Sept 14 Minutes

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Minutes of Alpha Zeta of Delta Kappa Gamma

Saturday, September 6, 2014, Sugar Creek park, Bristol, Virginia

President Maureen Moffet welcomed everyone to our first meeting of the fall. Maureen
thanked our hostesses, Carol Propst and Carol Sims for setting up our picnic, as well as Kathy
Laster for her work reserving the location. She also had a special welcome to Dana Rasnick,
who is reinstating her membership. There were 25 members in attendance.
The Thought of the Day was given by Teresa Hagy to help us start a new school year. She
shared an inspirational story called You Never Picked Me Last and treasured teacher prayers.
President Maureen Moffet then called the business meeting to order. Copies of the previous
May meeting minutes were distributed for chapter approval. They were approved as written.
Brenda Bingham shared information about the new yearbook pages and relayed that any
changes be reported to Shirley Snead. Two mistakes were found that needed changing: Sandra
Jonas zip code is 24202 and Ruby Rogers house number is 395. For members who were
absent, Brenda will give the yearbook pages and membership cards out upon receipt of
membership dues. Dues are all to be paid by October. Brenda presented the Treasurers
Report, saying that Eddie McConnell has approved the books and taxes have been filed. As of
June 30, 2014 the ending balance for the checking account is $3722.79 and the savings
accounts ending balance was $2095.28. She presented the proposed budget for 2014-2015.
After a motion was made and seconded, the budget was approved by a voice vote.
Maureen announced that Sara Ellis would be representing Alpha Zeta Chapter at the Fall Board
Meeting in Richmond, September 26-27. Maureen is unable to attend due to a family wedding.
Sara, Carol Propst, and Lois Quillin will be attending this important meeting.
Stamps Sewell, our corresponding secretary, reported on the International Headquarters thank
you note for the $25 memorial that was sent in loving memory of May Joe Craig. There was
also a thank you note from Beverly Helms of the World Fellowship Fund, thanking us for the
$20 contribution. Carol Stern of the UNICEF fund also sent a thank you for the $357 donation.
Other reports on our members included the appreciation of the remembrance ceremony at
May Joes gravesite. Deaths in our members families included Beegie Reecess sister, Donna
Williams mother and Linda Strutners father. Linda also updated everyone on her sons health
since his May surgery for cancer.
Maureen Moffet reminded us to notify her or Carmen if whether or not you will be present for
meetings. Whenever electronic communications are possible, please use them to save on
paper and postage. Judi Lenviel, our webmaster, would like everyones help with the website
by sending pictures, minutes and addresses for her to add.
An order form was passed around for anyone wants to order the magnetic nametags for our
ribbons for $16. Maureen will send in one order to Gamma Pi for those who wish to purchase
Maureen reported on headquarter fundraisers. Members are asked to contribute unused
jewelry by giving it to Sara Ellis for Jewels for Headquarters. Sandra Jonas reminded us to save
pennies for the Schools for Africa and quarters for the Quarters for Headquarters project.
Also, when shopping, members are urged to use AmazonSmile online and 0.5% of the purchase
will go to DKG.
Maureen reported on our chapter profile, reflecting the need to invite guests and targeting
younger teachers to become members. We also need to improve our mentoring process for
new members.
Sandra Jonas presented her thank you gifts to past officers, giving them gold chains with
officer dangle charms.
Teresa Hagy asked for any ideas for music presentations for future programs.
Lois Quillin reminded us that our next meeting is on the second Saturday, October 11. It will be
at Natural Tunnel State Park. Lunch will be $13 and anyone interested in taking the chairlift to
the tunnel needs to bring an additional $2. Members should dress casually with good hiking
shoes and well enjoy a great outdoor excursion.
After the Collect, the business meeting was adjourned.
Group and officer pictures were taken before we all enjoyed a wonderful picnic. Teachers were
to take the new teacher goodie bags to their schools to be distributed.

Respectfully submitted,
Linda Strutner
Recording Secretary

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