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Uma Sangkari

Volunteer work that changed my perspective

Last month, I volunteered for Sport of Love: organized by WACKY (Welfare and Charity Keen
Youths' Society).These activity was for the children from Rumah Hope, Rumah Shalom and
Rumah Aman, with the aim of giving them a chance to experience the challenging yet fun-filled
side of a Sports Day. When I first heard about it, I thought this activity is something different and
I should be a part of it. Few days before the activity, the WACKY committee held a briefing for
the volunteers to divide duties, dos and donts and distributed t-shirt to be worn on that day.
Moreover it was on Saturday, which is very convenient because it will not interfere with school
time or other club activities. It was a six hour event (8am-2pm) So, basically I need to take care
of seven children in my group(safety,make sure they had their breakfast before the games start
and take lunch after the games). When I ask the seniors, they told me this is a yearly activity for
the WACKY club. I assumed they must be really good at organizing this activity.Well, I was
right. The committee did a very good job. Everything was on dot. What I was hoping before the
event was simply get my community service hours by being with the children.

As I said before, I volunteered to fulfill my community service hours requirements. Frankly, I was
not looking forward for this event. But I found out that I can really mix well with children.
Indirectly, I liked their company too. Took me by surprise, I actually enjoyed my time during this
event. My patience level has surely gone up. Im known for being stubborn and not good with
kids.This activity has unleashed the good, patience, and tolerance part of me.

This event has really opened my eyes to not judge at people at first sight but accept it as a part
of Gods creation. These children dont have parents to cherish them and raise them up like us.
Yes,we cant change that but I know now that I can do small things to make these kids feel
appreciated and loved. Moreover, by volunteers spending time with them,it give them the
privilege to experience what is it like to have a family. The feeling I got when I saw these
children laughing, having fun and forgetting their worries was priceless.I understood the purpose
of life is the act of giving and kindness.

After this activity, Im now pumped up to join more charities events. Not only for the community
service hours but for my own satisfaction. In future, I hope I would organize activities like this.
Maybe with my schoolmates. Lastly, I want other people to find their helping part in them and
continue inspiring other people. Maybe not in big scale,but I know I can do something to make
this world a better place.

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