 - ILS interface: ILS LOC, GS and VOR antenna switches
One VOR navigation system may be inop


DME (distance measuring equipment)
The DME system supplies line of sight distance between airplane and
ground station

Most DME stations are correlated with VOR or ILS station

Near the station the DME distance is not reliable

DME and ATC share the same frequency band

(2) DME interogater
Location: MEC E1/E2 rack

(2) Antenna
Location: Lower fuselage
DME and ATC antennas are interchangeable

DME sends data to AIMS to show on PFD and ND display

DME sends suppression signal to ATC

MAT test
Ground test
Operational test L/R DME system

One DME may be inop

ADF (automatic direction finder)
ADF receivers uses AM signal from ground station to calculate the
bearing to the station from the airplane longitudinal axis and to receive
standard AM radio broadcast

(2) ADF receivers
Location: MEC E1/E2 rack

(2) Antennas
Loop and sense antenna in same case

ADF receivers calculate the bearing to the station, sends it to the AIMS
cabinet and show on ND
Audio signal to AMU

No auto tuning through AIMS
Manual tuning through L or R CDU via AIMS
Alternate tuning via L/R CDU (on-side)


MAT test
Ground test
Operational test L/R ADF system

Both ADF may be inop

GPS (global positioning system)
GPS uses navigation satellites to supply accurate airplane position to
airplane systems and flight crew

GPS supplies the primary navigation data on most B777
ADIRU is the secondary navigation data source

(24) GPS satellites in (6) different orbits
21 satellites used and 3 are spare
4 satellites per orbit

There are always (4) satellites used for navigation

(1) Master station at Colorado Springs USA and (5) control stations

GPS calculates
Accurate time
True heading
Ground speed

(2) GPSSU (global positioning system sensor unit)
supply data to L/R AIMS cabinets
FMCF (flight management computing function) combines GPS and
internal reference data to calculate airplane position
send GPS time signal to the clocks through AIMS
AIMS sends GPS data to the ADIRU for calibration of internal
sensors (to decrease drift)
Location: 2
cabin ceiling panel fwd of door 2 L/R

(2) GPS antennas
Location: Cabin ceiling fwd of door 2 L/R
Fwd antenna belongs to L GPS system

Data loading
GPSSU software is loaded through onside AIMS cabinet via MAT
AIMS selection via MAT special functions


GPS modes
Acquisition mode
GPS looks for and locks on to satellite signals
must find 4 satellites to start calculate GPS data
Navigation mode
4 satellites must be available
GPS data are computed
Altitude aided mode
3 satellites available only
altitude is determined by math. calculations
Aided mode
30 seconds only, during bad satellite coverage

MAT test
Ground test of L/R GPS system

One GPS may be inop

GPWS (ground proximity warming syst)
GPWS alerts the crew of an unsafe condition when near the terrain. It
also supplies a warning for windshear condition.

GPWS uses aural messages, lights and displays to give alerts and
warnings in the flight deck

GPWC (ground proximity warning computer) shares 2 aurals which are
not related to the GPWC
Engine fail

GPWS Modes
Mode 1
excessive descent rate
Mode 2
too much of a closure rate when approaching terrain is raising
2A (Flaps <15), 2B (Flaps >15)
Mode 3
too much altitude loss during climbout, when not in landing
3A, 3B
Mode 4
not enough terrain clearance when the airplane is not in landing
Mode 5
too much deviation below glideslope centerline
below 1000 ft
Mode 6
aural callouts when decending through selected altitude (DH)

Mode 7
warning for windshear conditions
wakes up A/T (full power)

GPWC (ground proximity warning computer)
Location: E1 shelf
status/history switch (present-/last 10 faults)

shorting plug (special airport information, callout selection)
Gnd proximity override switches
Glideslope inhibit switch

PFDs (Windshear and Pullup message)
TCAS (GPWS has priority over TCAS)
WEU (17 voice aurals, master warning for windshear/pullup)

Flap / Gear Override switches
simulates Flaps / Gear down

Ground Proximity Light / Glideslope Inhibit Switch
Ground proximity light for modes 1-5
Cancels mode 5 warning only (below glideslope)

MAT test
Ground test
Operational test

ATC (air traffic control)
When a ground station or a TCAS computer from another airplane
interogates the ATC / Mode S transponder system, the transponder
transmits a pulse-coded reply signal. The reply signal identifies and
shows the altitude of the airplane

The ATC / Mode S transponders have interface with the TCAS computer

The AIMS supply altitude and CMCF data to the ATC / Mode S

Mode A
Ident reporting
Mode C
Altitude reporting

Mode S
TCAS (24 BIT ident)
Program switch module is used to connect program pins
for airplane identification
Source destination indicator (SDI)
Max true-air program pin
Airplane mode S address program pin

Top antenna
Bottom antenna
ATC coaxial relay top
ATC coaxial relay bottom
Transponder panel
(2) ATC / Mode S transponder
only one operates at a time (selected by transponder selector)
receives signals from both antennas
Location: E1/E2 rack

Transponder Altitude Source Selector
NORM: Selects the normal (ADIRU) altitude source for
transponder altitude reporting
ALTN: Selects the alternate (SAARU) altitude source for
transponder altitude reporting

MAT test
Ground test
System test L/R ATC
One may be inop

TCAS (traffic alert & collision avoidance system)
The TCAS interogates other airplanes to get altitude, range
and bearing dates.
TCAS uses replies and inputs from other onboard airplane system to
calculate traddic avoidance data.

TCAS computer
Software loaded (from L CMCS only)
Location: MEC E1 rack

(2) TCAS antenna (top / bottom)
directional antennas
Gear down: bottom antenna is switched to omnidirectional mode
colorcode for BNC connectors (different impendances)

TCAS data are displayed
NDs (traffic data)
PFDs (preventive advisory)
controlled with TFC switch on EFIS control panel)


Aural advisory messages
corrective avtion
system test results

Operational surveilance area
Other traffic
CPA (closest point of approach) >40 seconds, relative
altitude +/- 2700 ft
Proximate traffic
CPA >40 seconds, relative altitude +/- 1200 ft
Intruder traffic (TA - traffic advisory)
CPA 25-40 seconds, relative altitude +/- 1200 ft
Threat traffic (RA - resolution advisory)
CPA <25 seconds, relative altitude +/- 900 ft

MAT test
Ground test
TCAS system test

May be inop for outstation

WXR (weather radar)
The weather radar system supplies visual indications of weather
conditions and land contours.

The weather radar system pulses in a 180 deg sector fwd of the airplane
path. Precipitation or terrain contours reflect the pulses back to the

The WXR returns show in 4 different colors on the NDs. The colors of the
indications depend on the intensity of the returns. The data from WXR RT
goes through AIMS to the NDs.

WXR Antenna
WXR antenna radiates the RF impulses and receives the RF returns. The
RT gets ADIRS pitch and roll data from AIMS for antenna stabilisation

WXR RT unit (2)
The system uses 2 RT (receiver-transmitter)
only 1 RT operates at a time
produces RF pulses
transmits RF pulses
Location: Fwd Equipment Center
(2) power supply powered from LH and RH RT unit


(2) Motors
Elevation motor and scan motor
Elevation and scan disable switches are used for maintenace
(disable motors only, no message if activated)

WXR Control Panel
Divided into 2 sections (LH and RH)
Center section is used for L/R selection and test

EFIS control panel is used to show WXR display on ND
APP, VOR or MAP mode
L/R CDU provide backup if EFIS control panel fails

Wave guide Switch
Switches WXR antenna between LH and RH WXR RTs

Alert Messages
When WXR RT processes data that is not satisfactory alert messages
show on the NDs and the WXR display continues to show.

When a failure occurs, a WXR FAIL message shows and the WXR
display does not show.

