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Digital Story Design Document

Designer: Chase A. Smolik

Topic: Brief Biography of a Historical Hero

The audience for my story will be a huge variety of people. As this does cover a hero who was
heavily involved with Texas A&M University I could see many college age students ranging from 17-mid
20s, as well as faculty, parents, and anyone else interested in history of the University. Any veteran who
are interested in reading about war times, for instance: my grandfather, may also be interested in a
story about a war hero such as General Rudder.

Story Topic and Personal Connection:
General Earl Rudder is not only a war hero, he started the revolution of Texas A&M Universitys
attendance policies. When Texas A&M was founded it was an all-male school which required enrollment
in the Corps of Cadets. Rudder was the VP who pushed for a change in this rule in order to promote
growth and diversity of the school. As I was never involved in the corps, his actions are what allowed me
to attend Texas A&M University and I can proudly say the education and experiences I have earned
through attending this university have made me who I am today. Another connection is both my sister
and I work in the Earl Rudder Tower, and I feel its important and interesting to learn of his history in
order to share it with others.

This builds on my personal connection, but I would like to provide an engaging presentation on
the history of General Earl Rudder so that any readers/viewers will be able to hear the rich history and
past of this man. Considering we have a building on campus named after Rudder, I think people would
be very interested to hear why and what he has done. I hope they feel a sense of pride and respect in
what he has accomplished and through his works what our University has become.

General James Earl Rudder (Storyboard and Timeline)

1. Introduction
*IMAGE: Rudder maybe monument at TAMU
General Rudder Intro, key role at Texas A&M and a little war background.
Who am I?

2. Rudders Early Background 1910 - 1938
*IMAGE: Tarleton & A&M
*IMAGE: Corps of Cadets
Education Working history
*IMAGE: Rudder Family
Marriage Family
Early Career
3. Rudders Active Duty 1941
Captain on Day 2
*IMAGE: Rudder Captain
Fort Sam Houston 42
Promoted to Major Nov 42
*IMAGE: Major Rudder
Command 2
Ranger Battalion 43
When a general asks you to volunteer for a job, you volunteer," he recalled
years later.
Rudder directed the Army to notify his eldest brother John, who lived in Brady if
he were killed in action, so Margaret would not receive bad news from a stranger.

*IMAGE: Normandy Beach
Point du Hoc Normandy Beach June 6 D-Day
Distinguished Service Cross
*IMAGE: Service Cross
Monument of Pointe du Hoc
*IMAGE: Pointe du Hoc Monument
Commander of 109
Infantry Regiment in Luxembourg.
Give details about Battle of the Bulge
Silver Star and Oak Leaf Cluster
Gallant and skillful leadership
Colonel in Feb 1945
*IMAGE: Colonel Rudder
*IMAGE: Returns to Pointe du Hoc w/ sons
Brigadier General in Reserves in 54
Major General in 57

4. Home from War
*CLIPS & IMAGE: Ranch Hand; General Electronics Store; Mayor of Eden Rudder
Family Life/Cattle
Business Ventures 46-50
Mayor 46-52 (three terms)
Lyndon B Johnson -> Campaign for US Senate
*IMAGE: Lyndon B Johnson (before presidency)
White House Guests when Johnson was Pres
State Land Commissioner 55
*IMAGE: State Land Commissioner Rudder
Worked on endowments for Universities and Schools
Left office early
Texas A&M appointed as VP of College in Sept 57announcement postponed to
5. Leading the Aggies
Marion Thomas Harrington CO of 22
Shared presidential tasks 53-65
Rudder: From Leader to Legend
Family lived in Press House (Ross lived there previously)
TAMU Pres 59
*IMAGE: Pres. Rudder
*IMAGE: New Student Populations
Core changes lead by Rudder:
Renamed Campus
Enrollment to Female and Black
Corps Participation Optional
Century Council in 61
Goals for next 15 years
*IMAGE: Century Council
*IMAGE: 100 Year Anniversary 1976
Opposition he faced from former students
*IMAGE: Half-torn diploma
Women voted 63 admitted on limited basis
*IMAGE: Speech at G. Rollie
Include Kick-butt quotes from Rudders Speech at G. Rollie White Coliseum
face the facts of life There isn't much you can do. The Board of Directors has made the
decision," according to his speech manuscript on file at Cushing Memorial Library. Rudder informed
them of their options: "You can pick up your marbles and leave and throw in with some other school.
Or you can suck up your guts and work to make A&M great. Those that choose to defect should
know they leave A&M in the hour of her greatest need."
TAMU Name Change from Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas to
Texas A&M University
*IMAGE: Texas A&M University/ Aggie Ring/ TAMC
6. In Rudders Honor
Jack Williams as successor Nov 69
Died March 23
several health issues.
*IMAGE: Rudders Funeral
Admin Building March 24
Laid state in Rotunda

