Guided Reading Lesson Plan Weeks 1-3 Term 4

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Lesson Plan

(Key Knowledge and Skills students should achieve in the lesson taken !o"
!elevant cu!!iculu" docu"ents#$
Understand concepts about print and screen, including how books, flm and simple digital texts work,
and know some features of print, for example directionality (ACELA1433)
Understand that punctuation is a feature of written text diferent from letters; recognise how capital
letters are used for names, and that capital letters and full stops signal the beginning and end of
sentences (ACELA1432)
Understand that some language in written texts is unlike everyday spoken language (ACELA1431)
Recognise that texts are made up of words and groups of words that make meaning (ACELA1434)
Recognise that sentences are key units for expressing ideas (ACELA1435)
Recognise the letters of the alphabet and know there are lower and upper case letters (ACELA1440)
Listen to and respond orally to texts and to the communication of others in informal and structured
classroom situations (ACELY1646)
Read predictable texts, practising phrasing and fuency, and monitor meaning using concepts about
print and emerging contextual, semantic, grammatical and phonic knowledge (ACELY1649)
strategies to understand and discuss texts listened to, viewed or read independently (ACELY1650)
Unit%To&ic: 'uided (eading )ate: *+%*+%*,
Key Lea!ning -!ea: Lite!acy%English .ea! Level: (ece&tion
Achievement Standard:
(ECEPT/0E MO)ES (L/STEN/N'1 (E-)/N' -N) 0/E2/N'$
By the end of the Foundation year, students use predicting and questioning strategies to make meaning
from texts. They recall one or to events from texts ith familiar topics. They understand that there are
different types of texts and that these can have similar characteristics. They identify connections !eteen
texts and their personal experience.
They read short, predicta!le texts ith familiar voca!ulary and supportive images, draing on their
developing knoledge of concepts a!out print and sound and letters. They identify the letters of the "nglish
alpha!et and use the sounds represented !y most letters. They listen to and use appropriate language
features to respond to others in a familiar environment. They listen for rhyme, letter patterns and sounds in
P(O)UCT/0E MO)ES (SPE-K/N'1 2(/T/N' -N) C(E-T/N'$
Students understand that their texts can reflect their on experiences. They identify and descri!e likes and
dislikes a!out familiar texts, o!#ects, characters and events.
$n informal group and hole class settings, students communicate clearly. They retell events and
experiences ith peers and knon adults. They identify and use rhyme, letter patterns and sounds in ords.
%hen riting, students use familiar ords and phrases and images to convey ideas. Their riting shos
evidence of sound and letter knoledge, !eginning riting !ehaviours and experimentation ith capital
letters and full stops. They correctly form knon upper& and loer&case letters.
Ti"e /nt!oduction (Set$: Teaching -&&!oaches
"xplain Fingergym activities relating to the ,ar- #olly
phonics sound .see Fingergym planning sheet& Term
*, %eek /0.
Settle the first reading group on the floor up the front.
"ach group ill have a!out /+mins
1 groups ill !e orking ith the 2evel to reader
32ily and the leaf !oats4
And the other 1 ith the triple treats reader 35ippos
5aving Fun4
The routine of running
6uided reading
Fingergym is an
esta!lished one
in the classroom.
7hange reading groups for
the term
Set timer
8repare hite !oards,
ru!!ers and markers
9ecording sheets
)ate 3
Lesson Se4uence Teaching -&&!oaches
':*)am Group 1
$ntroduce the !ook
8revie the !ook
7omprehension focus: first and last, and !eginning
and end
Start to 9ead the !ook together.
7ontinue to use first and last, and !eginning and
end language. :odel pointing at each ord hile
reading and focus on students having correct
directional movements .eg. 2eft to right, and don
the page0.
-sk students hat they see
on the front cover.
(ead the title. %hat do you
think this !ook ill !e
a!out; .prediction and
-sk the students to open
the !ook to the first page.
2ook at the illustrations on
each page and ask: hat-s
happening in this picture;
%ho do you think these to
people are; %hat else is in
the picture; <o you see any
of your sight ords; 8ut
your finger on the first letter
of the first ord, hat do
you notice a!out this letter;
Model using my finger to
point at the ords hile
reading them.
-sk relevant questions such
as: %hat colour is the leaf;
%ho is talking here; %hat
do the 34 mean; 5o do e
speak hen e read
!eteen these speech
8ut together a sentence. .$f the only page e ere
a!le to read ithin the time is the first page use this
6roup 1
9epeat the a!ove process as appropriate and
relevant to the students- needs.
6roups ( = *
$ntroduce the !ook
-sk: %hat ords do e
already kno; %hat ords
don-t e kno; .sight
5o could e find out hat
the other ords; .picture,
sound, etc0
$f to options refer !ack to
the ord hat is the sound
of the first ord; So hich
ord is more likely the ord
that starts ith a >> or a >>;
?o that e are at the end
of the !ook let-s turn !ack to
the beginning.
/nst!uct the students to use
their finger to point at each
ord hile reading.
-sk %hat does a sentence
start ith; @r 5o do e
kno that-s the first ord in
the sentence; 5o do e
kno that-s the end of the
2!ite the sentence on their
-sk: hat do you think this
!ook is going to !e a!out;
(ead title and ask: %hat do
you do to have fun; 5o do
hippos !ehave;
/nst!uct the students to
open to the first page. -sk:
%hat are the hippos doing
to have fun;
Ti"e Conclusion: Teaching -&&!oaches
8ack up and ready for a story !efore recess.
Book: %here the %ild things are !y :aurice
8ut on the <ora clean up
song. Ase classdo#o points
.reard0 for those ho are
on task and helping others.
.$nclude equipment required for class andBor for teacher preparation0

6uided 9eading
2evel 1 32ily and the leaf !oats4 readers
Triple treats readers
9ecording sheets and pen
%hite !oards, ru!!ers and hite !oard markers.
:atch sticks
%alk in the park picture
8hotocopies of star and cars for tracing
"sta!lish engagement, linking to prior knoledge hile esta!lishing here they are at
.diagnostic assessment0.

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