The CPM-GGs in L/R AIMS do a comparsion of the ranges from
A difference between any of these ranges causes a range
disagreement message

Test from WXR panel
shows test display (color pattern) and test result on NDs
MAT test
System test
LRU replacement test
No WXR test display on ND during test

One may be inop


- 35 -
Crew Oxygen
115 cu/ft cylinder
stored in MEC
Shutoff valve is safetied in open position

Oxygen pressure is indicated at STATUS page
Direct reading at bottle pressure gauge

(4) Oxygen mask and storage box are available in cockpit

Bleedvalve opens every 1
engine start and bleeds 3-4 ltr oxygen
Location: MEC
To confirm positive oxygen pressure

Blowout Disc (green)
Location: Nose section LH side

No oxygen refill facility

Advisory message if bottle pressure < 500 psi
Pax Oxygen
Chemical oxygen generators used
Expanded indicator band turns dark if generator has been fired

Automatic mask deployment if cabin altitude > 14'650 ft
Manual deployment through PASS OXYGEN switch (P5)

2 minutes after landing PASS OXYGEN ON light and EICAS message
are reset


- 36 -
Pneumatic system is pressure, temperature and flow controlled
ASCPC (air supply and cabin pressure controllers) (2)
located at MEC E1/E2 rack
each ASCPC controls onside as far as engine bleed air is
Software loadable
3 modes (digital, analog, pneumatic)
HPSOV (high pressure shutoff valve)
interchangeable with PRSOV
controlled by ASCPC through HPFAC
modulates at high power
PRSOV (pressure regulating an shutoff valve)
controlled by ASCPC through PRSOVC
modulates at low power
FAMV (fan air modulating valve)
PRSOVC (pressure regulating an shutoff valve controller)
HPFAC (high pressure fan air controller)
Manifold Dual Temperature Sensor
1ea coil to each digital/analog part of ASCPC
Manifold Flow Sensor
Manifold Pressure Sensor
Intermediate Pressure Sensor
Isolation Valve (3)
Interchangeable with APU S/O Valve
APU Shut Off Valve

ACIPS (airfoil and cowl ice protection sytem)
AFDC (autopilot flight director computer)
AGS (air/ground system)
AIMS (airplane information management system)
APUC (auxiliary power unit controller)
CTC (cabin temperature controller)
DLODS (duct leak and overheat detection)
ECSMC (ECS miscellaneous card)
EEC (electronic engine controller)
ELMS (electrical load management system)
FSEU (flap slat electronics unit)
HYDIM (hydraulic interface module)
OPAS (overhead panel ARINC 629 system)
WES (warning electronic system)


L AC Pack
R AC Pack
Aft Cargo Heat
Bulk Cargo Heat
TAT Probe
Hydraulic Reservoir
Portable Water
Wing Anti Ice
Engine Starter

Bleed Air Panel
Engine Bleed Switches
ON Engine bleed valves open when eng bleed available
OFF (ON not visible) Valve is manually cmd closed
OFF amber (Non normal contitions)
Wing or strut duct overheat
Bleed air overtemperatur
Bleed air overpressure
Engine fire switch pulled

APU Bleed Switch
AUTO APU s/o valve is automatically controlled
OFF (AUTO not visible) APU s/o valve commanded close
OFF amber (Non normal contitions)
Duct overheat
Switch selected OFF
APU s/o valve failing closed
APU fire switch pulled

Bleed Isolation Switches
AUTO Isolation valve is automatically controlled
CLOSED (AUTO not visible) Manually closes isolation valve
CLOSED amber (Non normal contitions)
valve closed due to duct leak or bleed loss
Switch selected to close
Valve fails closed
Engine Bleed Air

Engine air supply system supplies low pressure bleed air from 8
IPC and high pressure bleed air from 6
stage HPC

DVV (Duct Vent Valve)
Prevents a nuisance EICAS message (overpressure)
causes high nacelle temperature in case of stucked valve

RVDTs monitor valve position
LH, CTR, RH Isolation valve
APU s/o valve
LH and RH FAMV (fan air modulating valve)


ASCPCs control the following valves
3 Isolation valves
APU s/o valve
2 PRSOVC (pressure regulating and shutoff valve controller)
2 HPFAC (high pressure fan air controller)

Digital mode control description

Digital Mode (primary control)
ASCPC controlled
Primary and backup mode work together
Bleed port select
Pressure control
Temperature control
Flow control (10 lbs/sec)

HPSOV 40 psi (32.5 psi above 27'000 fts)
PRSOV 50 psi

Intermediate Sensor is used to control HPSOV
At high power HPSOV is closed, PRSOV modulates to 50 psi
At low power HPSOV modulates to 40 psi

ASCPC controls supply pressure. Manifold pressure sensor and
intermediate pressure sensor monitor duct pressure. ASCPC controls
HPSOV and PRSOV through HPFAC and PRSOVC to control pressure.

ASCPC controls temperature. The Manifold Dual Temperature Sensor
monitor the temperature. ASCPC controls FAMV through HPFAC to
maintain 193 deg
If temperature > 254 deg PRSOV closes and latches (PRSOV starts to
close at 232 deg)

Inputs to ASCPC to monitor engine bleed airflow
Manifold Flow Sensor (FS)
Engine Anti Ice (EAI) system
Wing Anti Ice (WAI) system

ASCPC keeps the amount of bleed air to a limit
Flow rate is achieved by modulating PRSOV

CPC gives bias signal to ASCPC to increase the setpoint 6 psi
(ECS pack lo flow condition)

EEC gives bias signal to ASCPC to increase the setpoint 9 psi (Engine
cross bleed start)

Whenever downstream pressure > 40 psi HPSOV closes and PRSOV
modulates 50 psi


Analog mode control description

Analog Mode (backup control)
ASCPC controlled
Primary mode failed
Backup mode and pneumatic mode work together
No indication on Air Synoptic Page
Limited control and indication
No flow limit function

HPSOV 55 +/-15 psi (pneumatically)
PRSOV 60 +/- 15 psi (pneumatically)

Digital mode failed
Pressure control available
ASCPC can not command HPSOV and FAMV
FAMV is fully open
HPSOV maintains 55 +/-15 psi pneumatically controlled
If intermediate pressure sensor senses 70 psi HPSOV closes and
PRSOV regulates 60 +/-15 psi pneumatically
Temperature limiting function available only
Flow limiting function is lost

Pneumatic mode control description

Pneumatic Mode
Primary and backup mode failed
Fail safe mode
No protections and indications
HPFAC and PRSOVC are set to let the system operate without
ASCPC (design of valves define pressure)

ASCPC failed in digital and analog mode
Pressure control still available, same as in analog mode
No temperature control and limiting function available
No low control function available
No pneumatic ON/OFF switching possible

Overpressure protection
At 242 psi intermediate pressure PRSOV is commanded to close
Available in digital and analog mode only

Duct rupture detection (Digital mode only)
EEC sends HP pressure P30 signal to ASCPC to detect duct rupture
(compare with intermediate pressure)

Pneumatic controlled and operated valve
Springloaded close
Manual lockout in close position possible
Hex cam locks position indicator and vents control line
Position indicator


FAMV L/R status after engine start
Action: Cycle ENG BLEED switch

Pneumatic controlled and operated valve
Spring loaded open
Failsafe open
Manual lockout in open position possible
Locking plunger vents control line (springloaded out)
(1) FAMV may be locked in open position as per MEL
EK RH FAMV is permanent locked out in open position
Valve has to be locked close for removal and installation
Position indicator
RVDT for position feedback

Controlled by ASCPC
Fail safe ON
pneumatic muscle pressure opens PRSOV in case of electrical
Inlet filter is LRU

Controlled by ASCPC
2 torque motors (HPSOV and FAMV)
FAMV torque motor failsafe OFF (spring loaded open)
HPSOV torque motor failsafe ON (pneumatic muscle pressure opens
HPSOV in case of failure)