A Funeral filled with Honor and Respect
American Flag
Pres. Johnson
5k attendance
College Station Burial
Aggie Band Silver Taps
*Video Clips and Images of Memorials: Freeway, Corps/Military Walk/Seal; Rudder Tower; Rudder
Statue; Wifes Residence Hall
In Memorial:
Earl Rudder Freeway
A&Ms Corps Rudder & WWII Battalion
Rudder Tower 74
Bronze Statue of Rudder 94 (Faces campus, south end of military walk)
Wife also involved, All-female residence hall 89
7. My connection
*CLIP: Students Walking
Non corps member
*CLIPS & IMAGES: DC; Ento; Aggie Ring
Attendance of TAMU and experiences
Briefly cover DC
Leadership Experience
Aggie Ring
Lead to Job Aggie Networking
*Promotional Clip: AGGIE TRADITIONS - Students
Traditions upheld at the University
Lead to current job at TAMU
Office in Rudder Tower
*Close with Thanks & Gig Em to General James Earl Rudder.

Hosted image location:

Videos to be created.

Audio will include background music, and free-to-use sound clips for War, Silver Taps, and Audience

Script Development

Start with Aggie War Hymn Texas AMC
General James Earl Rudder played a key role in the development of Texas A&M University. Without his
hard work, I personally would not have been able to attend A&M. My name is Chase Smolik, class of
2012, as a former student and now a full-time employee I felt it important to share the rich history of
one of the most important people responsible for making A&M the diverse and distinguished University
it is today.
Rudder was born in 1910 near San Angelo, Texas. He played sports throughout high school and
according to Rudder: From Leader to Legend by Thomas M. Hatfield, he used sports as a vehicle for
personal development. Learning more of his history, youll realize this is a sign for what is to come. He
graduated in 1927 and began attending, what is known today as, Tarleton State University. Not all
heroes are born into wealth, after a few years Rudder had to leave Tarleton and return home to work
and save for tuition to return to Tarleton. In 1930, Rudder transferred to Texas A&M, WHOOP! Here he
played football, competed in intramural wrestling, and even waited tables at Sbisa Dining Hall, which is
still around today! He graduated in 1932 and was appointed to the Army Reserves.
Just as many of us know, our first real job isnt always our favorite. Rudder was hired during the Great
Depression to dig ditches near his hometown. This was until he landed his first teaching/coaching job
at Brady High School. In 1937, he settled down with the Misses.(for pronunciation) She was a longhorn
from UT, but apparently it worked out. Only a year went by after getting married, Rudder was hired as
head football coach for Tarleton, where he worked until WWII.
General Rudder has an expansive history in the armed forces, so I wanted to point out the highlights of
his career. The second day of reporting in at Fort Sam Houston, Rudder was promoted to Captain. A few
years later he was transferred to Camp Atterby in Edinburgh, Indiana where he was promoted to major
and was instructed to develop a training that focused on teamwork. Shortly after his successful
presentation of this training program he was put in command of the 2
ranger battalion.

When a general asks you to volunteer for a job, you volunteer, recalled Rudder.
For D-Day, Rudder was in charge of 948 men to Pointe du Hoc, a cliff on the Normandy beach in France.
Rudders mission was successful spite the loss of nearly 800 of his forces. After he returned, Rudder was
awared the Distinguished Service Cross which is the second highest military award. He also had a
monument dedicated to him on Pointe du Hoc in remembrance of those lost and Rudders Task Forces
victory. This was not the last time Rudder would lead troops into war. Rudders swift planning and
skillful thinking allowed his 5,000 troops to take on nearly 50,000 Germans in the Battle of the Bulge. He
was outnumbered 10 to 1! He was awarded a Silver Star for gallant and skillful leadership, and an Oak
Leaf Cluster for outstanding tactical ability.

As Im writing this script, I realize it may lead to a lengthy video, and a little dry and boring. I want to test
out timing once Ive developed more of the video this week and I plan to adjust the script accordingly. I
really want to talk about the war times, but I feel the focus should be on his time at Texas A&M.

Remaining Developments

I need to record a few more video clips of some of the local dedications, the School, Rudder Tower,
Rudder Freeway, and especially clips and photos of his medals in the honor wall in Rudder Tower.

After this, I plan to incorporate music, clips, pictures, into iMovie and finally cover it with a voiceover.
This way I can read the script and build the timing of the video.

Ill be using iMovie, iTunes, Apple iOS Camera, and GarageBand for some minor editing.

