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Dear Grade One Parents and Caregivers,

We want your child to be as successful as possible at school. Success in school is not

just about reading and ath. !t is also about "nowing how to learn and how to get along
with others. We will be using the Second Step progra in your child#s classroo to teach
these critical s"ills. $rs. Stang will be using the Second Step progra in grade one with
the students.
%he Second Step progra teaches s"ills in the following four areas&
1. Skills for Learning: Students gain s"ills to help theselves learn, including how
to focus their attention, listen carefully, use self'tal" to stay on tas", and be
assertive when as"ing for help with schoolwor".
2. Empathy: Students learn to identify and understand their own and others#
feelings. Students also learn how to ta"e another#s perspective and how to
show copassion.
3. Emotion Management: Students learn specific s"ills for caling down when
e(periencing strong feelings, such as an(iety or anger.
4. Problem Solving: Students learn a process for solving probles with others in a
positive way.
)our child will be learning a lot this year*and he or she will need your help+ %hroughout
the progra we will post ,oe -in"s and inforation fro several of the Second Step
lessons on $rs. Conly#s blog. ,oe -in"s are siple, fun activities for you and your
child to coplete together. %hey are a great way for you to understand what your child is
learning and for your child to show you what he or she "nows. !f you would li"e paper
copies of the ,oe -in"s please contact $rs. Stang at the school.
!f you have any .uestions about the Second Step progra, please do not hesitate to
contact $rs. Stang for ore inforation. %han" you for supporting your child in learning
the s"ills that lead to success in school and in life.
P.S. )ou are welcoe to join www.seon! with the activation "ey SSP1 "#M$
L%&1 to watch videos about the Second Step progra and get inforation about what
your student is learning.

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