Location: E1 / E2 Rack

Digital control

Analog control
ON/OFF control through engine bleed switch (PRSOV only)
OFF Indications
Temperature limiting through PRSOV
NO flow limiting

Controls onside engine bleed air supply system
L ASCPC primary control for pressurization and pack flow schedule
R ASCPC backup control for pressurization and pack flow schedule
ASCPC backup to CPC for pack flow control
Software loadable (ADIRU must be powered)
If no software available or no power supply ASCPC operates in analog


FMCF of AIMS (flight management computing function) supplies
landing field elevation information to ASCPC

Status message is shown if the primary mode fails
Both ASCPC analog modes to be verified operative (Engine ground
Only one ASCPC may be u/s in primary mode
(dispatch as per MEL)
No FDEs shown if backup or pneumatic mode fails

Outflow Valves
(2) Outflow valves
(2) motors each valve
L ASCPC controls 1ea motor FWD/AFT outflow valve
R ASCPC backup control for remaining motors
during manual operation both motors operate
ASCPC does pre flight BIT after first engine start for 20 seconds

High Pressure Ground Connections (3)
(2) must be available for engine start
Switch off ECS packs before removing ground cart
Pneumatic power cut off before switching off packs will cause a
non normal pack shut down

Isolation Valves
(3) Isolation Valves and APUSOV are interchangeable
RVDTs for position feedback
Electrically controlled and pneumatically operated by both ASCPC
Spring loaded closed
Fail safe open
Manual override to lockout in open or close position
Position indicator
Access for isolation valves just in front of MLG doors

LH and CTR isolation valve RVDT (indication feedback) controlled by
Backup control (analog part of ASCPC) gives limited control to
bleed air control and engine OFF indication in case of failure

RH isolation valve and APUSOV RVDT (indication feedback) controlled
Backup control (analog part of ASCPC) gives limited control to
bleed air control and engine OFF indication in case of failure

Source loss logic
Not enough air for ADP operation for gear retraction after T/O
(<180 sec)
Pressure loss logic
Starter duct failure
Valve latched close logic
To reset cycle isolation valve switch

APUSOV is closed if ground air source is ON

With both engine running, APU ON or OFF and ground air OFF
CTR isolation valve and APUSOV CLOSED
LH and RH isolation valves OPEN
RVDTs (FAMV ISLN valves and APUSOV) give position feedback to
ASCPC (they are not part of indication system)

ASCPC is calculating the valve positions on several parameters

If primary mode fails all indications exept OFF light are lost

Bleed air pressure is available at
Air Synoptic Page
Secondary Engine Page
Air Supply Maintenance Page
Ice and Rain Protection Maintenance Page
Performance Maintenance Page

Duct pressure turns amber <11psi

Open or close position of PRSOV has to be checked at position indicator
on valve itself

ASCPC in control for cabin pressure system is showed at Air Supply
Maintenance page

ASCPC digital information is displayed at at Air Supply Maintenance page


- 38 -
Portable Water
B777-200 has 2 watertanks (120 galons each)
B777-200 IGW has 3 watertanks
Location: Bulk cargo compartment behind aft wall
Upper support contains a shear pin

GND HNDL BUS must be powered for Qty indication and preselection
Tank pressurization by pneumatic system or dedicated compressor

Isolation valve above L4 door
2-position valve (OPEN-CLOSE)
Aft Galley/Lavatory have still water
remote operation by push/pull cable
Isolation Valve above L2 door
3-position valve (OPEN-ISLN-DRAIN)
remote operation by push/pull cable

Each Lavatory has a water shutoff valve
Location: Behind mirror
Each Lavatory has a water Distribution Drain Shutoff Valve
Location: Below sink
Each Galley has a water shutoff valve

Water Heater
Water heaters are fitted below lavatory sink
Temperature selector (LO-MID-HI) remove bottom cover
Reset after overheat (top cover)
Power switch and power indication light (Light is OFF if heater is
switched to off or if overheat occured)

Lavatory Faucet
Mechanical time delay
5-15 seconds
Water outlet holds screw for bottom cover
Time delay adjustment screws accessable after removing bottom
cover (2 screws for hot/cold)

Tank Qty Transmitter
Capacitance type Qty transmitter at each tank
Signal to Summation Unit (Location: Attached to beam above
water tank)
Signal goes from Summation Unit to CSCP/CACP via OEU
(overhead electronics units) and ZMU (zone management unit)
Signal also interfaces with preselection system


Tank Level Sensor
Fittet at transmitter mounting pad
2 qty sensor teminals available
Terminal is selected by terminal screw (swap in case of qty
Qty is adjustable (full tank first)

Air Compressor
Location: Just behind bulk cargo door behind side wall
Overheat and overcurrent protected
Inlet filter
Clean/relace if compressor has bad performance
Pneumatic Drain Valve
Check for leak if compressor has bad performance
Unloader Check Valve
Pressure Switch
Controls air compressor (35-45 psi)
Compressor Interlock switch
Switches off compressor during sevicing
Part of Preselect/Overflow valve (Not a LRU)

Aft Water Service Panel
Location: Aft fuselage RH
Tank Fill Handle
Connected to motorized Preselect/Overflow Valve
Tank Sytem Drain Handle
Connected to Tank Drain Valve and System Drain Valve
(mechanical operated)
Tank and aft system drain through seperate outlets
Fill port (heated)
Water Qty Gauge
Qty Preselector Selector
After water service, Qty preselector must be in OFF/RESET position,
otherwise watertank preselect/overflow valve will open when qty drops
and water system depressurizes.

FWD Water Drain Panel
FWD System Drain Handle
opens fwd system drain valve
mechanical operated valve

Gray Water System
Gray water is drained through fwd and aft drainmast
Drainmasts are heated

Gray Water Drain Restrictor Valve (2)
Electrically operated valve
Failsafe open
Fully open on ground
Restricted position in flight to reduce noise
3 ft water sensed by pressure switch opens valve in flight

3 Waste Tanks
Location: Bulk cargo compartment behind left side wall
Max 4 toilets to be connected at each tank

Point Level Sensor (2 each tank)
Cut off power from toilet if both sensors are wet
Continous Level Sensor
2 sensors are connected together with a capillary tube
Sensor is used for level indication

Vacuum Blower
(2) Blower are fitted behind left bulk cargo compartment sidewall
Blowers operate up to 16'000 ft
Controlled by (2) barometric switches (Location: Aft of pressure
bulkhead in stabilizer compartment)
Service Panel
Location: Aft fuselage
(3) T-Handles connected to waste drain ball valve
Proximity sensor at drain ball valves stop vacuum blower operation
during service
(1) Waste Drain Assembly
(3) Tank Rinse Fittings

Vacuum Toilet
Motor operated Drain Valve
Solenoid operated Rinse Valve
Manual Shutoff Valve (Pull/push to close/open)

Flush Control Unit (FCU)
Maintenace switch operation
Press once to open drain valve
Press again and hold for 2 seconds, to run blower for 10 seconds
Press normal FLUSH switch to close drain valve and reset system

Logic Control Module (LCM) (3)
Test can be carried out at control module itself or via CSCP
All level sensors are tested


- 45 -
To guide maintenance people by rectification and referring faults
Helps to make decisions
Primary functions
Fault Isolatuon
Ground tests
Data loading
Signal Flow

CMCF in control
Make these selections on the MAT to see which CMCF is in control:
MAT (maintenance access terminal)
MAT is located at P18
PMAT is located in MEC above E4 Rack
Connected with Fibre Optics Interface to AVLAN (avionics local area
Color Code: light purple
A/C must be fully powered
LCD Screen
Trackball and Keyboard
Data loading
Floppy disk
Ground Tests
System Test
Operatinal Test
LRU Replacement Test
Diamond shaped cursor Exclusive selection
Square shaped cursor Non-Exclusive selection

