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Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 July 2, 1961) was an American

author and journalist. His economical and understated style had a stron
in!uence on 2"th#century $ction, while his li%e o% ad&enture and his 'u(lic
imae in!uenced later enerations. Heminway 'roduced most o% his wor)
(etween the mid#192"s and the mid#19*"s, and won the +o(el ,ri-e in
.iterature in 19*/. He 'u(lished se&en no&els, si0 short story collections, and
two non#$ction wor)s. Additional wor)s, includin three no&els, %our short story
collections, and three non#$ction wor)s, were 'u(lished 'osthumously. 1any o%
his wor)s are considered classics o% American literature.
2rnest 1iller Heminway was (orn on July 21, 1899, in 3a) ,ar), 4llinois, a
su(ur( o% 5hicao.
His %ather, 5larence 2dmonds Heminway, was a
'hysician, and his mother, 8race Hall#Heminway, was a musician.

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