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Yang terhormat Pembantu dekan 3 , yang terhormat dosen fakultas ilmu komputer dan yang

terhormat para hadirin sekalian.

Opening :
The excellency assistant dean three
The respectable professor of computer science faculty
And the unforgettable all of invitation guests
First of all, lets say Thanks to Allah, who gives us his guidance and mercy. So that why we can
attend and participate in this event ICONCSE without any trouble and obstacle.
Be our privilege today we can present our paper entitled : ELCONAS (Electronic Control with
Android System) .
We represent elconas team of univercity sriwijaya. My name is tira/titin and my partner is ayu.
Today we would like to present our paper entitled ELCONAS (Electronic Control with Android
System) with Comuniccation Bluetooth and Sms Gateway.
Now more detailed explanation will be described by Ayu
Isi :
(Bagian aku)

Closing :
Thus the presentation of our paper, any question?
(sesi tanya jawab bagian aku)
Thank you for your attention
paper presentation hopefully we can provide information to you
we hope that our paper presentation can provide information to you all
good morning/afternoon

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