Flight Phases
15 Flight Phases
Flt Leg Transision
First engine start
or both engines running and last door goes from open to close
Flt Leg Inhibit
T/O Roll
Flt Leg Enable
Manual enable flt leg by MAT or CMCS detect Engine T/O thrust
and A/S more than 80 kts after park brake release
Message Types
Flight Deck Effects (FDE)
EICAS Messages
PFD and ND Flags
Correlated Message
FDE and Maintenance Message
For Line Maintenace
Affect dispatch!
Non-Correlated Message
All Faults without FDE
Base Maintenance
Latched Message
Fault occured and still remains but not monitored by system
Active Message
Fault is present and monitored by system
Maintenance Memo
Fault 1 step below dispatch
For Maintenance planing
Scheduled Maintenance Task Message
Airline specified task (AMI airline modifiable information)
Time monitored tasks
Maintenance planing
MAT Menus
Line Maintenance
Inbound FDE
Correlated Maintenance Message
Last Leg
active, not active, latched
Existing FDE
Correlated Maintenance Message
still active and latched
Ground Test
Sytem Test
Operatinal Test
LRU Replacement Test
System Configuration
to cross check LRU partnumber and software partnumber


Extended Maintenance
Present Leg Fault
Maintenance Messages correlated and not correlated
intermittend Faults

Existing Faults
All Faults: latched, active, correlated and uncorrelated
Fault History
All Faults
up to 100 Flt Legs can be stored
Data Load
Maintenance Planing
Maintenance Enable/Disable
A/C must be fully powered and Grd Test Switch at P61 <ENABLE>
4 additional recepticals
Cockpit P18
Ctr body at hydraulic sevice panel
Aft Stabilizer compartment access


- 49 -
Made by Allied Signals, model GTCP 331-500
APU operation: constant speed
APUC (auxiliary power unit controller) located at E7 rack (aft galley)
controls all APU functions, contains fault detection and isolation
stores up to 256 faults
Pneumatic power (53 PSI) up to 22'000 ft
Electric power 120 kVA up to 43'000 ft
2 Starters
APU can be started at any altitude
ATS (air turbine starter) Primary
Electrical starter
Auto start
Unattended (on GND with engine OFF)
Attended (in FLT or on GND with one engine running)
(certain protection is not available)
DMM (data memory module)
keeps certain data in memory (operating hours etc)
Dedicated battery
Functional cluster to make maintenace work easier
Lube cluster
Fuel cluster
Pneumatic cluster
Ignition cluster
APU selector ON
APCU (APU controller unit) gets power
Inlet door opens
Fuel is supplied

APU selector START
initiates start sequence

APU selector OFF
initiates shut down sequence
resets auto shut down logic
closes APU bleed air shut off valve

APU Fault Light
momentarily ON when power up test on APUC
ON if APU shut down due to fault


Fire switches
P5 panel Flt Deck
P 40 panel NLG (reset via FIRE/OVHT TEST)
APU Maintenace switch
powers APUC

APUC modes
Test (power up 8,5 sec)
APUC idle (powered but APU start not initiated)
Start air (ATS)
Start electrical
On speed (100%)
Cooldown (after normal shut down)
Shutdown (inlet door close RPM < 15%)
Auto shut down (protective shut down)

For APU start, BATT Switch must be ON
If APU is running, BATT Switch can be selected to OFF
(APU does not stop)

APU Battery feeds
APU starter
RAT deployment
interchangeable with Main Battery

2 Speed Sensors (phonic type)
APUC selects higher input for display and control
one sensor fault APU CTRL status
both sensor fail auto shut down

Inlet Temperatur Sensor
Fuel control
IGV control
SCV (surge control valve)
TIT (turbine inlet temperatur
if faulty, APU uses air data source APU status message
Air Inlet Door
APU will not start, if air inlet door position switch senses door
not fully open
ELMS controls inlet door
APUC monitors inlet door
Manual override drive
turn transfer cover to select manual mode (disconnects actuator
use manual drive socket
dispatch with door open (performance penalty)
dispatch with door close (APU inoperative)
APU DOOR status for any door disagreement
Air inlet door failure causes auto shut down in unattended mode or
APU in attended mode DOOR status message only

Oil system
APU bearings and gearbox, Generator and ATS are lubricated and cooled
with oil system
Mobil Jet II
Eductor cooling system for oil cooling
Gearbox is used as tank
5 magnetic chip detectors installed
3 in gearbox for APU bearings
1 at lube cluster for Generator
1 at ATS (air turbine starter)

(1) midframe heater probe (midframe bearing chamber heater)
(3) gearbox heaterpad
no test provided (look for maintenace messages)
monitored by APUC APU CONTROL status
powered by GND SVC Bus
pads are selfregulated and can be as hot as 232 deg

Thermostatic Valve
controls oil flow to oil cooler
bypass cooler if clogged

In attendend mode no auto shut down if low oil pressure
In attendend mode no auto shut down if oil temp is high

Lube cluster contains
3 lube pump elements
5 scavenage elements
oil temperature sensor (HOT)
oil pressure sensor
oil pressure transducer
low oil pressure switch (LOP)
thermostatic bypass valve
filter bypass valve and differential switch
Generator magnetic chip detector

Indication system
APU OIL QTY status if oil qty < 3.8 qts
or failure of QTY / sump temperatur probe
go item if qty ok
Fuel system
Provides metered fuel for 100% governed speed (96,25% - 104,5% Freq
Trim) and sevo fuel for IGV and SCV actuators
Fuel cluster
provides metered fuel
fitted together with oil cluster
supplies servo fuel to IGV actuator, SCV actuator
controlled by APUC
Fuel cluster contains

LP fuel filter (LRU)
Fuel temperature sensor (LRU)
Fuel shut off solenoid (energized valve open; 7% RPM)
Fuel differential pressure switch (LRU)
Ignition Cluster
1 ignition unit (2 channels)
2 igniter plugs
2 igniter leads
Maintenance Message if BITE in ignition unit finds one faulty channel
Ignition is ON
Normal both ignition systems used
7% RPM (OFF at 50%)
RPM < 95% RPM (RPM drop function)
Electrical starter
28 VDC motor
APUC controlled
de-energized at 49% below 22'000 ft
de-energized at 55% above 22'000 ft
brush wear sensor APU CONTROL (STS)
hand cranking access
duty time limit: 3 attempts in 1 hour

ATS (air turbine starter)
no duty time limit
oil lubricated (APU oil system)
APUC uses ATS primary, if pneum system pressure > 15 psi
ATS Control Valve closes at 55%
Magnetic chip detector
ATS does not start if RPM > 12%
if ATS is not able to maintain acceleration (1%/sec) APUC
commands el starter if RPM < 12%

ATS CV (ATS control valve)
solenoid controlled (APUC)
pneumatically operated (modulating 22 psi)
solenoid does not get energized if RPM > 12%
APUC opens ATS CV only if duct pressure > 15psi

Auto Start
Aircraft in flight and both XFR Bus lost
Start Failure
No ignition at light up
no acceleration for 7 sec
Fault light ON and maintenance message
APU SHUTDOWN (advisory)
APU Start selector ON
Air Inlet Door opens (ELMS)

APU Fuel Isolation Valve opens (ELMS)
APU fuel DC pump ON (if L AC MAIN Bus powered: LH FWD
Boost pump)
APUC gets power
Air System
Cooling air system
Eductor system for oil cooling
Air supply system
load compressor for pneumatic supply
Check valve
prevents reverse flow to load compressor
spring loaded close

No pneumatic available above 22'000 ft
during APU start IGV close (can open above 95% only)

