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Running head: VISION STATEMENT 1

Vision Statement
Megan Grudza
Tarleton State University
Edu 3320, Dr. Becker
25 October 2014

Tarleton State University
A Calling to Teach.
A quote from Arne Duncan, the U.S. Secretary of Education, speaks to me as I enter into
this noble profession. Teachers are central to every single community in America. Each day,
teachers come to school ready to tackle a job that is critically important, extraordinarily complex,
often joyful, and, at times, heartbreaking. In essence, teachers help others to become their best
selves and I can think of no more important work (Duncan, 2013). I have chosen a career in
teaching because I believe it provides me a platform to serve a far greater purpose, beyond my
own means. I am truly fulfilled in helping others to succeed; guiding, shaping, and educating the
children of our future is something I am undoubtedly passionate about, and hold dearly with high
Teaching Methods: Cooperative Learning. As a future educator I plan to utilize
cooperative learning in the classroom as a preferred teaching method. I believe this style of
instruction will help to lay the foundation of success for my students, as the data regarding this
method is scientifically proven. Cooperative learning is based upon teams which are highly
structured and students are assessed individually of their knowledge and skills (Kagan, 2009,
1:6). The benefits of cooperative learning are numerous for students through all grades and
across all academic areas. Using cooperative learning as a method of instruction addresses the
four major crises of education that our nation faces today (Kagan, 2009, 3:2). Achievement
levels rise and the achievement gap is lowered by promoting academic success while ensuring
equal educational opportunities for all. Cooperative learning involves diverse interactions among
all students, thus improving the race relations crisis. In turn, social skills are boosted by the
involvement of personal interactions between students (Kagan, 2009, 3:2).
Tarleton State University
Learner-centered: Critical Factors. While there are many successful methods of
instruction, none will serve to our greater good if we choose to ignore the learning styles best
suited for our students. We must be cognizant and understanding to the needs of our students in
order to make the impact we as educators, wish to achieve. I aim to be always mindful of the
seven critical factors for learning, including areas of: engagement, repetition, input quantity,
coherence, timing, error correction, and emotional states (Jensen, 2005, chap. 3). I will strive to
remain relevant by using instructional methods that captivate the learners attention and stimulate
curiosity through engagement. Through student engagement, I hope to encourage an eagerness
for exploration and a desire for discovery of new concepts and ideas. A childs emotional state is
also vital and plays an impactful role on the students ability to learn (Jensen, 2005, chap. 5). It is
essential that teachers be mindful and understanding of the emotional states of students including
their needs, desires, fears, and doubts. Throughout my own life experiences, I have developed a
keen sense of empathy and sensitivity towards others, which I believe will serve me well in my
efforts to educate, relate to, and understand my students.
Personal and Professional Development. I will call upon each of the Texas Teacher
Proficiencies as reference to guide me in my future teaching endeavors as provided by the Texas
Administrative Code of Title 19. I will promote learner-centered knowledge, instruction, and
communication in educating the students I will one day teach. I aim to be a positive role model
and example for my students by committing myself to be a life-long learner. I will demonstrate
professional development and hold myself to the highest standards of integrity so that they may
follow in the same direction. Above all, I will ensure a culture of safety and inclusion or, "Equity
in Excellence for All Learners", as so valiantly stated in the Texas Teacher Proficiencies (Texas
Administrative Code, 1994, title 19).
Tarleton State University
In Closing. I wish to pay it forward and make such a difference in a childs life, as it was
given to me, by a teacher. To take part in the journey of a childs development and of my
students academic and personal achievements, is a duty that I am humbled by and honored to
carry out. I have chosen to become a teacher because in essence I believe that teaching, is my
life's calling. I hold this opportunity of becoming an educator dearly and with high regard as I am
truly fulfilled in helping others to succeed.

Tarleton State University
Jensen, E. (2005). Teaching with the brain in mind (2nd ed.). Alexandria, Va.: Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Kagan, S., & Kagan, M. (2009). Kagan cooperative learning. Moorabbin, Vic.: Hawker
Brownlow Education.
Texas Administrative Code: Title 19, Education. (n.d.). Retrieved October 14, 2014, from$ext.ViewTAC?tac_view=2&ti=19
U.S. Department of Education (2013, May 6). Statement by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne
Duncan recognizing teacher appreciation week. Retrieved October 14, 2014, from

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