Final Script

General James Earl Rudder played a key role in the development of Texas A&M University. His rich
history and background experiences define his character and lead him to become one of the most
memorable leaders of Texas A&M to this day.
Rudder attended what is now called Tarleton State University for two years before transferring to Texas
A&M University to earn a degree in Industrial education. Shortly after completing his degree, he became
a Brady High School football coach (with a 42 7 record in 4 years time) and married his wife Margaret
Williams in 1937.
Rudder reported for duty in June 1941 at Fort Sam Houston where he was promoted to Captain on day
2. By 1943 he was promoted to Major and given command of the 2
ranger battalion. Rudder said,
When a general asks you to volunteer for a job, you volunteer.
Rudder lead the 2
ranger battalion to Point du Hoc on Normandy Beach in France on D-Day. He had an
amphibious landing and his troops had to climb cliffs to disable 6 German Howitzer cannons.
Rudder received the Distinguished Service Cross, the second-highest military award for his determined
leadership and dauntlessness as well as a monument to recognize his valiant efforts at Pointe du Hoc.
Rudder also lead troops in the Battle of the Bulge where he was outnumbered 10 to 1, yet held the line
and his troops were considered the effort that turned the tide of the war. Rudder was awarded a Silver
Star and Oak Leaf Cluster. The silver star was for his gallant and skillful leadership. His outstanding
tactical ability permitted his regiment to inflict high casualties on the enemy with a minimum loss to his
own troops. All of his medals are displayed in the first floor of Rudder Tower on Texas A&Ms campus in
College Station.
Shortly after serving his time in the military, he was elected mayor of his hometown. He served here for
three terms until 1952. (Mind you, he was elected without even campaigning.) Gov. Allen Shivers
appointed him to State Land Commissioner where he reformed the state agency and recovered its
public confidence from previous scandals.
In 1957 Texas AMCs Board offered Rudder the Vice President job at the College. Rudder became the
President of the University in 1959 and during his terms he made three major changes, the first,
changing the name to Texas A&M University, the second, opening enrollment to female and black
students, and the third, making the Corps of Cadets enrollment optional, which meant those who
werent interested in military training could now attend Texas A&m.
In 1970, General James Earl Rudder passed away due to deteriorating health conditions. His duties as
president were divided amongst his colleagues and his coffin was laid state in the Rotunda of the
Academic Building, one of only two people ever laid state here. Hes buried in College Station cemetery.
To honor the fallen Aggie who made Texas A&M what it is today, there were several historical
monuments and buildings created under his name. Rudder Tower is a conference, events center, and
theatre which was constructed in the center of main campus. This building houses Rudders memorial
wall containing his countless military service awards and a self-portrait in honor. Neighboring Rudder
tower are the Memorial Student Center and MSC fountain.
Due to his wifes dedication to the school after Rudders passing, a dorm was dedicated to her, Margaret
Rudder Hall.
Other dedications include James Earl Rudder Highschool and their sports team, the Rudder Rangers.
General James Earl Rudders history is one that will never be forgotten, if it wasnt for his efforts as
President of Texas A&M University, students, such as myself who were not interested in joining the
Corps were able to enroll.
Ive earned my Bachelors degree here and become part of the Aggie Family, a network that runs deeper
than most people can even understand. Through this opportunity I was able to complete an internship
in Washington, D.C. and learn more about our countrys governmental operations. From this experience
I was lead into education and within two years time, was hired for a position working for my alma

Without General James Earl Rudders past experiences as a military commander and his dedication to
education. Many young professional Aggies, would not have been able to succeed as they have thus far.
While many people know General Rudder as a statue, a building, a high school, and a stretch of freeway,
I can proudly look back and call him my hero, for his past works have provided me the opportunities
which have made me who I am today.

If you would like to read more about General Rudders rich and interesting history, please read Rudder:
From Leader to Legend by Thomas M. Hatfield Thanks & Gig Em.

Digital Storytelling Rubric
SCORING: 4 3 2 1 0 SCOR
Point of
Clear point of
view for the
story which
allows the
reader to
connect and
understand the
situation as
intended by
the author.
Point of view is
clear and easy
to relate with,
reader can
understand the
The point of
view becomes
unclear at
times and may
cause some
challenges in
the story.
Unclear on the
exact point of
view, reader
may have to
read parts
over to
Point of
view is not
stable, no
set form,
and the
reader is
by the way
the story is

Clear question
to be answered
and keep
throughout the
storyline, in
hopes of
finding the
Question is
made known
and keeps the
interest of the
Question is
unclear or the
story fails to
answer the
Question very
unclear and
hard to
story makes
no effort in
answering the
question or
loses interest
of readers

Based on
connection to
story, rated
4 being the
Based on
connection to
story, rated
4 being the
Based on
connection to
story, rated
4 being the
Based on
connection to
story, rated
4 being the
content to
tie in

g Skills
or does an
excellent job of
drawing in
attention and
or does a good
job of drawing
in attention
and interest
or presents
story well, but
doesnt allow
for additional
relation by the
to draw in
attention from
the audience
from the

Usage of
presented with
amount of
content. Keeps
Includes some
minute details,
but continues
to keep
the reader
A little heavy
on small
details, has
which confuse
the reader
e of small
details which
confusion in
the story and
cause a loss of
Story so
full of
interest is

dwelling on
minute details
presence of
audio which
supports the
story, well
played and of
good quality
Presence of
audio which
supports the
Too much or
too little audio
support for the
story, quality is
amount of
for the story,
or a lack
No music
Progression of
story moves at
a pace which
keeps readers
without giving
up the point
Well paced
occasional slow
or quick
throughout the
Story jumps
around in
paces and
poorly holds
attention of
Story is
too fast,
slow, or
g for

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