SCV (Surge control valve)
provides surge protection to load compressor
spring loaded open
sevo fuel to open
pressure sensor pallet
inlet pressure sensor
total pressure sensor
differential pressure sensor
SCV open if RPM <95% then starts to modulate
LVDT for position feedback (APU Maintenance page)
Malfunction of SCV system
APU BLEED AIR (status)
closes IGV
opens SCV

normal operation
ECS mode (SCV close)
other modes (SCV partly open)
APU shut (SCV open)

If surge occurs
shut APU bleed s/o valve
or operate both ECS packs
EGT (exhaust gas temperature)
available on Status page and APU Maintenance page
2 thermocouple rake, each contains 2 probes (2 channels each
Auto shutdown if both both EGT rake lost
Maintenance Memo message if 1 EGT lost
High EGT
In unattended mode Auto shutdown occurs

In attended mode APU LIMIT (caution) and APU (status)
All APU data available at APU Maintenance page some data available at
Status page (APU maintenance switch TEST)

DMM (data memory module)
stores data for
health monitoring
life usage (read only by DDM reader)
Do not remove APUC and DMM at the same time (Data will be lost)

APU shutdown signal effects
IGV close
SCV open
APU bleed shut off close via ASCPC (air supply and cabin pressure
Generator deload

Cooldown period (approx 100 sec) at 100% above 22000ft
Cooldown period (approx 100 sec) at 70% below 22000ft

Auto shutdown
Unattended mode
bad acceleration
no light up during start
loss of overspeed protection
APU compartment fire
Air inlet fire
APU speed drop (<88%)
APUC failure
Air inlet door failure
Low oil pressure
loss of oil press signal
high EGT
loss of EGT signal
high oil temperature
Attended mode
loss of overspeed protection
APU speed drop (<88%)
APUC failure
Air inlet fire
APU compartment fire


- 52 -
B777-200 has 8 passenger doors
B777-200 IGW has 10 passenger
3 Cargo doors
Aft cargo door is available in two sizes (small / large)

All doors are plug type doors exept FWD cargo door
All doors can be opened from outside and inside
Passenger Door
No indication if door is opened in armed position
Yellow Flag is visible at girt bar windows if door is armed

Outside handle does not stow if door is opened from outside

Safety switch at EPAS battery to disarm EPAS (Emergency power assist)

Door Warning proximity sensor (2)
Latch Crank position sensor indicates door closed and latched
position (Loc: aft door surrunding)
Door Locked sensor indicates door locked (Loc: aft vent door

Mode Select switch
operated by mode selector mechanism
Letter A/M (Door armed/manual) appears at Door Synoptic Page
In serie with door open switch to control EPAS
Location: upr fwd door corner

Door open switch
In serie with mode select switch to control EPAS
operated by door handle mechanism
Location below latch shaft at door center

Flight Lock mechanism
Prevents door opening during flight (speed > 80 kts, data from
PSEU energizes flight lock solenoid

Flight Lock proximity sensor (2)
Disengaged and engaged position (status message)

Door pressure seal (2 parts)
lower part at door
side and uper part at door surrunding


Programming chain
moves door outwards and fwd parallel to fuselage
lets EPAS open the door

If there is ecessive residual pressurization door can not be opened
If vent door rod fails door can be opened (even if thre is ecessive residual
After opening door can not be latched again

EPAS (Emergency power assist) system
3000 psi N2 cylinder
Squib to fire N2 cylinder
EPAS actuator
EPAS battery
Assosiated emergency lights turn ON if door is opened by EPAS
All components are fitted in door hinge assy

EPAS Battery
Safety switch (disarms EPAS system)
Test switch (Battery test)
Indicator LED (Battery OK)

Door closeing procedure with slideraft removed
Manually release crank interlock and guide latch crank roller in
latch crank track by rotating door handle
Cargo Doors
FWD cargo door is not a plug type door
PSEU controls cargo door operation
Cargo door can be closed and latched but not locked from inside
Inside control switch has priority over outside control switch
FWD Cargo Door
Large door
Witness ports (8) to verify door closed and latched

Latch Actuator Manual socket drive
inside door lock handle

Lift Actuator Manual socket drive
Fwd upper corner of door
inside at fwd edge of door

Latch Power Unit
Main latches (8)
Mid span latches (2)
Pull in hooks (2)

Lift Power Unit
drives fwd and aft rotary actuators

Duty cycle limit
do not operate 2 full cycles within 5 minutes


Door UP light (amber)
ON if door is fully open

Door Closed and Latched light (green)
ON if door is closed and latched
OFF if door is closed and locked (Lock handle stowed)

All door sensors are proximity sensors

Control sensors
Door up sensor
Latch range sensor
Handle unlock sensor
Door unlatched sensor
Door latched sensor

Sensors for status indication
Door close sensor
Door latched sensor
Door locked sensor
Aft Cargo Door
Door can be opened and closed from inside
No lock handle
Plug type door

Pressure hooks (2)
Pressure stops (20)
Ditching stops (10)

Lift/Latch power drive unit
Unlatches and lifts door from pressure hooks and pressure stops
Hinge Power drive unit
Lifts door up/down via rotary actuators

Lift/Latch Manual drive socket
Below vent door
Perform only full cycle before driving hinge PDU

Hinge Manual drive socket
Fwd of cargo service panel

All door sensors are proximity sensors

Door control sensors
Door latched sensor
Door lifted sensor
Door down sensor
Door up sensor


Sensors for status indication
Door closed sensor
Door latched and locked sensor

Door Latched light (green)
ON if door closed and latched
light goes OFF after T/O (ground handling not powered)

Door UP light (amber)
ON if door is fully open
Bulk Cargo Door
Door is operated manually
Counter balance mechanism
Snubber actuator
Hold open strap

Door close switch for door indication
Access Doors
FWD equipment center door and main equipment center door are
monitored for position by proximitiy sensors

Door indication is displayed
Door Synoptic Page

Configuration warning

The large cargo door has a caution message, the other doors have a
advisory message.

A single message is shown for doors thet have a advisory message if:
On ground
Both engine are off
More than one of the doors are not closed, latched and locked


Memo messages show PAX entry door mode info

Door synoptic page
Name of door
Door not closed, latched and closed amber door symbol
Door closed, latched and closed door symbol not shown
Invalid signal white door symbol outline
Door closed, latched and closed A (green) for armed mode or M
(white) for manual mode (sensed by mode select switch)


- 71 -
B777-200 RR Trent 877-17
B777-200 IGW RR Trent 892-17 (can be reverted to 877-17 by
DEP (Data entry plug)
3-Spool high bypass ducted fan FADEC engine
Removing/Installing only by boot strap
Engine Mounts
3 points
FWD 4 bolts at fan case
AFT 8 bolts at LPT module
2 Thrust Links
MAT Tests
Ignition test (including audible test)
VSV actuation system
P20/T20 probe heater
Inlet Cowl
Inlet cowl
Leading edge is anti ice protected
L/R inlet cowl interchangeable
P20/T20 Probe access at 11:30 pos
PDOS control switches for fancowl doors and T/R doors
Fan Cowl Doors
Oil service door (RH)
MCD service door (RH)
IDG service doors (6:00 pos)
Access to starter manual override device (LH)
Chain fitted on inbd door (not interchangeable)
Hold open rods are locked if yellow stripe visible
4 latches (adjustment star) (open from aft to fwd)

T/R Doors
1 V-band latch (T-Bolt)
5 latches (adjustment wheel on last 4, 1
is adjustable by allen key)
Opening sequence:
latches aft fwd, V-Band latch last
Closing sequence:
V-Band latch first, latches fwd aft
T/R can be operated with doors in open position
powered from 28VDC GND HNLG Bus (solenoids) and 115VAC
GND HNLG Bus (pump)
selfcontaining hydraulic system
Pump power pack
No 2 pylon fairing for access
reservoir (engine oil spec)
5 solenoids
manual drive lug
actuators have restrictors to slow down closing speed
Manual operation
manual drive to turn pump (3/8 inch)
turn/push solenoids as per placcard


