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1. You should have balance in CWIP

2. Create Main Asset T-code AS01

Save. The asset 3000000048 0 is created.

3. Settlement AUC T-Code AIAB
We need to write settlement rule here. Please note Asset should be the CWIP Asset in the following


Select the Line Items. Click on Enter button on the top.
Give values as per the below screen shot. Asset should be main asset in the following screen. Only
give these values and do not fill other fields.

Click on Check (last icon on the above screen)
You will get the following message

Click on Right arrow in the above screen and press back arrow in your screen
Then Status turns into Green Press Save. After saving you will get a message as
Distribution rules saved.
4. From this screen press on Settlement Icon and it takes you to AIBU T-Code

It takes you to the following screen.

Click on Execute and it takes you to the following screen

Remove Test Run and Execute again. It will take you to the above screen again and the following
message appears.
Asset transaction posted with document no. 1000000002
5. Now use T-Code AW01N and see that Residual Value Rs.1/- is appearing in Comparisions Tab or

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