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Engineering the Perfect Nights Sleep


Functioning on Two Hours of Sleep per Day

A Summary of Sleep Protocols from The 4-Hour Body by Timothy Ferriss

Brought to you by: India Herbs Ancient Remedies for Modern Times

Engineering the Perfect Nights Sleep

1) Good Sleep is dependent on the ratio of REM to Total Sleep,
not total REM duration. The higher the percentage of REM
sleep means more restful sleep and better recall of the past
days knowledge.

2) REM Sleep percentage can be increased by waking for 5
minutes approximately 4 1/2 hours after onset of sleep.

3) Take 200 micrograms (mcg) of Huperzine-A (an extract of
Huperzia Serrata) 30 minutes before bedtime to increase total
REM by 20 to 30%. No more than 3 weeks of consecutive use is
recommended because it can lead to insomnia.

4) The higher the percentage of deep-wave sleep (stages 3 and 4
of non-REM sleep), the better your subsequent physical

5) More than 2 glasses of wine within four hours of sleep
decreases deep-wave sleep by 20 to 50%.

6) Eat 2 tablespoons of organic almond butter on celery sticks
before bedtime to eliminate fatigue upon waking due to low
blood sugar.

7) A bedroom temperature of 67 to 70 degrees works the best (19.4 to
21.1 celsius).

8) Eat a large fat and protein dominated meal within 3 hours of
bedtime. Steaks work the best to decrease time to sleep.

9) Light cues also decrease time to sleep. The Philips goLite is

10) Is-lateral resistance training prior to sleep results in faster to-sleep

11) Take a cold bath 1 hour prior to bedtime. Cold is an effective
signaler for sleep onset than heat.

12) Use an ultrasonic humidifier to ensure good respiratory function
and reduced sinus problems.

13) Use the military crawl position to prevent fidgeting. Less
movement means faster sleep.

In addition to Timothy Ferriss recommendations, we suggest you
try Mystic Sleep a proprietary formulation for perfect sleep
based on 5,000 year old Ayurveda Medicine.

Mystic Sleep
Supports Healthy Restorative Sleep
Benefited Health Profile Recommended For
Trouble falling asleep Restorative Sleep Support
Interrupted sleep Stress Relief
Overall tiredness Relaxation Inducement
Mental fatigue and anxiety Hormonal Balance Upkeep
Irregular sleep times

Mystic Sleep regulates sleep-wake cycle to promote, deepen, and extend sleep.

100% Herbal Extracts Formulation
Common Name Botanical Name Primary Benefits

Ashwagandha Withania Somnifera Supports healthy hormonal balance

Gotu Kola Centalla Asiatica Promotes natural relaxation

Dwarf Morning Glory Evolvulus Alsinoides Supports healthy brain function

Jatamansi Nardostachys Jatamansi Reinforces natural sleep-wake cycles

Cardamom Elettaria Cardamomum Supports healthy respiration

Long Pepper Piper Longum Fosters sound nutrient absorption

Celastrus Celastrus Dependens Supports peaceful state-of-mind

Shatavari Asparagus Racemosus Sustains healthy nervous system function

Mystic Sleep's proprietary formulation contains 164 phytonutrients that exert 411 synergistic
activities on your body. Many of these phytonutrients are widely recognized for their contribution to
Restorative Sleep.

For example:

Alpha-Tocopherol - Eases restlessness during sleep
Ascaridole, Beta-Sitosterol, Carvone, Glycine - Exert sedative activities on the body
Jatamansone - Slows degradation of memory and cognition due to sleep deprivation
Limonene - Prolongs sleep duration
Magnesium - Relieves anxiety that might interfere with sleep
Quercetin - Helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle

For more information:

Common Results Expected: Mystic Sleep's proprietary formulation contains 164
phytonutrients that exert 411 synergistic activities on your body. Many of
these phytonutrients are widely recognized for their contribution to Restorative
Sleep: alphatocopherol, ascaridole, beta-sitosterol, capric-acid, carvone,
chlorogenic-acid, choline, chromium, glucose, glutamic-acid, glycine,
jatamansone, limonene, magnesium, potassium, pyridine, quercetin, riboflavin,
sucrose, toluene and zinc. For example:

Alpha-Tocopherol - Eases restlessness during sleep (Ayres and Mihan, Leg
Cramps (Systremma) and Restless Legs Syndrome Response to Vitamin
E (Tocopherol) Journal List > Calif Med > v.111 (2); 1969).