- 72 -
Data plate located at LH fan case
Hardware control shows thrust configuration
RR Trent 877 76'900 lbs thrust
RR Trent 890 90000 lbs thrust
programmed by DEP (Data Entry Plug)
remains always with engine
No intermix permitted
Engine is EPR controlled in normal mode
Engine is N1 controlled in alternate mode

8 modules, 3 rotors, 8 bearings (4 housing); all bearings are roller
bearings except location bearings in IP case housing (3 ball bearings)
N1 (LP rotor) 1 fan stage + 5 turbine stages
N2 (IP rotor) 8 compressor stages + 1 turbine stage
N3 (HP rotor) 6 compressor stages + 1 turbine stage
Internal, step aside, and bevel gearbox fransfer energy from N3
shaft to external gearbox and drive engine accessories

Air flow components
VIGV (variable inlet guide vane) IP compressor
VSV (variable stator vane) 2 stages IP compressor
6 Bleed Valves (3 IP8 and 3 HP3)

STA 0 ambient
STA 20 Inlet cowl (P20/T20) (EPR)
STA 30 end of compressor
STA 44 end of IPT (EGT probes)
STA 50 end of turbine (P50) (EPR)

Fanblades (26) wide chord, hallow titanium
Fan and Spinner are balanced with balance correction screws
Fan blade No 1 is behind red mark on spinner (counting CCW FLA)
Fan blade is held in position by shear key and slider assembly
Special requirement for blade moment weight, if blade has to be replaced!
(ref AMM 72-31-11)
Fan Blade limits ref AMM 72-31-00

Most boroscope access ports are on RH side
VIGV and VSV to be opened with special tool for boroscope check
N2 is turned trough fan with special tool
N3 is turned using tool at oil breather manual cranking device (remove


External Gearbox Accessories
Engine driven hydr pump
Fuel pump and FMU (fuel metering unit)
Oil pump and pressure filter housing
Oil breather
Dedicated alternator (EEC power source)


- 73 -
provides metered fuel
cooling engine lube oil
provide sevo fuel for
VIGV and VSV actuators
AOHE (air/oil heat exchanger) valve
EEC (electronic engine controller) controls and monitors all functions
Engine components interaction by hardwire
Airframe components interaction by ARINC 629
Fuel distribution
Fuel flow path
Fuel system Fuel pump LP stage Fuel cooled Oil Cooler
LP Fuel Filter Fuel Pump HP stage FMU (fuel metering unit)
Fuel Temp Thermo couples FF Tx HP Fuel Filter Fuel
Manifold Fuel Spray Nozzle (24)

2 Fuel spray nozzle p/n(odd and even numbers are not interchangeable)

LP Fuel Filter and differential pressure switch (10:00 Fan case)
Pressure switch is fitted at filter housing
Filter not cleanable

HP Fuel Filter
no bypass, no differential pressure switch

Fuel control
PCU (electrical power controller unit)
EEC (electronic engine controller)
Dedicated alternator
OPU (overspeed protection unit)
EDIU (engine data interface unit)
FMU (fuel metering unit)
P20/T20 probe
Fuel temp thermocouples (2) (in fuel line between FMU and FF TX
EEC, PCU, OPU and dedicated alternator replacement require
engine ground run


PCU (electrical power controller unit)
supplies power to
Ignition units
T20/P20 probe heaters
powered from dedicated alternator
powered from ELMS if
Fuel control switches RUN
Start selector START
EEC maintenance switch TEST
EEC controls PCU to supply ELMS power to Ignition units and probe
PCU and OPU are fitted together

EEC (electronic engine controller)
Two channel computer
EEC selects channel at power up
EEC selects more healthy channel
The processor of each channel has a control channel and a monitor
channel, if they disagree EEC changes channels
Cycling Fuel Control Switch RUN - OFF resets EEC and sets initial
conditions (writing all fault data in memory)
EEC gets power from the dedicated alternator or from ELMS
Dedicated alternator has seperated powerwinding for each EEC channel
supplies at approx. 8% N3
priority over ELMS power
ELMS supplies power if:
Fuel Control Switch RUN
Start selector START
EEC Maintenance Switch TEST

Data Entry Plug makes EEC interchangeable

ENG EEC C1/2 L/R status (operation with reduced redundancy
ENG CONTROL L/R status (advisory if A/C on gnd and spd < 80
kts) no dispatch item

Probe heater test via MAT
Throttle stagger problems are correlated with probe heater/sense
line leak problems

EEC Functions
Fuel Flow
Engine starting
Compressor airflow ( VIGV, VSV, Bleed Valves)
LP/IP turbine case cooling (TIC)
Heat management system (AOHE)
P20/T20 probe heat
Thrust reverse deployment


Provides settings (Normal Mode)
EPR is thrust setting parameter for fwd thrust
N1 is thrust setting parameter for R/T
Provides settings (Alternate Mode)
N1 is thrust setting parameter for fwd and reverse thrust
Schedules Idle conditions
Minimum or Approch Idle
Provides protection for N1, N2, N3
Provides limitation on engine power in response to thrust reverser throttle
position while thrust reverser is in transit
Processes engine health parameters P25, P160, T25, T30
Processes engine parameter indication signals for data transmission to
Auto-relight selection of ignition in case of engine flame out
Continiuous ignition (T30)
Provides shaft break protection
Surge recovery
sensed by P30
some bleed valves open for 3 sec
Fuel flow reduces and then recovers
Flight or approach idle (pull all 3 Altimeter CBs and set Flap to 25 units)
Caution: Other starting than auto start, EEC may not take action due
to EGT exceedance!

EEC Protection Box
EEC protection box contains EEC, PCU, OPU
inlet air cooled
Maintenance message if temperature > 134 deg

Dedicated Alternator
provides power to PCU and OPU
provides analog N3 signal to AVM signal conditioner unit and AIMS
power available if N3 > 8%
has one spare sensor for OPU
Rotor and stator are LRU
engine oil cooled

OPU (overspeed protection unit)
prevents severe LP or IP shaft overspeed
2 channels are operating independant of EEC
LP and IP shaft speed supply analog N1 and N2 signals (3ea LP- and IP-
speed probes)
HPSOV (high pressure shutoff valve) will be closed if speed is 10% above
engine shutdown occurs
reset on GND only by cycling Fuel Control switch RUN - OFF
sends analog N1 signal via EEC to
AVM signal conditioner unit
sends analog N2 signal via EEC to AVM signal conditioner unit
to be removed together with PCU

EDIU (engine data interface unit)
changes data format from EEC ARINC 429 to ARINC 629 format and
from ARINC 629 to ARINC 429
analog N1 input from EEC for TAC (thrust asymmetry compensation)
Location: MEC (E1-5 and E4-1 shelf)

FMU (fuel metering unit)
provides metered fuel to combuster chamber
HPSOV is controlled by EEC
ENG FUEL L/R status if one channel faulty (go-item, Spar Valve
function must be verfied)
Fire switch bypasses EEC for CUTOFF signal to HPSOV
OPU signal direct to HPSOV (reset on gnd only)
receives signals from:
Fuel control switches (cutoff only)
Fire switch (fire pos only)

Fuel Flow data available at Secondary Engine page and Performance
Maintenance page
Fuel Used data available at CDU (Progress page 2) (FMC function of


- 74 -
EEC is demanding ignition power to ignition units via PCU (Fuel control
switches must be ON)
powered by L/R AC Bus or L/R STBY Bus (IGN XFER relay)
2 seperate independant systems
during auto start
attempt one system in use
attempt both systems in use
Air start
always both systems in use
in bad weather conditions
both system continiuous ignition (T30)
Auto relight
EEC monitors actual and commanded idle RPM
EEC monitors above idle N3, P3, Altitude
both system continiuous ignition

