Sight Words Dice Game Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

(Key Knowledge and Skills students should achieve in the lesson taken !o"
!elevant cu!!iculu" docu"ents#$
Recognise that texts are made up of words and groups of words that make meaning (ACELA1434)
Recognise the letters of the alphabet and know there are lower and upper case letters (ACELA1440)
Listen to and respond orally to texts and to the communication of others in informal and structured
classroom situations (ACELY1646)
Know how to use onset and rime to spell words(ACELA1438)
Know that spoken sounds and words can be written down using letters of the alphabet and how
to write some high-frequency sight words and known words (ACELA1758)
Subitise small collections of objects(ACMNA003)
beyond (ACMNA002)
Unit%To&ic: Sight wo!d ga"e challenge 'ate: ()%()%(*
Key Lea!ning +!ea: Lite!acy%English ,ea! Level: -ece&tion
Achievement Standard:
-ECEPT./E MO'ES (L.STEN.N01 -E+'.N0 +N' /.E2.N0$
By the end of the Foundation year, students use predicting and questioning strategies to make meaning
from texts. They recall one or to events from texts ith familiar topics. They understand that there are
different types of texts and that these can have similar characteristics. They identify connections !eteen
texts and their personal experience.
They read short, predicta!le texts ith familiar voca!ulary and supportive images, draing on their
developing knoledge of concepts a!out print and sound and letters. They identify the letters of the "nglish
alpha!et and use the sounds represented !y most letters. They listen to and use appropriate language
features to respond to others in a familiar environment. They listen for rhyme, letter patterns and sounds in
P-O'UCT./E MO'ES (SPE+K.N01 2-.T.N0 +N' C-E+T.N0$
Students understand that their texts can reflect their on experiences. They identify and descri!e likes and
dislikes a!out familiar texts, o!#ects, characters and events.
$n informal group and hole class settings, students communicate clearly. They retell events and
experiences ith peers and knon adults. They identify and use rhyme, letter patterns and sounds in ords.
%hen riting, students use familiar ords and phrases and images to convey ideas. Their riting shos
evidence of sound and letter knoledge, !eginning riting !ehaviours and experimentation ith capital
letters and full stops. They correctly form knon upper& and loer&case letters.
Ti"e .nt!oduction (Set$: Teaching +&&!oaches
':()am Folloing morning routine, explain the sight ords
game they ill !e playing this morning.
*ou ill ork in pairs ith the person at the same
ta!le as you.
First !oth of you roll your dice gently !eing careful to
keep them on the ta!le.
+heck ho rolled higher. The person ho rolled
higher reads out loud one of their sight ords to their
partner and rites it on their hite!oard.
,on-t erase it #ust roll again. %hose is higher.
+hoose a sight ord, read it out loud, and rite it.
And keep going until the timer goes off. The aim is to
rite the most sight ords in that time after rolling
the highest num!er and reading the ord out loud.
"ach ta!le is set up ith /
markers and
erasers. $ ill !e
giving you your
reader folder in a
0odel the game hile
explaining it.
1and out reader folders
and set pairs using guided
reading groups.
'ate 3
Lesson Se4uence Teaching +&&!oaches
Set timer for 34mins for the first time
Timer goes off.
5!serve and support as
+heck ho they ent. Ask:
1o many ords ere you
a!le to rite in the 34 mins.
,id you feel the time ent
sloly or quickly.
Ti"e Conclusion: Teaching +&&!oaches
6ack up ready for the eekend recount. 6ut on the ,ora clean up
song if needed.
7$nclude equipment required for class and8or for teacher preparation9

%hite!oards, erasers and markers
"sta!lish engagement, linking to prior knoledge hile esta!lishing here they are at
7diagnostic assessment9 as ell as continued formative assessment. This approach ill
also support students ith quick recall of ords hile making it fun and supportive as they
are orking in pairs. 6airing students ith someone at a similar level in reading and sight
ords ill make it achieva!le and less intimidating8confronting.

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