Ascaridole, Beta-Sitosterol, Carvone, Glycine - Exert sedative activities on the
body (Okuyama, Umeyama, Saito, et al. Ascaridole as a Pharmacologically
Active Principle of Paico, a Medicinal Peruvian Plant, Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo),
41(7): 1309-11, 1993; Aguirre-Hernndez, Rosas-Acevedo, Soto-Hernndez,
Bioactivity-Guided Isolation of Beta-Sitosterol and Some Fatty Acids as Active
Compounds in the Anxiolytic and Sedative Effects of Tilia Americana Var.
Mexicana, Planta Med, 73(11):1148-55, 2007; De Sousa, Farias Nbrega, and
De Almeida, Influence of the Chirality of (R)-()- and (S)-(+)-Carvone in the
Central Nervous System: A Comparative Study, Chirality, 19: 264268, doi:
10.1002/chir.20379, 2007; Almeida, de Sousa, Nbrega, et al. Anticonvulsant
Effect of a Natural Compound ,-Epoxy- Carvone and its Action on the Nerve
Excitability, Laboratrio de Tecnologia Farmacutica, Universidade Federal da
Paraba, Brazil, Departamento de Fisiologia, Universidade Federal de Sergipe,
Brazil, Universidade Federal de So Paulo, Departamento de Psicobiologia, Brazil,
2008; Gonalves, Oliveira, Benedito, Antinociceptive Activity of ()-Carvone:
Evidence of Association with Decreased Peripheral Nerve Excitability, Laboratory
of Pharmaceutical Technology, Federal University of Paraba, Department of
Physiology, Federal University of Sergipe, 2008; Chase, Soja, and Morales,
Evidence that Glycine Mediates the Postsynaptic Potentials that Inhibit Lumbar
Motoneurons During the Atonia of Active Sleep, J Neurosci. (3):743-51,
Department of Physiology, UCLA School of Medicine 90024, 1989).

Jatamansone - Slows degradation of memory and cognition due to sleep
deprivation (Rahman, Muralidharan and Anand, Inhibition of AChE and
Antioxidant Activities are Probable Mechanism of Nardostacys Jatamansi DC in
Sleep Deprived Alzheimer's Mice Model, International Journal of PharmTech
Research CODEN (USA): IJPRIF ISSN: 0974-4304 Vol.3, No.3, pp 1807-1816,

Limonene - Prolongs sleep duration (do Vale, Furtado, Santos, and Viana,
Central Effects of Citral, Myrcene and Limonene, Constituents of Esential Oil
Chemotypes from Lippia alba (Mill.) n.e. Brown, Phytomedicine; 9(8):709-14,

Magnesium - Relieves anxiety that might interfere with sleep (Sartori, Whittle,
Hetzenauer and Singewald, Magnesium Deficiency Induces Anxiety and HPA
Axis Dysregulation: Modulation by Therapeutic Drug Treatment, Department of
Pharmacology and Toxicology, Institute of Pharmacy, and Centre for
Molecular Biosciences Innsbruck, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 2011).
Quercetin - Helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle (Kambe, Kotani, Yoshimoto,
Effects of Quercetin on the Sleep-Wake Cycle in Rats: Involvement of Gamma-
Aminobutyric Acid Receptor Type A in Regulation of Rapid Eye Movement Sleep,
Brain Res., 1330:83-8, 2010).

Functioning on Two Hours of Sleep per Day

1) Monophasic sleep is the typical 8 hours sleep time during which
just 1 to 2 hours of REM sleep is experienced.

2) Another approach is polyphasic sleep. When you feel exhausted,
you drift into REM sleep quickly. The way to enter quickly into REM
sleep without the body being exhausted is to trick the body into
thinking it is just going to get a tiny amount of sleep. You can
train to enter REM for short periods throughout the day during 20-
minute naps rather than 8 straight hours during the night. There
are 5 types of polyphasic sleep.

3) The Siesta (6.3 hours total) - one 20 minute nap in the afternoon
followed by 6 hours of sleep starting around midnight.

4) The Everyman 2-Nap (5.2 hours total) - two 20 minute naps in the
afternoon followed by 4.5 hours sleep at night.

5) The Everyman 3-Nap (4 hours total) - three 20 minute naps (1 in
the morning, 2 in the afternoon) followed by 3 hours of sleep
starting after midnight.

6) The Everyman 4-Nap (2.8 hours total) - four 20 minute naps (2 in
the morning, 2 in the afternoon) followed by 1. 5 hours of sleep
around midnight.

7) The Uberman (2 hours total) - six 20 minute naps throughout the

8) You must stick to your schedule, do not oversleep, do not skip

9) The first two to three weeks are the toughest because you will
be adjusting to the schedule. Once you are used to it, you will
feel great! Here are some tools to keep you on schedule:

Kuku Klock

Clocky Moving Alarm Clock


10) More information can found at the following websites:

Dustin Curtis blog

Steve Pavlinas Sleep

Uberman Schedule Success Stories

Try Polyphasic

How the Everyman Sleep Schedule Was Born

Polyphasic Sleep: Facts and Myths

More information about maximizing the benefits of sleep can be
found on the Mystic Sleep website:

And in our Newsletter archives:

This book review is brought to you by:

INDIA HERBS Ancient Remedies for Modern Times

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