Ignition ON in Flt
Fuel control switch RUN and N3 < 50%

Ignition ON on ground
Start selector START and Fuel control switch RUN and N3 < 50%


- 75 -
Accessory zone cooling
Engine cooling and sealing
Compressor Control
Zone Cooling
Zone 1 cooling
ambient air
area around fan case and fan cowl
Zone 2 cooling
ambient air
area around IPC case and gas generator fairing
Zone 3 cooling
Fan air exhaust and air from turbine cooling air
area between HPC and Fan reverser doors
Bleed Valves
controlled by EEC
3 ea IP8 bleed valves (2 ea RH and 1 ea LH)
3 ea HP3 bleed valves (2 ea RH and 1 ea LH)
Bleed valves are solenoid controlled and operated with sevo air
HP3 and RH IP8 bleed valves are controlled by bleed valve
LH IP8 bleed valve is controlled by IP bleed valve solenoid
all bleed valves are closed just above idle
Fail safe condition
low speed condition
Bleed valve open (solenoid de-energized)
Bleed valve is spring loaded open if engine is off
IP compressor
3 stages controlled by EEC
VIGV (variable inlet guide vane)
2 stages VSV (variable stator vane)
2 (LH/RH) Actuators (actuators extend to close VSV)
LVDT feedback to EEC
VSV Actuator Control Valve
no adjustment or rigging requested if actuator is changed
Fail safe condition
loss of electrical power to torque motor
actuator extends VSV close
low speed condition
Fail safe close

TIC (turbine impingement cooling)
controlled by EEC as a function of EPR, Mach Number, N1
operation is controlled through TIC solenoid valve and operated with
servo air
IP and LP turbine outer case are cooled
Valve open in cruise
Fail safe condition
valve close if solenoid de-energized
valve springloaded close
if any fault occurs solenoid will be de-energized and valve closes
(no cooling)
ACAC (air cooled air cooler)
not operative on EK A/C (not installed on most engines)
controlled by EEC
internal gearbox cooling
HP3 air used as muscle air
Fan air and heat exchanger to cooled HP3 air


- 76 -
(2) TLA Resolvers provide throttle command to EEC to set thrust
(Idle = 34 deg TRA)
TRA indiovation on EPCS (electronic propulsion control system)
Maintenance page
Auto throttle servo motor gets signal from TMCF (thrust management
computing function) of AIMS
T/R interlock actuator (Reverse Levers are locked at reverse idle pos until
sleeves moved min 60%)
Thrust lever switches
AT disconnect
T/R sync lock control valve
T/R directional control valve
Auto Brake inhibit
Resolver position is shown at EPCS (electronic propulsion control system)
Maintenance page
EICAS Display, Secondary Engine Display
various maintenance pages (see chapter 77)
Flt Deck Controls
EEC Maintenance Switch
in TEST position switch connects airframe power to EEC without
starting any EEC logic
Fire Switch pulled OUT
HPSOV in FMU closes
Spar valve closes
cuts off engine from airframe
Fuel Control Switch
115 VAC supply to PCU to power EEC and to power ignition as per
signal from EEC
authorizes EEC to turn on ignition and to turn on fuel
opens Spar Valve
closes HPSOV and Spar Valve
resets EEC

Autostart Switch
permits EEC to control engine start automatically
OFF light illuminated (amber)
Autostart system is disabled (EEC)
EEC Mode Switch
Normal Mode:
EPR is thrust setting parameter for fwd thrust and N1 is thrust
setting parameter for R/T
EEC uses following parameters for thrust setting: TLA,T20,
Altitude, Mach number, Bleed status
Alternate Mode:
N1 is thrust setting parameter
EEC uses TLA, Altitude, T20 as thrust setting parameters
Engine Start Selector
SCV (Starter control valve) is deactivated
signals EEC to open SCV as per logic
signals ASCPC (air supply and cabin pressure controllers) to
control pneumatic supply for starting
signals ELMS for 28VDC power for SCV through EEC and for
115VAC power supply to PCU for EEC
signals AIMS to provide ground for latch solenoid
Note: SCV solenoid is de-energized at N3 50%, latch solenoid de-
energized at N3 63%


- 77 -
Supplies engine performance data to AIMS
EPR (engine pressure ratio)
EEC calculates EPR (P50 / P20)
Normal Mode
EPR max
EPR ref / target (FMCF flight management computing function)
actual EPR
EPR commanded (TRA - EEC)
Alternate Mode (N1 - automatic)
some faults (loss of pressure signals) make EEC switch to N1
mode automatically
soft reversion
EICAS shows no EPR indication
EICAS shows normal N1 indication
Alternate Mode (N1 - manual)
Mode switch selected to ALTN
hard reversion
EICAS shows no EPR indication
EICAS shows:
N1 max
N1 ref / target (FMCF)
actual N1
N1 commanded (TRA - EEC)
N1 / N2 / N3
N1 / N2 signals through OPU to EEC
(3) N1 speed probes in IP case, (3) N2 speed probes in IP case (phonic
speed probes are internal and not a LRU
(3) N1 speed probes in LP turbine case (phonic wheel)
used to detect shaft break (compare with LP compressor shaft)
speed probes are internal and not a LRU

OPU monitors 2 out of 3 signals for compressor speed 3
signal is a
spare signal which automatically replaces a faulty signal

Dedicated alternator supplies 3 phases ac power to EEC. EEC uses 1
phase to get analog N3 signal

EICAS and Secondary Engine display shows N1, N2, N3
also showed on Performance Maintenance page

EGT (exhaust gas temperature)
11 Thermocouple probes at T44 (between IPT and LPT)
EICAS shows
Actual EGT
redline (900 deg)
amber band (850 deg - max cont)
start limit (700 deg - shown at start only)
If EGT goes above redline or start limit, display changes to red
If EGT goes back below limit display changes to white, box stays red
Box changes red/white if CANCEL/RCL button is pressed
For permanent erase of red box go to Engine Exceedance
Maintenance page
Value of temperature limits on Propulsion Data Limit Maintenance page
AVM (airborne vibration monitor)
1 dual channel transducer on IP case, 1 single channel transducer
on LP turbine case
vibration junction box
RCC (remote charge converter)
AVM signal condition unit
For flight deck indication / health monitoring both signals from IP case
dual transducer are used
One signal from dual transducer on IP case is used for trim balancing of
the LP compressor (fan)
The single transducer signal on LP turbine case is used for trim balancing
of the LP turbine
Vibration transducer signal goes to RCC for amplification and conversion
and to AVM signal condition unit

AVM signal condition unit
compares N1, N2, N3 vibrations to find highest
calculates engine balance solutions
Sends vibration data to AIMS
keeps last 6 legs vibration data for EBS (Engine balancing system)
access through MAT
self test
BB (Broadband) vibration is total engine vibration
indicated if sensor fails
AVM signal condition unit uses signals to find vibration level for each rotor
vibration transducer signal
N1, N2, N3 shaft speed signal
N1 OPR probe signal (once per revolution)

Turbine Overheat Detection

IPT disk cooling air is measured by 2 dual loop thermocouples (T44)
EEC gives an overheat signal if: BIT finds no loop failure and loop1
and loop 2 have an overheat condition
with a single loop failure, the EEC gives an overheat signal if the
serviceable loop has an overheat condition

Overheat Indication
Master caution light
Caution aural operates
Engine overheat caution message
Overheat warning clears if Fuel Control Switch is moved to OFF

Engine overheat is not testet by FIRE/OVHT test

Engine Condition Monitoring

P160, P25, T30 and T25 are used for engine condition monitoring

Maintenance Pages
Performance Maintenance Page
shows general airplane and eviroment data
shows all engine data
Exceedance Page
shows exceedance profiles for rotor speeds and EGT
EPCS Maintenance Page
shows engine parameters for both EEC channels
Propulsion Data Limit Page
Limits for Engine and APU operation


