I B Planificare Calendaristica

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coala Gimnazial Dumbrvi a Aviz Director, Prof.

Disciplina: Limba englez

Profesor: Corina Pung
Manual : ed. licart Aviz ef Catedr, Prof.

Planificare calendaristic an !colar "#$%&"#$'
Clasa ( ) *$ or&spt+
,r. crt. -nit.i de /nv.are Con.inuturi Competen.e
,r. ore 0ptm1na 2bserva.ii
1. Good Morning,
What's your name?
How are you?
Very we, than! you!
Greetings"Good morning,
Voca$uary: heo, good$ye
1.1, 1.%, %.1,
%.%, &.1, &.%
1 S1
%. 't Schoo Structures:
What's this? This is a (enci.
Gi)e me the.., (ease!
Here you are. Than! you.
Voca$uary: $oard, des!,
$oo!, schoo$ag, note$oo!,
(en, (enci
1.1, 1.%, %.%,
1 S%
&. *um$ers Structures:
How many...are there?
There are+
How od are you?
, am+
Voca$uary: *um$ers 1-1%
1.1, 1.%, %.1,
%.&, &.1, ..1
% S&-S.
.. /oours Structures:
What coor is it?
The+ is+
Voca$uary: red, yeow, $ue,
1.., %.%, %..,
..1, ..%
% S0-S1
orange, green, (ur(e,
$rown, grey,white, $ac!,
(in!, rain$ow
%1. Haoween Structures:
Ha((y Haoween!
Tric! or treat?!
Voca$uary: witch, $ac! cat,
$roomstic!, (um(!in, 2ac!-o-
antern, ghost, s!eeton,
s(ider, 3rog
1.%, 1.&, %.%,
%.&, &.%
1 S4
0. My 5amiy Structures:
, am a gir6$oy.
7ou are my mother.
He is my $rother.
She is my sister.
Voca$uary: mother, 3ather,
grandmother, grand3ather,
sister, $rother
1.1,1.%, 1.&
%.1, %.%, %.&
% S8-S9 - Wee! 8
1. :e)ision 1
;rogress Test 1
There is..6There are..
Voca$uary: /oours, 3amiy
mem$ers, schoo o$2ects
1.1,1.%, 1.&
%.1, %.%, %.&
1 S1<
8. ;arts o3 the $ody Structures: My arm6 your
Voca$uary: 5rec!es, eyes,
hand, mouth, hair, nose,
1.%, 1.&, %.&,
%.., &.%, ..%
1 S11
9. =o$s Structures: ,s your mother a
7es, she is.
What do you want to $e?
Voca$uary: Teacher, nurse,
coo!, >reman
1.%, 1.&, %.1,
%.&, &.&, ..1,
1 S1%
%%. /hristmas Structures: Merry /hristmas!
What woud you i!e 3or
1.., %.., ..&,
& S1&-S10 - Winter
Voca$uary: /hristmas tree,
Santa /aus, stars, candes,
decorations, s!ates,s!is,
1<. Trans(ortation Structures:
?et@s go!
Voca$uary: car, $us, train,
$icyce, truc!, (ane,
am$uance, >re engine, shi(
1.., %.%, %..,
..1, ..%
1 S11
1% :e)ision
;rogress test
What are they?
How many..are there?
Where is mother?
Voca$uary: means o3
trans(ortation, (arts o3 the
1.1,1.%, 1.&
%.1, %.%, %.&
1 S14
11. 't home Structures: Where do you
, i)e in..
Voca$uary: i)ing room,
$edroom, !itchen, $athroom,
house, $oc! o3 Aats, town,
1.1, 1.%
%.1, %.%, %.&,
% S18-S19
%&. Mother@s day Structures:
Ha((y Birthday!
Voca$uary: Aowers, (resent,
mother@s day card
1.., %.., ..&,
1 S%<
1%. ,n the $edroom Structures:
, wa!e u(. , see(. , (ay.
Voca$uary: $ed, am(,
car(et, night ta$e, coc!,
1.1, 1.%
%.1, %.%, %.&,
1 S%1
10. ,n the i)ing room Structures:
, read. , watch T.V. , (ay on
the com(uter. , ta!. , isten
1.1, 1.%
%.1, %.%, %.&,
% S%%-S%&
to some music. , dance.
Voca$uary: so3a, armchair,
ta$e, $oo!case, $oo!s,
com(uter, (icture, cd (ayer,
11. ,n the !itchen Structures:
, coo!. , eat. , drin!.
Voca$uary: sto)e, 3ridge,
cu($oard, ta$e, chair, !ette
1.1, 1.%
%.1, %.%, %.&,
% S%.-S%0
%.. Caster Structures: Ha((y Caster!
Voca$uary: Caster, church,
(riest, (rayer, cross, am$,
1.., %.., ..&,
% S%1-S%4 - DEcoaa
- Caster
14. ,n the $athroom Structures:
, $rush my teeth, , com$ my
hair, , wash my hands.
Voca$uary: $ath tu$, sin!,
sham(oo, tooth$rush,
tooth(aste, soa(
1.1, 1.%
%.1, %.%, %.&,
1 S%8
18. :e)ision &
;rogress test &
What am , doing? Where are
you doing this?
Voca$uary: rooms in the
houe, o$2ects in the room
1.1,1.%, 1.&
%.1, %.%, %.&
% S%9-S&<
19. The 3armyard Structures:
,s it a dog? 7es.6*o.
Voca$uary: chic!, duc!,
mouse, dog, horse, (ig,
shee(, cow, don!ey
1.&., 1.., %..,
&.&, ..&
1 S&1
%8. Harry Hedgehog Structures:
Harry Hedgehog does..
Voca$uary: (resent, $a, toy
sodier, $oat, drum, 3riends,
candes, hedgehog
1.1, 1.&, 1..,
%.&, %.., &.&,
1 S&%
%1. 5ina :e)ision 1.1, 1.%, 1.&,
1.., %.1, %.%,
& S&&- S&1 - S&.:
/hidren@s day
%.&,%.., &.1,
&.%, &.&, ..1,
..&, 0.1

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