Newsletter1 8

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After the Holiday break

October 31 - Assembly
Dress Down Day
In November
November 12 - Walk-A-Thon
November 24 - Holiday
November 28 - Dress Down Day
Volume 1, Issue 8 October 17, 2014
Our Week In Review
Thank you to everyone who came out for student-led conferences.
We were very excited to share our learning with you. We will work on
enhancing our communication skills and will be constantly practicing
reection throughout the year and I think you will be impressed with
our improvement when you attend the spring student-led confer-
ences. If, after your conference, you have questions or concerns,
please dont hesitate to contact me and we can arrange for you to
return for a longer meeting or to observe some of our classroom
I wish you all a wonderful vacation for our Chulalongkorn Break next
week. We have had a busy rst term and are all ready for a little re-
prieve. I look forward to everyone being rested and ready to learn
when we return on the 27
*Please remember that your child should be bringing a HEALTHY snack such as an apple, banana, or yogurt.
Students should NOT bring chips, chocolates or other sweets unless it is for a special class event.
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