- 78 -
TRAS (thrust reverser actuation system) is electrically controlled and
hydraulically operated by dedicated hydraulic system
6 blocker doors on each half
one may be missing as per CDL without locking out T/R
8 deflector cascades on each half
some vanes may be missing as per CDL, T/R to be locked out
Control stand SL switches (sync lock) energize SL Solenoid Valve and
the Directional Control Solenoid
SLV (sync lock valve) supplies hydr power to release the sync lock /
manual drive unit
IV (isolation valve) and DCV (directional control valve) supply hydraulic
power to the actuators

Sync Lock Switch
sends signal that causes the SL solenoid valve to energize
switch is inside thrust lever

SLV (sync lock valve)
supplies hydr control pressure to release sync lock / manual drive unit
SL Solenoid Valve
attached to SLV
energized if reverse command and hydraulic pressure goes to control
pressure port
control pressure from SLV goes to Sync Lock/Manual Drive Unit and
releases the unit
if no reverse command control pressure goes to return port

Sync Lock/Manual Drive Unit
has mechanical functions
locks sync shafts
used for manual operation
Lock release lever and lockout pin
manual sync lock release
pin holds lever in not locked position
SL proximity sensor
send lock position data to indication and fault detection system
IV (isolation valve)
controlled by EEC
isolates airplane hydraulic system from TRAS
Pressure Switch
sends IV position data to indication and fault detection system
Bypass Valve
for ground maintenance
prevents hydraulic lock if TRAS is moved manually
Isolation Shutoff Valve
isolation shutoff valve lockout for deactivation procedure


DCV (directional control valve)
supplies hydraulic power to extend or retract side of actuators
control pressure available
hydraulic pressure to extend and retract side of actuators
T/R extends
no control pressure available
pressure to retract side of actuators only
T/R retracts
DCV proximity sensors send position data to indication and fault detection

Hydraulic Actuator, Sync shaft
Two actuator types
Locking and non locking actuators
actuators are connected through sync shafts
sync shaft is internal in extend hydraulic tubing
Extend and retract reverser sleeves
lock reverser sleeve in retracted position
Locking actuators (CTR and LWR)
sync lock /manual drive unit (lwr actuator only)
lock release lever and lever lock pin
Actuator lock proximity sensor
Non locking actuators (UPR)
have RVDT to send position data to EEC for control and indication
non locking actuators are interchangeable

Lever to reverse idle
SL micro switch <extend>
DCV micro switch <extend>
SLV solenoid energized
DCV solenoid energized

SL released and
Fire switch NORMAL and
AC on GND (3 Altimeters) and
Idle N2 (engine running signal) and
reverser TRA < 31 deg
IV solenoid energized
pressure available to actuators
T/R to deploy (all 3 solenoids are energized)

Move lever to stow
DCV solenoid de-energize
10 sec delay for SL
20 sec delay for IV
T/R stows
SL solenoid de-energize sync lock is made
IV solenoid de-energize lock act is made

T/R Lever Interlock Actuator

Clear interlock
both sleeves > 60% extend
TRA < 31 deg
Set interlock
both sleeves < 40% extend
TRA > 30 deg

Ground operation
pull T/R lever
EEC maintenance switch TEST
hydraulic power ON
T/R enable switch to TEST
T/R moves to extend
Stow (2 persons req)
hold enable switch to TEST
T/R lever to STOW
T/R moves to stow
do not hold test switch > 20 sec after T/R stowed or T/R status
or advisory messages occur

T/R deactivation
ref AMM 78-00-00/900
Hydraulic deactivation
Locking pin in isolation valve spool
Machanical deactivation
Locking pin in both T/R outer sleeves
Electrical deactivation
Pull CB ENG TR L/R (P110, 210)

Manual operation
install locking pin in isolation valve spool
install locking pin at bypass valve
release locks at ctr and lwr T/R actuators and sync lock at lwr T/R
use 3/8 inch square drive on SL manual drive

EICAS display REV is displayed above EPR gauge
position indication
amber (any sleeve >10% extend)
green (both sleeves > 90% extend)
On each engine are 7 proximity sensors
(1) at DCV (directional control valve)
(6) at lwr, ctr actuators and sync locks
EICAS messages for any fault
ENG REV LIMITED L/R if some failures are detected and crew
should not use T/R
ENG REV SENSR L/R status if sensor faulty (only 1 per engine)


- 79 -
Oil tank
Oil pump & pressure filter housing
FCOC (Fuel cooled oil cooler)
AOHE (Air oil heat exchanger)
Breather (exhaust through drainmast)
Oil QTY check at sightglas and sevice if 1 Qt required
Aeroshell 560 used
exept EK-EMI, EK-EMJ (MobilJet-II)
Usable oil qty 25,4 qts
full indication in cockpit 20 qts
(1) oil Qty transducer and 2 oil temperature probes are fitted on tank
Oil consumption limit = 0,2 Qt / hr
Oil Pump & Filter Housing
Oil lube pump
unit has provision for 6 MCD and inlet screen (port is covered by
blanking plate)
7 scavenage pumps
pressure filter (cleanable)
differential switch (ENG HP OIL FILT L/R) status
2 oil pressure transducer
Scavenage Oil Filter
Filter is not cleanable
differential pressure switch (ENG SCAV OIL FILT L/R) status
2 oil temperature probe (ENG OIL TEMP L/R) advisory
MCD (Magnetic chip detector)
screw type upstream of scavenage filter
no leak check if one MCD was touched only

AOHE (Air Oil Heat Exchanger)
controlled by EEC
air valve
servo fuel used to operate
spring loaded closed
open if fuel temperature is >120 deg or
oil temperature is >170 deg
can be locked in open position
(2) LVDT send position feedback signal to EEC
pressure relief valve opens to bypass oil cooler
if EEC fails to control, valve is commanded to full open
(ENG AIR OIL L/R) status
FCOC (Fuel Cooled Oil Cooler)
decreases oil temperatur
Increases fuel temperature to prevent ice in fuel temperature
relief valve opens to bypass part of oil cooler if heat exchanger is clogged
or oil is too cold
all indication signals through EEC exept Oil QTY
Oil QTY signal direct to AIMS
oil pressure
low amber
low red line
Caution warning if pressure is low
no EICAS message with engine off
oil temperature
high redline (185 deg)
low amber (30 deg)
low red line (-40 deg)
ENG OIL TEMP L/R (advisory)


- 80 -
SCV (Starter Control Valve)
SCV logic
remove 28VDC at 50 % N3
does not allow energize engine SCV solenoid if N3 > starter
engagement limit (10% N3)

Latch solenoid is de-energized if
Engine idle or
EEC aborts auto start or
Fuel control switches to OFF at N3 > 50%

if AIMS digital start signal is not available or not valid
AIMS uses N3 signal from dedicated alternator
N3 <50% latch solenoid energized
N3 >50% + 2 sec solenoid de-energized

ELMS provides EEC power through PCU
ELMS provides SCV solenoid power to EEC
Valve position switches for feedback
dedicated alternator supplies N3 signal to AIMS if AIMS fails to cutout
start selector to NORM (63% + 2 sec)
Valve is springloaded closed
Manual override (3/8 inch)

if SCV solenoid does not de-energize at 50% N3
ENG START VALVE L/R status, advisory
if SCV solenoid does not de-energize at 63% N3
ENG STARTER CUTOUT L/R caution message
Engine Start
Starter valve opens
10% N3
starter max re-engagement (EEC control)
25% N3 or max motoring speed
Fuel ON and Ignition ON
50% N3
SCV close, Ignition OFF
63 %
Idle, start selector to normal

2 attempts on ground (exept locked rotors or starter shaft break)
continiuous attempts in FLT until engine in idle or Fuel Control
switch in OFF position
Autostart: All engine datas exept oil pressure are monitored by EEC

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