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English 9 • Mr.


Odysseus’ Travels on a Modern-Day Map of Europe

6. Laestrygonians - These giants

attacked Odysseus’ ships. Only his
2. Cicones - Ismarus is
own survived to continue on.
where these people lived.
7., 9. Circe - the beautiful witch- Odysseus’ men killed the
goddess transforms Odysseus’ men and took the women
men into animals and becomes captive. Zeus sent a storm
his lover. as punishment.

1. Troy (now Turkey) -

8. Tiresias and the Land of
Odysseus leaves after the
the Dead - He is the blind
Trojan War, which was
prophet whom Odysseus
fought here for 10 years.
meets in the “underworld.”
He shows Odysseus how to
get back to Ithaca and lets 15. Phaeacia - this is the
him communicate with the island of King Alcinous, who
dead in Hades. provided a ship to take
Odysseus on his final leg

16. Ithaca - This is

Odysseus’ island kingdom off
the west coast of the
mainland of Greece.

D. Diercks Hagerstown H. S.
14. Calypso - The beautiful 3. The Lotus Eaters - Eating 4. The Cyclopes Island - One
nymph falls in love with the inhabitants’ plants, eyed giants who were unsocial.
Odysseus and holds him Odysseus’ men were drugged Odysseus and his men met the 10. The Sirens - Well known in 11. Charybdis - this is the 13. Thrinakia - the island where
prisoner for seven years. and didn’t want to go home. cyclops Polyphemus here. mythology and often referred to whirlpool sea monster that sucks Helios, the sun god lived.
Hermes, the messenger god, He had to drag them back to in literature, these enchanted ships up into the ocean. Odysseus’ men ate Helios’ sacred
convinces her to release the boats. 5. Aeolis - The wind god. He gave women lured ships to their cattle when they were told not
Odysseus a bag of bad winds, island with their songs and then 12. Scylla - Odysseus and his to and paid a big price for their
which his men opened, sending crashed the vessels, killing the men run into this six headed disobedience.
them off course. sailors. monster, which makes a meal of
six of them.

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